Several social theories have been proposed to explain the uneven distribution of vegetation in urban residential areas: population density, social stratification, luxury effect, and ecology of prestige. We evaluate these theories using a combination of demographic and socio-economic predictors of vegetative cover on all residential lands in New York City. We use diverse data sources including the City’s property database, time-series demographic and socio-economic data from the US Census, and land cover data from the University of Vermont’s Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL). These data are analyzed using a multi-model inferential, spatial econometrics approach. We also examine the distribution of vegetation within distinct market categories using Claritas’ Potential Rating Index for Zipcode Markets (PRIZM?) database. These categories can be disaggregated, corresponding to the four social theories. We compare the econometric and categorical results for validation. Models associated with ecology of prestige theory are more effective for predicting the distribution of vegetation. This suggests that private, residential patterns of vegetation, reflecting the consumption of environmentally relevant goods and services, are associated with different lifestyles and lifestages. Further, our spatial and temporal analyses suggest that there are significant spatial and temporal dependencies that have theoretical and methodological implications for understanding urban ecological systems. These findings may have policy implications. Decision makers may need to consider how to most effectively reach different social groups in terms of messages and messengers in order to advance land management practices and achieve urban sustainability. 相似文献
Chloroanilines are constituents of many agrochemicals and have been found to be metabolized to succinic acid conjugates, e.g., succinamides and succinimides. The mutagenic potential of five chloroanilines and their succinamides and succinimide derivatives have been tested with two strains of Salmonella typhimurium (TA98 and TA100) with and without rat hepatic microsomal fraction. None of the compounds produced a dose response effect with a two-fold increase in revertants indicating that these compounds are not mutagens or promutagens in these assays. 相似文献
The fungicide captan (cis-N-((trichloromethyl)thio) 4-cyclo-hexene-1,2-dicarboximide) was applied at the rate of 2.4 g/l to apple trees (c.v. Golden Delicious) individually or as part of a standard treatment program where it was applied eight times during the growing season together with several pesticides. Leaf samples (100 discs of 2.2 cm diameter) were collected from treated and control trees before treatment and at 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 90 and 112 days after treatment. Fruit samples were taken at mid-season (56 days) and at harvest (112 days). The objective of this study was to determine the captan residue and mutagenicity of leaf and fruit extracts to ascertain the potential health hazard to agricultural workers in these orchards. Surface residues were extracted from leaves and fruits with methylene chloride. These extracts were subsequently analyzed for captan by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) utilizing an electron-capture detector, and for mutagenicity with two strains (TA98 and TA100) of Salmonella typhimurium, with and without microsomal enzyme activation. Positive mutagenic effects were observed with strain TA100 at 0-14 days post spray, even with extracts from one leaf disc's surface (3.8 cm2) of the single treatment. Captan residues in these samples indicated a decline from 9.3 micrograms/cm2 at 0 days to 0.80 micrograms/cm2 at 14 days and a trace after 112 days. With the standard treatment, in which captan was incorporated eight times in the program starting at the 7-day interval, leaf extracts showed mutagenic activity at 7, 14, 28 and 90 days. Captan residues at these intervals were 11.4, 5.0, 4.1 and 3.4 micrograms/cm2, respectively. Fruit sample extracts of the standard spray were mutagenic to the tester strains TA100 and TA98 both at mid-season and at harvest. Residues of captan on fruits declined from 10.4 micrograms/cm2 at mid-season to 1.1 micrograms/cm2 at harvest. No mutagenic activity was detected with extracts from fruit samples from the single captan application. 相似文献
Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) has been found to be a better alternative in converting Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to energy and has the potential to reduce the generation of dioxins due to the inhibition of the de-novo synthesis of dioxins. This study comprehensively reviews the experimental studies of CLC of MSW, the oxygen carriers, reactor types, performance evaluation, and ash interaction studies. Modeling and simulation studies of CLC of MSW were also critically presented. Plastic waste is MSW’s most studied non-biomass component in MSW under CLC conditions. This is because CLC has been shown to reduce the emission of dioxins and furans, which are normally emitted during the conventional combustion of plastics. From the several oxygen carriers tested with MSW’s CLC, alkaline earth metals (AEM) modified iron ore was the most effective for reducing dioxin emissions, improving combustion efficiency and carbon conversion. Also, oxygen carriers with supports were more reactive than single carriers and CaSO4/Fe2O3 and CaSO4 in silica sol had the highest oxygen transport ability. Though XRD analysis and thermodynamic calculations of the reacted oxygen carriers yielded diverse results due to software computation constraints, modified iron ore produced less HCl and heavy metal chlorides compared to iron ore and ilmenite. However, alkali silicates, a significant cause of fouling, were observed instead. The best reactor configuration for the CLC of MSW is the fluidized bed reactor, because it is easy to obtain high and homogeneous solid–gas mass transfer. Future research should focus on the development of improved oxygen carriers that can sustain reactivity after several cycles, as well as the system’s techno-economic feasibility.
