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The Minnesota Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Source Apportionment Study was undertaken to explore the utility of PM2.5 mass, element, ion, and carbon measurements from long-term speciation networks for pollution source attribution. Ambient monitoring data at eight sites across the state were retrieved from the archives of the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) and the Speciation Trends Network (STN; part of the Chemical Speciation Network [CSN]) and analyzed by an Effective Variance – Chemical Mass Balance (EV-CMB) receptor model with region-specific geological source profiles developed in this study. PM2.5 was apportioned into contributions of fugitive soil dust, calcium-rich dust, taconite (low grade iron ore) dust, road salt, motor vehicle exhaust, biomass burning, coal-fired utility, and secondary aerosol. Secondary sulfate and nitrate contributed strongly (49–71% of PM2.5) across all sites and was dominant (≥60%) at IMPROVE sites. Vehicle exhausts accounted for 20–70% of the primary PM2.5 contribution, largely exceeding the proportion in the primary PM2.5 emission inventory. The diesel exhaust contribution was separable from the gasoline engine exhaust contribution at the STN sites. Higher detection limits for several marker elements in the STN resulted in non-detectable coal-fired boiler contributions which were detected in the IMPROVE data. Despite the different measured variables, analytical methods, and detection limits, EV-CMB results from a nearby IMPROVE-STN non-urban/urban sites showed similar contributions from regional sources – including fugitive dust and secondary aerosol. Seasonal variations of source contributions were examined and extreme PM2.5 episodes were explained by both local and regional pollution events.  相似文献   
The radon isotope 222Rn and salinity in coastal surface water were mapped on regional scales, to improve the understanding of coastal processes and their spatial variability. Radon was measured with a surface-towed, continuously recording multi-detector setup on a moving vessel. Numerous processes and locations of land-ocean interaction along the Central Great Barrier Reef coastline were identified and interpreted based on the data collected. These included riverine fluxes, terrestrially-derived fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and the tidal pumping of seawater through mangrove forests. Based on variations in the relationship of the tracers radon and salinity, some aspects of regional freshwater inputs to the coastal zone and to estuaries could be assessed. Concurrent mapping of radon and salinity allowed an efficient qualitative assessment of land-ocean interaction on various spatial and temporal scales, indicating that such surveys on coastal scales can be a useful tool to obtain an overview of SGD locations and processes.  相似文献   
The uptake, elimination and transformation of six PBDE congeners (BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -209) were studied in juvenile common sole (Solea solea L.) exposed to spiked contaminated food over a three-month period, and then depurated over a five-month period. Methoxylated (MeO-) and hydroxylated (OH-) PBDEs were determined in fish plasma exposed to PBDEs and compared to those obtained in control fish. While all MeO- and some OH- congeners identified in fish plasma were found to originate from non-metabolic sources, several OH- congeners, i.e., OH-tetraBDEs and OH-pentaBDEs, were found to originate from fish metabolism. Among these, 4′-OH-BDE-49 was identified as a BDE-47 metabolite. Congener 4′-OH-BDE-101, identified here for the first time, may be the result of BDE-99 metabolic transformation. Our results unequivocally showed that PBDEs are metabolised in juvenile sole via the formation of OH- metabolites. However, this was not a major biotransformation route compared to biotransformation through debromination.  相似文献   
In this second part of the work, two other long-term technologies for power generation from coal are investigated. The Zecomag plant has the same syngas production system of the Zecomix plant, described in the first part of this paper, but hydrogen-rich syngas is here burned with air in an open-cycle gas turbine. The aim is a simplification of the power island, more similar to a combined cycle; however, CO2 capture falls from 100% to about 90% and NOx emissions are present.An advanced oxy-fuel IGCC is the second plant investigated in this paper, presenting the same zero-emission potential of Zecomix. Syngas is produced in a high pressure, dry feed, oxygen blown gasifier and cleaned in a hot-gas-clean-up system. Clean syngas is then burned with oxygen and expanded in a turbine, using compressed recirculated CO2 to moderate firing temperature and to cool turbine blades.The loss of net efficiency, with respect to Zecomix, is very limited (1–2 points) with both configurations. In order to better evaluate the performances obtained, a comparison with reference state-of-the art IGCCs and a long-term IGCC without CO2 capture is also presented.  相似文献   
The variation of mechanical properties such as tensile and flexural properties of randomly oriented unsaturated polyester based sisal/carbon fibre reinforced hybrid composites with different fibre weight ratios have been studied. The chemical resistance test of these hybrid composites to various solvents, acids and alkalies were studied. The effect of NaOH treatment of sisal fibres on the tensile, flexural and chemical resistance properties of these sisal/carbon hybrid composites has also been studied. The hybrid composites showed an increase in tensile and flexural properties with increase in the carbon fibre loading. The tensile properties and flexural properties of these hybrid composites have been found to be higher than that of the matrix. Significant improvement in tensile properties and flexural properties of the sisal/carbon hybrid composites has been observed by alkali treatment. The chemical resistance test results showed that these untreated and alkali treated hybrid composites are résistance to all chemicals except carbon tetra chloride. Hand lay-up technique was used for making the composites and tests are carried out by using ASTM methods.  相似文献   
