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Nonabsorbable dietary lipid reduces the absorption of dietary PCBs and increases the excretion of previously absorbed stored PCBs. Absorption of all PCB congeners will presumably be interrupted by nonabsorbable lipid; however excretion will be enhanced only for PCBs that have not been metabolized and also for their lipophilic metabolites. Our study with the nonabsorbable lipid, olestra, in a controlled trial in Anniston residents with elevated PCB levels demonstrated that it is possible to enhance removal of PCBs from the body in the clinically meaningful time frame of 1 year. The rate of disappearance of PCBs in participants who ate 15 g/day of olestra was significantly faster than the rate determined during the 5 years prior to intervention. The rate of disappearance was not changed from the pretrial rate in participants who ingested vegetable oil. Consideration of the role of body weight and fat is an important factor in the design of intervention trials of this kind, and the results of this trial suggest that the level of body fat in individuals will influence the rate of removal from the body. Previously reported data from animals and from a case report indicate that weight loss combined with nonabsorbable dietary lipid will maximize removal of PCBs and presumably other stored organochlorine compounds. The design of future intervention trials should include a focus on body fat levels and changes. Future trials should also include the testing of dietary compounds other than olestra that have affinity for PCBs, such as plant-derived polyphenols.  相似文献   
Henry’s law constants for 12 chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) were measured as a function of temperature ranging from 8 to 93 °C, using the modified equilibrium partitioning in closed system (EPICS) method. The chlorinated compounds include tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, chloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, dichloromethane, and chloromethane. The variation in Henry’s constants for these compounds as a function of temperature ranged from around 3-fold (chloroethane) to 30-fold (1,2-dichloroethane). Aqueous solubilities of the pure compounds were measured over the temperature range of 8-75 °C. The temperature dependence of Henry’s constant was predicted using the ratio of pure vapor pressure to aqueous solubility, both of which are functions of temperature. The calculated Henry’s constants are in a reasonable agreement with the measured results. With the improved data on Henry’s law constants at high temperatures measured in this study, it will be possible to more accurately model subsurface remediation processes that operate near the boiling point of water.  相似文献   
The benthic macrofauna of the Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, Indonesia and its fringing mangroves were investigated between May 2004 and August 2006. This lagoon has been affected by various human activities for decades, in particular fishing, effluents from agriculture and industry, and illegal deforestation. In total, 163 taxa were identified, including 127 species occurring in the mangrove forest and 59 species in the subtidal. Mean density of macrobenthos was 2.5-fold higher in the central (881.8 ± 1,151.3 ind. m?2) than in the eastern mangrove site (356.3 ± 218.8 ind. m?2). Community structures differed significantly between these sites and showed a serial shift during the investigation period. Gastropods dominated the community in the central mangrove location, whereas sipunculids, polychaetes and gastropods had similar densities in the eastern site. Differences in community composition were best explained by three sediment properties: pore water salinity, δ13Corg, and Corg/N. It is suggested that small-scale heterogeneity of food availability and quality is a main factor determining the small-scale variability of the community composition. Compared to other Indo-West Pacific mangroves, species richness and densities are high. However, the dominance of specific taxa, especially of opportunistic species and the comparably low species richness in the subtidal of the lagoon may be attributed to the high sediment input by rivers in the central part and to the large-scale cutting of mangroves. Continuous tree logging will probably lead to a further spread of two fast growing understorey plants and thus to an increase of uniform swamp sites and a decrease of micro-habitats for benthic macrofauna. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study on the spatio-temporal variation of benthic macrofauna in mangroves of Indonesia.  相似文献   
The deposition of chemical pollutants into roadside wetlands from runoff is a current environmental concern. In northern latitudes, a major pollutant in runoff water is salt (NaCl), used as de-icing agents. In this study, 26 roadside ponds were surveyed for amphibian species richness and chloride concentration. Acute toxicity tests (LC50) were performed on five locally common amphibian species using a range of environmentally significant NaCl concentrations. Field surveys indicated that spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) and wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) did not occupy high chloride ponds. American toads (Bufo americanus) showed no pond preference based on chloride concentration. Acute toxicity tests showed spotted salamanders and wood frogs were most sensitive to chloride, and American toads were the least. Spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) and green frogs (Rana clamitans) showed intermediate sensitivities. We concluded that chloride concentrations in ponds due to application of de-icing salts, influenced community structure by excluding salt intolerant species.  相似文献   
This study explores potential adaptation approaches in planning and management that the United States Forest Service might adopt to help achieve its goals and objectives in the face of climate change. Availability of information, vulnerability of ecological and socio-economic systems, and uncertainties associated with climate change, as well as the interacting non-climatic changes, influence selection of the adaptation approach. Resource assessments are opportunities to develop strategic information that could be used to identify and link adaptation strategies across planning levels. Within a National Forest, planning must incorporate the opportunity to identify vulnerabilities to climate change as well as incorporate approaches that allow management adjustments as the effects of climate change become apparent. The nature of environmental variability, the inevitability of novelty and surprise, and the range of management objectives and situations across the National Forest System implies that no single approach will fit all situations. A toolbox of management options would include practices focused on forestalling climate change effects by building resistance and resilience into current ecosystems, and on managing for change by enabling plants, animals, and ecosystems to adapt to climate change. Better and more widespread implementation of already known practices that reduce the impact of existing stressors represents an important “no regrets” strategy. These management opportunities will require agency consideration of its adaptive capacity, and ways to overcome potential barriers to these adaptation options.  相似文献   
