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Tillage erosion and its effect on soil properties and crop yield in Denmark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tillage erosion had been identified as a major process of soil redistribution on sloping arable land. The objectives of our study were to investigate the extent of tillage erosion and its effect on soil quality and productivity under Danish conditions. Soil samples were collected to a 0.45-m depth on a regular grid from a 1.9-ha site and analyzed for 137Cs inventories, as a measure of soil redistribution, soil texture, soil organic carbon (SOC) contents, and phosphorus (P) contents. Grain yield was determined at the same sampling points. Substantial soil redistribution had occurred during the past decades, mainly due to tillage. Average tillage erosion rates of 2.7 kg m(-2) yr(-1) occurred on the shoulderslopes, while deposition amounted to 1.2 kg m(-2) yr(-1) on foot- and toeslopes. The pattern of soil redistribution could not be explained by water erosion. Soil organic carbon and P contents in soil profiles increased from the shoulder- toward the toeslopes. Tillage translocation rates were strongly correlated with SOC contents, A-horizon depth, and P contents. Thus, tillage erosion had led to truncated soils on shoulderslopes and deep, colluvial soils on the foot- and toeslopes, substantially affecting within-field variability of soil properties. We concluded that tillage erosion has important implications for SOC dynamics on hummocky land and increases the risk for nutrient losses by overland flow and leaching. Despite the occurrence of deep soils across the study area, evidence suggested that crop productivity was affected by tillage-induced soil redistribution. However, tillage erosion effects on crop yield were confounded by topography-yield relationships.  相似文献   
Here we assessed retinoids as biomarkers of contaminant exposure by studying whether the sex, age, lipid content and organochlorine concentrations of bottlenose dolphins induced variation in retinoid status and its deposition in blubber. Blubber samples were collected from 47 individuals of known age and gender from Sarasota Bay in June 2000 and 2001. The sample included a representative cross-section of the resident dolphin community, with ages ranging from 2 to 50 years. Organochlorine levels showed the age- and sex-related variation commonly observed in other species, with concentrations increasing in youngsters of both sexes and in adult males, and decreasing in adult females after the onset of maturity. Blubber lipid content was low in the overall population and significantly decreased with age in adult males. Retinoid blubber concentrations were comparable to other odontocete species previously studied, and were strongly determined by lipid content. As a consequence of the latter, retinoid concentration was observed to decrease with age in adult males. This effect could not be statistically dissociated from the negative correlation observed between levels of organochlorines and retinoid blubber concentration. Consequently, we could not clarify whether high organochlorine loads in this population lowered retinoid concentrations or, conversely, whether depleted lipid reserves were indeed responsible for the high organochlorine concentrations and the low retinoid levels detected in blubber. With the current knowledge, both options should be considered and investigated, with initial focus on male dolphins.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to determine optimal adhesive interaction of phenolic compounds utilizing Candida maltosa and Rhodococcus erythropolis when adhering to kaolin, silicone, synthetic foil (Steriking R40) and fluorinated silicones, comparing cell and support surface hydrophobicity. In parallel, the interfering effect of detergents was investigated. Data obtained show that the less hydrophobic supports display high initial cell adhesion when contacted with the cell type with a lower surface hydrophobicity (yeast cell) but most stable yeast biofilms are those formed on highly hydrophobic fluorinated silicones. On the other hand, support hydrophobicity has no effect on bacterial cell detachment; however, bacterial biofilms are denser when growing on more hydrophobic supports. Both detergents interfere (independently on the cell type) with the early and late phases of biofilm development.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the various factors that condition underdevelopment in the world. It suggests some alternatives and points out the potential opportunities that both the developed and the underdeveloped world will have in the coming years to change the gloomy prospects that we see today. The present paper outlines the trends in historical priorities in development, changing as they pass from economic development to social development to ecological conservation – the three pillars of Sustainable Development.The paper analyses the importance of geography, a very relevant and often neglected conditioning factor. Also, it analyses the role of socio-economic conditioning factors like political immaturity, demographics, land ownership and external debt.Furthermore, the current opportunities for economic take-off are presented, from cash surpluses to low interest rates, from natural resource management to tourism or migration, from the Information Revolution to liberalisation of agricultural markets. Current obstacles are also analysed. The paper, on the basis of current facts and figures, reaches the conclusion that there is a structural need for sustained development aid for most poor countries, but it must be distributed in a more rational way.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper studies the effectiveness of alternative farm management strategies at improving water quality to meet Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) in agricultural watersheds. A spatial process model was calibrated using monthly flow, sediment, and phosphorus (P) losses (1994 to 1996) from Sand Creek watershed in south‐central Minnesota. Statistical evaluation of predicted and observed data gave r2 coefficients of 0.75, 0.69, and 0.49 for flow (average 4.1 m3/s), sediment load (average 0.44 ton/ha), and phosphorus load (average 0.97 kg/ha), respectively. The calibrated model was used to evaluate the effects of conservation tillage, conversion of crop land to pasture, and changes in phosphorus fertilizer application rate on pollutant loads. TMDLs were developed for sediment and P losses based on existing water quality standards and guidelines. Observed annual sediment and P losses exceeded these TMDLs by 59 percent and 83 percent, respectively. A combination of increased conservation tillage, reduced application rates of phosphorus fertilizer, and conversion of crop land to pasture could reduce sediment and phosphorus loads by 23 percent and 20 percent of existing loads, respectively. These reductions are much less than needed to meet TMDLs, suggesting that control of sediment using buffer strips and control of point sources of phosphorus are needed for the remaining reductions.