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河西走廊石羊河下游地区盐碱土中放线菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解甘肃省河西走廊石羊河流域地区盐碱土中放线菌种群结构及多样性,采用非培养法对河西走廊石羊河下游流域的3种不同类型土样(原生盐碱土、次生盐碱土和农田土)的总DNA进行提取,用放线菌特异性引物对16S rRNA基因进行扩增,构建放线菌16S rRNA克隆文库.用HaeⅢ和HhaⅠ两种限制性内切酶对阳性克隆子进行16S rDNA扩增片段限制性内切酶分析(Amplifed Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis,ARDRA),提取酶切带型不同的菌液进行测序,构建其系统发育树并进行多样性指数分析.结果显示:原生盐碱土克隆文库中90个阳性克隆分归于20个OTUs,分属于微球菌科(Micrococcaceae)、中村氏菌科(Nakamurellaceae)、类诺卡氏菌科(Nocardioidaceae)、链霉菌科(Streptomycetaceae)、棒状杆菌科(Corynebacteriaceae)、诺卡氏菌科(Nocardiaceae)和未知类群;次生盐碱土克隆文库中98个阳性克隆分归于32个OTUs,分属于纤维素单胞菌科(Cellulomonadaceae)、微球菌科(Micrococcaceae)、地嗜皮菌科(Geodermatophilaceae)、类诺卡氏菌科(Nocardioidaceae)、小单孢菌科(Micromonosporaceae)、伪诺卡氏菌科(Pseudonocardiaceae)、链霉菌科(Streptomycetaceae)、链孢囊菌科(Streptosporangiaceae)、高温单孢菌科(Thermomonosporaceae)、动孢囊菌科(Kineosporiaceae)、糖霉菌科(Glycomycetaceae)和未知类群;农田土克隆文库中98个阳性克隆分归于10个OTUs,分属于微球菌科(Micrococcaceae)、博戈里亚湖菌科(Bogoriellaceae)、地嗜皮菌科(Geodermatophilaceae)、中村氏菌科(Nakamurellaceae)、类诺卡氏菌科(Nocardioidaceae)和未知类群.其中,微球菌亚目(Micrococcineae)是3种不同类型土壤中的优势类群.多样性指数和稀释性曲线分析结果显示,3种不同类型土壤中放线菌多样性为次生盐碱土>原生盐碱土>农田土.  相似文献   
水文气象因素对东南山区水库硅藻异常增殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
硅藻异常增殖是影响我国许多水库水质安全的生态灾害.为揭示水库硅藻异常增殖的影响因素,以我国东南丘陵地区大(Ⅱ)型水库天目湖沙河水库为例,基于8年逐月浮游植物群落结构及相关环境因子的监测,分析了硅藻(Bacillariophyta)及其优势属生物量与温度、降雨、水位、营养盐等环境因子之间的关系.结果表明,春季硅藻及其优势属的生物量主要受温度的影响,与水文、营养盐关系较弱;不同硅藻优势属与水温的关系差异较大:针杆藻(Synedra)的最佳生长温度为27℃,小环藻(Cyclotella)与曲壳藻(Achnanthes)的最佳生长温度为19℃,直链藻(Melosira)适合在低温下生长,生物量随温度升高而降低;硅藻生物量与环境因子的多元统计分析表明,硅藻总生物量、针杆藻和曲壳藻等优势属生物量峰值与降雨量显著性正相关(P0.05),小环藻生物量峰值与总磷、降雨量和水位显著性正相关,而与换水率显著性负相关,直链藻生物量峰值与总磷显著性正相关.年度硅藻峰值强度可以用降雨量强度和时间、冬春季的积温和溶解性总磷浓度等综合因素拟合预测.研究表明,对于我国东南丘陵山区中营养水平的水库而言,硅藻优势属的异常增殖事件受水文气象因素异常事件的影响较大,相比较而言对氮磷营养盐响应偏弱;在防控水库硅藻异常增殖灾害方面,除了积极开展流域营养盐削减措施之外,应当密切关注极端天气综合影响,采取相应的水文调节措施,开发切实有效的灾害预警技术.  相似文献   
Safeguarding the Pantanal Wetlands: Threats and Conservation Initiatives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  The Pantanal, one of the largest wetlands on the planet, comprises 140,000 km2 of lowland floodplain of the upper Rio Paraguai basin that drains the Cerrado of central Brazil. The diverse mosaics of habitats resulting from the varied soil types and inundation regimes are responsible for an extraordinarily rich terrestrial and aquatic biota, exemplified by the bird richest wetland in the world—463 birds have been recorded there—and the largest known populations of several threatened mammals, such as Pampas deer ( Ozotoceros bezoarticus ), marsh deer ( Blastocerus dichotomus ), giant otter ( Pteronura brasiliensis ), and jaguar ( Panthera onca ). Until recently, deforestation of the adjoining Brazilian central plateau was considered the major threat to this area, but now deforestation is a critical problem within the