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A 24 h continuous study of hydrological parameters and zooplanktonic populations was carried out in Marseilles' Vieux-Port, a semi-closed area supposed to be a fairly homogeneous body of water. Sampling was performed in spring 1980 with a pump system. Samples were taken every 30 min over a period of 24 h, during which time only slight temperature variations were recorded (min.=14.5°C, max.=15.1°C); salinities were high and fairly stable (min.=37.49, max.=37.63%.). It can thus be assumed that the water was homogeneous. Concentrations of suspended particulate matter were high and fairly stable (x = 11.8 mg 1-1). In most samples, nitrate levels were fairly low (x = 0.84 g-at 1-1); conversely, phosphate contents fluctuated greatly (min.=0.24 g-at 1-1, max.=2.24 g-at 1-1). As a result of these fluctuating nutrient-salt values, the N:P ratios were often unbalanced (between 0.5 and 2.0). Detergent values were low (often less than 0.2 ppm). Zooplanktonic populations were made up of a few eurybiotic species, the most thriving of which were the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides and the copepod Acartia clausi. These two species perform nychthemeral migrations towards the surface: P. polyphemoides during the day and A. clausi at night. As a result of these opposite patterns of migrations, the planktonic biomass remained fairly stable near the surface. There were also some meroplanktonic species (especially cirripede larvae) and a small number of other copepods present. This study revealed a regular hydrological and faunal cycle with a return to initial conditions at the end of the 24 h period. 相似文献
The marine planktonic diatom Thalassiosira weisflogii was grown in turbidostat culture under both continuous and 12 hL: 12 hD illumination regimes in order to study the kinetics of adaptation to growth-irradiance levels. In both illumination regimes adaptation to a higher growth-irradiance level was accompanied by an increase in cell division rates and a decrease in chlorophyll a cell-1. The rates of adaptation for both processes, derived from first order kinetic analysis, equaled each other in each experiment. The results suggest that during the transition from low-to-high growth-irradiance levels chlorophyll a is diluted by cell division and is not actively degraded. Introduction of a light/dark cycle lowered the rate of adaptation. In transitions from high-to-low growth-irradiance levels there was a sharp drop in growth rates and a slow increase in chlorophyll a cell-1 under both continuous and intermittent illumination. In the 12 hL:12hD cycle there was a circadian rhythm in chlorophyll a cell-1, where cellular chlorophyll contents increased during the light cycle and decreased during the dark cycle. This circadian rhythm was distinctly different from light intensity adaptation. For kinetic analysis of light intensity adaptation in a 12 hL: 12 hD cycle, the circadian periodicity was separated from the light intensity response by subjecting the data to a Kaiser window optimization digital filter. Kinetic parameters for light-intensity adaptation were resolved from the filtered data. The kinetics of lightintensity adaptation of marine phytoplankton are discussed in relation to their spatial variations and time scales of mixing.This research was performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76 CH00016 相似文献
Plankton collected at discrete depths in Santa Monica Bay, California, USA, during January 1982 were examined for fish eggs and larvae that had been attacked or consumed by zooplankton. The bongo net remained open for only 3 min and samples were preserved within 5 min of capture. Juvenile and adult fishes that had been captured by otter trawl and preserved within 20 min of capture were examined for ingested fish eggs and larvae. Three copepods (Corycaeus anglicus, Labidocera trispinosa, and Tortanus discaudatus), one euphausid larva (Nyctiphanes simplex), one amphipod (Monoculoides sp.), and an unidentified decapod larva were found attached to fish larvae in the preserved plankton samples (attachment to 23% of the fish larvae was observed in one sample). Overall, about 5% of the white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus) larvae and 2% of the northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) larvae had attached zooplankton predators. Most fish larvae with attached zooplankton predators were small. We found no indication of zooplankton predation on fish eggs. Few fish eggs and larvae were found in the digestive tracts of juvenile or adult fishes, and the ingested fish larvae were relatively large. The discussion considers apparent preyspecificity of the zooplankton predators as well as potential biases that may be associated with preserved samples collected by nets. 相似文献
John A. Horsfall 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》1984,15(1):69-71
Summary It has been proposed that both acoustic and non-acoustic factors could explain the dawn peak of territorial advertisement in birds. The coot is a territorial waterbird which does not use vocal advertisement either to attract mates or defend territory boundaries. In spite of the absence of acoustic factors affecting the time budgeting of advertisement, this species shows a dawn peak of display and aggressive behaviours. This trend occurs both in the presence and absence of non-territorial prospecting birds, but the trends are quantitatively different in these two cases (Fig. 1). Males participate in display and fighting more often than females, probably because of their greater size and effectiveness in defence. This asymmetry in defence abilities governs the time budgeting of incubation, the male tending to take time off the nest when territorial defence is most necessary (Fig. 2). 相似文献
