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Jute yarns were grafted with a single impregnating monomer 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) in order to improve the physicomechanical properties. Jute yarns soaked for different soaking times (3, 5, 10, and 30 minutes) in HDDA+MeOH solutions at different proportions (1–10% HDDA in MeOH [v/v] along with photoinitiator Darocur-1664 [3%]) were cured under UV lamp at different UV radiation intensities (two, four, six, and eight passes). Concentration of monomer, soaking time, and intensity of UV radiation were optimized with extent of mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elongation at break, and modulus. Enhanced tensile strength (67%), modulus (108%), and polymer loading (11%) were achieved with 5% HDDA concentration, 5-minute soaking time, fourth pass of UV radiation. To further improve the mechanical properties, the jute yarns were pretreated with UV radiation (5, 10, 15, 30, and 50 passes) and treated with optimized monomer concentration (5%). UV-pretreated samples showed the enhanced properties. The tensile strength and modulus increase up to 84% and 132%, respectively, than that of virgin jute yarn. An experiment involving water absorption capacity shows that water uptake by treated samples was much lower than that of the untreated samples. During the weathering test, treated yarns exhibited less loss of mechanical properties than untreated yarns.  相似文献   
Carbon-black-filled, biodegradable, copolyester mulch film (Eastar®, or EA, Tennessee Eastman, Kingsport, TN) and commercial carbon-black-filled, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) mulch film were exposed for 12 weeks to commercial vegetable crop growing conditions by being placed directly on irrigated soil in the field of the University of Tennessee Alcoa Highway State Agriculture Experiment Station (Knoxville, TN) and by being placed on a plywood exposure rack as described by the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Test Method 1435: Outdoor Weathering of Plastics. Mechanical properties and weather information were collected in order to evaluate the feasibility of using the newly developed biodegradable EA mulch film to replace the nonbiodegradable HDPE mulch film. Results indicate that the EA mulch film exhibited favorable tensile strength and elongation-at-break during outdoor exposure rack testing and outdoor, in-field, placed directly on the soil, exposure testing, suggesting biodegradable EA could be a substitute for the HDPE nonbiodegradable material.  相似文献   
In 1994, a large survey of soil chemistry was undertaken in thecounty of Värmland in central Sweden (Lundström et al., 1998).The southern part of the county was affected by soilacidification whereas there were no such indications in thenorthern part. To investigate the influence of soil chemistryon the trees at the specific sites, the survey was continued byan analysis of needle chemistry (Norway spruce) which wasundertaken at 150 of the 180 sites, and of tree growth at 65 ofthe 180 sites. Growth was expressed as a ratio between expectedgrowth, estimated with a national, empirical growth model, andthe growth observed in the field. In statistical analyses,using rank correlation, PCA and PLS, there were only weakindications of an influence of soil chemistry on needlechemistry and on tree growth. A moderate correlation betweennitrogen and sulphur in needles was found, which wasinterpreted as an effect of deposition and of processes in thetree canopy. No obvious regional pattern of the growth ratiowas found, in contrast to the clear pattern of soilacidification. The statistical analysis could not with anycertainty point out any of the soil chemistry variables asespecially important for the tree growth ratio.  相似文献   
Biodegradability testing was performed in an aqueous environment under anaerobic conditions after inoculation with digested sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant. In cross-linking with 1,2:3,4-diepoxybutane in limits 0.8–9.1% weight, biodegradability degree decreased from 76.8 to 62.2%; when 1,2:7,8 diepoxyoctane in quantities 1.1–13.2% weight was used, biodegradability degree dropped more prominently – from 72.3 to 22.8%. There is obviously a direct connection between growing cross-link degree (assessed by so-called fixation index) and decreasing readiness to biodegradation, apparently owing to build-up of a network forming an obstacle to access of micro-organisms and enzymes.  相似文献   
