Urbanisation significantly impacts water environments with increased runoff and the degradation of water quality. The management of quantity impacts are straight forward, but quality impacts are far more complex. Current approaches to safeguard water quality are largely ineffective and guided by entrenched misconceptions with a primary focus on 'end-of-pipe' solutions. The outcomes of a research study presented in the paper, which investigated relationships between water quality and six different land uses offer practical guidance in the planning of future urban developments. In terms of safeguarding water quality, high-density residential development which results in a relatively smaller footprint would be the preferred option. The research study outcomes bring into question a number of fundamental concepts and misconceptions routinely accepted in stormwater quality management. The research findings confirmed the need to move beyond customary structural measures and identified the key role that urban planning can play in safeguarding urban water environments. 相似文献
Little is known on the factors controlling distribution and abundance of snow petrels in Antarctica. Studying habitat selection through modeling may provide useful information on the relationships between this species and its environment, especially relevant in a climate change context, where habitat availability may change. Validating the predictive capability of habitat selection models with independent data is a vital step in assessing the performance of such models and their potential for predicting species’ distribution in poorly documented areas.From the results of ground surveys conducted in the Casey region (2002–2003, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica), habitat selection models based on a dataset of 4000 nests were created to predict the nesting distribution of snow petrels as a function of topography and substrate. In this study, the Casey models were tested at Mawson, 3800 km away from Casey. The location and characteristics of approximately 7700 snow petrel nests were collected during ground surveys (Summer 2004–2005). Using GIS, predictive maps of nest distribution were produced for the Mawson region with the models derived from the Casey datasets and predictions were compared to the observed data. Models performance was assessed using classification matrixes and Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Overall correct classification rates for the Casey models varied from 57% to 90%. However, two geomorphologically different sub-regions (coastal islands and inland mountains) were clearly distinguished in terms of habitat selection by Casey model predictions but also by the specific variations in coefficients of terms in new models, derived from the Mawson data sets. Observed variations in the snow petrel aggregations were found to be related to local habitat availability.We discuss the applicability of various types of models (GLM, CT) and investigate the effect of scale on the prediction of snow petrel habitats. While the Casey models created with data collected at the nest scale did not perform well at Mawson due to regional variations in nest micro-characteristics, the predictive performance of models created with data compiled at a coarser scale (habitat units) was satisfactory. Substrate type was the most robust predictor of nest presence between Casey and Mawson. This study demonstrate that it is possible to predict at the large scale the presence of snow petrel nests based on simple predictors such as topography and substrate, which can be obtained from aerial photography. Such methodologies have valuable applications in the management and conservation of this top predator and associated resources and may be applied to other Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and lower latitudes species and in a variety of habitats. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to identify potential environmental controls of the asexual phases of reproduction by measuring
the rates of asexual reproduction (budding and strobilation) and mortality in naturally occurring populations of Aurelia sp. scyphistomae at different spatial and temporal scales. The percentage cover, density of colonies of Aurelia sp. scyphistomae, and density of the population of two naturally occurring colonies of Aurelia sp. scyphistomae were examined over 2 years in southern Tasmania. Artificial substrates were also deployed to investigate
colony dynamics when density dependent effects were reduced. Clear spatial and temporal differences in the population dynamics
of the colonies were observed. Density dependent effects controlled budding and recruitment of new scyphistomae to the substrate
when populations were dense and space limiting. In contrast, environmental controls of budding and strobilation were more
apparent in a colony with significantly greater area of bare substrate and hence room for expansion. Water temperature and
rainfall (as a proxy for salinity) were linked to changes in population size. Annual and seasonal differences in population
dynamics were not observed in a colony limited by space but were apparent in a colony where space was not limited. When space
was removed as a limiting factor by deploying artificial substrates, a seasonal environmental effect on the rate of growth
of the colony was observed. These studies suggest that the growth, survival and reproduction of the sessile colonial phase
of Aurelia sp. is regulated by a combination of density dependent factors and environmental conditions, which are consequently important
to the formation of jellyfish blooms. 相似文献
Social science is becoming increasingly important in conservation, with more studies involving methodologies that collect data from and about people. Conservation science is a normative and applied discipline designed to support and inform management and practice. Poor research practice risks harming participants and, researchers, and can leave negative legacies. Often, those at the forefront of field-based research are early-career researchers, many of whom enter their first research experience ill-prepared for the ethical conundrums they may face. We draw on our own experiences as early-career researchers to illuminate how ethical challenges arise during conservation research that involves human participants. Specifically, we considered ethical review procedures, conflicts of values, and power relations, and devised broad recommendations on how to navigate ethical challenges when they arise during research. In particular, we recommend researchers apply reflexivity (i.e., thinking that allows researchers to recognize the effect researchers have on the research) to help navigate ethical challenges and encourage greater engagement with ethical review processes and the development of ethical guidelines for conservation research that involves human participants. Such guidelines must be accompanied by the integration of rigorous ethical training into conservation education. We believe our experiences are not uncommon and can be avoided and hope to spark discussion to contribute to a more socially just conservation. