Relationships between riparian land cover, in-stream habitat, water chemistry, and macroinvertebrates were examined in headwater streams draining an agricultural region of Illinois. Macroinvertebrates and organic matter were collected monthly for one year from three intensively monitored streams with a gradient of riparian forest cover (6, 22, and 31% of riparian area). Bioassessments and physical habitat analyses were also performed in these three streams and 12 other nearby headwater streams. The intensively monitored site with the least riparian forest cover had significantly greater percent silt substrates than the sites with medium and high forest cover, and significantly higher very fine organics in substrates than the medium and high forested sites. Macroinvertebrates were abundant in all streams, but communities reflected degraded conditions; noninsect groups, mostly oligochaetes and copepods, dominated density and oligochaetes and mollusks, mostly Sphaerium and Physella, dominated biomass. Of insects, dipterans, mostly Chironomidae, dominated density and dipterans and coleopterans were important contributors to biomass. Collector-gatherers dominated functional structure in all three intensively monitored sites, indicating that functional structure metrics may not be appropriate for assessing these systems. The intensively monitored site with lowest riparian forest cover had significantly greater macroinvertebrate density and biomass, but lowest insect density and biomass. Density and biomass of active collector-filterers (mostly Sphaerium) decreased with increasing riparian forest. Hilsenhoff scores from all 15 sites were significantly correlated with in-stream habitat scores, percent riparian forest, and orthophosphate concentrations, and multiple regression indicated that in-stream habitat was the primary factor influencing biotic integrity. Our results show that these "drainage ditches" harbor abundant macroinvertebrates that are typical of degraded conditions, but that they can reflect gradients of conditions in and around these streams. 相似文献
Remote sensing devices have been used for decades to measure gaseous emissions from individual vehicles at the roadside. Systems have also been developed that entrain diluted exhaust and can also measure particulate matter (PM) emissions. In 2015, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reported that 8% of in-field diesel particulate filters (DPF) on heavy-duty (HD) vehicles were malfunctioning and emitted about 70% of total diesel PM emissions from the DPF-equipped fleet. A new high-emitter problem in the heavy-duty vehicle fleet had emerged. Roadside exhaust plume measurements reflect a snapshot of real-world operation, typically lasting several seconds. In order to relate roadside plume measurements to laboratory emission tests, we analyzed carbon dioxide (CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), and PM emissions collected from four HD vehicles during several driving cycles on a chassis dynamometer. We examined the fuel-based emission factors corresponding to possible exceedances of emission standards as a function of vehicle power. Our analysis suggests that a typical HD vehicle will exceed the model year (MY) 2010 emission standards (of 0.2 g NOX/bhp-hr and 0.01 g PM/bhp-hr) by three times when fuel-based emission factors are 9.3 g NOX/kg fuel and 0.11 g PM/kg using the roadside plume measurement approach. Reported limits correspond to 99% confidence levels, which were calculated using the detection uncertainty of emissions analyzers, accuracy of vehicle power calculations, and actual emissions variability of fixed operational parameters. The PM threshold was determined for acceleration events between 0.47 and 1.4 mph/sec only, and the NOX threshold was derived from measurements where after-treatment temperature was above 200°C. Anticipating a growing interest in real-world driving emissions, widespread implementation of roadside exhaust plume measurements as a compliment to in-use vehicle programs may benefit from expanding this analysis to a larger sample of in-use HD vehicles.