In multiphase systems capillary pressures play a significant role on fluid movement and retention. The facility to predict the effect of different thermal remediation strategies requires the knowledge of the effect of temperature on capillary pressure-saturation relationships in the soils. The objective of recent study was (a) to develop a technique for routinely measuring the pressure-saturation curves of soil samples saturated with a nonpolar liquid at different regulated temperatures (b) to build a database using the measured pressure-saturation curves and the physical, chemical properties of the model soils (c) to establish the dependence of nonaqueous phase liquid retention on the soil properties and the temperature. The retention curves (extraction isotherms) with nonaqueous phase liquid were determined using a modified pressure plate extractor. The wetting phase was a non-aromatic hydrocarbon distillation product. Pressure plates were designed and constructed in the laboratory of our department. The temperature was held constant at 20, 40 and 60 C. Statistical analysis was performed involving selected soil parameters and the measured nonaqueous phase liquid retention data. The results show that knowing some easily measurable soil parameters (bulk density, particle size distribution, humus and lime content) we can estimate the nonaqueous phase liquid retention of the soils. The measured “extraction isotherms” provide essential information about the temperature-dependency of pressure-saturation curves.  相似文献   
The process of eutrophication in form of intense plant growth has been observed in some lakes and water streams at the Plitvice Lakes National Park in central Croatia. Here we investigate whether this phenomenon is a consequence of anthropogenic pollution or due to naturally produced organic matter in the lakes. We applied chemical analysis of water at two springs and four lakes (nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), trace elements) and measurements of surface lake sediments (mineral and organic fraction analyses, trace elements) in four different lakes/five sites. The chemical composition of water does not indicate recent anthropogenic pollution of water because the concentrations of most trace elements are below detection limits. The concentrations of DOC and nutrients are slightly higher in the area of increased eutrophication-plant growth. Also the content of organic matter in the sediment is at the highest level in areas with highest C/N ratio indicating that the organic fraction of this sediment is mainly of terrestrial origin. There is no significant difference among the trace element concentration in the upper segment of all cores, deposited approximately during last 50 years when higher anthropogenic influence is expected due to development and touristic activity, and the lower part of the cores, corresponding to the period approximately 100–200 years before present. The content of trace elements and organic matter in sediments decreases from the uppermost lake downstream. According to our results there is no indication of recent anthropogenic pollution in water and sediment. Higher concentrations of DOC in water as well as phosphorus and some other elements in the lake sediment can be a consequence of input of natural organic matter to the lake water.  相似文献   
One of the methods to diminish the internal phosphorus (P) loading is inactivation of P by aluminum (Al). After addition of Al to lake water an Al(OH)3 floc is formed, which settles to the bottom and initially form a lid on the sediment surface. The effects of Chironomus plumosus larvae on sediment nutrient fluxes and P binding-sites in the sediment after addition of Al were tested. C. plumosus larvae were added to sediment cores in which sediment–water fluxes of nutrients were measured four times. After one month, the sediment was sectioned with depth and P fractions were measured by sequential chemical extraction. The chironomids created burrows through the Al layer which caused a significantly increased efflux of P from the Al treated sediment, because the P had only limited contact to the added Al. The chironomids also affected the P fractions in the sediment by their bioturbating activity. Thus, they caused increased Al concentrations in the upper part of the Al treated sediment. This created an enhanced contact between Al and P in the upper 7 cm of the sediment and, as a result, an increased binding of P to Al and a lowered porewater P. The DIP efflux is therefore expected to be lowered after the initial phase. Al had no effects on the nitrogen fluxes, but the chironomids enhanced the release, and decreased the release or increased the uptake by the sediments.  相似文献   
Steady-state models for the prediction of P retention coefficient (R) in lakes were evaluated using data from 93 natural lakes and 119 reservoirs situated in the temperate zone. Most of the already existing models predicted R relatively successfully in lakes while it was seriously under-estimated in reservoirs. A statistical analysis indicated the main causes of differences in R between lakes and reservoirs: (a) distinct relationships between P sedimentation coefficient, depth, and water residence time; (b) existence of significant inflow–outflow P concentration gradients in reservoirs. Two new models of different complexity were developed for estimating R in reservoirs: , where τ is water residence time (year), was derived from the Vollenweider/Larsen and Mercier model by adding a calibrated parameter accounting for spatial P non-homogeneity in the water body, and is applicable for reservoirs but not lakes, and , where [Pin] is volume-weighted P concentration in all inputs to the water body (μg l−1), was obtained by re-calibrating the OECD general equation, and is generally applicable for both lakes and reservoirs. These optimised models yield unbiased estimates over a large range of reservoir types.  相似文献   
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