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to present and compare two independent sets of environmental gamma spectrometry measurements of137 Cs collected nearly 14 years apart. One set of data was collected in 1978 by a contractor of the U.S. Department of Energy during an aerial radiological survey of the northern atolls of the Marshall Islands. That program used helicopter mounted sodium-iodide scintillation detectors; measurements were made from an altitude of 38 m. The second measurement program was conducted from early 1990 through late 1994 by the Republic of the Marshall Islands Government in a survey of the entire nation. This latter program used ground level in situ gamma spectrometry with high-purity germanium detectors. In this comparison, we highlight differences between the findings of the two studies and probable reasons for those differences, though we also discuss the effectiveness of the two techniques for monitoring the ionizing radiation environment. In the comparison of exposure rates from 137Cs, fair agreement was noted after accounting for radioactive decay during the intervening years. Though the distributions were statistically different over their entire range, they were nearly identical above 1 R h-1. There was considerable difference in the estimates of137 Cs inventory; the difference was greater at low activity levels with the NaI measurements consistently larger than the in situ measurements. Reasons for this difference is attributed to three factors which differed between the two studies: (1) the assumed penetration of the cesium into the soil column, (2) the assumption of soil density, and (3) differences in the ability of the two different detector systems to reject interfering spectral contributions. Precise measurement of the lowest levels has implications for determining those atolls that exceeded the deposition of 137Cs from global fallout. This issue is discussed in addition to a comparison of the findings from the two measurement programs. 相似文献
The experimental site was a Mediterranean type forest located in Viols-en-Laval near Montpellier (France). The principal species studied were Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens. The determination of biogenic emissions was carried out by the enclosure method, which consists in enclosing an intact branch in a Teflon cuvet. The evolution of global terpenic emissions were recorded on June 1995.For Quercus ilex it appears that most terpenic emissions take place during the diurnal period. The evolution of terpenic emission rates versus light (PAR), internal temperature within the cuvet, CO2 exchange and transpiration (H2O) were carried out. A close relation between terpene emission and light-triggered physiological activities, was always found. It is obvious that there was no simple correlation between the leaf temperature and the terpenic emission. The temperature of the leaves does not seem to play a significant role in the regulation of the monoterpenic emission. This behaviour allows us to conclude that light with its effect on assimilation and stomatal behaviour is the most important factor for monoterpenic emission by Quercus ilex like for Quercus pubescens which is an isoprene emitter. 相似文献
Objective: Driver sleepiness is a major crash risk factor but may be underrecognized as a risky driving behavior. Sleepy driving is usually rated as less of a road safety issue than more well-known risky driving behaviors, such as drink driving and speeding. The objective of this study was to compare perception of crash risk of sleepy driving, drink driving, and speeding.
Methods: Three hundred Australian drivers completed a questionnaire that assessed crash risk perceptions for sleepy driving, drink driving, and speeding. Additionally, the participants' perceptions of crash risk were assessed for 5 different contextual scenarios that included different levels of sleepiness (low, high), driving duration (short, long), and time of day/circadian influences (afternoon, nighttime) of driving.
Results: The analysis confirmed that sleepy driving was considered a risky driving behavior but not as risky as high levels of speeding (P < .05). Yet, the risk of crashing at 4 a.m. was considered as equally risky as low levels of speeding (10 km over the limit). The comparisons of the contextual scenarios revealed driving scenarios that would arguably be perceived as quite risky because time of day/circadian influences were not reported as high risk.
Conclusions: The results suggest a lack of awareness or appreciation of circadian rhythm functioning, particularly the descending phase of circadian rhythm that promotes increased sleepiness in the afternoon and during the early hours of the morning. Yet, the results suggested an appreciation of the danger associated with long-distance driving and driver sleepiness. Further efforts are required to improve the community's awareness of the impairing effects from sleepiness and, in particular, knowledge regarding the human circadian rhythm and the increased sleep propensity during the circadian nadir. 相似文献
Human exposures to air pollution control (APC) residues released from 6 landfills were modeled and assessed. Following a qualitative risk characterisation, direct and indirect exposures were quantified. Site-specific air dispersion modeling was conducted for PM(10), PCDDs/PCDFs, Pb, Cd, As and Cr(VI) concentrations at the closest residential points of exposure for 4 landfill sites accepting, in total, 75% w/w of the APC residues disposed of in 2000-2001 (UK). Inhalation risks, assessed by reference to air quality standards at residential exposure points, were assessed as insignificant. Preliminary modeling suggested that indirect exposures from PCDDs/PCDFs at the 95th percentile level for the site where APC deposition rates were highest could potentially exceed the tolerable daily soil intake (TDSI) but this warrants further study given the model limitations. These results offer an initial screen of the significance of potential risks from APC disposal, which is of value in addressing concerns about the uncertainty of potential risks to human health from bulk APC disposal at strategic locations. 相似文献
Within the project “Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety” (EMRAS) organized by the IAEA in 2003 experimental data of 131I measurements following the Chernobyl accident in the Plavsk district of Tula region, Russia were used to validate the calculations of some radioecological transfer models. Nine models participated in the inter-comparison. Levels of 137Cs soil contamination in all the settlements and 131I/137Cs isotopic ratios in the depositions in some locations were used as the main input information. 370 measurements of 131I content in thyroid of townspeople and villagers, and 90 measurements of 131I concentration in milk were used for validation of the model predictions.A remarkable improvement in models performance comparing with previous inter-comparison exercise was demonstrated. Predictions of the various models were within a factor of three relative to the observations, discrepancies between the estimates of average doses to thyroid produced by most participant not exceeded a factor of ten. 相似文献
In this article, we address the problem of imprecision in assessing the performance of safety instrumented systems (SIS) using fuzzy multiphase Markov chains. The elementary probabilities usually considered in Markov chains are replaced by fuzzy numbers. It allows experts to express their uncertainty concerning the basic parameters of systems and to evaluate the impact of this uncertainty on the SIS performance. We show how the imprecision induces significant changes on the Safety Integrity Level of the SIS. The proposed method ensures the relevance of the results. This is validated by a comparison with the results of an enhanced Markov Analysis. 相似文献