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Ton Bührs 《Local Environment》2013,18(9-10):817-830
Given the likelihood that a post-Kyoto climate change agreement will include provisions for trading greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rights (carbon credits), it is timely and important to look more closely into the merits (or otherwise) of emissions trading systems (ETS), in particular with regard to the issue of the allocation and distribution of entitlements. Thus far, ETSs and other tradable permit systems have allocated entitlements to those historically responsible for emissions or the exploitation of resources (the “grandfathering” principle). There are, however, strong reasons for challenging this practice, and for advocating the allocation of entitlements to all people, in line with the per capita distribution principle. This article argues that GHG emission rights, if they are to be granted, should be distributed on a globally determined equal per capita basis, but collectively managed by community bodies (Community Carbon Trusts) on an “individuals-in-community” basis, instead of being granted or sold by governments to (big) emitters. The approach advocated here is not only ethically more justified, but also strengthens the capacity of communities to deal with climate change and to advance sustainability. It offers an example of how a significant environmental challenge can be met in a more positive way than by the prevailing approaches based on narrow, mainly economic, considerations.  相似文献   
In sexually size dimorphic species, individuals of the larger sex often suffer from enhanced mortality during the nestling period. This has been attributed to higher nutritional requirements of the larger sex, which may render this sex more vulnerable to adverse food conditions. However, sex-biased mortality might not exclusively depend on the differences in food demand but also on other phenotypic differences, e.g., in competitiveness. Interference competition between the sexes and position in the laying sequence in particular may be essential components contributing to biased mortality.By creating synchronously-hatched unisex broods in the sexually size dimorphic black-headed gull, we specifically tested the effect of sex-specific food demand by excluding interference competition between the sexes as well as hatching asynchrony. To test the effect of egg quality, which varies with the position in the laying sequence, we composed each nest of chicks from eggs of all different positions in the laying sequence.All-male nests showed significantly enhanced mortality compared to all-female nests from the beginning of the development of the sexual size dimorphism onwards. This underlines the role of a higher food demand in biased mortality of the larger sex.In males but not females, asymptotic body mass and skeletal size were negatively associated with position in the laying sequence, while survival was not affected by position. As a consequence, sexual size dimorphism at the end of the nestling period was less pronounced compared to the natural situation. These data show that, although male growth is more sensitive to a decrease in egg quality, the higher mortality of last hatched chicks in natural nests is mainly due to hatching asynchrony and egg size but not egg content.  相似文献   
Numerical clustering has frequently been used to define hierarchically organized ecological regionalizations, but there has been little robust evaluation of their performance (i.e., the degree to which regions discriminate areas with similar ecological character). In this study we investigated the effect of the weighting and treatment of input variables on the performance of regionalizations defined by agglomerative clustering across a range of hierarchical levels. For this purpose, we developed three ecological regionalizations of Switzerland of increasing complexity using agglomerative clustering. Environmental data for our analysis were drawn from a 400 m grid and consisted of estimates of 11 environmental variables for each grid cell describing climate, topography and lithology. Regionalization 1 was defined from the environmental variables which were given equal weights. We used the same variables in Regionalization 2 but weighted and transformed them on the basis of a dissimilarity model that was fitted to land cover composition data derived for a random sample of cells from interpretation of aerial photographs. Regionalization 3 was a further two-stage development of Regionalization 2 where specific classifications, also weighted and transformed using dissimilarity models, were applied to 25 small scale “sub-domains” defined by Regionalization 2. Performance was assessed in terms of the discrimination of land cover composition for an independent set of sites using classification strength (CS), which measured the similarity of land cover composition within classes and the dissimilarity between classes. Regionalization 2 performed significantly better than Regionalization 1, but the largest gains in performance, compared to Regionalization 1, occurred at coarse hierarchical levels (i.e., CS did not increase significantly beyond the 25-region level). Regionalization 3 performed better than Regionalization 2 beyond the 25-region level and CS values continued to increase to the 95-region level. The results show that the performance of regionalizations defined by agglomerative clustering are sensitive to variable weighting and transformation. We conclude that large gains in performance can be achieved by training classifications using dissimilarity models. However, these gains are restricted to a narrow range of hierarchical levels because agglomerative clustering is unable to represent the variation in importance of variables at different spatial scales. We suggest that further advances in the numerical definition of hierarchically organized ecological regionalizations will be possible with techniques developed in the field of statistical modeling of the distribution of community composition.  相似文献   
