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Abstract: Effects of agricultural intensification and a naturally occurring landslide of asbestos material upon water and sediment quality in a transboundary watershed were investigated. The water and sediments of the Sumas River watershed were analyzed for copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), and nickel (Ni) concentrations in 1993/1994 and 2003/2004 and differences within sites over time were examined. Based upon a review of the literature, Cu and Zn were used as indicators of agricultural impacts while Cr and Ni were used as indicators of impacts from an asbestos landslide. Animal unit equivalents (AUEs) were calculated on a per area basis as an indicator of livestock density using detailed statistical census data. Whatman #42 filtered metals, bioavailable metals, and sediment‐bound metals (in the <63 μm fraction) were determined at 22 sites along the mainstem and tributaries, including two reference sites. Temperature, pH, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were also measured. The bioavailable metal fraction was determined using the diffusive gradient thin film technique (DGT). Sediment‐bound results were compared with British Columbia’s Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQGs) and Severe Effects Levels (SELs). A Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to determine if the concentrations of metals changed significantly within sites between 1993/1994 and 2003/2004. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to determine relationships between trace metals, water quality parameters, and AUEs/hectare. The results indicate that Cu and Zn levels in sediments increased significantly to concentrations above the ISQGs of 35.7 mg/kg and 123 mg/kg, respectively from 1993/1994 to 2003/2004 in streams, where associated land use was dominated by intensive agriculture. Higher AUEs/hectare were significantly correlated with greater bioavailable levels of Zn as well as higher sediment‐bound Zn concentrations. Neither Cu nor Cr were detected by the DGTs on any of the sampling occasions. The Cr and Ni sediment concentrations were highest in Swift Creek, the headwater tributary affected by the natural landslide of asbestos material, and decreased in the Sumas River downstream from the point of input. Cr and Ni concentrations have increased in the mid‐region of the Sumas River since 1993/1994, suggesting downstream movement of the asbestos material over time. DGT results indicated that bioavailable Zn is significantly positively correlated to sediment‐bound Zn and livestock density, and bioavailable Ni is significantly correlated to sediment‐bound Ni.  相似文献   
The role of disturbance and climate factors in determining the forest carbon balance was investigated at a Japanese cypress forest in central Japan with eddy flux measurements, tree-ring analyses, and a terrestrial biosphere model. The forest was established as a plantation after intermittent harvesting and replanting between 1959 and 1977, and acted as a strong carbon sink of approximately 500 g C m−2 year−1 for the measurement years between 2001 and 2007. A terrestrial biosphere model, BIOME-BGC, was validated using the eddy flux data at daily to interannual timescales, and the tree-ring width data at interannual to decadal timescales. According to the model simulation, during the observation period 270 ± 55 g C m−2 year−1 was additionally sequestered due to the indirect effects of the harvesting and planting, whereas the increase of CO2 concentration and the change in climate increased the sink of 110 ± 40 and 30 ± 80 g C m−2 year−1, respectively. The model simulation shows that the forest is now recovering from harvesting, and that harvesting is a more important determinant of the current carbon sink than either interannual climate anomalies or increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. We found that harvesting with long rotation length could be effective management activity in order to increase carbon sequestration, if the harvested timber is converted into products with long lifecycles.  相似文献   
Ecological risk assessment (ERA) evaluates potential causal relationships between multiple sources and stressors and impacts on valued ecosystem components. ERAs applied at the watershed scale have many similarities to the place-based analyses that are undertaken to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), in which linkages are established between stressors, sources, and water quality standards, including support of designated uses. TMDLs focus on achieving water quality standards associated with attainment of designated uses. In attempting to attain the water quality standard, many TMDLs focus on the stressor of concern rather than the ecological endpoint or indicators of the designated use that the standard is meant to protect. A watershed ecological risk assessment (WERA), at least in theory, examines effects of most likely stressors, as well as their probable sources in the watershed, to prioritize management options that will most likely result in meeting environmental goals or uses. Useful WERA principles that can be applied to TMDL development include: development and use of comprehensive conceptual models in the Problem Identification step of TMDLs; use of a transparent process for selecting Numeric Targets for TMDLs based on assessment endpoints derived from the management goal or designated use under consideration; analysis of co-occurring stressors likely to cause beneficial use impairment based on the conceptual model; use of explicit uncertainty analyses in the Linkage Analysis step of TMDL development; and frequent stakeholder interactions throughout the process. WERA principles are currently most applicable to those TMDLs in which there is no numeric standard and, therefore, indicators and targets need to be developed, such as many nutrient or sediment TMDLs. WERA methods can also be useful in determining TMDL targets in situations where simply targeting the water quality standard may re-attain the numeric criterion but not the broader designated use. Better incorporation of problem formulation principles from WERA into the TMDL development process would be helpful in improving the scientific rigor of TMDLs.  相似文献   
We investigated all reported Percutaneous exposure incidents (PEI) among staff from a large Australian hospital in the 3-year period, 2001-2003. There were a total of 373 PEI, of which 38.9% were needlestick injuries, 32.7% were cutaneous exposures and 28.4% sharps-related injuries. Nurses were the most commonly affected staff members, accounting for 63.5% of the total, followed by doctors (18.8%) and other staff (17.7%). Needlestick injuries were responsible for the majority of nurses' PEI (44.7%). Sharps injuries constituted the major category for doctors (44.3%). Most needlestick injuries (67.6%) were caused by hollow-bore needles, while the majority of cutaneous exposures involved blood or serum (55.8%). Most sharps injures were caused by unknown devices (35.9%) or suture needles (34.9%). Overall, our investigation suggests that PEI is a considerable burden for health care workers in Australia. Further research is now required to determine the relationships, if any, between workers who suffer PEI and those who do not.  相似文献   
Storage of cattle slurry is a significant source of ammonia (NH3) emissions. Emissions can be reduced by covering slurry stores, but this can incur significant costs, as well as practical and technical difficulties. In this pilot-scale study, slurry was stored in small tanks (500 L) and the effectiveness of natural crust development for reducing NH3 emissions was assessed in a series of experiments. Also, factors important in crust development were investigated. Measurements were made of crust thickness and specially adapted tank lids were used to measure NH3 emissions. Slurry dry matter (DM) content was the most important factor influencing crust formation, with no crust formation on slurries with a DM content of <1%. Generally, crusts began to form within the first 10 to 20 d of storage, at which time NH3 emission rates would decrease. The formation of a natural crust reduced NH3 emissions by approximately 50%. The type of bedding used in the free stall barn did not influence crust formation, nor did ambient temperature or air-flow rate across the slurry surface. There was a large difference in crust formation between slurries from cattle fed a corn (Zea mays L.) silage-based diet and those fed a grass silage-based diet, although dietary differences were confounded with bedding differences. The inclusion of a corn starch and glucose additive promoted crust formation and reduced NH3 emission. The maintenance of a manageable crust on cattle slurry stores is recommended as a cost-effective means of abating NH3 emissions from this phase of slurry management.  相似文献   
Many plant families have aromatic species that produce volatile compounds which they release when damaged, particularly after suffering herbivory. Monarda fistulosa (Lamiaceae) makes and stores volatile essential oils in peltate glandular trichomes on leaf and floral surfaces. This study examined the larvae of a specialist tortoise beetle, Physonota unipunctata, which feed on two M. fistulosa chemotypes and incorporate host compounds into fecal shields, structures related to defense. Comparisons of shield and host leaf chemistry showed differences between chemotypes and structures (leaves vs. shields). Thymol chemotype leaves and shields contained more of all compounds that differed than did carvacrol chemotypes, except for carvacrol. Shields had lower levels of most of the more volatile chemicals than leaves, but more than twice the amounts of the phenolic monoterpenes thymol and carvacrol and greater