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The impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifer Marginopora vertebralis was studied. Individual specimens of M. vertebralis were collected from Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef (Australia). They were maintained for 5 weeks at different temperatures (28, 32 °C) and pCO2 (400, 1,000 µatm) levels spanning a range of current and future climate-change scenarios. The photosynthetic capacity of M. vertebralis was measured with O2 microsensors and a pulse-amplitude-modulated chlorophyll (Chl) fluorometer, in combination with estimates of Chl a and Chl c 2 concentrations and calcification rates. After 5 weeks, control specimens remained unaltered for all parameters. Chlorophyll a concentrations significantly decreased in the specimens at 1,000 µatm CO2 for both temperatures, while no change in Chl c 2 concentration was observed. Photoinhibition was observed under elevated CO2 and temperature, with a 70–80 % decrease in the maximum quantum yield of PSII. There was no net O2 production at elevated temperatures in both CO2 treatments as compared to the control temperature, supporting that temperature has more impact on photosynthesis and O2 flux than changes in ambient CO2. Photosynthetic pigment loss and a decrease in photochemical efficiency are thus likely to occur with increased temperature. The elevated CO2 and high temperature treatment also lead to a reduction in calcification rate (from +0.1 to >?0.1 % day?1). Thus, both calcification and photosynthesis of the major sediment-producing foraminifer M. vertebralis appears highly vulnerable to elevated temperature and ocean acidification scenarios predicted in climate-change models.  相似文献   
Methodologies for the environmental analysis of total antimony and aqueous chemical speciation are critically reviewed, including preparation techniques for aqueous and solid matrices and the determination of solid state partitioning and recommendations are given for future research directions. Concentrations of total antimony commonly present in aqueous and solid environmental samples are readily determined using present day analytical techniques. This has resulted primarily from technological advances in microwave digestion for solid matrices and the development of plasma based analyte detection systems. ICP-AES and ICP-MS techniques are both utilised for the environmental analysis of total antimony concentrations. However, ICP-MS is increasingly favoured as a result of reduced spectral interferences and the potential for analyte detection in the pg mL(-1) range. Determination of aqueous antimony speciation presents a number of complex analytical challenges and highly selective separation and identification techniques are required prior to detection. The majority of published techniques including common applications of hydride generation are insufficiently selective for the determination of intrinsic chemical speciation and often only oxidation state data are obtained. The recent in-line applications of HPLC-ICP-MS offer the potential for highly selective separations of aqueous antimony species and determination of detailed chemical speciation data. However, considerable development work is required to optimise chromatographic separations and identify uncharacterised species resident in environmental systems. Analytical techniques to aid the determination of antimony's associations with solid environmental matrices include the application of chemical extraction procedures and leaching experiments. To date, this area of analytical research has received little attention and further studies are required to elucidate this aspect of antimony's environmental chemistry.  相似文献   
Chemical contaminants were assessed in Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia during pre-remediation (baseline) and 3 years of remediation of a former coking and steel facility after nearly a century of operation and historical pollution into the Sydney Tar Ponds (STP). Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls, metals, and inorganic parameters measured in sediments and total suspended solids in seawater indicate that the overall spatial distribution pattern of historical contaminants remains unchanged, although at much lower concentrations than previously reported due to natural sediment recovery, despite remediation activities. Measured sediment deposition rates in bottom-moored traps during baseline were low (0.4–0.8 cm?year?1), but during dredging operations required for construction of new port facilities in the inner Sydney Harbour, sedimentation rates were equivalent to 26–128 cm year?1. Measurements of sediment chemical contaminants confirmed that natural recovery rates of Sydney Harbour sediments were in broad agreement with predicted concentrations, or in some cases, lower than originally predicted despite remediation activities at the STP site. Overall, most measured contaminants in sediments showed little temporal variability (4 years), except for the detection of significant increases in total PAH concentrations during the onset of remediation monitoring compared to baseline. This slight increase represents only a short-term interruption in the overall natural recovery of sediments in Sydney Harbour, which were enhanced due to the positive impacts of large-scale dredging of less contaminated outer harbor sediments which were discharged into a confined disposal area located in the inner harbor.  相似文献   
