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In 1995, the ADEME launched a research program called "Waste Ecocompatibility" in order to define a reliable methodology for measuring the impact of waste in storage or reuse scenarios. The French concept of "Ecocompatibility" is defined as the situation where the pollutant flux from waste disposed of or used in specified conditions is compatible with the environmental acceptance of the receiving environments. The chief feature of this definition is to integrate the evaluation of the three following terms: pollutants emission from the waste, transport of the pollutants from the waste to the receptor cells and the environmental acceptance of the receiving environments. The "Waste Ecocompatibility" program consisted of a literature survey and an experimental part. The literature study aimed to determine factors and waste characteristics to be considered for a reliable ecocompatility assessment, to provide an overview of the available tools for measuring those factors and characteristics and to propose a first approach of the methodology. In the framework of the experimental program, this approach was then applied to three theoretical scenarios to validate the laboratory tools (comparative study of laboratory and field results) and to calibrate the global methodology. This paper deals with the results of the experimental program concerning the impact study on receiving environments: impact on plants and microorganisms living in soil, impacts on soil fauna and aquatic fauna. In other papers we intend to present the operational methodology for the assessment of waste ecocompatibility. It includes bio-assays at laboratory scale (microcosms), pilot scale (mesocosms) and in situ experiments (experimental prairie). To limit the use of in situ experiments other research works are necessary to validate bio-assays at laboratory or pilot scale.  相似文献   
Upland forests of the southern Lake Superior region are diverse and contain a shifting mosaic of eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.] and northern hardwood forests dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). In this study, we survey the relative effects of management practice (old growth vs. managed), forest cover type (hemlock vs. northern hardwood), and soil great group (Entic Haplorthod vs. Alfic Oxyaquic Fragiorthod) on ion cycling as a precursor to a longer-term, more detailed study. Bulk precipitation, throughfall, and soil leachates at three depths were collected for two growing seasons in eight stands on the Ottawa National Forest in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A total of 1210 solutions were analyzed for pH, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, and SO4. Losses of base cations (Ca, Mg, K) and SO4 from the bottom of the rooting zone generally were greater in old-growth than in managed northern hardwoods on both fragic and nonfragic soils. Leaching losses of base cations and NO3 usually were greater beneath old-growth northern hardwoods than beneath old-growth hemlock on both soil types and for both forest cover types and management practices on fragic than nonfragic soils. Management practice, forest cover type, and soil type all appear to affect ion cycling within these forests. All of the stands featured striking losses of base cations that probably are influenced strongly by NO3 and SO4 in atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   
Physical principles applied to remote sensing data are key to successfully quantifying vegetation physiological condition from the study of the light interaction with the canopy under observation. We used the fluorescence-reflectance-transmittance (FRT) and PROSPECT leaf models to simulate reflectance as a function of leaf biochemical and fluorescence variables. A series of laboratory measurements of spectral reflectance at leaf and canopy levels and a modeling study were conducted, demonstrating that effects of chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) can be detected by remote sensing. The coupled FRT and PROSPECT model enabled CF and chlorophyll a + b (Ca + b) content to be estimated by inversion. Laboratory measurements of leaf reflectance (r) and transmittance (t) from leaves with constant Ca + b allowed the study of CF effects on specific fluorescence-sensitive indices calculated in the Photosystem I (PS-I) and Photosystem II (PS-II) optical region, such as the curvature index [CUR; (R675.R690)/R2(683)]. Dark-adapted and steady-state fluorescence measurements, such as the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm), steady state maximal fluorescence (F'm), steady state fluorescence (Ft), and the effective quantum yield (delta F/F'm) are accurately estimated by inverting the FRT-PROSPECT model. A double peak in the derivative reflectance (DR) was related to increased CF and Ca + b concentration. These results were consistent with imagery collected with a compact airborne spectrographic imager (CASI) sensor from sites of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) of high and low stress conditions, showing a double peak on canopy derivative reflectance in the red-edge spectral region. We developed a derivative chlorophyll index (DCI; calculated as D705/D722), a function of the combined effects of CF and Ca + b content, and used it to detect vegetation stress.  相似文献   
