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There has long been doubt as to whether there are one or two British species of the sea anemone genus Urticina. In the present study, populations of both putative species, which occur sympatrically in the Isle of Man, have been compared by electrophoresis of isozymes and nematocyst analysis. The analysis of fourteen isozyme loci exhibited a high genetic identity between the two taxa (I=0.907), but four loci showed significant differences in gene frequencies; thus indicating reproductive isolation. The populations displayed highly significant differences in the sizes of the various nematocyst types. The individual analysis of data for each type of nematocyst revealed that the basitrics from the actinopharynx and from the tentacles contribute most to the observed difference. Consequently, U. felina (L.) and U. eques (Gosse) are assumed to be valid species, as suggested by Manuel (1981). The mean heterozygosities for each species (0.410 and 0.436, respectively) are the highest reported for cnidarians.  相似文献   
The material was collected in the western equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean at a 24 h station on December 21 to 23, 1968. Collections were made by means of 2 Juday nets from 2 winches simultaneously. A series of hauls was made at 2 h intervals. The vertical distribution of 17 Cyclopoida species, belonging to 3 families (Oithonidae, Oncaeidae and Corycaeidae) was studied. From 0 to 300 m, the absolute number of Cyclopoida individuals was practically constant throughout the 24 h period. The bulk of the species performed no diurnal vertical migration, or migrated with low intensity in the usual way (i.e. moved upward at night and downward during the day). Only 2 Oncaeidae species performed significant diuranl vertical migration. No reversed migration in Cyclopoida was discovered. To characterize the vertical distribution of Cyclopoida, the distribution of the cores of populations (abundancies between 25 and 75%) was examined. During the 24 h period, the cores of populations of various Cyclopoida species were found at different depths; this steplike distribution was not disturbed in migrating species. The cores of populations differed both with habitat depth and time of ascent of the migrating species to the surface layer. This peculiarity, probably, tends to lessen the intensity of food competition between Cyclopoida species with similar nutritional habits.  相似文献   
Heterotrophic bacteria in Long Island Sound   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlated with a study of heterotrophic bacteria from cultures of larval bivalve molluses, bacteria were studied from the water column over an oyster bed in Lont Island Sound, USA. Samples taken biweekly for 1 year showed bacterial densities ranging from 1.2x103/ml in summer to 3.8x104/ml in winter. Variation in seasonal density mirrored that of phytoplankton. Gram-negativ rods constituted 99% of the isolate. Eight genera were identified, but 92.3% of these were Achromobacter, Flavobacterium, and Pseudomonas. Pseudomonads dominated the summer flora, whereas flavobacteria were most abundant in spring. Types varied seasonally, but proteolytic, lipolytic, and amylolytic activity appeared independent of season.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the selection of the 10-foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl, 4 mm in mesh size, which terminates in a fine-mesh section of 1 mm mesh aperture. It is emphasized that this finer mesh adds a large fraction of small animals to the main catch, This fraction has been estimated from comparisons between catches collected (1) with the above gear, (2) with the above gear terminating in a 4 mm mesh cod-end, (3) with the 1 mm mesh cod-end used alone as a net. It is demonstrated that escape through 4 mm meshes is a function both of hauling duration and of vertical distribution of organisms. The experimental part of this work has been carried out on crustaceans.  相似文献   
Clinal differentiation of stipe traits in Laminaria (simplices) populations occurs on a gradient of exposure to wave action. Crossability tests and the production of fertile hybrids established interfertility between populations from the extremes of the morphological range. Reciprocal transplantation experiments between exposed and sheltered sites did not produce significant changes in stipe morphology. Quantitative genetic analysis of the degree of resemblance between relatives indicated a relatively high genetic component in the interpopulation differentiation. This is consistent with the results of the transplantation experiments. Within-population heritability estimates at the exposed site were low, perhaps because of intensive local stabilising selection which acts to reduce genetic variability. The question of conspecificity of L. saccharina and L. longicruris in view of these results is discussed.  相似文献   
Tea in Darjeeling foothills and terai are grown conventionally, with application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as well as organically without these inputs. Ground level arthropod community was collected from the above two types of tea plots using pitfall traps. Catches from these environments showed variation in the arthropod faunal structure with numerically and taxonomically greater abundance in the organic than that of the conventional plot. Coleopterans were more diverse with largest number of families and Recognizable Taxonomic Units (or morphospecies) in the organic tea plot. The diversity and similarity indices for coleopterans were comparable, in organic and conventional tea plots at species and family levels. The close relationship of the indices suggested that diversity study at family level could be used as surrogate for species level diversity; thus alleviating the laborious and expertise job of taxonomic identification of arthropod species. Faunal diversity study at ground level gave the clue that soil of the organic plantation was healthier than that of the conventional tea plot.  相似文献   
A high-resolution sampling technique for stable-isotope measurements in otoliths is now available, but little is known about the precision and accuracy of the results when using this technique. Otolith samples of pen-reared cod (Gadus morhua L.) with well-defined temperature history were obtained using this high-resolution sampling technique. Samples from different-aged cod otoliths were collected in two yearly increments corresponding to the calendar years 1994 and 1995, and the stable-oxygen (18O) and -carbon (13C) isotope compositions of the samples were measured. Otolith 18O values had a clear seasonal pattern in response to the seasonal water temperature. Otolith material deposited in the same calendar years of different-aged fish showed similar 18O values. High precision of the temperature estimate using otolith 18O values was obtained when comparing results from different otoliths. The accuracy of the temperature estimates, relative to measured mean monthly water temperature, was also high, but reduced sampling resolution in the otoliths significantly reduced the accuracy due to attenuation of the 18O signals. We found that the otolith 13C values had a cyclic pattern, roughly in phase with the 18O values. This was most likely caused by temperature-increased metabolism. Indications of age-specific otolith 13C values are also presented.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   
The volutid snail Zidona dufresnei is a benthic top predator in the Mar del Plata (Argentina) shelf area where it was subjected to unregulated commercial exploitation for more than 20 years. So far there is no stock management, and hitherto even the most basic information on population dynamics of this species is missing. Annual formation of internal shell growth bands visible by x-ray was confirmed by the stable oxygen isotope record in the shell carbonate that reflects seasonal oscillations in water temperature. A Gompertz growth function ( , K=0.211 year–1, t0=5.496) fitted 142 pairs of size-at-age data (30 shells) best. Maximum individual production amounted to 26.8 g shell-free wet mass (SFWM) at 115 mm shell length. Based on a size-frequency distribution derived from commercial catches, annual mortality rate of Z. dufresnei was estimated to be 0.61 (±0.21) year–1.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
The sterol composition of three different populations of Ruditapes decussatus from three localities close to each other, but where different environment conditions prevail, was investigated over a period of 14 months. Sterols of adult clams were isolated by thin layer chromatography and identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In all samples, the major sterol component was cholesterol (>40% of total sterols); other sterols identified were 24-norcholesta-5,22-dienol, 22-cis-dehydrocholesterol, 22-trans-dehydrocholesterol, brassicasterol, 24-methylene-cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, -sitosterol and isofucosterol. At each locality, changes in sterol levels followed specific and different patterns, which remained constant for the period studied and allowed the origin of the clams to be distinguished. Stepwise discriminant analysis, based on the percentage amounts of the sterols at each locality, indicated brassicasterol, 22-cis-dehydrocholesterol, cholesterol, 24-norcholestadienol and -sitosterol as discriminant variables that distinguish clam populations. Correct identification of the clam origin was achieved in 100% of the samples, demonstrating that sterols can justifiably be used as molecular biomarkers for determining the origin of this bivalve species.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
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