Tidal flats are a globally distributed coastal ecosystem important for supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services. Local to continental-scale studies have documented rapid loss of tidal habitat driven by human impacts, but assessments of progress in their conservation are lacking. With an internally consistent estimate of distribution and change, based on Landsat satellite imagery, now available for the world's tidal flats, we examined tidal flat representation in protected areas (PAs) and human pressure on tidal flats. We determined tidal flat representation and its net change in PAs by spatially overlaying tidal flat maps with the World Database of Protected Areas. Similarly, we overlaid the most recent distribution map of tidal flats (2014–2016) with the human modification map (HMc) (range from 0, no human pressure, to 1, very high human pressure) to estimate the human pressure exerted on this ecosystem. Sixty-eight percent of the current extent of tidal flats is subject to moderate to very high human pressure (HMc > 0.1), but 31% of tidal flat extent occurred in PAs, far exceeding PA coverage of the marine (6%) and terrestrial (13%) realms. Net change of tidal flat extent inside PAs was similar to tidal flat net change outside PAs from 1999 to 2016. Substantial shortfalls in protection of tidal flats occurred across Asia, where large intertidal extents coincided with high to very high human pressure (HMc > 0.4–1.0) and net tidal flat losses up to 86.4 km² (95% CI 83.9–89.0) occurred inside individual PAs in the study period. Taken together, our results show substantial progress in PA designation for tidal flats globally, but that PA status alone does not prevent all habitat loss. Safeguarding the world's tidal flats will thus require deeper understanding of the factors that govern their dynamics and effective policy that promotes holistic coastal and catchment management strategies.  相似文献   
Irreplaceable, self‐organizing landforms and the endemic and ecologically specialized biodiversity they support are threatened globally by anthropogenic disturbances. Although the outcome of disrupting landforms is somewhat understood, little information exists that documents population consequences of landform disturbance on endemic biodiversity. Conservation strategies for species dependent upon landforms have been difficult to devise because they require understanding complex feedbacks that create and maintain landforms and the consequences of landform configuration on demography of species. We characterized and quantified links between landform configuration and demography of an ecological specialist, the dunes sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus arenicolus), which occurs only in blowouts (i.e., wind‐blown sandy depressions) of Shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) sand‐dune landforms. We used matrix models to estimate vital rates from a multisite mark‐recapture study of 6 populations occupying landforms with different spatial configurations. Sensitivity and elasticity analyses demonstrated demographic rates among populations varied in sensitivity to different landform configurations. Specifically, significant relationships between blowout shape complexity and vital rate elasticities suggested direct links between S. arenicolus demography and amount of edge in Shinnery oak sand‐dune landforms. These landforms are irreplaceable, based on permanent transition of disturbed areas to alternative grassland ecosystem states. Additionally, complex feedbacks between wind, sand, and Shinnery oak maintain this landform, indicating restoration through land management practices is unlikely. Our findings that S. arenicolus population dynamics depended on landform configuration suggest that failure to consider processes of landform organization and their effects on species’ population dynamics may lead to incorrect inferences about threats to endemic species and ineffective habitat management for threatened or endangered species. As such, successful conservation of these systems and the biodiversity they support must be informed by research linking process‐oriented studies of self‐organized landforms with studies of movement, behavior, and demography of species that dwell in them.  相似文献   
A silica gel impingement plate for monitoring pyrethroid deposits in environmentally sensitive areas is described. The plate is simple, commercially available, and inexpensive. A residue analysis method is given for deltamethrin deposits with 83.3% mean recovery and a minimum quantifiable limit of 0.005 microgram/plate. Pyrethroid deposits are strongly adsorbed to the silica gel, which prevents wash-off by rainfall and slows photodegradation. In two field experiments, deltamethrin was readily detected 3 weeks after direct spray applications at 6 and 10 g ai/ha. Deltamethrin dissipation on the plates was first-order with a half-life of 2.9-3.7 d. Photoisomers of deltamethrin were also detected on the plates and the ratio of photoisomers to deltamethrin increased over time. This ratio will indicate the age of deposits in monitoring situations.  相似文献   