Claggett, Peter R., Judy A. Okay, and Stephen V. Stehman, 2010. Monitoring Regional Riparian Forest Cover Change Using Stratified Sampling and Multiresolution Imagery. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(2):334-343. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00424.x Abstract: The Chesapeake Bay watershed encompasses 165,760 km2 of land area with 464,098 km of rivers and streams. As part of the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort, state and federal partners have committed to restoring 26,000 miles (41,843 km) of riparian forest buffers. Monitoring trends in riparian forest buffers over large areas is necessary to evaluate the efficacy of these restoration efforts. A sampling approach for estimating change in riparian forest cover from 1993/1994 to 2005 was developed and implemented in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, to exemplify a method that could be applied throughout the Bay watershed. All stream reaches in the county were stratified using forest cover change derived from Landsat imagery. A stratified random sample of 219 reaches was selected and forest cover change within the riparian buffer of each sampled reach was interpreted from high-resolution aerial photography. The estimated footprint of gross change in riparian forest cover (i.e., the sum of gross gain and gross loss) for the county was 1.83% (SE = 0.22%). Stratified sampling taking advantage of a priori knowledge of locations of change proved to be a practical and efficient protocol for estimating riparian forest buffer change at the county scale and the protocol would readily extend to much broader scale monitoring.  相似文献   
Land-use regression models have increasingly been applied for air pollution mapping at typically the city level. Though models generally predict spatial variability well, the structure of models differs widely between studies. The observed differences in the models may be due to artefacts of data and methodology or underlying differences in source or dispersion characteristics. If the former, more standardised methods using common data sets could be beneficial. We compared land-use regression models for NO2 and PM10, developed with a consistent protocol in Great Britain (GB) and the Netherlands (NL).Models were constructed on the basis of 2001 annual mean concentrations from the national air quality networks. Predictor variables used for modelling related to traffic, population, land use and topography. Four sets of models were developed for each country. First, predictor variables derived from data sets common to both countries were used in a pooled analysis, including an indicator for country and interaction terms between country and the identified predictor variables. Second, the common data sets were used to develop individual baseline models for each country. Third, the country-specific baseline models were applied after calibration in the other country to explore transferability. The fourth model was developed using the best possible predictor variables for each country.A common model for GB and NL explained NO2 concentrations well (adjusted R2 0.64), with no significant differences in intercept and slopes between the two countries. The country-specific model developed on common variables for NL but not GB improved the prediction.The performance of models based upon common data was only slightly worse than models optimised with local data. Models transferred to the other country performed substantially worse than the country-specific models. In conclusion, care is needed both in transferring models across different study areas, and in developing large inter-regional LUR models.  相似文献   
A new annual bottom–up emission inventory of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases from on-road mobile sources was developed for 2006 for the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, within a four-year regional project aimed at providing tools for chemical weather forecast in South America. Under the scarcity of local emission factors, we collected data from measuring campaigns performed in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia and compiled a data set of regional emission factors representative of Latin American fleets and driving conditions. The estimated emissions were validated with respect to downscaled national estimates and the EDGAR global emission database. Our results highlight the role of older technologies accounting in average for almost 80% of the emissions of all species. The area exhibits higher specific emissions than developed countries, with figures two times higher for criteria pollutants. We analyzed the effect on emissions of replacing gasoline by compressed natural gas, occurring in Argentina since 1995. We identified (i) a relationship between number of vehicles and a compound socioeconomic indicator, and (ii) time-lags in vehicle technologies between developed and developing countries, which can be respectively applied for spatial disaggregation and the development of projections for other Latin American cities. The results may also be employed to complement global emission inventories and by local policy makers as an environmental management tool.  相似文献   
Vegetation was considerably trampled throughout Vodnyi Island in the Rostovskii Nature Reserve in 2007 because of a high pasture load due to feral horses (0.15 horses/ha). Calculation of the food resources on the island, with its protection as part of a nature reserve taken into account, has shown that the herd size is 3.5 times larger than the maximum allowable value.  相似文献   
Using the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos c. caudatus) as an example of the so-called irruptive species, the ecophysiological characteristics (body mass, fat reserves) and migration speed during autumn period were analyzed. The mean body mass and the median fat score did not depend on the number of migrating individuals. There was no evidence of the so-called stress in birds, participating in migration: migrants had even higher fat reserves than residents, while no significant difference in the body mass was recorded. The increase in fat reserves in the long-tailed tit during migration period was similar to the seasonal changes in energy reserves known for typical migrants. This makes it possible for late-migrating individuals to maintain higher total speed of migration compared to early-migrating ones. Basing on the obtained data, we conclude that the ecophysiological characteristics of the long-tailed tits migrating in autumn are similar to those of regular migrants.  相似文献   
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