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O. Lindahl 《Marine Biology》1983,77(2):143-150
In autumn 1982, the development of dinoflagellate occurrence on the Swedish west coast was followed at frequent intervals. A close connection was found between inflow of high salinity water (>27‰ S) of Skagerrak origin and occurrence of Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt. The Jutland current was probably responsible for the distribution of the algae to the Swedish and Norwegian coasts. Different developmental stages of the G. aureolum population were identified. In 1982 available nitrogen seemed to be the limiting factor for the growth of the G. aureolum population. 相似文献
Studies of Np and Pu in the marine environment of Swedish-Danish waters and the North Atlantic Ocean
The long-lived anthropogenic radionuclides (237)Np, (239)Pu and (240)Pu were determined in marine environmental samples (seaweed and seawater) collected from Swedish-Danish waters and the North Atlantic Ocean at various locations on different occasions during the period 1991-2001. The measurements were performed with sector field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and conventional alpha spectrometry. The (237)Np activity concentrations in Fucus vesiculosus and surface seawater from the Swedish west coast and Danish waters ranged from 0.16+/-0.02 to 1.02+/-0.09 mBq kg(-1) (dry weight) and 0.65+/-0.02 to 1.69+/-0.02 mBq m(-3), respectively, depending on the location and sampling year. Most of the (237)Np in these waters is believed to originate from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant, with some contribution from global fallout. The (240)Pu/(239)Pu atomic ratios in F. vesiculosus samples are reported in this study with an overall average of 0.17+/-0.03. The (237)Np and (239)Pu activity concentrations observed in surface seawater collected in North Atlantic waters ranged from 0.16+/-0.01 to 0.62+/-0.08 mBq m(-3) and from 0.64+/-0.05 to 4.27+/-0.08 mBq m(-3), respectively, and the (237)Np/(239)Pu atomic ratios were a good indicator of conservative behaviour of Np in marine waters. 相似文献
Improving marine water quality by mussel farming: a profitable solution for Swedish society 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Lindahl O Hart R Hernroth B Kollberg S Loo LO Olrog L Rehnstam-Holm AS Svensson J Svensson S Syversen U 《Ambio》2005,34(2):131-138
Eutrophication of coastal waters is a serious environmental problem with high costs for society globally. In eastern Skagerrak, reductions in eutrophication are planned through reduction of nitrogen inputs, but it is unclear how this can be achieved. One possible method is the cultivation of filter-feeding organisms, such as blue mussels, which remove nitrogen while generating seafood, fodder and agricultural fertilizer, thus recycling nutrients from sea to land. The expected effect of mussel farming on nitrogen cycling was modeled for the Gullmar Fjord on the Swedish west coast and it is shown that the net transport of nitrogen (sum of dissolved and particulate) at the fjord mouth was reduced by 20%. Existing commercial mussel farms already perform this service for free, but the benefits to society could be far greater. We suggest that rather than paying mussel farmers for their work that nutrient trading systems are introduced to improve coastal waters. In this context an alternative to nitrogen reduction in the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil community through mussel farming is presented. Accumulation of bio-toxins has been identified as the largest impediment to further expansion of commercial mussel farming in Sweden, but the problem seems to be manageable through new techniques and management strategies. On the basis of existing and potential regulations and payments, possible win-win solutions are suggested. 相似文献
Lindahl P Ellmark C Gäfvert T Mattsson S Roos P Holm E Erlandsson B 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2003,67(2):145-156
The activity concentration of (99)Tc in brown seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) and seawater were analysed in samples collected in 1991, 1995 and 2001 at several stations along the Swedish west coast. In addition to these locations, a well-defined site (S?rdal, 56.76 degrees N, 12.63 degrees E) was included with (99)Tc activity concentration data in seaweed from 1967 to 2000. Over the years, the major source of (99)Tc in the coastal waters of western Sweden has been the radioactive liquid discharge from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Sellafield (UK) transported via ocean currents in the North Sea. The (99)Tc activity concentration in seaweed at the S?rdal site increased from approximately 30 Bq kg(-1) up to 230 Bq kg(-1) (dry weight) between 1997 and 2000 due to the Sellafield EARP (Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant) discharges in 1995-1996, yielding an approximate transport time of 4-5 years between the Irish Sea and the Kattegat. Due to the very sharp gradient in (99)Tc concentration between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, (99)Tc is presently one of the best transit tracers for the recent ventilation events in the Baltic Sea. 相似文献