Degradation of crude oil by a mixed population of bacteria isolated from sea-surface foams 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A mixed bacteria population (EM4) was isolated from foams formed on the surface of a zone chromically polluted by hydrocarbons (Gulf of Fos, French Mediterranean coast, October 1981). The population was able to degrade crude oil very effectively in the presence of sea water supplemented with nitrogen, phosphorus and iron. The percentage of hydrocarbon degradation was 81% at 30°C, pH 8, and partial oxygen pressure of 100%. After 12 d incubation, 92 and 83% of satured and aromatic compounds (mono-, di- and triaromatics) were degraded, respectively, as well as 63% of polar products and 48.5% of asphaltenes. Maximum degradation was attained at a sodium chloride concentration of between 400 and 800 mM with Population EM4, which is constituted of 8 strains, four of which are weak halophiles. Bacterial growth on hydrocarbons induces the production in the culture medium of surface-active agents which are able to emulsify the substrate. There is high specificity between the nature of the growth substrate and such emulsifying activity, particularly as far as petroleum is concerned: only the culture medium from Population EM4 is able to emulsify petroleum. These surface-active agents contain sugars and lipids (fatty acids, mono- and diglycerides). The foams, which always contain a high concentration of both hydrocarbons (100 to 180 mgl-1) and bacteria that are able to grow on these types of substrates, have a strong emulsifying activity. Our results would seem to demonstrate the importance of biosurfactants in the elimination of hydrocarbons from polluted biotopes. 相似文献
A rapid, automated procedure has been used for differentiation and quantitative determination of siderite, calcite and dolomite, based on the different rates of dissolution of the three carbonate species when reacted with excess 5 mol/litre HCl. The method employs manometric measurements of acid-liberated CO2 with a membrane differential-pressure transducer coupled to a stripchart recorder. Tested on the three carbonate species, singly and in pairs, the technique is discriminatory, sensitive and relatively rapid.Contributions from the Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station in Lexington, and Institute for Mining and Minerals Research of the University of Kentucky. The investigation reported in this paper (No. 83-3-206) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director. 相似文献
The cost of control for conventional pollutants at municipal wastewater treatment plants is examined. Empirical estimates of the effect of performance measures as well as the flow size of the waste stream are obtained for both the capital and the operation and maintenance components of total facility cost. These estimates are used to calculate the marginal cost per pound of pollution control over the range of effluent concentration beyond secondary treatment. The implications of the results for current environmental policy issues are outlined. 相似文献
Cytological sexing of cetacea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A biopsy dart, that can be shot from a gun or crossbow, was developed to obtain skin of whales at sea. Determination of sex was found possible by staining and locating sex chromatin bodies in the nuclei of female skin cells. This procedure will be useful in many types of field studies on whales. 相似文献
G. P. Haywood 《Marine Biology》1973,23(2):121-127
Pyjama sharks (Poroderma africanum) were exposed to a wide range of salinities, over which blood serum was analysed for osmolarity, chloride and urea concentrations. Fish were divided into two groups, those fed twice weekly (high intake), and those fed once a month (low intake). Both groups were exposed to the same salinity range. High intake fish showed the characteristic elasmobranch osmolarity picture, with serum values slightly hyper-osmotic at all times. Low intake fish, however, showed a degree of hypo-osmotic regulation. Serum values for both groups overlapped at very low salinities. Serum urea was also affected by diet, so that again two distinct sets of values were produced, again with overlap at the lower salinities. When previously well-fed fish were starved over a period of one month, serum urea and osmolarity decreased simultaneously. Consequently, it is felt that serum osmolarity is directly related to serum urea levels. Serum chloride was not found to be affected by diet, both groups showing the same change in blood values when exposed to the same change in salinity. It is shown, however, that a reduction in food intake, over a period of more than a fortnight, can reduce metabolic urea to the extent of depressing serum osmolarity and, hence, shift the ionic and osmotic equilibrium between the fish and the sea water. This may result in varying degrees of hypoosmotic regulation. 相似文献