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High seas fisheries remain one of the least transparent global production practices. Distance from shore, coupled with the highly mobile nature of fish stocks, has put attention on new monitoring, control and surveillance technologies to collect spatially referenced data on the location of fishing vessels, gears and even fish stocks and eradicate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activity. Faced with their nascent implementation, research is yet to address how these technologies are reconfiguring the roles and responsibilities of public and private actors involved in fisheries management, including who collects and controls fisheries related information. In this paper, we compare three monitoring, control and surveillance technologies that are gaining traction in fisheries; the use of private fish attraction devices in oceanic tuna fisheries, unmanned public drones for marine surveillance and global satellite monitoring of fishing vessels. In doing so, we question how different configurations of actors are structuring flows of information and with what effect on sustainability performance of high seas fisheries. We also explore how these technologies configure new (and imagined) geographies of high seas fisheries which challenge existing modes of fisheries management.  相似文献   

Microtox and Ames bioassays were employed to assess acute toxicity and mutagenicity of water soluble components of class–fractionated oils extracted from one creosote–and four petroleum–contaminated soils. Microtox results revealed that potential acute toxicity resides mainly in the polar class fractions at three sites and indicated potential synergistic and antagonistic effects between compounds in the total extracts at two sites. Ames Salmonella/microsome testing indicated that the polyaromatic fractions at two sites exhibit weak mutagenicity with enzymatic activation, while the polar fractions at two sites are weakly mutagenic without enzyme activation. Further chemical characterization of the polar and polyaromatic fractions is required to fully assess the potential of health and ecological risks at the creosote–and petroleum–contaminated sites exhibiting these toxic responses.  相似文献   

The depressive effect of metoxuron which is sometimes observed on nitrifying bacteria, evolves with time to become harmless a month later, under laboratory conditions.

This phenomenon is explained by the present work carried out with two different soils, freshly sampled or airdried.

Metoxuron disappeared very quickly in the soil; the kinetics of disappearance were similar for the two soils studied.

This phenomenon, which results from a biological degradation, was not modified by supplying soil with ammoniacal nitrogen.  相似文献   
This study examined the influence of increasing temperatures in spring and summer on biochemical biomarkers in Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels sampled from Bizerte lagoon (northern Tunisia). Spatial and seasonal variations in a battery of seven biomarkers were analyzed in relation to environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and pH), physiological status (condition and gonad indexes), stress on stress (SoS), and chemical contaminant levels (heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and PCBs) in digestive glands. Integrated biological response (IBR) was calculated using seven biomarkers (acetylcholinesterase (AChE), benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase (BPH), multixenobiotic resistance (MXR), glutathione S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), malondialdehyde (MDA), and metallothioneins (MT). Seasonal variations in biological response were determined during a critical period between spring and summer at two sites, where chemical contamination varies by a factor of 2 for heavy metals and a factor 2.5 for PAHs. The analysis of a battery of biomarkers was combined with the measurement of physiological parameters at both sites, in order to quantify a maximum range of metabolic regulation with a temperature increase of 11 °C between May and August. According to our results, the MT, MDA, CAT, and AChE biomarkers showed the highest amplitude during the 11 °C rise, while the BPH, GST, and MXR biomarkers showed the lowest amplitude. Metabolic amplitude measured with the IBR at Menzel Abdelrahmen—the most severely contaminated station—revealed the highest metabolic stress in Bizerte lagoon in August, when temperatures were highest 29.1 °C. This high metabolic rate was quantified for each biomarker in the North African lagoon area and confirmed in August, when the highest IBR index values were obtained at the least contaminated site 2 (IBR = 9.6) and the most contaminated site 1 (IBR = 19.6). The combined effects of chemical contamination and increased salinity and temperatures in summer appear to induce a highest metabolic adaptation response and can therefore be used to determine thresholds of effectiveness and facilitate the interpretation of monitoring biomarkers. This approach, applied during substantial temperature increases at two sites with differing chemical contamination, is a first step toward determining an environmental assessment criteria (EAC) threshold in a North African lagoon.  相似文献   
An animal’s suitability as a biomonitor of environmental change can be determined by biological, reproductive and ecological characteristics determined at the class, order and species level. The animal’s habitat where the research is to be performed and the form, function and structure of the environmental change being studied within that habitat also determines suitability. Non-threatened populations of large, non-migratory, long-lived, seasonally-breeding tertiary avian predators, whose dietary preferences are narrow and known, can be useful as monitors of environmental chemical contaminants. If chemicals are being monitored, a quantifiable endpoint effect must be demonstrated in the species, or a similar species under experimental laboratory conditions. Logistical and economic issues as well as public and regulatory authority acceptance should also be considered when assessing the suitability of a species as a biomonitor.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Environmental Economics

R. K. Turner, D. W. Pearce & I. Bateman

London, Harvester Wheatsheaf 1994, 328 pp., £10.95 pb.

Gray World, Green Heart: Technology, Nature, and the Sustainable Landscape

Robert L. Thayer Jr

New York, Wiley, 1994, 332 pp., £32.95 hb  相似文献   

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