Disinfection of wastewater solids (waste activated solids [WAS]) by interstitial vapor generation was investigated. In addition to the magnitude of disinfection, the amount of water removed and cost relative to traditional residuals disinfection processes was also examined. The process of interstitial vapor generation occurs as a result of the rapid heating of liquid in the interstices of the solid-liquid array. Intense heating causes boiling of the slurry liquid, resulting in an expanding vapor front that simultaneously dewaters the wastewater solids and contributes to the destruction of viable pathogenic microorganisms. Objectives of the study were threefold: (1) to validate disinfection of WAS using the interstitial vapor technique; (2) establish the degree of possible drying of the residuals using the techniques; and (3) establish the key operating variables for the process. Results showed a significant reduction in the most probable number of total coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Specifically, greater than four-log unit reductions were produced for both total coliform and E. coli bacteria. In addition to quantifying the reduction in bacteria, the percent solids were increased from an initial amount of 7.6% (mass basis) to a final solids content greater than 90% using optimal processing conditions. Cost comparisons were also conducted and shown to be quite favorable when compared with traditional disinfection methods such as lime addition. Because of the high level of E. coli reduction achieved, the process of interstitial vapor generation is shown to be capable of converting a class B biosolids into a class A pathogen reduced product. For example, an initial most probable number (MPN) of 1.2 x 10(6) E. coli bacteria were reduced to 19 at the extreme conditions of the process, well below the requirement of an MPN of 1000 for fecal coliform bacteria. Given its ability to disinfect and dewater wastewater solids, the interstitial vapor generation process was found to be a robust and beneficial technique to produce an environmental and publicly acceptable recyclable biosolids resource.  相似文献   
Elevated atmospheric NH3 levels near intensive livestock operations can add significant N to local agroecosystems. In this study, the potential atmospheric NH3 sorbed by soil and water was assessed over a 2-year period starting October 2000 in an intensive livestock production area in southern Alberta, Canada. Fifty-two uneven grid sampling sites were selected in the 53,905 ha study area. The sorption rate of atmospheric NH3 was estimated weekly by exposing distilled water and air-dried soil samples to the atmosphere at the sampling sites. The increases in NH4–N content in the samples after 1-week exposure was regarded as an index of the atmospheric NH3 sorbed for that week. The NH3 sorption rates were highly variable across the 52 sites, with water ranging from 4 to 125 kg ha−1 year−1 with a mean of 22 kg N ha−1 year−1 and soil from 5 to 84 kg N ha−1 year−1 with a mean of 20 kg N ha−1 year−1. Considerable variation in NH3–N sorption across the study area reflects the effects of size, direction (upwind or downwind) and proximity of nearby livestock operations or other NH3 sources and operators’ activities around the sampling sites. The NH3 sorption rate at each site also varied considerably in response to weather conditions. The high rate of NH3 input poses a direct risk of surface water eutrophication in intensive livestock operation areas. If fertilizer recommendations are not reduced to account for NH3 sorption by soil, excess N may also contribute to eutrophication through runoff and leaching.  相似文献   
Summary Male ruffs (Philomachus pugnax), a lekking shorebird, can generally be divided into two morphs according to behavior and plumage coloration. Predominantly dark-colored, independent male ruffs defend small territories on a lek, whereas lighter colored satellite males are non-territorial and less site-faithful to a particular lek. The traits associated with the mating success of independent male ruffs were studied at two leks during two seasons on the island of Öland, Sweden in May and June of 1985 and 1987. Using multivariate analyses, three characteristics were found to be significantly related to mating success: high frequency of visits by satellites to an independent male's residence, consistency of lek attendance, and low rates of aggressive behavior. In contrast, mating success was unrelated to the degree of darkness of the independent male nuptial plumage, territory location on the lek, or rate of courtship displays. The use of multivariate analyses helped to resolve conflicting conclusions from previous studies which employed simple statistical analyses, or none at all. Experimental manipulations are suggested which will help to further determine the influence of female mate choice in this lekking system.  相似文献   
The city of Missoula is located in a high mountain valley (elevation 3200 ft.) in western Montana and contains one of the largest populations in the entire Rocky Mountain Region completely enclosed by mountains. During the 2000/2001 Missoula Valley Sampling Program, ambient levels of 61 semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and 54 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were originally quantified before refining the analytical program to 28 of the most prominent SVOCs and VOCs found in the Missoula Valley airshed. These compounds were measured over 24-hr periods at two locations throughout an entire year. This study provides the first, comprehensive appraisal of the levels of SVOCs and VOCs measured simultaneously throughout all four seasons at two locations in the Missoula Valley, including those levels measured during the 2000 Montana wildfire season. Generally, SVOC levels were comparable between both sides of the Missoula Valley. However, there were nearly double the amount of VOCs measured at the more urban Boyd Park site compared with the rural Frenchtown sampling site, a result of the greater number of automobiles on the eastern side of the Valley. SVOCs and VOCs were measured at their highest levels of the sampling program during the winter. Forest fire smoke samples collected during the summer of 2000 showed significant increases in SVOC phenolic compounds, including phenol, 2-methylphenol, 4-methylphenol, and 2,4-dimethylphenol. Although there were modest increases in some of the other SVOCs and VOCs measured during the fire season, none of the increases were as dramatic as the phenolics.  相似文献   
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