Snelder, Ton, Doug Booker, and Nicolas Lamouroux, 2011. A Method to Assess and Define Environmental Flow Rules for Large Jurisdictional Regions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(4):828‐840. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00556.x Abstract: Hydrological rules of thumb are used across jurisdictional regions to set minimum flows and allocation limits that apply by default (i.e., when more detailed site‐scale studies have not been carried out). Uniform rules do not account for spatial variation in environmental characteristics, resulting in inconsistent consequences for the protection of ecosystems, and the reliability of water resources. We developed a method for assessing hydrological rules of thumb that describes their consequences for protection of the ecosystem (in terms of retention of physical habitat) and the reliability of the water resource. The method links regionalized flow duration curves, at‐station hydraulic geometry, and generalized physical habitat models to make assessments at many locations across a region. The method estimates, for a given set of rules, the retained physical habitat for specified taxa/life stages and the proportion of the time abstractions are restricted. We applied the method to assess a set of rules that are proposed as default minimum flows and allocation limits for New Zealand rivers. The assessment showed that the minimum flow rules had variable consequences. The method could be used to quantify the tradeoff between environmental protection and water resources availability and reliability.  相似文献   
Ecological regionalizations define geographic regions exhibiting relative homogeneity in ecological (i.e., environmental and biotic) characteristics. Multivariate clustering methods have been used to define ecological regions based on subjectively chosen environmental variables. We developed and tested three procedures for defining ecological regions based on spatial modeling of a multivariate target pattern that is represented by compositional dissimilarities between locations (e.g., taxonomic dissimilarities). The procedures use a “training dataset” representing the target pattern and models this as a function of environmental variables. The model is then extrapolated to the entire domain of interest. Environmental data for our analysis were drawn from a 400 m grid covering all of Switzerland and consisted of 12 variables describing climate, topography and lithology. Our target patterns comprised land cover composition of each grid cell that was derived from interpretation of aerial photographs. For Regionalization 1 we used conventional cluster analysis of the environmental variables to define 60 hierarchically organized levels comprising from 5 to 300 regions. Regionalization 1 provided a base-case for comparison with the model-based regionalizations. Regionalization 2, 3 and 4 also comprised 60 hierarchically organized levels and were derived by modeling land cover composition for 4000 randomly selected “training” cells. Regionalization 2 was based on cluster analysis of environmental variables that were transformed based on a Generalized Dissimilarity Model (GDM). Regionalization 3 and 4 were defined by clustering the training cells based on their land cover composition followed by predictive modeling of the distribution of the land cover clusters using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Random Forest (RF) models. Independent test data (i.e. not used to train the models) were used to test the discrimination of land cover composition at all hierarchical levels of the regionalizations using the classification strength (CS) statistic. CS for all the model-based regionalizations was significantly higher than for Regionalization 1. Regionalization 3 and 4 performed significantly better than Regionalization 2 at finer hierarchical levels (many regions) and Regionalization 4 performed significantly better than Regionalization 3 for coarse levels of detail (few regions). Compositional modeling can significantly increase the performance of numerically defined ecological regionalizations. CART and RF-based models appear to produce stronger regionalizations because discriminating variables are able to change at each hierarchic level.  相似文献   
The Opuha Dam was designed for water storage, hydropower, and to augment summer low flows. Following its commissioning in 1999, algal blooms (dominated first by Phormidium and later Didymosphenia geminata) downstream of the dam were attributed to the reduced frequency and magnitude of high-flow events. In this study, we used a 20-year monitoring dataset to quantify changes associated with the dam. We also studied the effectiveness of flushing flows to remove periphyton from the river bed. Following the completion of the dam, daily maximum flows downstream have exceeded 100 m3 s?1 only three times; two of these floods exceeded the pre-dam mean annual flood of 203 m3 s?1 (compared to 19 times >100 m3 s?1 and 6 times >203 m3 s?1 in the 8 years of record before the dam). Other changes downstream included increases in water temperature, bed armoring, frequency of algal blooms, and changes to the aquatic invertebrate community. Seven experimental flushing flows resulted in limited periphyton reductions. Flood wave attenuation, bed armoring, and a shortage of surface sand and gravel, likely limited the effectiveness of these moderate floods. Floods similar to pre-dam levels may be effective for control of periphyton downstream; however, flushing flows of that magnitude are not possible with the existing dam infrastructure. These results highlight the need for dams to be planned and built with the capacity to provide the natural range of flows for adaptive management, particularly high flows.  相似文献   
