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2008年11-12月国内环境事件   总被引:16,自引:15,他引:1  
简要统计了2008年11-12月国内发生的各种环境事件69起,包括沙尘天气2起,污染事件18起,地震34起,山体滑坡和泥石流7起,旱灾2起以及其他自然灾害6起.  相似文献   
Tile drained land with phosphorus (P)-rich topsoil is prone to P loss, which can impair surface water quality via eutrophication. We used by-products from steel and energy industries to mitigate P loss from tile drains. For each by-product, P sorption maximum (P(max)) and strength (k) were determined, while a fluvarium trial assessed P uptake with flow rate. Although two ash materials (fly ash and bottom ash) had high P(max) and k values, heavy metal concentrations negated their use in the field. The fluvarium experiment determined that P uptake with by-products was best at low flow, but decreased at higher flow in proportion to k. A mixture of melter slag (<10 mm) and basic slag (high P(max), 7250 mg kg(-1); and k, 0.508 L mg P(-1)) was installed as backfill in eight drains on a dairy farm. Four drains with greywacke as backfill were constructed for controls. The site (10 ha) had P-rich topsoil (Olsen P of 64 mg kg(-1)) and yielded a mean dissolved reactive P (DRP) and total P (TP) concentration from greywacke backfilled drains of 0.33 and 1.20 mg L(-1), respectively. In contrast, slag backfilled drains had DRP and TP concentrations of 0.09 and 0.36 mg L(-1), respectively. Loads of DRP and TP in greywacke drains (0.45 and 1.92, respectively) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) than those from slag drains (0.18 and 0.85, respectively). Data from a farm where melter slag was used as a backfill suggested that slag would have a life expectancy of about 25 yr. Thus, backfilling tile drains with melter slag and a small proportion of basic slag is recommended as an effective means of decreasing P loss from high P soils.  相似文献   
采用化学生物絮凝和悬浮填料移动床组合工艺处理城市污水。通过改变化学生物絮凝工艺中投加的混凝剂种类和投加量、改变悬浮填料移动床工艺中水力停留时间和气水比取得不同工况条件下各类污染指标的去除效果。采用该组合工艺,当进水COD(89~319)mg/L,TP(1.24~4.26)mg/L,SS(44~240)mg/L,NH4 -N(14.7~36.3)mg/L时,出水可达到COD<50mg/L,TP<0.5mg/L,SS<20mg/L,NH4 -N<5mg/L。  相似文献   
研究连续2年秸秆还田下氮肥用量对玉米产量、氮肥利用率及土壤硝态氮的影响,结果表明,玉米产量随着施氮量的增加逐渐增加,施氮量达到216 kg·hm^-2时,产量最高,施氮量超过216 kg·hm^-2时产量有降低的趋势。相同施氮处理玉米产量年际变化明显,2010年较2009年产量提高0.69%~4.75%。氮肥利用率、氮肥农学利用率和氮收获指数随着秸秆还田年限的增加,均有不同程度的增加。2年0~100 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量均以施氮240 kg·hm^-2最高,且有向土壤深层迁移的趋势,对浅层地下水构成潜在的威胁。与施氮240 kg·hm^-2相比,施氮168、192 kg·hm^-2和216 kg·hm^-2处理0~100 cm土壤无机氮残留量2年平均减少39.87%、35.84%和29.38%。相同施氮处理,0~100 cm土壤无机氮累积量2010年较2009年略有降低。综合考虑玉米产量、氮肥利用率与生态环境效益,该地区最适施氮量200 kg·hm^-2左右。  相似文献   
国家级新区具有产城融合发展的示范作用,这种示范作用是否达到政策预期是值得探讨的。研究基于产城相互作用机制,构建了产城融合指标体系,运用熵值法、耦合协调度模型对舟山群岛新区和西海岸新区两个地区2014—2018年产业发展与城市功能的发展水平,以及两者之间的协调度进行了测度和分析。结果发现:①两新区初期均呈现出不同程度的不平衡状况,但整体趋于良性发展。②后期两区在一定程度上实现了产城融合,不过发展空间仍然较大。③两新区由于发展条件不一,呈现出不同的发展态势。鉴于此,国家级新区在推进城市产城融合时应遵循因地制宜的原则,及时根据新区的发展现状采取相应的发展调控策略。  相似文献   
