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The Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) receptor model combines both chemical and meteorological information. In this study, PSCF was employed to identify the potential source emission regions for aerosol compositions measured at Tjörn, Sweden (58.01 °N, 11.36 °E). PSCF was for the first time applied on a European scale. One hundred and fifty-two four-day air parcel backward trajectories were combined with concentrations of sixteen elements determined in 33 coarse and fine aerosol samples. The observations were made between February 17 and March 26, 1985. The modeling results of the heavy metals V, Pb, Zn, and As are presented and compared with available emission inventory data. A number of known industrialized regions in the former USSR and Europe are found of high potential to be the emission source areas. These areas are in good agreement with the known emission information. The PSCF maps of total sulfur, Non-Seasalt-Sulfur (N.S.S.) and chlorine are also presented. High potential regions in the Arctic area exist in the PSCF map for total sulfur wheres they do not occur in that for N.S.S.  相似文献   
When spatial fishing data is fed into systematic conservation planning processes the cost to a fishery could be ensured to be minimal in the zoning of marine protected areas. We used vessel monitoring system (VMS) data to map the distribution of prawn trawling and calculate fishing intensity for 1-ha grid cells, in the Kosterhavet National Park (Sweden). We then used the software Marxan to generate cost-efficient reserve networks that represented every biotope in the Park. We asked what were the potential gains and losses in terms of fishing effort and species conservation of different planning scenarios. Given a conservation target of 10 % representation of each biotope, the fishery need not lose more than 20 % of its fishing grounds to give way to cost-efficient conservation of benthic diversity. No additional reserved area was needed to achieve conservation targets while minimizing fishing costs. We discuss the benefits of using VMS data for conservation planning.  相似文献   
Climate change is likely to have large effects on the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Simulations indicate 2–4 °C warming and 50–80 % decrease in ice cover by 2100. Precipitation may increase ~30 % in the north, causing increased land runoff of allochthonous organic matter (AOM) and organic pollutants and decreased salinity. Coupled physical–biogeochemical models indicate that, in the south, bottom-water anoxia may spread, reducing cod recruitment and increasing sediment phosphorus release, thus promoting cyanobacterial blooms. In the north, heterotrophic bacteria will be favored by AOM, while phytoplankton production may be reduced. Extra trophic levels in the food web may increase energy losses and consequently reduce fish production. Future management of the Baltic Sea must consider the effects of climate change on the ecosystem dynamics and functions, as well as the effects of anthropogenic nutrient and pollutant load. Monitoring should have a holistic approach, encompassing both autotrophic (phytoplankton) and heterotrophic (e.g., bacterial) processes.  相似文献   
Long-range atmospheric transport is a major pathway for delivering persistent organic pollutants to the oceans. Atmospheric deposition and volatilization of chlorinated pesticides and algae-produced bromoanisoles (BAs) were estimated for Bothnian Bay, northern Baltic Sea, based on air and water concentrations measured in 2011–2012. Pesticide fluxes were estimated using monthly air and water temperatures and assuming 4 months ice cover when no exchange occurs. Fluxes were predicted to increase by about 50 % under a 2069–2099 prediction scenario of higher temperatures and no ice. Total atmospheric loadings to Bothnian Bay and its catchment were derived from air–sea gas exchange and “bulk” (precipitation + dry particle) deposition, resulting in net gains of 53 and 46 kg year?1 for endosulfans and hexachlorocyclohexanes, respectively, and net loss of 10 kg year?1 for chlordanes. Volatilization of BAs releases bromine to the atmosphere and may limit their residence time in Bothnian Bay. This initial study provides baseline information for future investigations of climate change on biogeochemical cycles in the northern Baltic Sea and its catchment.  相似文献   
