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The analysis of monitoring data with the aid of time-series analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods derived from time-series analysis are proposed for processing monitoring data. The necessity for the use of these methods is demonstrated. In a case study time-series analysis was applied to assess the impact of the closure of the Grevelingen estuary (S. W. Netherlands) in 1971 on a local wintering population of Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) in the adjacent Oosterschelde estuary.Communication No. 328 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research.  相似文献   
The short-term tests performed in vitro on different systems, from phage to human cells, or in vivo, on laboratory animals, allow only a qualitative estimate of the action of mutagenic agents, and the extrapolation of such experimental results to man may encounter many difficulties.Direct biomonitoring of populations exposed to chemicals could represent a more realistic approach for an evaluation of the hazards to man. Certain methods are still under development. Nevertheless, other ones can already by used routinely, e.g. the cytogenetic observations on peripheral blood lymphocytes and the Ames test for mutagenic substances in urine, and can provide useful suggestions how to set threshold limits for chemical substances encountered in the working environment.  相似文献   
Urban atmospheric environment contains many trace organic pollutants that are related to the incomplete fuel combustion in domestic heating, industrial plants and automobile traffic. Removal of these pollutants from the atmosphere takes place through wet and dry deposition as well as chemical transformations. In this study, concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in wet deposition samples were determined at an urban site of Turkey. Wet and dry deposition samples were collected using Andersen Rain Sampler. The sampler was modified accordingly for the collection of organic pollutants. Collected samples were preconcentrated by using solid phase extraction (SPE) disks and consecutively analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Among the 13 compounds quantified in this study, anthracene, fluoranthene, and pyrene were found more frequently and at elevated concentrations (202, 271 and 260 ng L-1 mean concentrations, respectively).Concentrations of PAHs were found to be high in winter period.  相似文献   
This paper serves as a literature review of manganese in fresh water. The major aspects of manganese occurrence discussed are: (1) sources, (2) geochemistry, (3) manganese-iron relationships, (4) effects on the fauna and flora and (5) detection.  相似文献   
Animal-sediment relations and community analysis of a Florida estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five species assemblages of the intertidal infauna of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, USA are identified. Two assemblages are judged to constitute distinct communities, while a third is shown to be an interdigitation of the two communities. Dominance by on species is the prevalent pattern within the assemblages. Numbers of deposit feeders are found to be inversely correlated to that of filter feeders, and both trophic types are found to be correlated to the sediment parameters of median grain size, sorting and skewness. Three transects with three stations each were established along the south side of Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa Bay, Florida. A faunal sample (0.4 m2), a sediment sample, and a water sample were taken at each station in September, December, and March of 1968/1969. Sediment samples were wet-seived. Animal samples were reduced to numbers of organisms and biomass per species. Trellis diagrams and correlation tests were generated. Support is shown for the trophic group-amensalims hypothesis, however, the silt-clay fraction is apparently of lesser importance to deposit feeders in Florida sediments than in Buzzards Bay sediments. An attempt is made to relate an analysis of the optimal grain size for filter feeders to the trophic group-amensalism hypothesis. A view of communities as abstractions from continua is more realistic than communities as discrete units.  相似文献   
In order to decrease the uncertainty that results in water resource planning and management studies due to the assumed recurrence of historical hydrological sequences, considerable study of stochastic processes in hydrology has taken place during the past 10 or 15 years. The general objective has been to develop a capability for generating a number of valid sequences, each of which could as resonably occur as could a recurrence of past events. A number of serious problems have been encountered, the consequence of which has been a serious lag in the application of stochastic processes to real planning and management problems. These problems include: a. an inability to generate droughts in some cases that are as extreme as have occurred historically, b. the generation of inconsistent values of stream flow at 2 locations on the same stream, c. the lack of mathematical techniques for the management of incomplete data sets, d. a great increase in the required computation for planning and management studies, and e. theoretical and computational difficulties in expanding the scope of stochastic hydrology from monthly quantities to short-period quantities. This paper discusses these problems and various approaches used in attempting their solution.  相似文献   
Illinois has been operating an ambient water quality network of almost 600 stations for several years. In 1977 changes in program emphasis toward intensive monitoring, the need for improved procedures and quality control in monitoring operations, and the desire to create a single data base of all Illinois State monitoring data, resulted in a redesign of the ambient monitoring program.A unique cooperative program between the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the US Geological Survey provides for their monitoring a portion of the network. The Survey provides flow data at most network stations as well as extensive manpower training, equipment, data processing, and program quality control. Informal agreements with other agencies have permitted a great reduction in the monitoring effort required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Yearly runoff efficiencies (total runoff/total precipitation), threshold retentions (precipitation needed to initiate runoff), and runoff-efficiencies-after-thresholds were determined for several water-harvesting catchment treatments at the Granite Reef test site. This information was found to be useful for showing (1) overall performance of catchments with time; (2) the distribution of the precipitation among runoff, surface retention, and infiltration; (3) why, how, and when certain treatments weathered and failed; (4) when to repair treatments; and (5) how to design catchments (size, site preparation, material selection, etc.). New impermeable membranes with smooth surfaces yielded nearly 100% of the precipitation. An asphalt-fiberglass treatment continues this high efficiency after 10 years of weathering – polyethylene after 8; efficiency of butyl sheeting was high initially but decreased rapidly after 9 years weathering. A standard roofing treatment retained up to 30% of the precipitation in the gravel covering. A concrete catchment lost as much as 50% of the total precipitation through micropores and surface cracks. Silicone treatments rapidly lost repellancy and efficiency, while paraffin treatments have weathered 5 years with little loss of efficiency.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The Upper Colorado River Basin contains appreciable amounts of undeveloped fuel resources. Large quantities of oil shale, coal, and uranium have attracted recent economic and commercial interests. Development of these resources and subsequent conversion to alternative energy forms require an adequate supply of water. Water use for large scale energy development will place increasing demands on an already overstressed allocation of Colorado River water. Present water quality is at a concentration where increased salinity will result in economic detriments to holders of downstream water rights. The salt and water exchange in mining, processing, and spent fuel disposal processes has been incorporated as part of a two-level minimum cost linear programming algorithm. Mathematical simulation results provide an optimal use of Upper Colorado River water for levels of energy output such that salinity concentrations are maintained below predetermined levels.  相似文献   
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