totals. Additional experiments measured the volatiles emitted from M. fistulosa in the absence and presence of P. unipunctata larvae and compared the flower and foliage chemistry of plants from these experiments. Flowers contained lower or equal amounts of most compounds and half the total amount, compared to leaves. Plants subjected to herbivory emitted higher levels of most volatiles and 12 times the total amount, versus controls with no larvae, including proportionally more of the low boiling point chemicals. Thus, chemical profiles of shields and volatile emissions are influenced by the amounts and volatilities of compounds present in the host plant. The implications of these results are explored for the chemical ecology of both the plant and the insect.  相似文献   
The gold ore mined by artisanal and small-scale miners in Portovelo-Zaruma, Ecuador, is processed in custom mills. Miners can choose between Chilean-mill processing centers, where the ore is ground, concentrated and amalgamated, or “Chancha” Centers, where the whole ore is amalgamated. By weighing mercury before and after all unit operations involved in the amalgamation process, it was possible to determine mercury losses. Analyses in eight centers indicated that 51–59% of mercury introduced into the amalgamation process is recovered when miners squeeze the excess mercury. Around 29% of total mercury is lost when miners burn amalgam and gold is melted, and 15% is lost with the tailings. When only gravity concentrates are amalgamated, 1.4% of mercury entering the process is lost with tailings, whereas 29.5% is lost when the whole ore is amalgamated. Approximately 1.5 tonnes/annum of mercury is released in Portovelo-Zaruma, from which 70% is evaporated and 30% is released with tailings. Mercury-contaminated tailings are leached with cyanide in agitated tanks. A large majority of the processing centers dispose the final tailings with mercury and cyanide into the Calera River and Amarillo River. Mercury dissolved with cyanide likely becomes more bioavailable than metallic mercury. A campaign for reducing mercury emissions must focus on the use of individual retorts – mercury pollution control devices – and the elimination of whole ore amalgamation.  相似文献   
An ‘I see you’ (ISY) prey–predator signal can co-evolve when such a signal benefits both prey and predator. The prey benefits if, by producing the signal, the predator is likely to break off an attack. The predator benefits if it is informed by the signal that the prey is aware of its presence and can break off what is likely to be an unsuccessful and potentially costly hunt. Because the signal and response co-evolve in two species, the behaviour underlying an ISY signal is expected to have a strong genetic component and cannot be entirely learned. An example of an ISY signal is the ‘shimmering’ behaviour performed by Asian hive bee workers in the presence of their predator Vespa velutina. To test the prediction that bee–hornet signalling is heritable, we let honey bee workers of two species emerge in an incubator so that they had never been exposed to V. velutina. In Apis cerana, the shimmering response developed 48 h post-emergence, was strong after 72 h and increased further over 2 weeks. In contrast, A. mellifera, which has evolved in the absence of Asian hornets, did not produce the shimmering signal. In control tests, A. cerana workers exposed to a non-threatening butterfly did not respond with the shimmering signal.  相似文献   
Defensiveness of honeybee colonies of Apis cerana and Apis mellifera (actively balling the wasps but reduction of foraging) against predatory wasps, Vespa velutina, and false wasps was assessed. There were significantly more worker bees in balls of the former than latter. Core temperatures in a ball around a live wasp of A. cerana were significantly higher than those of A. mellifera, and also significantly more when exposed to false wasps. Core temperatures of bee balls exposed to false wasps were significantly lower than those exposed to V. velutina for both A. cerana and for A. mellifera. The lethal thermal limits for V. velutina, A. cerana and A. mellifera were significantly different, so that both species of honeybees have a thermal safety factor in heat-killing such wasp predators. During wasps attacks at the hives measured at 3, 6 and 12 min, the numbers of Apis cerana cerana and Apis cerana indica bees continuing to forage were significantly reduced with increased wasp attack time. Tropical lowland A. c. indica reduced foraging rates significantly more than the highland A. c. cerana bees; but, there was no significant effect on foraging by A. mellifera. The latency to recovery of honeybee foraging was significantly greater the longer the duration of wasp attacks. The results show remarkable thermal fine-tuning in a co-evolving predator–prey relationship.  相似文献   
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