The relative importance of 3 different sources for biological production of nitrite in seawater was studied. Decomposition of fecal pellets of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus (at a concentration of approximately 12 g-at N/l), in seawater medium, released small amounts of ammonia over a 6 week period. It nitrifying bacteria were added to the fecal pellets nitrite was barely detectable over the same period. Decomposition of phytoplankton (present at a concentration of about 8 g-at particulate plant N/l) with added heterotrophic bacteria, released moderate amounts of ammonia over a 12 week period. If the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosocystis oceanus was added to the decomposing algae, nitrite was produced at a rate of 0.2 g-at N/l/week. Heterotrophic nitrification was not observed when 7 open-ocean bacteria were tested for their ability to oxidize ammonia. The diatom Skeletonema costatum, either non-starved or starved of nitrogen, produced nitrite when growing with 150 or 50 g-at NO
-N/l at a light intensity of about 0.01 ly/min. When nitrate in the medium was exhausted, S. costatum assimilated nitrite. If starved of vitamin B12, both non-N-starved and N-starved cells of S. costatum produced nitrite in the medium with 150 g-at NO
-N/l. Nitrate was not exhausted and cell densities reached 2x105/ml due to vitamin B12 deficiency. If light intensity was reduced to 0.003 ly/min under otherwise similar conditions, cells did not grow due to insufficient light, and nitrite was not produced. In the sea, it appears that, in certain micro-environments, decomposition of particulate matter releases ammonia with its subsequent oxidation to nitrite. The amounts of these nutrients and the rate at which they are produced are dependent upon the nature of the materials undergoing decomposition and the associated bacteria. In certain other areas of the sea, where phytoplankton standing stock is high and nitrate is non-limiting, excretion by these organisms is a major source of nitrite. 相似文献
The sheer amount of disposable bottles being produced nowadays makes it imperative to identify alternative procedures for recycling them since they are non-biodegradable. This paper describes an innovative use of consumed plastic bottle waste as sand-substitution aggregate within composite materials for building application. Particularly, bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) have been used as partial and complete substitutes for sand in concrete composites. Various volume fractions of sand varying from 2% to 100% were substituted by the same volume of granulated plastic, and various sizes of PET aggregates were used. The bulk density and mechanical characteristics of the composites produced were evaluated. To study the relationship between mechanical properties and composite microstructure, scanning electron microscopy technique was employed. The results presented show that substituting sand at a level below 50% by volume with granulated PET, whose upper granular limit equals 5mm, affects neither the compressive strength nor the flexural strength of composites. This study demonstrates that plastic bottles shredded into small PET particles may be used successfully as sand-substitution aggregates in cementitious concrete composites. These new composites would appear to offer an attractive low-cost material with consistent properties; moreover, they would help in resolving some of the solid waste problems created by plastics production and in saving energy. 相似文献
Data on Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Sn, Mo concentrations in some food fish in Baikal Lake and Bratsk reservoir have been compared. The muscles, skin and gills of roach and perch (Rutilus rutilus and Perca fluviatis L.) were analysed. The conditions of atomic-emission analysis, detection limits, reproducibility, coefficients of transformation from the wet to dry mass and to an ash residue are reported. To verify accuracy, the results of reference samples OK-1 (Baikal perch) and OM-1 (Baikal roach) were used along with atomic-absorption and neutron-activation results of ashed and dried samples. The observed range of concentrations in tissues exceeds the probable analytical errors and reflects natural variability. The content of Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni and Cr in tissues of fish collected in the Bratsk reservoir from the conventionally uncontaminated and polluted sites correspond to the concentrations in tissues of similar fish from Lake Baikal. The latter are normal for fish of weakly mineralised oligotrophic reservoirs. The ranges of concentration in studied fish (roach and perch) consist of mg kg–1 dry wt: in muscles-Zn(14–28), Cu(2.2–4.7), Pb(0.30–0.61); in skin-Zn(94–119), Cu(1.2–1.4), Pb(0.16–0.08); in gills-Zn(70–280), Cu(2.0–7.4), Pb(0.19–1.2). 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Subterranean ecosystems harbor globally rare fauna and important water resources, but ecological processes are poorly understood and are threatened by anthropogenic stresses. Ecosystem analyses were conducted from 1997 to 2000 in Cave Springs Cave, Arkansas, situated in a region of intensive land use, to determine the degree of habitat degradation and viability of endangered fauna. Organic matter budgeting quantified energy flux and documented the dominant input as dissolved organic matter and not gray bat guano (Myotis grisescens). Carbon/nitrogen stable isotope analyses described a trophic web of Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae) that primarily consumed cave isopods (Caecidotea stiladactyla), which in turn appeared to consume benthic matter originating from a complex mixture of soil, leaf litter, and anthropogenic wastes. Septic leachate, sewage sludge, and cow manure were suspected to augment the food web and were implicated in environmental degradation. Water, sediment, and animal tissue analyses detected excess nutrients, fecal bacteria, and toxic concentrations of metals. Community assemblage may have been altered: sensitive species‐grotto salamanders (Typhlotriton spelaeus) and stygobro‐mid amphipods—were not detected, while more resilient isopods flourished. Reduction of septic and agricultural waste inputs may be necessary to restore ecosystem dynamics in this cave ecosystem to its former undisturbed condition. 相似文献