floodplain itself. More than 40% of the forest and savanna habitats have been altered for cattle ranching through the introduction of exotic grasses. And there are other threats that lead to large-scale disruption of ecological processes, severely affecting biodiversity. Although the Pantanal wetland is a Biosphere Reserve and is considered a Wetland of International Importance, only 2.5% of the upper Paraguai River basin is formally protected. To date, protected areas have been created opportunistically and as such, although of undoubted value, protect only a fraction of the Pantanal's wildlife and habitats. Among the conservation initiatives in the area, the private sector is increasingly participating in the establishment of private reserves. The prospects are far from optimistic, however, and the major challenge is to find alternative socioeconomic models that allow for conservation and economic uses of the land in association with the development of specific environmental legislation that reflects the unique characteristics of the region.  相似文献   
采用50 mm流动检测池,建立了连续流动分析法测定地表水中总氮。方法检出限为0.02 mg/L,水样加标回收率为100%~101%,平行样品相对偏差为0.10%~0.27%,精密度(RSD,n=6)为0.72%~1.10%。实验结果表明,该方法准确可靠、灵敏度高、重现性好、分析速度快、操作简便,适用于地表水中总氮的分析。  相似文献   
Abstract:  The 735,000-km2 Caatinga is a mosaic of thorn scrub and seasonally dry forests, with more than 2000 species of vascular plants, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Endemism in these groups varies from 7% to 57%. Inappropriate land use has already caused serious environmental damage and accelerating desertification, which is currently threatening about 15% of the region. Moreover, the rich and diversified biota of the Caatinga is poorly protected: only 11 reserves (<1% of the region) are strictly protected areas. A conservation strategy for the Caatinga biota should be designed to (1) avoid further habitat loss and desertification, (2) maintain key ecological services necessary for improving the living standards of the rural population, and (3) promote the sustainable use of the region's natural resources. Implementing an effective conservation agenda for the Caatinga is not an easy task but, with creativity and consistent financial support, it should be possible to nurture this unique biome and guarantee the preservation of its rich and diversified fauna and flora, and, with this, the well-being of its rural populations.  相似文献   
2012年7月-2012年12月,采用LI—COR-8100测定了柳树、圆柏和杏树3种北京绿化树木的土壤呼吸速率,并分析了生物因子和非生物因子对土壤呼吸的影响。结果表明:3个树种的土壤呼吸速率平均值为:柳树3.53μmol/(m2·s),圆柏2.68μmol(m2·s),杏树2.38μmol/(m2·s);3种树木土壤呼吸速率呈现相似的月动态,与温度呈极显著指数相关,而与土壤水分相关性不显著。8月柳树和圆柏的土壤呼吸显著高于杏树;9月柳树的土壤呼吸显著高于圆柏和杏树;10—11月3种树木之间差异性不显著。8—9月土壤呼吸速率和温度、树木胸径、总碳、总氮、有机碳及硝态氮显著相关,而与碳氮比、叶面积指数呈极显著负相关。逐步回归分析表明,8—9月间3种树木的土壤呼吸主要受到树木胸径和叶面积指数的影响,模型解释率为42.0%(p=0.001)。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于关联向量机回归的水质时间序列预测模型,并以该模型对氢离子浓度指数(p H值)、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和氨氮(NH3-N)4种重要水质指标进行预测.首先采用国家环保部发布的四川攀枝花龙洞水质自动监测数据进行实验,对该模型的有效性进行了验证;然后将关联向量机回归预测模型与支持向量机回归预测模型进行比较.为了比较不同核函数的预测效果,实验中预测模型的核函数分别采用了线性函数和高斯函数.实验结果表明,关联向量机回归模型的预测效果不亚于支持向量机回归模型;且在给出预测值时,还能同时给出预测结果的可信程度.  相似文献   