Use of organic by-products as soil amendments in agricultural production exemplifies a strategy for converting wastes to resources. The overall objective of this research was to evaluate the short- and intermediate-term effects of repeatedly amending sandy soil with paper mill residuals (PMR) and composted PMR in a vegetable rotation in Wisconsin's Central Sands. Specifically, we investigated the effects of PMR and composted PMR on total soil C and related these to changes in water-holding capacity and plant-available water (PAW). Amendment effects on irrigation requirements were estimated with a simple soil water balance model. The experimental design was replicated five times as a randomized complete block with four organic amendments: raw PMR, PMR composted alone (PMRC), PMR composted with bark (PMRB), and peat applied at two rates and a non-amended control. All amended treatments significantly increased total soil C relative to the nonamended control following applications in 1998 and 1999. One year following the second serial amendment, all PMR treatments increased PAW by 5 to 45% relative to the control. There was a significant positive linear relationship between total soil C and PAW. All amended treatments reduced the average amount of irrigation water required for potato production by 4 to 30% and the number of irrigation events by 10 to 90%. There was a clear trend of greater reduction in irrigation requirements with more carbon added. The cumulative effects of repeated additions of PMRB suggest that certain composts might sustain elevated PAW and reduce irrigation requirements beyond one year.  相似文献   
The underlying mechanisms of interaction between the symbiotic nitrogen-fixation process and main physiological processes, such as assimilation, nutrient allocation, and structural growth, as well as effects of nitrogen fixation on plant responses to global change, are important and still open to more investigation. Appropriate models have not been adequately developed. A dynamic ecophysiological model was developed in this study for a legume plant [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] growing in northern China. The model synthesized symbiotic nitrogen fixation and the main physiological processes under variable atmospheric CO2 concentration and climatic conditions, and emphasized the interactive effects of these processes on seasonal biomass dynamics of the plant. Experimental measurements of ecophysiological quantities obtained in a CO2 enrichment experiment on soybean plants, were used to parameterize and validate the model. The results indicated that the model simulated the experiments with reasonable accuracy. The R2 values between simulations and observations are 0.94, 0.95, and 0.86 for total biomass, green biomass, and nodule biomass, respectively. The simulations for various combinations of atmospheric CO2 concentration, precipitation, and temperature, with or without nitrogen fixation, showed that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, precipitation, and efficiency of nitrogen fixation all have positive effects on biomass accumulation. On the other hand, an increased temperature induced lower rates of biomass accumulation under semi-arid conditions. In general, factors with positive effects on plant growth tended to promote each other in the simulation range, except the relationship between CO2 concentration and climatic factors. Because of the enhanced water use efficiency with a higher CO2 concentration, more significant effects of CO2 concentration were associated with a worse (dryer and warmer in this study) climate.  相似文献   
Organic pollutants are degraded in soil and simultaneously nonextractable residues are formed. However, proof is lacking that this fixation has a detoxifying effect. We investigated the transformation and binding of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) with catechol or soil humic acid as cosubstrates. Carbon-14-labeled TNT and its reaction products were quantified by radiocounting; extractable compounds were identified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Bound and extractable residues of 15N-labeled TNT and metabolites were studied by 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (15N NMR). Since TNT is not easily transformed under oxidizing conditions an anaerobic/aerobic treatment was used. Anaerobic microorganisms from cow manure were used to reduce TNT during the anaerobic phase and subsequently, a laccase from Trametes villosa was used in the aerobic phase to oxidatively couple the metabolites to humic matter. Seventy-four percent of TNT was immobilized with catechol as cosubstrate, but only 25% with humic acid. With catechol the main extractable component was TNT, while with humic acid it was mostly the metabolite 4-aminodinitrotoluene. For both co-substrates, the spectra of immobilized metabolites obtained by solid-state 15N-cross polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy showed signals in the chemical shift region for protonated aromatic amino compounds. However, in the presence of catechol, an additional signal from nonextractable nitro groups was found, which could represent sequestered TNT. The partially reduced metabolites of TNT that formed nonextractable residues in humic acid are not likely to be remobilized easily and are thus regarded as detoxified.  相似文献   
The effects of paramagnetic species on solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were quantified in a series of doping experiments. The degree of signal loss caused by paramagnetic metals was shown to depend not only on the quantity, but also on the nature of the paramagnetic species, as well as the intimacy of contact with the organic substrate and the type of NMR experiment. Two mechanisms of signal loss were distinguished--signal loss via loss of magnetic field homogeneity, which affects all 13C nuclei in a sample, and signal loss via interaction between electronic and nuclear spins, the effects of which were localized to the close environment of the paramagnetic species. Loss of field homogeneity is important for manganese species, but not for copper species, and is equally important for both cross polarization and Bloch decay experiments. The interaction between electronic and nuclear spins is highly dependent on the spin-lattice relaxation rate constant of the free electron (T1e), as cations with very short T1e values (e.g., Pr3+) cause less signal loss than cations with longer T1e values (e.g., Cu2+, Mn2+). Cross polarization spectra are shown to be more susceptible than Bloch decay spectra to this mechanism of signal loss. Signal loss and increased relaxation rates brought about by paramagnetic species can be used to provide information on soil organic matter (SOM) heterogeneity in the submicron range. This is demonstrated for SOM doped with paramagnetic cations where selective signal loss and increased relaxation rates are used to determine the nature of cation exchange sites.  相似文献   
