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The abundance patterns of ant communities were monitored with pitfall traps during 14 weeks in four northern California, dry farmed, apple orchards: an abandoned orchard undisturbed for 25 years, two ‘organically’ managed orchards, one with a cover crop of bell beans (Vicia faba) and grasses and the other kept clean of cover by discing, and a ‘commercial’ clean cultivated orchard sprayed with organophosphate insecticides. Six species of ants coexisted in the abandoned orchard, whereas only two species were found in the managed orchards. In both the organic and sprayed, clean cultivated systems, ants were more abundant in the orchard edges than in the vegetation-free centers. This trend was not apparent in the abandoned or organic cover orchards, where plant diversity in the center was similar to that of the edges. Ant predation on potato tuberworm larvae, Phthorimaea operculella, artificially placed on the orchard floor, declined with the intensity of management and vegetational simplication. A higher incidence of larval removal occurred in the edges than in the centers of the clean cultivated orchards. No noticeable populations of ants were detected on the trees in any of the orchards. Increased vegetational diversity and lack of disturbance appeared to affect ant locomotory activity and foraging efficiency by creating preferred sheltering and feeding sites.  相似文献   
Scheffler  H.  Witkowski  S.  Becke-Goehring  M.  Bock  R.  Schuster  P.  Habermehl  G.  Jaenicke  L.  Schröder  F. A.  Tritsch  M. F.  Creutzfeldt  O.  Ziegler  H.  Hölldobler  B. 《Die Naturwissenschaften》1984,71(10):540-543
The Science of Nature -  相似文献   
In a case of fetal heart failure caused by endocardial fibroelastosis, prenatal echocardiography clearly demonstrated; a thickened endocardium. We therefore suggest that an abnormal endocardium may be detected in utero by ultrasound, thus representing an important clue in the differential diagnosis of fetal nonimmune hydrops and in the evaluation of pregnancies at risk for endocardial fibroelastosis.  相似文献   
Using a modified procedure by Solomons and Styner (1969), an evaluation of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) was performed on the amniotic fluid of two fetuses at risk for osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) at 14½ weeks gestation. The parents of both cases had a previous child with OI, Type II. The normal control group at 14–16 weeks gestation had PPi values ranging from 22.0–59.2 ug/100 ml, with a mean of 38.6±9.51 ug/100 ml. In each at-risk fetus, the amniotic fluid PPi value was within normal range. The first baby was born phenotypically normal at term. Intrauterine radiographic and fetal sonograms were done on the second fetus at approximately 19 weeks gestation. Both showed evidence of OI, Type II. The pregnancy was terminated at 21 weeks. Radiologic studies of the aborted fetus were consistent with OI, Type II. Our results indicate that the evaluation of PPi levels in amniotic fluid is not the method of choice for prenatal diagnosis of IO.  相似文献   
Although prenatal genetic diagnosis can usually provide prospective parents with information as to whether their fetus is affected with certain genetic conditions, the presence of twins and the uncertainty about the phenotype of some chromosome variations pose a major dilemma and make genetic counselling very difficult. Here, a case report of an unusual chromosome aberration (pericentric inversion of chromosome no. 17) in a twin pregnancy which was originally suspected to be monoamniotic but later proved to have two sacs was presented.  相似文献   
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