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to examine the chemistry of Coalbed Methane (CBM) discharge water reacting with semi‐arid ephemeral stream channels in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. The study area consisted of two ephemeral streams: Burger Draw and Sue Draw. These streams are tributaries to the perennial Powder River. Samples were collected bimonthly from three CBM discharge points and seven channel locations in Burger Draw and Sue Draw. Samples were also collected bimonthly from the Powder River above and below the confluence of Burger Draw. Before sample collection, the pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured in the field. Samples were transported to the laboratory and analyzed for alkalinity, major cations, and anions. From the measurement of sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), practical sodium adsorption ratio (SARp) and true sodium adsorption ratio (SARt) were calculated. Results suggest pH and EC of CBM discharge water was 7.1 and 4.3 dS/m, respectively. The CBM discharge water consisted of higher concentrations of sodium and alkalinity compared to other components. The pH of CBM discharge water increased significantly (p = 0.000) in the downstream channel of Burger Draw from 7.1 to 8.84 before it joined with the Powder River. Dissolved calcium concentration of CBM discharge water decreased significantly (p = 0.000) in the downstream channel water. Subsequently, SARp increased approximately from 24 to 29. The SARt also increased significantly (p = 0.001) in the downstream channel water. For instance, SARt of CBM discharge water increased from 32.93 to 45.5 downstream channels after the confluence of Sue Draw with the Burger Draw. The only significant difference in water chemistry above and below the confluence of Burger Draw with the Powder River was pH, which increased from 8.36 to 8.52. The significant increase in SAR values of CBM discharge water in Burger Draw and Sue Draw tributaries suggest a careful monitoring of salinity and sodicity is needed if CBM discharge water is used for irrigation in semi‐arid environments. Results discussed in this study will be useful to downstream water users who depend on water for irrigation.  相似文献   
Bivalves (Cerastoderma edule and Macoma balthica) which had previously been exposed to Aroclors® 1242, 1254 and 1260 were able to reduce their tissue burdens of chlorobiphenyls with 2 to 5 chlorine atoms in short-term static assay systems. Elimination rates decreased with increasing chlorination and removal of isomers with more than 5 chlorine atoms was not recorded. Position, in addition to the number, of chlorine atoms influenced the persistence of chlorobiphenyls. Isomers with most ortho-substituted chlorine atoms were least persistent. Experiments with single isomers indicated variation in the elimination of low chlorinated isomers between bivalve species. These biological and chemical influences on tissue residues, together with environmental parameters such as temperature and suspended solids, are considered in relation to the use of bivalves as bio-indicators of marine pollution.  相似文献   
Evaluated and compared are the results of various mathematical models to data from the uptake of methyl mercury in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Data were obtained from the direct uptake of methyl mercury from water in bluegill at 9°C and at a CH3HgCl concentration of 0.2 ppb. The models considered are: (1) linear uptake relationship; (2) first-order kinetics, one-compartment or single-exponential model; (3) combination of first-order kinetics and the linear uptake relationship, designated as slope-exponential model; (4) two-compartment or double-exponential model; (5) three-compartment model, including a storage compartment for the build up of contaminant, designated as storage model; (6) three-compartment model, allowing two routes of elimination, designated the “Y” model; (7) an empirical uptake relationship having the form of a rectangular hyperbola.A comparison of the nonlinear models showed that the empirical model had fewer convergence problems in obtaining parameter estimates and its parameter values had less variation. The best fit was made by the “Y” model, the empirical model gave one of the smaller values of the residual mean squares, and other nonlinear models had computational convergence difficulties. The lack of computational problems and the comparitively small residual mean squares resulted in the selection of and the preference for the empirical model for use in describing the individual and interactive effects of temperature and methyl mercury concentration on the direct uptake of methyl mercury from water by bluegill.  相似文献   
Gut analyses of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O. F. Müller) demonstrated that perennial phaeophytes, mostly fucoids and Alaria esculenta, were predominant in the diet. Ephemeral species, coralline algae and animals, were consumed in smaller amounts when available. Grazing by the urchins is evidently responsible for the dearth of non-coralline sublittoral algae in Newfoundland waters. Lobsters, rock crabs, purple sea stars, other urchins, and a variety of fishes and birds feed on S. droebachiensis, but predation is apparently not effective in limiting the abundance of the urchin.Studies in Biology from the Memorial University of Newfoundland No. 234.Contribution from the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory No. 66.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to determine the effects of both extracapsular oxygen concentration and temperature on embryonic development in Chorus giganteus. In normoxia increasing water temperature from 12°C to 18°C reduced by 15 days the median time required for the capsules to hatch. Hypoxia (oxygen content at 50% of air saturation) generated a low development rate and totally prevented both shell secretion and larval hatching from the egg capsule. Experimental transfer at weekly intervals, from normoxia to hypoxia and vice versa, induced a decrease and increase in the embryonic ash content, respectively, but did not affect the number of hatched larvae. Such an effect was more pronounced at 12°C than at 15°C or 18°C. The embryonic inability to produce a shell under hypoxia is likely to be a result of the low intracapsular oxygen concentration (IPO2) generated as the combined effect of a low extracapsular oxygen concentration (environmental) added to the intracapsular embryonic oxygen demands, which lowers the IPO2 still further. Under such conditions, a decrease in intracapsular pH is likely to take place, and, if so, embryos might divert carbonates away from shell calcification to balance such changes in pH.  相似文献   
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