论小城镇核心竞争力的构建和提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小城镇作为中国城镇化进程的重要组成部分,对于我国城镇发展的作用举足轻重.研究我国小城镇的核心竞争力问题,有助于加深对小城镇经济发展的认识,帮助政府部门从更高的层次制定小城镇经济发展战略.本文界定了小城镇核心竞争力的概念,探讨了培育和提升小城镇经济核心竞争力的重要意义,并从自然环境、人文环境、基础设施、软件环境、创新能力及产业集群等方面对小城镇核心竞争力的构成进行分析;针对小城镇核心竞争力的构建和提升,提出了优化小城镇发展环境,完善小城镇创新体系,增强小城镇产业集群的发展等建议;得出了发展小城镇经济的关键是要增强其竞争力,而要保持小城镇经济持续的竞争优势,关键在于小城镇经济核心竞争力的培育和提升的结论,为促进我国小城镇经济的持续、快速发展及核心竞争力的构建与提升提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
流动注射分光光度法在线分析水中总铁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用流动注射邻菲哕啉分光光度法在线分析水中总铁,考察了显色剂、消解液、酸度、反应盘管长度、载流流量、注样体积、采样时间等因素对试验的影响。方法在0.100mg/L-10.0mg/L范围内线性良好,检出限为0.04mg/L,实际水样平行测定的RSD≤3.7%,加标回收率为95.0%-96.0%。  相似文献   
Redistribution of soil, nutrients, and contaminants is often driven by wind erosion in semiarid shrublands. Wind erosion depends on wind velocity (particularly during episodic, high-velocity winds) and on vegetation, which is generally sparse and spatially heterogeneous in semiarid ecosystems. Further, the vegetation cover can be rapidly and greatly altered due to disturbances, particularly fire. Few studies, however, have evaluated key temporal and spatial components of wind erosion with respect to (i) erosion rates on the scale of weeks as a function of episodic high-velocity winds, (ii) rates at unburned and burned sites, and (iii) within-site spatial heterogeneity in erosion. Measuring wind erosion in unburned and recently burned Chihuahuan desert shrubland, we found (i) weekly wind erosion was related more to daily peak wind velocities than to daily average velocities as consistent with our findings of a threshold wind velocity at approximately 7 m s(-1); (ii) greater erodibility in burned vs. unburned shrubland as indicated by erosion thresholds, aerodynamic roughness, and nearground soil movement; and (iii) burned shrubland lost soil from intercanopy and especially canopy patches in contrast to unburned shrubland, where soil accumulated in canopy patches. Our results are among the first to quantify post-fire wind erosion and highlight the importance of accounting for finer temporal and spatial variation in shrubland wind erosion. This finer-scale variation relates to semiarid land degradation, and is particularly relevant for predictions of contaminant resuspension and redistribution, both of which historically ignore finer-scale temporal and spatial variation in wind erosion.  相似文献   
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