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海绵城市地块汇水区颗粒污染物的传输   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前我国海绵工程建设多集中在地块汇水区单元内开展,通过多个低影响开发(LID)设施协同完成地表径流水质水量的调控,但基于地块汇水区尺度下城市面源污染的产生和控制效果鲜有报道.本研究比较分析了不同硬化率地块汇水单元内的面源颗粒污染物晴天累积、降雨冲刷、地表径流及径流输出负荷状况.结果表明,地块汇水单元内硬质路面是面源颗粒污染物贡献的最主要的下垫面类型,中硬化率(61.1%)地块和高硬化率(73.6%)地块路面街尘累积量分别约占汇水区单元的88.4%(2.22~12.51 g·m-2)和90.1%(4.99~33.43 g·m-2),对径流SS的输出贡献比率分别约为91.7%(0.97~7.34 g·m-2)和90.5%(0.92~18.77 g·m-2),降雨径流SS污染负荷占比分别约为95.2%和83.1%,经LID设施处理后输出径流污染负荷约为地表径流的24.0%和40.2%.硬质路面的街尘晴天累积及降雨冲刷以>150μm为主,地表径流及输出径流则以<50μm粒径段为主,同时地块不透水...  相似文献   
This study investigates the responsiveness of a social responsibility index's returns to cash flow news compared with a broad stock index. The study contributes by comprising the synergy of corporate social responsibility to reflect the influence of the macroeconomy and by increasing model appropriateness. The empirical results show that cash flow news is the primary factor to drive both index returns, but the effect is stronger for the S&P 500 Index. Consistently, the investors of the S&P 500 Index react to cash flow news appropriately. Before adding the macroeconomic state variable, cash flow news under explains FTSE4Good US 100 Index returns, but investors overreact to that information. After adjusting, the explanation power of cash flow news increases, and its investors rather underreact to that information.  相似文献   
张勇  陈骥  张锋 《中国环境科学》2020,40(1):100-108
基于我国2000~2017年食用菌年产量数据,采用排放因子法估算了菌糠露天焚烧的污染物排放量,利用Mann-Kendall法和聚类分析法分析了排放量的时空分布特征,使用回归分析法预测了污染物的排放趋势.结果表明:(1)2000~2017年全国菌糠露天焚烧污染物排放量持续上升,PM2.5、CO2、CO、CH4、NMVOCs、PAHs、NOx、SO2累积排放量分别为1.40×106,3.48×108,1.99×107,8.43×105,2.08×106,3.00×104,6.34×105,8.29×104t;(2)污染物排放量较高的省区包括山东、黑龙江、浙江、湖南、江苏、福建和河南,排放量较低的省区包括贵州、宁夏、天津、北京、新疆、重庆、甘肃;(3)预计2021年菌糠焚烧污染物总排放量高达4.25×10  相似文献   
Although the rebound effect caused by technological progress has been widely accepted, few studies have estimated and compared the rebound effects of fossil and nonfossil energy separately, because fossil and nonfossil energy consumption have different effects on sustainable development. We use the data envelopment analysis–Malmquist index, logarithmic mean Divisia index, and Jacobian matrix methods to estimate and compare the rebound effects of China's fossil and nonfossil energy during 2006–2014. Empirical results show that nonfossil energy had a higher rebound effect than fossil energy and that technological progress was helpful in decreasing the proportion of fossil energy consumption. Furthermore, we found that technological progress contributed to increases in the relative price of fossil energy, causing nonfossil energy to be more favored. Simultaneously, nonfossil energy produced a substitution effect on fossil energy over the long term. On the basis of the empirical analysis, we also present some environmental policy implications.  相似文献   
Most previous studies have focused on the direct impact of green supplier integration on environmental performance, and treated this relationship as a “black box.” To address this research gap, this study explores how green supplier integration affects environmental performance via supply chain resilience, and the moderating role of knowledge combination on the link between green supplier integration and supply chain resilience. Drawing on natural resource‐based view and knowledge‐based view, we develop four hypotheses and examine these hypotheses using two‐waved data from 206 Chinese manufacturing firms. We find that green supplier integration has positive effects on both proactive dimension and reactive dimension of supply chain resilience. Proactive dimension and reactive dimension of supply chain resilience partially mediate the link between green supplier integration and environmental performance. In addition, knowledge combination strengthens the positive impact of green supplier integration on reactive dimension of supply chain resilience. These findings suggest that supply chain resilience and knowledge combination cannot be overlooked when firms expect to gain environmental profits by conducting green supplier integration.  相似文献   