Implications: Regulatory agencies, civil society, and the public at large have a growing interest in vehicle emission compliance in the real world. Leveraging roadside plume measurements to identify vehicles with malfunctioning emission control systems is emerging as a viable new and useful method to assess in-use performance. This work proposes fuel-based emission factor thresholds for PM and NOx that signify exceedances of emission standards on a work-specific basis by analyzing real-time emissions in the laboratory. These thresholds could be used to prescreen vehicles before roadside enforcement inspection or other inquiry, enhance and further develop emission inventories, and potentially develop new requirements for heavy-duty inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs, including but not limited to identifying vehicles for further testing. 相似文献
Personal 48-hr exposures to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde of 15 randomly selected participants were measured during the summer/autumn of 1997 using Sep-Pak DNPH-Silica cartridges as a part of the EXPOLIS study in Helsinki, Finland. In addition to personal exposures, simultaneous measurements of microenvironmental concentrations were conducted at each participant's residence (indoor and outdoor) and workplace. Mean personal exposure levels were 21.4 ppb for formaldehyde and 7.9 ppb for acetaldehyde. Personal exposures were systematically lower than indoor residential concentrations for both compounds, and ambient air concentrations were lower than both indoor residential concentrations and personal exposure levels. Mean workplace concentrations of both compounds were lower than mean indoor residential concentrations. Correlation between personal exposures and indoor residential concentrations was statistically significant for both compounds. This indicated that indoor residential concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are a better estimate of personal exposures than are concentrations in ambient air. In addition, a time-weighted exposure model did not improve the estimation of personal exposures above that obtained using indoor residential concentrations as a surrogate for personal exposures. Correlation between formaldehyde and acetaldehyde was statistically significant in outdoor microenvironments, suggesting that both compounds have similar sources and sinks in ambient urban air. 相似文献
In this study, the rates of degradation of organic compounds by several AOPs (H2O2/UV, Fe(III)/UV, Fe(III)/H2O2/UV, Fe(II)/H2O2 and Fe(III)/H2O2) have been compared. Experiments were carried out at pH ≈ 3 (perchloric acid / sodium perchlorate solutions) and with UV reactors equipped with a low-pressure mercury vapour lamp (emission at 253.7 run). The data obtained with atrazine ([Atrazine]o = 100 μg/L) showed that the rate of degradation of atrazine in very dilute aqueous solution is much more rapid with Fe(III)/UV than with H2O2/UV. Photo-Fenton process (Fe(III)/H2O2/UV) was found to be more efficient than H2O2/UV and Fe(II)/H2O2 for the mineralization of acetone ([Acetone]o = 1 mM). 相似文献
The copepod community observed during an 18-month period at the mouth of eutrophic Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, was dominated
by small species of Parvocalanus, Temora, Oithona, and Corycaeus. Mean copepod biomass was 22.1 mg AFDW m−3 (331 mg m−2). Annual production was 1679 kJ m−2, partitioned as 174 kJ m−2 naupliar, 936 kJ m−2 copepodite, 475 kJ m−2 egg and 93 kJ m−2 exuvial production. All nauplii, most copepodites and many adults, equivalent to half of the biomass and production, were
missed by a standard 200-μm plankton net, emphasizing the importance of nauplii and small species in secondary production
estimates. The evidence suggests that growth rates and production are generally not food limited, and we speculate that size-selective
predation shapes the structure of the harbour community. Biomass and production are higher than previous estimates for tropical
coastal waters, but comparable to other eutrophic tropical embayments and many productive temperate ecosystems. Far from being
regions of low productivity, tropical zooplankton communities may have significant production and deserve greater research
attention than they currently receive.
Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted: 21 October 1997 相似文献
Dry weight (DW), oxygen consumption, ammonia-N excretion, proximate biochemical composition (total protein, carbohydrate,
lipid, water and ash), and energy content (estimated from biochemical composition and by wet combustion) were determined in
early developmental stages of cultured Farfantepenaeus paulensis. Pooled samples from embryonic, larval and postlarval stages (at 26 ± 1 °C and 34 ± 1‰) were used for measurements. The study
focused on physiological and biochemical processes during transitional periods of ontogeny, such as hatching, lecithotrophic
and planktotrophic stages, metamorphosis, and the attainment of a benthic existence in postlarva. DW showed higher increment
between protozoea I (PZ I) and mysis I (M I) than in the next mysid and postlarval stages. Individual rates of oxygen consumption
and ammonia-N excretion increased, while weight-specific rates presented significant reduction throughout development. Higher
weight-specific oxygen consumption was registered in nauplius III (N III) and PZ I, following a decrease in subsequent stages.
Postlarval stages PL V–VI and PL X–XII exhibited the lowest values among the stages studied. Weight-specific excretion was
high in N III and protozoeal stages, with maximum values in PZ II, while the following stages were marked by lower rates.
O:N ratios indicated higher protein catabolism in the stages between egg and M I and a shift to more lipid utilization close
to metamorphosis. Water content was higher in the protozoeal stages and decreased afterwards. Higher percentages of protein,
lipid and carbohydrate (%DW) were observed in egg and nauplius stages. Protein and lipid decreased from the egg through the
naupliar and protozoeal stages, rising again in mysis stages. Lipid content (%DW) decreased in PL V–VI and PL X–XII. Lipid:protein
ratios showed an increase of the importance of lipid between PZ III and M II. Carbohydrates represented a minor fraction of
body composition, and ash percentages increased from egg to a maximum in PZ II, decreasing in subsequent stages. Energy content
determined by wet combustion or calculated by energy equivalents presented the same trend throughout development, varying
similarly to protein. Protein was the main energy contributor to body energy in all stages, while the importance of lipid
was higher in egg and early naupliar stages. Trends observed in metabolic rates and body composition may be associated to
morphological and behavioral changes during the early stages of penaeid development, such as the transition from herbivory
to omnivory, and the adoption of a benthic existence. Different ontogenetic energy strategies contribute to succeed through
such diverse type of development.
Received: 4 July 2000 / Accepted: 6 December 2000 相似文献