This article describes the policy decision-support tool, FAIR, to assess the environmental and abatement costs implications of international regimes for differentiation of future commitments. The model links long-term climate targets and global reduction objectives with regional emission allowances and abatement costs, accounting for the Kyoto Mechanisms used. FAIR consists of three sub-models: a simple climate model, an emission-allocation model and a cost model. The article also analyses ten different rule-based emission allocation schemes for two long-term concentration stabilisation targets for greenhouse gases. This analysis shows that evaluating regimes requires not only an assessment of the initial allocation, but also of the distribution of abatement costs and the impacts from emissions trading. The Multi-Stage approach (with a gradual increase of Parties adopting emission intensity or reductions targets) and the Triptych approach (with sectoral targets for all Parties) seem to provide the best prospects for most of the Parties when compared to the other allocation schemes analysed. 相似文献
The effects of food availability and temperature on sexual maturation and female reproductive output of the scyphomedusa
Aurelia aurita was examined in two populations from the contrasting environments of Southampton Water and Horsea Lake, England. Trends in
oogenesis and subsequent reproductive output differed markedly between the two populations. In Southampton Water, the onset
of sexual maturation occurred earliest in the larger medusae, but eventually all females became ripe, the smallest being 45 mm
bell diameter (BD). The decrease in minimum size at maturity was correlated with increasing temperature. In A. aurita from Horsea Lake, size at maturity varied on a seasonal basis, with the smallest ripe female being only 19 to 20 mm BD. There
were spring and autumn periods of sexual maturation in this population. During the autumn period, it is likely that food limitation
was playing a more critical role in determining medusa size, with decreasing temperature indirectly affecting A. aurita by limiting primary and secondary production. In similar-sized ripe medusae, fecundity was greater in Southampton Water,
but the planula larvae produced were significantly smaller than those in Horsea Lake. It is suggested that in Horsea Lake,
the quality of the larvae are greater in terms of biochemical content to ensure survival of the few gametes produced (i.e.
K-strategy). Comparison of the reproductive effort of the two A. aurita populations revealed that medusae from Southampton Water, which experience greater food availability, are able to direct
more energy to reproduction than Horsea Lake medusae. In the latter, A. aurita medusae appear to partition the available food resources into either somatic growth (and therefore increased future fecundity)
when food is abundant, or reproductive growth when food is scarce.
Received: 24 June 1997 / Accepted: 23 March 1998 相似文献
This paper documents zootherapeutic practices in Northeast Brazil. It is primarily based on field surveys carried out in fishing villages located in the States of Maranhão and Paraíba, where dwellers provided information on snake species used as medicine, body parts used to prepare the remedies, and the illnesses to which the remedies were prescribed. The species used as medicinal drug and their respective families were: Crotalus durissus (rattlesnake), Bothrops leucurus (‘lance head’, a venomous snake), and Lachesis muta (bushmaster) of the family Crotalidae; and Boa constrictor (boa constrictor), Epicrates cenchria (‘salamanta’), and Eunectes murinus (anaconda) of the family (Boidae). These zootherapeutical resources were used for the cure of 14 illnesses. The most commonly cited species were Crotalus durissus (n=26) e Boa constrictor (n=6), Apparently, the medicinal use of snakes does not pose a threat for their population in the studied sites. 相似文献
Abstract: Although there has been a call for the integration of behavioral ecology and conservation biology, there are few tools currently available to achieve this integration. Explicitly including information about behavioral strategies in population viability analyses may enhance the ability of conservation biologists to understand and estimate patterns of extinction risk. Nevertheless, most behavioral‐based PVA approaches require detailed individual‐based data that are rarely available for imperiled species. We present a mechanistic approach that incorporates spatial and demographic consequences of behavioral strategies into population models used for conservation. We developed a stage‐structured matrix model that includes the costs and benefits of movement associated with 2 habitat‐selection strategies (philopatry and direct assessment). Using a life table for California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), we explored the sensitivity of model predictions to the inclusion of these behavioral parameters. Including behavioral information dramatically changed predicted population sizes, model dynamics, and the expected distribution of individuals among sites. Estimated population sizes projected in 100 years diverged up to 1 order of magnitude among scenarios that assumed different movement behavior. Scenarios also exhibited different model dynamics that ranged from stable equilibria to cycles or extinction. These results suggest that inclusion of behavioral data in viability models may improve estimates of extinction risk for imperiled species. Our approach provides a simple method for incorporating spatial and demographic consequences of behavioral strategies into population models and may be easily extended to other species and behaviors to understand the mechanisms of population dynamics for imperiled populations.相似文献
Fast climate changes in the western Antarctic Peninsula are reducing krill density, which along with increased fishing activities in recent decades, may have had synergistic effects on penguin populations. We tested that assumption by crossing data on fishing activities and Southern Annular Mode (an indicator of climate change in Antarctica) with penguin population data. Increases in fishing catch during the non-breeding period were likely to result in impacts on both chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarcticus) and gentoo (P. papua) populations. Catches and climate change together elevated the probability of negative population growth rates: very high fishing catch on years with warm winters and low sea ice (associated with negative Southern Annular Mode values) implied a decrease in population size in the following year. The current management of krill fishery in the Southern Ocean takes into account an arbitrary and fixed catch limit that does not reflect the variability of the krill population under effects of climate change, therefore affecting penguin populations when the environmental conditions were not favorable.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01386-w) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The objective of this study was to evaluate the histopathological alterations in juvenile Penaeus vannamei caused by silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) for... 相似文献
The health of mining communities is becoming a priority for the mining industry, governments, and researchers. This paper describes an exploratory qualitative study into community health issues and mining activities (associated with the mining boom-bust cycle) from the perspective of health and social service providers in the northern Canadian coal mining community of Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia. Health and social service providers report on increases in pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and mine related injuries during booming mine activities. During bust times, mental health issues such as depression and anxiety were reported. Overarching community health issues prominent during both boom and bust periods include burdens to health and social services, family stress, violence towards women, and addiction issues. This paper concludes by providing recommendations as to how the industry can enhance community health made by this important stakeholder group. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study aims to assess breast cancer (BC) association with metals and whether polymorphisms in CYP1A1, CYP1B1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 act as confounders... 相似文献
The tannery industries generate a solid waste known as tannery sludge, which is composed of organic and inorganic compounds, mainly chromium (Cr). When Cr is not removed from the tannery sludge, this solid waste is metal-rich and its application could affect the soil microorganisms. Alternatively, the composting of the tannery sludge can contribute to decreasing the concentration of Cr in the composted tannery sludge (CTS). However, in some cases, the concentration of Cr remains high in the CTS. During the last 10 years, the Cr-rich CTS has been successively applied in the soil, and its effect on soil microbial properties was verified. Here, we discuss the effect of successive applications of Cr-rich CTS on soil microbes. Interestingly, the findings have shown that successive applications of Cr-rich CTS selected specific soil microbial groups with potential functions. In addition, the studies added a new focus to further research evaluating the potential effect of successive applications of Cr-rich CTS on the rare microbial community.
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study contributes towards showing the potential end-of-life application of common wastes namely: Waste Toner powder (WTP) and African star... 相似文献