陶瞻  孙明  黄书舟 《环境工程》2020,38(9):71-75,230
采用自行研制的喷嘴-板-筒式反应器,研究了大气压纳秒负脉冲空气放电对水中大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli, E.coli)灭菌率的影响因素及规律。实验中空气自放电喷嘴电极进入反应器,气流带动放电生成的活性粒子流到达并作用于水中大肠杆菌。研究结果表明:本实验装置可有效实现对水中大肠杆菌的灭活,灭菌率随着放电电压和脉冲重复频率的增加、放电处理时间的延长而升高;随着鼓气速率的增大先增大后减小;随着喷嘴电极直径的增加先减小后增大。当采用1.30 mm喷嘴电极,在脉冲峰值电压为-32 kV、重复频率80 Hz,鼓气速率为80 mL/min时,连续放电处理12 min,灭菌率达到91%。  相似文献   
严春丽  赵明  李泽坤  李金  段云松 《环境工程》2020,38(12):59-63,5
基于2016—2018年罗时江、弥苴河、永安江及洱海北部湖区监测数据分析,探讨洱海北部入湖河流污染变化特征及对北部湖区的影响。结果表明:1)\"北三江\"监测断面总磷、COD、氨氮浓度整体稳定在GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅱ—Ⅲ类标准限值内,年内污染物浓度变化表现出典型的农业面源污染特征,且受流域内产业模式等的综合影响;2)研究期间,河流首要污染物为TN,旱季次要污染物为COD,雨季为TP。雨季入湖负荷高于旱季,弥苴河污染负荷大于罗时江、永安江。\"北三江\"入湖TN和TP污染负荷分别占洱海允许负荷的50.1%和59.7%;3)入湖河流的磷元素输入是洱海北部湖区磷污染的重要来源。北部湖区污染物浓度对氮、磷入湖污染负荷相关性次月强于当月,响应存在延迟。筛选环境友好型种植模式,控制\"北三江\"氮磷入湖负荷,有利于保护洱海水环境。  相似文献   
为探究\"稀土王国\"江西省赣南地区离子型稀土矿对周边水体环境的影响,以离子型稀土矿分布密集区定南县濂江月子河流域和龙迳河龙头流域为研究对象,综合分析研究区特征污染物ρ(NH4+-N)空间分布特征,采用相关性分析和主成分分析揭示其主要污染来源及影响因素.结果表明:①离子型稀土矿停产整顿半年后,濂江月子河流域和龙迳河龙头流域ρ(NH4+-N)超过1.00和2.00 mg/L的采样点分别达72%和68%;pH范围为2.95~7.66,平均值分别为6.23和5.53,水体总体上偏酸性;ρ(TN)、ρ(NH4+-N)、EC与ρ(NO3--N)变异系数较大,均介于0.80~1.50之间.②相关性分析结果显示,ρ(NH4+-N)与ρ(TN)、EC均呈极显著正相关(P < 0.01);ρ(NH4+-N)与pH呈显著负相关(P < 0.05).③流经稀土尾矿区的水体中ρ(NH4+-N)随距离增加呈现明显的空间梯度分布特征,即距稀土矿区边界200 m处水体中ρ(NH4+-N)最高(12.20~200.00 mg/L),其次为1.15 km内(3.69~11.80 mg/L)及3.5 km以上水体(0.80~1.51 mg/L),矿区周边未受到采矿活动影响的水体中ρ(NH4+-N)最低(0.03~0.15 mg/L).④PCA结果表明,2条河流的主要环境影响因子为ρ(TN)、ρ(NH4+-N)、pH和EC,主要受到周边稀土矿山尾矿的强烈影响.研究显示,离子型稀土矿原位浸矿开采停产半年后,重点小流域水体中ρ(NH4+-N)高概率超标的现状仍然存在,受稀土开采活动影响较大.建议进一步开展重点小流域NH4+-N剩余\"库容\"精算和矿山周边地表水定期监测.   相似文献   
为探究沈阳市郊区环境空气中醛酮类化合物的污染特征,于2017年8月24日—9月2日采用2,4-二硝基苯肼固相吸附/高效液相色谱方法对沈阳市郊区醛酮类化合物进行观测分析,利用美国环境保护局推荐的人体健康风险评价方法对部分有毒有害醛酮类化合物的人体健康风险进行了评价,并利用比值法对醛酮类化合物的来源进行了初步分析.结果表明:醛酮类化合物质量浓度日均值范围为23.16~38.38μg/m3;质量浓度最高的4种醛酮类化合物依次是丙酮、甲醛、正丁醛和乙醛,其质量浓度日均值的平均值分别为8.71、5.90、5.48和2.95μg/m3.对·OH消耗速率(LOH)贡献较大的醛酮类化合物物种是正丁醛、甲醛和乙醛,臭氧生成潜势贡献(OFP)较大的醛酮类化合物物种是甲醛、正丁醛和乙醛,在研究区影响醛酮类化合物光化学反应活性的物种主要是甲醛、乙醛和正丁醛.研究区观测期间,环境空气中甲醛和乙醛的致癌性风险值分别为1.18×10-5和5.91×10-6,对暴露人群存在潜在的致癌风险;乙醛的非致癌风险值为...  相似文献   
The volatilization and leaching for most fertilizers and pesticides raise questions about the sustainability of ecosystems. To enhance the utilization of fertilizers and pesticides, pesticide–fertilizer combined nanocomposites are developed to prolong foliar retention and play a synergistic effect of weeding and nourishing for plant growth. The pesticide–fertilizer combined nanocomposites are prepared based on positive‐charge functionalized mesoporous silica and polydopamine, by chelating micronutrients (Zn2+) and loading pesticide 2,4‐D. A high loading capacity of Zn2+ (233.4 mg g−1) and 2,4‐D (17.8%) is achieved. Zn2+ and the pesticide show excellent pH‐responsive release behavior. At pH 7.0, the cumulative release is 45.35% for the pesticide after 144 h and 17% for Zn2+ after 30 days. These results reveal that the pesticide–fertilizer combined nanocomposites can remove weeds quickly and provide nutrients for crop growth in the long term. The germination rate of purslane dramatically decreases when treating with the nanocomposites, while that of corn seeds is not influenced. Excellent adhesion performance of the nanocomposites is observed on a hydrophobic surface, which can effectively reduce the risk of being washed away by rain. All the results indicate that the pesticide–fertilizer combined nanocomposites with a good synergistic effect is environmentally friendly for large‐scale application in sustainable modern agriculture.  相似文献   
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