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Accumulation and distribution of uranium in roots and shoots of four plants species differing in their cation exchange capacity of roots (CECR) was investigated. After exposure in hydroponics for seven days to 100 μmol U L−1, distribution of uranium in roots was investigated through chemical extraction of roots. Higher U concentrations were measured in roots of dicots which showed a higher CECR than monocot species. Chemical extractions indicated that uranium is mostly located in the apoplasm of roots of monocots but that it is predominantly located in the symplasm of roots of dicots. Translocation of U to shoot was not significantly affected by the CECR or distribution of U between symplasm and apoplasm. Distribution of uranium in roots was investigated through chemical extraction of roots for all species. Additionally, longitudinal and radial distribution of U in roots of maize and Indian mustard, respectively showing the lowest and the highest translocation, was studied following X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of specific root sections. Chemical analysis and XRF analysis of roots of maize and Indian mustard clearly indicated a higher longitudinal and radial transport of uranium in roots of Indian mustard than in roots of maize, where uranium mostly accumulated in root tips. These results showed that even if CECR could partly explain U accumulation in roots, other mechanisms like radial and longitudinal transport are implied in the translocation of U to the shoot.  相似文献   
On February 27, 2010, the world’s sixth strongest earthquake on record (8.8 M w) and tsunami hit central Chile. We assess the response of the epibenthic macrofaunal community following this event in Coliumo Bay, one of the areas most affected by this mega-perturbation. The indicators of aggregate and compositional variability show that 3 years after this event, the community appears to have undergone the following dynamics: (1) At an inter-annual timescale, the community (both in density and biomass) shifted through different structures with apparent directionality; (2) Oceanographic and biological seasonality had a strong cyclical influence on the inter-annual community response; (3) There was spatial homogenization of the community over time (i.e., recovery of diversity), probably promoted by the ecological functionality of scavenger species (i.e., crab Cancer coronatus and snail Nassarius spp.) and by the proportional increase in non-dominant species; (4) Bathymetry and bottom dissolved oxygen also played significant roles in the spatial structure of this community; (5) Three years after the perturbation, total density and total community biomass were still considerably below those described under unperturbed conditions, mainly associated with the decrease in density and biomass of dominant species. Therefore, in spite of this apparent community compositional recovery, the aggregate variability currently remains below the levels reported prior to the effect of the mega-earthquake and tsunami. These results provide evidence that supports both the Cross-Scale Resilience Hypothesis and the Response Diversity Hypothesis.  相似文献   
In seed beetles, oviposition decisions may influence the offspring phenotype because eggs constitute the initial resources available for larval development. We tested the effects of host quality variations (small vs. large seeds of the host plant Calystegia sepium, Convolvulaceae) on oviposition patterns and offspring performance of the seed beetle Megacerus eulophus. We also manipulated the maternal diet: high diet quality vs. low diet quality to evaluate possible interactive effects of the maternal nutritional environment and host quality on oviposition patterns. We further assessed the consequences of egg size variation in offspring size. Female M. eulophus fed with high-quality diet (H-diet) laid more eggs and lived longer than females fed with low-quality diet (P-diet). Fecundity decreased under a low-quality host for both maternal diets. The occurrence of maternal environmental effects on egg size plasticity was detected. Under conditions of low-quality host, mothers fed with the high-quality diet produced bigger eggs in comparison with a high-quality host, whereas females fed with the low-quality diet produced smaller ones. Regardless of these differences observed in egg size depending on the maternal diet, progeny emerging from small seeds (low-quality host) showed a similar performance at emergence. Offspring traits were only significantly affected by host quality. Beetles emerging from large seeds had greater body weight and length than those reared on small seeds. Variations in oviposition patterns in response to host quality are discussed.  相似文献   
Space deformation has been proposed to model space-time varying observation processes with non-stationary spatial covariance structure under the hypothesis of temporal stationarity. In real applications, however, the temporal stationarity assumption is inappropriate and unrealistic. In this work we propose a spatial-temporal model whose temporal trend is modeled through state space models and a spatially varying anisotropy is modeled through spatial deformation, under the Bayesian approach. A distinctive feature of our approach is the consideration of model uncertainty in an unified framework. Our model has a clear advantage over the ones proposed so far in the literature when the main objective of the study is to perform spatial interpolation for fixed points in time. Approximations of the posterior distributions of the model parameters are obtained via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. This allows for prediction of the process values in space and time as well as handling of missing values. Two applications are presented: the first one to model concentrations of sulfur dioxide in the eastern United States and the second one to model monthly minimum temperatures in the State of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   
The increasing decline of Caribbean reef-building species underlines the importance of more information on their reproductive biology and ecology. This study compares the reproductive biology of the three species of Diploria, an important Caribbean reef-building genus affected by bleaching and disease, by: (a) characterizing their gametogenetic cycles simultaneously, (b) exploring the spatial and temporal variability in reproductive traits within and across species, (c) assessing fecundity and the minimum size of sexual reproduction, and (d) comparing information with other studies in the Caribbean. Starting in 1999, one tissue core was collected every month (for 17 months) from each of at least five large, tagged colonies of each species in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Three more temporally spaced samplings were done during summer of 2000 and winter–spring of 2001 and 2002. Tissues were fixed in Helly’s solution, rinsed in fresh water, decalcified with 10% HCl, and preserved in 70% ethanol, embedded in paraplast, cut, and thin slides (7 μm) prepared and stained with Heidenhain’s Aniline-Blue method. Maximum egg