An issue in evaluating the success of agricultural management practices is the speed that eroded particles make their way through the downstream waters. In this study at Old Woman Creek (OWC) and Rock Creek (RC), two largely agricultural watersheds in Ohio, the flux of sediment and radionuclides (7Be, 210Pb, and 137Cs) in thunderstorm runoff was examined to better understand transport of eroded agricultural soils. The hydrograph in an agricultural area under no-till was similar in timing, but of lesser magnitude, than the hydrograph from a similar-sized area under conventional tillage. The activities of 210Pb and 7Be are linearly correlated and are higher in suspended sediments derived from no-till subbasins than those derived from conventionally tilled subbasins. A suspended sediment plume, identified by its unique radionuclide signature, was traced through 17 km of OWC stream channel in approximately 13.4 h (0.35 m/s). The downstream exponential decrease of 7Be activities in suspended sediments 3 to 12 h after passage of the sediment plume was used to estimate transport distances of suspended sediment from 2 to 17 km, respectively. Transport distances of suspended sediments were also calculated from wave kinematics and indicate that at OWC suspended sediment transport distances were longer in streams draining areas of no-till (19-26 km) than in the streams draining areas of conventional tillage (6-15 km). Suspended sediments travel 7 to 22 km at RC. The transport distances are long relative to the lengths of the stream channel and indicate that erosion control methods implemented in the watershed should be reflected quickly in downstream waters.  相似文献   
Management of river basins involves the making of informed choices about the desired levels of economic activities and ecosystem functioning in the catchment. Information on the economic and ecological effects of measures as well as their spatial distribution is therefore needed. This paper proposes the following instruments to support decision-making in river basins: (1) the linking of models and indicators to describe the economic and ecological effects of management actions and their spatial distribution and (2) an extended evaluation framework that aims to evaluate management actions on three objectives for sustainable river management. These are cost-effectiveness, spatial equity, and environmental quality. This paper illustrates the potential of these instruments for river basin management by a case-study on nutrient management in the Rhine basin. In this case-study four nutrient abatement strategies are formulated, based on policies of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine and the North Sea Commission. These strategies are analysed and evaluated on their contribution to the three management objectives. Results show that none of these strategies score highest on cost-effectiveness, spatial equity and environmental quality simultaneously. It appears that cost-effectiveness is in conflict with environmental quality, whereas spatial equity and cost-effectiveness show quite close correspondence. This means that a trade-off has to be made between costs and spatial equity on the one hand, and environmental standards on the other hand. This paper offers a framework to make these trade-offs more explicit and provides quantitative information on cause-effect relationships, economic and environmental effects and the spatial distribution of these effects for various management strategies. This information can be particularly useful in the development of compromises required to establish international agreement and co-operation.  相似文献   
Polymer application to soil is a growing practice to improve soil physical properties and reduce soil erosion. Polymer addition can potentially influence herbicide and pesticide sorption in soil. The one-point distribution coefficient Kd values of two herbicides in the absence and presence of each of 10 polymers (7 polyacrylamides and 3 polysaccharides) were determined by the batch equilibrium method. The results showed that nonionic napropamide [2-(alpha-naphthoxy)-N,N-diethyl propionamide] sorption was essentially unaffected by the presence of any of the polymers. The influence of polymers on anionic picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) sorption depends on the charge characteristics of polymers and salt concentrations in the solution. Electrostatic interaction and competition for sorption sites are two primary underlying mechanisms for the polymer influence. At low salt concentration, the increased picloram sorption in the presence of both cationic and anionic polymers was attributed to different electrostatic interactions and polymer partitioning between soil and solution phases. At high salt levels, the presence of polymers had either no influence or a slightly negative influence on the picloram sorption, which was attributed to competition for sorption sites. In field conditions, it is more likely that polymers have no or a slightly negative influence on herbicide sorption due to the presence of salts.  相似文献   
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