Romeis, J. Joshua, C. Rhett Jackson, L. Mark Risse, Andrew N. Sharpley, and David E. Radcliffe, 2011. Hydrologic and Phosphorus Export Behavior of Small Streams in Commercial Poultry‐Pasture Watersheds. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐19. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00521.x Abstract: Few watershed‐scale studies have evaluated phosphorus export in streamflow from commercial poultry‐pasture operations. Continuous streamflow and mixed‐frequency water quality datasets were collected from nine commercial poultry‐pasture (AG) and three forested (FORS) headwater streams (2.4‐44 ha) in the upper Etowah River basin of Georgia to estimate total P (TP) loads and examine variability of hydrologic response and water quality of storm and nonstorm‐flow regimes. Data collection duration ranged from 18 to 22 months, and approximately 1,600 water quality samples were collected. Significant (p < 0.1) inverse relationships were detected between peak flow response variables and both drainage area and fraction of forest cover. Order‐of‐magnitude differences in TP and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentration were observed between AG and FORS sites and among AG sites. TP yields of FORS sites ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 kg P/ha. Yields of AG sites ranged from 0.031 to 3.17 kg P/ha (median = 0.354 kg P/ha). With 95% confidence intervals, AG yields ranged from 0.025 to 13.1 kg P/ha. These small‐watershed‐scale yields were similar to field‐scale yields measured in other studies in other regions. TP yields were significantly related to area‐weighted Mehlich‐1 soil test P concentrations (p = 0.0073) and base‐flow water sample P concentrations (p 0.0005). Water quality sampling during base‐flow conditions may be a useful screening tool for P risk‐based management programs.  相似文献   
长三角地区大气污染治理取得一定成效,然而空气质量改善逐渐进入瓶颈期和攻坚期,大气污染治理战略需要从宏观层面系统谋划。本文系统分析了近10年来长三角区域经济、能源、产业、交通的发展状况和趋势,结合区域大气污染物浓度水平的演变,分析了大气污染与经济社会发展的耦合关系。结合当前区域空气污染的空间分布差异以及经济能源交通结构的内在差别,识别了大气污染的区内差异特征及关键制约因素。在此基础上,从能源结构和产业结构调整、交通结构优化、分区施策、深化治理等角度,为深化区域大气污染联防联控,持续改善大气污染问题提出了政策建议。  相似文献   
建立"经济水平—交流服务—产业发展—生态文明—公共服务—科技创新"框架,以宜荆荆恩城市群为例,并与相似区域城市群对比,综合运用耦合协调度、BP神经网络模型、ArcGIS空间分析工具研究次区域城市群协同发展时空演变规律及发展趋势。结果表明:(1)宜荆荆恩城市群综合发展能力指标总体协调发展不均衡。(2)与苏锡常都市圈相比,宜荆荆恩城市群的综合协同发展水平较低,且处于波动状态。(3)在动态模拟方面,宜荆荆恩城市群2020—2025年协同水平差距将持续增大,其协同发展水平在南北方向呈倒"U"型,东西方向呈"两边低,中间高"的趋势。  相似文献   
清洁生产纳入环境影响评价的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前的环境影响评价在某种程度上更侧重于环境的末端治理,无法将污染控制与生产过程控制密切结合,资源和能源不能在生产过程中得到充分利用.而清洁生产在这方面却有着独特的特点和优势.根据清洁生产与环境影响评价的内在联系,尽快地将清洁生产纳入环境影响评价是具有重要意义的,清洁生产应该成为环境影响评价报告撰写中的重要内容.  相似文献   
用不同浓度的氯化镉诱导黄瓜幼叶Cd-MT的产生,并应用Dot-ABC法检测了30种来自天水不同区域植物的MT含量,初步确定它们的重金属污染情况.结果表明,Cd-MT浓度与环境诱导浓度呈显著正相关,Dot-ABC法检测的植物金属硫蛋白的最低含量为16ng,并初步估测了其中10种植物可能存在不同程度的重金属污染.本法具有特异、简便和灵敏的特点,可用于农产品镉金属污染的检测.  相似文献   
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