size, number of eggs and spermaries were measured and gametogenetic cycles assessed. Microscopic observations confirmed that all three species were simultaneous hermaphrodites with a single, annual gametogenetic cycle. Spermatocytes and oocytes developed within the same mesentery but were not intermingled. Female gametes developed several months earlier than that of males, but both reached maturation simultaneously. Minor differences in the onset of gametogenesis were found for D. strigosa and D. clivosa, with both spawning after 10 p.m. between 8 and 10 days after the August and/or September full moons. D. labyrinthiformis on the other hand, began oogenesis in early July and spawned after 11 p.m. between 7 and 10 days after the April and/or May full moons. Spatial and temporal variability in mean number of spermaries and eggs/mesentery among colonies within and among species were found. D. labyrinthiformis had consistently significant higher mesenterial and polyp fecundity compared to the other two species over the 3 years. Average egg diameter varied between 240 and 246 μm and was similar among the three species. D. strigosa and D. clivosa sexual reproductive characteristics were similar to those of other large broadcast spawning Faviidae (i.e. Montastraea spp) in the region. In contrast, D. labyrinthiformis was a spring spawner (similar to Colpophyllia natans in Puerto Rico), which together with its significantly different micromorphology suggests that it might be phylogenetically more distant to the other taxa.  相似文献   
Few non-native species have colonized Antarctica, although increased human activity and accelerated climate change may increase their number, distributional range, and effects on native species on the continent. We searched 13 sites on the maritime Antarctic islands and 12 sites on the Antarctic Peninsula for annual bluegrass (Poa annua), a non-native flowering plant. We also evaluated the possible effects of competition between P. annua and 2 vascular plants native to Antarctica, Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis) and Antarctic hairgrass (Deschampsia antarctica). We grew the native species in experimental plots with and without annual bluegrass under conditions that mimicked the Antarctic environment. After 5 months, we measured photosynthetic performance on the basis of chlorophyll fluorescence and determined total biomass of both native species. We found individual specimens of annual bluegrass at 3 different sites on the Antarctic Peninsula during the 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 austral summers. The presence of bluegrass was associated with a statistically significant reduction in biomass of pearlwort and hairgrass, whereas the decrease in biomass of bluegrass was not statistically significant. Similarly, the presence of bluegrass significantly reduced the photosynthetic performance of the 2 native species. Sites where bluegrass occurred were close to major maritime routes of scientific expeditions and of tourist cruises to Antarctica. We believe that if current levels of human activity and regional warming persist, more non-native plant species are likely to colonize the Antarctic and may affect native species.  相似文献   
Previous studies have used particle mass and size as metrics to link airborne particles with deleterious health effects. Recent evidence suggests that particle composition can play an important role in PM-toxicity; however, little is known about the specific participation of components (individually or acting in groups) present in such a complex mixture that accounts for toxicity. This work explores relationships among PM(10) components in order to identify their covariant structure and how they vary in three sites in Mexico City. Relationships between PM(10) with cell toxicity and geographical location were also explored. PM(10) was analyzed for elemental composition, organic and elemental carbon, endotoxins and the induction of inhibition of cell proliferation, IL-6, TNFalpha and p53. PM(10) variables were evaluated with principal component analysis and one-way ANOVA. The inhibition of cell proliferation, IL-6 and TNFalpha were evaluated with factorial ANOVA and p53 with the Welch test. The results indicate that there is heterogeneity in particle mass, composition and toxicity in samples collected at different sites. Multivariate analysis identified three major groups: (1) S/K/Ca/Ti/Mn/Fe/Zn/Pb; (2) Cl/Cr/Ni/Cu; and (3) endotoxins, organic and elemental carbon. Groups 1 and 3 showed significant differences among sites. Factorial ANOVA modeling indicated that cell proliferation was affected by PM concentration; TNFalpha and IL-6 by the interaction of concentration and site, and p53 was different by site. Radial plots suggest the existence of complex interactions between components, resulting in characteristic patterns of toxicity by site. We conclude that interactions of PM(10) components determine specific cellular outcomes.  相似文献   
Santiago, Chile, is one of the most polluted cities in South America. As a response, over the past 15 yr, numerous pollution reduction programs have been implemented by the environmental authority, Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente. This paper assesses the effectiveness of these interventions by examining the trends of fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) and its associated elements. Daily fine particle filter samples were collected in Santiago at a downtown location from April 1998 through March 2003. Additionally, meteorological variables were measured continuously. Annual average concentrations of PM(2.5) decreased only marginally, from 41.8 microg/m3 for the 1998-1999 period to 35.4 microg/m3 for the 2002-2003 period. PM(2.5) concentrations exceeded the annual U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standard of 15 microg/m3. Also, approximately 20% of the daily samples exceeded the old standard of 65 microg/m3, whereas approximately half of the samples exceeded the new standard of 35 microg/m3 (effective in 2006). Mean PM(2.5) levels measured during the cold season (April through September) were three times higher than those measured in the warm season (October through March). Particulate mass and elemental concentration trends were investigated using regression models, controlling for year, month, weekday, wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity. The results showed significant decreases for Pb, Br, and S concentrations and minor but still significant decreases for Ni, Al, Si, Ca, and Fe. The larger decreases were associated with specific remediation policies implemented, including the removal of lead from gasoline, the reduction of sulfur levels in diesel fuel, and the introduction of natural gas. These results suggest that the pollution reduction programs, especially the ones related to transport, have been effective in reducing various important components of PM(2.5). However, particle mass and other associated element levels remain high, and it is thus imperative to continue the efforts to improve air quality, particularly focusing on industrial sources.  相似文献   
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