An outline of some central methodological steps in an ecometric analysis to develop load diagrams is given. This is done within the framework of an Expert system for environmental consequence analysis for natural aquatic ecosystems. Examples focus on nutrient emissions/eutrophication in coastal areas. The analysis is based on a number of fundamental concepts (effect, dose, sensitivity, area and time compatibility, ecometric analysis, load diagrams, etc.). The paper addresses questions concerning the basic set-up of the Expert system, how to establish representative empirical data for entire coastal areas for various types of substances, e.g., nutrients, and parameters expressing eutrophication (e.g., Secchi depth, chlorophyll) and internal correlations among dose and sensitivity parameters. Limitations and advantages with the ecometric approach are stressed.  相似文献   
Mats Braun 《环境政策》2019,28(6):1105-1123

The East-West divide within the EU over climate policy has been frequently discussed. There is a tendency in the literature to focus on Poland and ignore the other countries in the central and eastern European region. Here it is argued that the institutionalised cooperation between the four countries in the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) provides a crucial component for an understanding of how the participating countries approach EU climate negotiations. Here it is suggested that the group is important as a bargaining coalition but also as a reference point for the development of shared ‘Visegrad’ norms in the field. This is based on a case study of the Czech Republic’s approach to the 2014 negotiations on the 2030 climate and energy framework and the country’s cooperation with the other Visegrad countries on the issue.  相似文献   
在557块针叶林分中进行调查,以图了解欧洲越桔(Vacciniummyrtillus)、越桔(V.vitis-idaea)和曲芒发草(Deschampsiaflexuosa)与氮沉积率的相互联系.欧洲越桔在高氮地区比在低氮地区发生频度、丰富度都较少并且易感染叶部病原(Valdensiaheterodoxa),越桔的发生与氮沉积的增加呈明显的负相关,曲芒发草却没有这种趋势.在高氮沉积地区,欧洲越桔在优势种为欧洲赤松的林分中比在挪威云杉为优势种的林分中更为最普遍.在氮沉积较低水平的地区不是这种情形.调查的情况与增施氮素实验的结果一致,氮沉积对植被显示了巨大的效应.数据表明即使是较低的氮沉积也可能减少针叶林分林下植被最优势种的丰富度.  相似文献   
瑞典约有55%的土地面积被森林所覆盖.目前,瑞典的森林覆盖没有统一的和地理学上明晰的描述.现存的独立性数据源是Landsat TM和SPOT HRV卫星数据、地图蒙片(map mask)和森林清查样地.它们在一起,使森林变量(如材枳和林分年龄)的计算机估计成为可能.这些估计的精确度在像素水平上是低的,但在林分水平上较高.在规划木材资源应如何加以利用或出于监测目的时,这类基于栅格的森林数据对政府来说是有帮助的.本文描述了以有效成本建立森林变量估计全国数据库的生成流程.我们在林分水平上评价了瑞典西南部某地森林变量估计的精确度.结果表明,总材积估计的整体均方根误差为33%,年龄估计的整体均方根误差为23%.  相似文献   
Human bocavirus (HBoV) is predominantly found in the respiratory tract infections and in the stool of patients with gastroenteritis symptoms. However, data on the prevalence of HBoV genotypes in environmental samples are limited. Here we addressed the prevalence of HBoV in sewage collected from three different wastewater treatment plants in Egypt. HBoV-1, HBoV-2, and HBoV-3 were detected, whereas none of the samples were positive for HBoV-4. The median concentration of HBoV in influent samples was 8.5 × 103 GC/l for HBoV-1, 3.0 × 104 GC/l for HBoV-2, and 2.5 × 104 GC/l for HBoV-3. The concentration was reduced but not completely removed in the effluent samples. The median concentration in the outlet samples was 2.9 × 103 GC/l for HBoV-1, 4.1 × 103 GC/l for HBoV-2, and 2.1 × 103 GC/l for HBoV-3. Moreover, no seasonality pattern of HBoVs was found. The high incidence of HBoV in sewage samples provided an evidence of its circulation in the local population. Although the role of HBoV in respiratory or gastro-intestinal infections still remains to be fully elucidated, the risk of infection via contaminated water should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   
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