Regression models of mean and mean annual maximum (MAM) cover were derived for two categories of periphyton cover (filaments and mats) using 22 years of monthly monitoring data from 78 river sites across New Zealand. Explanatory variables were derived from observations of water quality variables, hydrology, shade, bed sediment grain size, temperature, and solar radiation. The root mean square errors of these models were large (75‐95% of the mean of the estimated values). The at‐site frequency distributions of periphyton cover were approximated by the exponential distribution, which has the mean cover as its single parameter. Independent predictions of cover distributions at all sites were calculated using the mean predicted by the regression model and the theoretical exponential distribution. The probability that cover exceeds specified thresholds and estimates of MAM cover, based on the predicted distributions, had large uncertainties (~80‐100%) at the site scale. However, predictions aggregated by classes of an environmental classification accurately predicted the proportion of sites for which cover exceeded nominated criteria in the classes. The models are useful for assessing broad‐scale patterns in periphyton cover and for estimating changes in cover with changes in nutrients, hydrological regime, and light.  相似文献   
Land use change and the expansion of dairying are perceived as the cause of poor water quality in the 1881 km2 Pomahaka catchment in Otago, New Zealand. A study was conducted to determine the long-term trend at four sites, and current state in 13 sub-catchments, of water quality. Drains in 2 dairy-farmed sub-catchments were also sampled to determine their potential as a point source of stream contamination. Data highlighted an overall increase in the concentration of phosphorus (P) fractions at long-term sites. Loads of contaminants (nitrogen (N) and P fractions, sediment and Escherichia coli) were greatest in those sub-catchments with the most dairying. Baseline (without human influence) contaminant concentrations suggested that there was considerable scope for decreasing losses. At most sites, baseline concentrations were <20% of current median concentrations. Contaminant losses via drainage were recorded despite there being no rainfall that day and attributed to applying too much effluent onto wet soil. Modelling of P concentrations in one dairy-farmed sub-catchment suggested that up to 58% of P losses came from point sources, like bad effluent practice and stock access to streams. A statistical test to detect “contaminated” drainage was developed from historical data. If this test had been applied to remove contaminated drainage from samples of the two dairy-farmed sub-catchments, median contaminant concentrations and loads would have decreased by up to 58% (greater decreases were found for E. coli, ammoniacal-N and total P than other contaminants). This suggests that better uptake of strategies to mitigate contamination, such as deferred effluent irrigation (and low rate application), could decrease drainage losses from dairy-farmed land and thereby improve water quality in the Pomahaka catchment.  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of the interplay between market forces and government policy on environmental equity in the vicinity of Amsterdam Airport in the Netherlands. Despite pressure on space and the presence of the international airport, exposure to the higher levels of traffic noise, NO2 and external safety risks, and accumulation of traffic noise and NO2 (‘bads’) was rather limited and generally distributed fairly equally among income categories, probably as a result of environmental regulations. However, lower-income categories had less access to lower levels of traffic noise, NO2 and public green space (‘goods’) than higher-income categories, which may be explained by both historical processes and market forces. Policy makers seem to accept a higher environmental burden on the regional population because of the benefits for the national economy generated by Amsterdam Airport.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that sympatric speciation can be driven by sexual selection on male mating traits alone. However, a fundamental problem for this process is the lack of ecological differentiation that would stabilize the coexistence of incipient species through frequency-dependent selection. Such selection can also occur if male aggression is primarily directed towards similar rather than towards dissimilar phenotypes, so that rare male phenotypes would enjoy a negatively frequency-dependent fitness advantage. We experimentally tested such an aggression bias in two recently diverged, ecologically and anatomically similar sympatric cichlid species pairs of the genus Pundamilia from Lake Victoria. Territorial males of a pair of partially reproductively isolated species with red and blue nuptial coloration, respectively, studied in the laboratory were confronted simultaneously with both colour types enclosed in transparent tubes. Red males were more aggressive to red stimuli under white light but not when colour differences were masked under green light. Blue males were equally aggressive to both stimuli in both light conditions. Males of two apparently fully reproductively isolated species, again one with red and one with blue nuptial coloration, studied in the field, both directed more aggressive behaviour towards conspecific than towards heterospecific stimulus males. The differential allocation of aggression would create an advantage for males of the less abundant phenotype or species, thereby potentially supporting stable coexistence of the phenotypes. The finding that this effect was less clear in the partially reproductively isolated species pair than in the fully isolated species pair is discussed.  相似文献   
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