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A repository of 38 gaseous organic compounds in compressed gas cylinders has been established by EPA. This repository was established to provide standards for source test performance audits, that is, quantitative quality assurance tests. Among these compounds are ten halogenated organic species, which are the focus of this paper.

Stability studies of all ten compounds have been performed to determine the feasibility of using them as performance audit standards. Results indicate that all of the halocarbons tested are adequately stable to be used as reliable audit standards.

Subsequent to completion of stability studies, four of the ten halocarbons were used in source test performance audits. Results are available at this time for two of the four compounds; the results show agreement within 10% of the concentrations previously established by Research Triangle Institute.  相似文献   
Past attempts to measure the economic consequences of ozone on agriculture have been based on limited plant science information. This paper reports on an economic assessment of ozone on U.S. agriculture using recent crop response data from the National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN). The results are derived from a U.S. agricultural sector model that includes major crop and livestock production as well as domestic consumption, livestock feeding and export uses. The economic effects of four hypothetical ambient ozone levels are investigated. The analysis Indicates that the benefits to society of moderate (25%) ozone reductions are approximately $1.7 billion. A 25% Increase in ozone pollution results in costs (negative benefits) of $2.1 billion. These estimates do not reflect compliance costs of achieving the ozone changes and hence are not net benefits.  相似文献   
A simple, inexpensive, and accurate technique for evaluating or auditing the sampling, recovery, and analytical phases of EPA Source Reference Method 25 has been developed. The technique involves spiking a U-shaped stainless steel cartridge containing Tenax® with known quantities of selected organic compounds and thermally desorbing them at temperatures from 160°C to 180°C to generate organic vapors quantitatively. The major advantages of this technique are that no other measurement methods can be used to determine the generated organic concentrations in lieu of Method 25; and that the cartridge can easily be taken to the field for evaluation. The organic compounds generated in test runs are collected and analyzed using the Method 25 procedure. The generation of organics is quantitative and recoveries were found to be 100 ± 10%. The time required for desorption of the majority of organics is generally less than forty-five minutes at a flow rate of 100 mL/min; however, based on laboratory experience the recommended sampling time is sixty minutes. These spiked cartridges are stable at room temperature over a two-month period. Results of interlaboratory studies showed close agreement with the expected concentrations based on calculations from the mass loadings and sample volumes.  相似文献   
Federal new source performance standards to control air emissions of sulfur dioxide from new industrial boilers were proposed by EPA on June 19, 1986. These standards would require boiler owners to reduce SO2 emissions by 90 percent and meet an emission limit of 1.2 lb/MM Btu of heat input for coal-fired boilers and 0.8 lb/MM Btu for oil-fired boilers. In developing these standards, several regulatory options were considered, from standards that could be met by firing low sulfur fuels to standards that would necessitate flue gas treatment. The environmental, economic, and cost impacts of each option were analyzed. National impacts were estimated by a computer model that projects the population of new boilers over the 5-year period following proposal, predicts the compliance strategy that will be used to comply with the particular option (always assuming that the lowest cost method of compliance will be selected), and estimates the resulting emission reductions and costs. Impacts on specific industries and on model boilers were also analyzed. This paper focuses on these analyses and their results. The Agency's conclusions from these analyses, which led to the decision to establish percent reduction standards, are provided, and the proposed SO2 standards are summarized. The proposed standards also include an emission limit for particulate matter from oil-fired boilers (0.1 lb/MM Btu). However, this article focuses only on the SO2 standards.  相似文献   

The soil oxidative and anaerobic processes, as well as, the microbial biomass were followed during three years in a cotton farm (Tatuí) where the recommended pesticides have been used for several years, and in an experimental field (São Paulo) treated first time with the same pesticides. The oxidative process was monitored by the dehydrogenase (DHA)‐activity using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) as substrate. The anaerobic process was followed by the iron‐oxide reduction, and the microbial biomass was estimated by the substrate (glucose)‐indiced respiration. Increases in DHA‐activity and in the microbial biomass occurred only in the farm soil, with concomitant decreases in iron‐reduction. In the experimental field soil, the increases in DHA‐activity were followed only by decreases in iron‐reduction. Soil characteristics were the determining factor for different biological parameters after pesticide inputs. All the pesticides produced at least one clear but transient effect.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed to monitor the translocation of microencapsulated cyfluthrin following perimeter applications to residential dwellings. A pilot study was implemented to determine both the potential for application spray to drift away from dwellings and the intrusion of residues into homes following perimeter treatments. Residential monitoring included measuring spray drift using cellulose filter paper and the collection of soil samples from within the spray zone. In addition, interior air was monitored using fiberglass filter paper as a sorbent medium and cotton ball swabs were used to collect surface wipes.

Fortification of matrixes resulted in recoveries of >90%. Spray drift was highest at the point of application and declined to low but measurable levels 9.1m from the foundations of dwellings. Soil residues declined to low, but measurable levels by 45 days post‐application. No cyfluthrin was measured from indoor air; however, some interior surfaces had detectable levels of cyfluthrin until three days post‐application.

Findings indicate that spray drift resulting from perimeter applications might contaminate non‐target surfaces outside the spray zone. Soil borne residues may serve as persistent sources for human exposure and potentially intrude into dwellings through the activities of occupants and pets. Residues do not appreciably translocate through air and consequently inhalation is not a likely route for human exposure. Surface residues detected indoors suggest that the physical movement of residues from the exterior to the interior might be a viable route of movement of residues following this type of application.  相似文献   

The effect of soil redox conditions on the degradation of metolachlor and metribuzin in two Mississippi soils (Forrestdale silty clay loam and Loring silt loam) were examined in the laboratory. Herbicides were added to soil in microcosms and incubated either under oxidized (aerobic) or reduced (anaerobic) conditions. Metolachlor and metribuzin degradation under aerobic condition in the Forrestdale soil proceeded at rates of 8.83 ngd‐1 and 25 ngd‐1, respectively. Anaerobic degradation rates for the two herbicides in the Forestdale soil were 8.44 ngd‐1 and 32.5 ngd‐1, respectively. Degradation rates for the Loring soil under aerobic condition were 24.8 ngd‐1 and 12.0 ngd‐1 for metolachlor and metribuzin, respectively. Metolachlor and metribuzin degradation rates under anaerobic conditions in the Loring soil were 20.9 ngd‐1 and 5.35 ngd‐1. Metribuzin degraded faster (12.0 ngd‐1) in the Loring soil under aerobic conditions as compared to anaerobic conditions (5.35 ngd‐1).  相似文献   
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