Lindahl P Maquet A Hult M Gasparro J Marissens G González de Orduña R 《Journal of environmental radioactivity》2011,102(2):163-169
The distribution of natural radionuclides was studied in winter wheat plants collected from three sites in Belgium during 2004-2007. Activity concentrations of 40K, 226Ra, 228Ra and 228Th in organically and conventionally grown wheat, and in the corresponding soil samples, were determined using ultra low-level gamma-ray spectrometry. The observed soil-to-wheat concentration ratios were calculated for the different parts of the wheat plant (root, stem and grain) in the two agricultural systems (organic and conventional). There were large variations in radionuclide activity concentrations between the sites and fields, but no significant difference between conventionally and organically grown wheat plants was observed. 相似文献
AL Heffernan K English LML Toms AM Calafat L Valentin-Blasini P Hobson S Broomhall RS Ware P Jagals PD Sly JF Mueller 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2016,23(23):23436-23448
A range of pesticides are available in Australia for use in agricultural and domestic settings to control pests, including organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides, herbicides, and insect repellents, such as N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). The aim of this study was to provide a cost-effective preliminary assessment of background exposure to a range of pesticides among a convenience sample of Australian residents. De-identified urine specimens stratified by age and sex were obtained from a community-based pathology laboratory and pooled (n = 24 pools of 100 specimens). Concentrations of urinary pesticide biomarkers were quantified using solid-phase extraction coupled with isotope dilution high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Geometric mean biomarker concentrations ranged from <0.1 to 36.8 ng/mL for organophosphate insecticides, <0.1 to 5.5 ng/mL for pyrethroid insecticides, and <0.1 to 8.51 ng/mL for all other biomarkers with the exception of the DEET metabolite 3-diethylcarbamoyl benzoic acid (4.23 to 850 ng/mL). We observed no association between age and concentration for most biomarkers measured but noted a “U-shaped” trend for five organophosphate metabolites, with the highest concentrations observed in the youngest and oldest age strata, perhaps related to age-specific differences in behavior or physiology. The fact that concentrations of specific and non-specific metabolites of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos were higher than reported in USA and Canada may relate to differences in registered applications among countries. Additional biomonitoring programs of the general population and focusing on vulnerable populations would improve the exposure assessment and the monitoring of temporal exposure trends as usage patterns of pesticide products in Australia change over time. 相似文献
Camilla Sandström Annika Carlsson-Kanyama Karin Beland Lindahl Karin Mossberg Sonnek Annika Mossing Annika Nordin Eva-Maria Nordström Riitta Räty 《Ambio》2016,45(2):100-108
Conflicting perspectives on forests has for a long time challenged forest policy development in Sweden. Disagreements about forest futures create intractable deadlocks when stakeholders talk past each other. The purpose of this study is to move beyond this situation through the application of participatory backcasting. By comparing visions of the future forest among stakeholder groups, we highlight contemporary trajectories and identify changes that were conceived as desirable. We worked with four groups: the Biomass and Bioenergy group, the Conservation group, the Sami Livelihood group and the Recreation and Rural Development group; in total representatives from 40 organizations participated in workshops articulating the groups’ visions. Our results show well-known tensions such as intrinsic versus instrumental values but also new ones concerning forests’ social values. Identified synergies include prioritization of rural development, new valued-added forest products and diversified forest management. The results may feed directly into forest policy processes facilitating the process and break current deadlocks. 相似文献
A new method utilizing the diffusive sampling of formaldehyde in air has been developed. Formaldehyde is sampled with the use of a glass fiber filter impregnated with N-methyl-4-hydrazino-7-nitrobenzofurazan (MNBDH) and phosphoric acid. The formaldehyde hydrazone formed is desorbed from the filter with acetonitrile and determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV/visible detection at 474 nm. The sampling rate was determined to be 24.7 mL min-1 with a relative standard deviation of 7% for 48 experiments. The measured sampling rates were not dependent on the formaldehyde concentration (0.1-1.0 mg m-3), sampling time (15-482 min) or relative humidity (20-85%). The detection limit was 70 micrograms m-3 for a 15 min sampling period and 2 micrograms m-3 for an 8 h sampling period. 相似文献