The occurrence of current-use and banned pesticides is reported in wet-precipitation collected from four sites across Atlantic Canada during the period 1980-2000. The most frequently detected compounds were alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH (lindane), chlorothalonil, pentachlorophenol, atrazine, and endosulfan. Median site concentrations varied between not-detected and 10.2 ng l(-1). Deposition of HCHs (hexachlorocyclohexane), chlorothalonil, and endosulfan at Kejimkujik (Keji) and Jackson, Nova Scotia, were generally similar. Significant spatial differences (p<0.05), however, were found for the HCH isomers and endosulfan at Keji and Gros Morne (Newfoundland and Labrador), areas geographically separated by the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Long-term deposition of alpha-HCH decreased (p<0.05) at both Keji (1980-2000) and Gros Morne (1994-2000), with half-lives of 5.9 and 4.5 y, respectively. A decreasing trend was also found for pentachlorophenol with a half-life of 4.9 y at Jackson. Significant negative trends (p<0.05) were observed for alpha-/gamma-HCH ratios during the study at Keji and Jackson, possibly reflecting changes in production and use patterns of technical HCH and lindane on a continental and perhaps hemispheric scale. Seasonal trends for alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH were found to vary over the 20-y study period at Keji, however, spatial trends were generally similar between sites. Seasonal trends were observed with peak deposition generally occurring during the growing period (spring-summer) for the HCHs, chlorothalonil, endosulfan, and atrazine. Bimodal seasonal trends were also observed for these compounds with the exception of endosulfan.  相似文献   
The main objective of this research was to test the hypothesis that bioavailable protein and, more specifically, the sulfur-containing amino acids within the protein, can be degraded by proteolytic enzymes to produce odor-causing compounds--mainly volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs)--during biosolids storage. To achieve these objectives, samples of digester effluent and cake solids were collected at 11 different wastewater treatment plants in North America, and the samples were analyzed for protein and amino acid content and general protein-degrading enzyme activity. At the same time, cake samples were stored using headspace bottles, the concentration of VSCs were measured using gas chromatography, and olfactometry measurements were made by a trained odor panel. The results showed that the bound cake protein content and methionine content was well-correlated with VSC production and the detection threshold measured by the odor panel.  相似文献   
Land application systems, also referred to as beneficial reuse systems, are engineered systems that have defined and permitted application areas based on site and waste characteristics to determine the land area size requirement. These terrestrial systems have orders of magnitude greater microbial capability and residence time to achieve decomposition and assimilation compared with aquatic systems. In this paper we focus on current information and information needs related to terrestrial fate pathways in land treatment systems. Attention is given to conventional organic chemicals as well as new estrogenic and pharmaceutical chemicals of commerce. Specific terrestrial fate pathways addressed include: decomposition, bound residue formation, leaching, runoff, and crop uptake. Molecular decomposition and formation of bound residues provide the basis for the design and regulation of land treatment systems. These mechanisms allow for assimilation of wastes and nondegradation of the environment and accomplish the goal of sustainable land use. Bound residues that are biologically produced are relatively immobile, degrade at rates similar to natural soil materials, and should present a significantly reduced risk to the environment as opposed to parent contaminants. With regard to leaching and runoff pathways, no comprehensive summary or mathematical model of organic chemical migration from land treatment systems has been developed. For the crop uptake pathway, a critical need exists to develop information for nonagricultural chemicals and to address full-scale performance and monitoring at more land application sites. The limited technology choices for treatment of biosolids, liquids, and other wastes implies that acceptance of some risks and occurrence of some benefits will continue to characterize land application practices that contribute directly to the goal of beneficial reuse and sustainability.  相似文献   
Anaerobic bioreactors were used to test the effect of the pH of influent on the removal efficiency of heavy metals from acid-rock drainage. Two studies used a near-neutral-pH, metal-laden influent to examine the heavy metal removal efficiency and hydraulic residence time requirements of the reactors. Another study used the more typical low-pH mine drainage influent. Experiments also were done to (i) test the effects of oxygen content of feed water on metal removal and (ii) the adsorptive capacity of the reactor organic substrate. Analysis of the results indicates that bacterial sulfate reduction may be a zero-order kinetic reaction relative to sulfate concentrations used in the experiments, and may be the factor that controls the metal mass removal efficiency in the anaerobic treatment systems. The sorptive capacities of the organic substrate used in the experiments had not been exhausted during the experiments as indicated by the loading rates of removal of metals exceeding the mass production rates of sulfide. Microbial sulfate reduction was less in the reactors receiving low-pH influent during experiments with short residence times. Sulfate-reducing bacteria may have been inhibited by high flows of low-pH water. Dissolved oxygen content of the feed waters had little effect on sulfate reduction and metal removal capacity.  相似文献   
The Clean Water Act presents a daunting task for states by requiring them to assess and restore all their waters. Traditional monitoring has led to two beliefs: (1) ad hoc sampling (i.e., non-random) is adequate if enough sites are sampled and (2) more intensive sampling (e.g., collecting more organisms) at each site is always better. We analyzed the 1,500 Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) random sites sampled in 2000–2004 to describe the variability of Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores at the site, reach, and watershed scales. Average variability for fish and benthic IBI scores increased with increasing spatial scale, demonstrating that single site IBI scores are not representative at watershed scales and therefore at best 25% of a state’s stream length can be representatively sampled with non-random designs. We evaluated the effects on total taxa captured and IBI precision of sampling for twice as many benthic macroinvertebrates at 73 MBSS sites with replicate samples. When sampling costs were fixed, the precision of the IBI decreased as the number of sites had to be reduced by 15%. Only 1% more taxa were found overall when the 73 sites where combined. We concluded that (1) comprehensive assessment of a state’s waters should be done using probability-based sampling that allows the condition across all reaches to be inferred statistically and (2) additional site sampling effort should not be incorporated into state biomonitoring when it will reduce the number of sites sampled to the point where overall assessment precision is lower.  相似文献   
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