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为了探究协同老化后的微塑料与有机污染物的相互作用机制,以PVC作为研究对象,采用TiO2/UV/O3协同老化方式,对比考察了老化前后PVC对甲基橙(MO)的吸附性能。结果表明,随着老化的进行,PVC颗粒表面碎片化加深,粒径明显减小,Zeta电位值降低,并出现了新的含氧官能团。原始PVC对MO的吸附符合准一级动力学模型,而老化后的PVC对MO的吸附符合准二级动力学模型,且主要的吸附模式均为液膜扩散和颗粒内扩散。动力学拟合结果表明老化前的PVC对MO的吸附以物理吸附为主,而老化后的PVC对MO的吸附以化学吸附为主。老化前后的PVC对MO的吸附均符合Freundlich等温吸附模型,表明MO与微塑料之间的相互作用是在非均匀表面上的多层吸附。以上研究结果可为微塑料携带有机污染物在环境中的迁移转化的行为提供参考。  相似文献   
Pollutant emissions from co-firing of refuse derived fuel (RDF) and coal were investigated in a vortexing fluidized bed combustor (VFBC). RDF-5 was made of common municipal solid waste (MSW). CaCO3 was injected in the combustor to absorb HCl at 850 °C. The results show that NOx and HCl emissions increase with RDF-5 co-firing ratio. The NOx concentration in flue gas at the bottom of the combustor is higher than that at the top. However, the trend of HCl released is reverse compared with NOx emissions. It was found that the HCl concentration decreases with increasing the molar ratio of Ca/Cl. However, the effect of CaCO3 addition on HCl retention is not significant when the molar ratio of Ca/Cl is higher than 5. The chlorine content in fly ash increases obviously with the molar ratio of Ca/Cl. PCDD/Fs emissions decrease slightly with an addition of CaCO3. In this study incomplete combustion is regarded as the main cause for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) formation.  相似文献   
Abstract: Illegal exploitation threatens the survival of many species, and anti-poaching legislation ("protection on paper") does not protect species. State enforcement is needed to support and supplement the formal status of endangered species, but state enforcement can be a source of instability leading to the demise of species if ad hoc rules are followed blindly. We demonstrate this with a model of poaching, wildlife, and government wildlife enforcement, but our findings apply more generally. Crucial assumptions of the dynamic model are that both poaching and enforcement effort increase or decrease whenever poaching effort and enforcement are relatively profitable or unprofitable activities, respectively. We found that multiple steady states may characterize the system's equilibrium. Depending on initial populations, the initial extent of state involvement, and random events, animal populations may be severely depleted or unexpectedly built up during transition phases. Our findings highlight the importance of history and luck in protecting endangered species.  相似文献   
Methane emissions from active or closed landfills can be reduced by means of methane oxidation enhanced in properly designed landfill covers, known as “biocovers”. Biocovers usually consist of a coarse gas distribution layer to balance gas fluxes placed beneath an appropriate substrate layer. The application of such covers implies use of measurement methods and evaluation approaches, both during the planning stage and throughout the operation of biocovers in order to demonstrate their efficiency. Principally, various techniques, commonly used to monitor landfill surface emissions, can be applied to control biocovers. However, particularly when using engineered materials such as compost substrates, biocovers often feature several altered, specific properties when compared to conventional covers, e.g., respect to gas permeability, physical parameters including water retention capacity and texture, and methane oxidation activity. Therefore, existing measuring methods should be carefully evaluated or even modified prior to application on biocovers. This paper discusses possible strategies to be applied in monitoring biocover functionality. On the basis of experiences derived from investigations and large-scale field trials with compost biocovers in Austria, an assessment approach has been developed. A conceptual draft for monitoring biocover performance and recommendations for practical application are presented.  相似文献   
综合消费量、真实蒸气压和单物质最大增量反应活性 (MIR) 等影响挥发性有机物 (VOCs) 光化学反应的关键因素,筛选10种大宗挥发性有机液体,对其载运工具、装载方式、装载环节VOCs排放和治理现状进行调研。结果显示,10种大宗挥发性有机液体整体以汽车装载为主,其次为船舶和火车,占比依次为53.6%、26.5%、19.8%;汽车装车基本建成油气回收,多数实现底部装载;火车装车油气回收较为普遍,但全部为上装,收集效率较低;装船建成油气回收设施较少。根据装载源项VOCs的治理现状、标准要求及减排潜力分析,提出我国当前装载环节VOCs减排策略:原油是目前装载环节重点管控物质,应加快各类装载方式油气回收进程;装载工具方面,应加快装船VOCs治理进度;治理措施方面,应重点加强VOCs收集效果的优化和监管。本研究可为我国石油石化领域装载环节的VOCs污染管控提供参考。  相似文献   
基于2015年武汉市都市发展区30 m空间分辨率的Landsat 8遥感影像反演近地表温度(LST),运用地统计学、地理加权回归(GWR)等方法,分析都市发展区、生态绿楔以及主城区四季LST时空分布规律和各驱动因子的作用机制,以期为更全面、科学地规划城市发展空间布局和缓解热岛效应提供借鉴.结果 表明:(1)与单一的普通最小二乘回归(OLS)相比,线性逐步回归(LSR)可以寻找最优的多驱动因子组合模型,与LSR拟合的结果相比,GWR模型R2值提高了0.04~0.09,且AIC值均明显减小;(2) LST存在空间聚集关系,“高-高”聚集主要发生在主城区、新型城镇发展区、主要交通干线沿线等更容易造成高温聚集的人工表面,其中夏季“高-高”聚集网格数最多且占比最大,而“低-低”聚集四季均主要发生在各大湖泊水系;(3)绿楔生态用地降温幅度各异,春季降温幅度不明显,夏季降温幅度最显著,各绿楔生态用地降温均超过2℃,且在一定范围内,LST随着与绿楔距离增大而升高,达到一定距离时,会随着与绿楔距离增加而趋于平缓或呈下降趋势;(4)与前人研究相比,景观格局对LST变化的解释程度整体较低,其原因可能是快速城市化导致人工表面积增加,相应的人工绿地也将增加,使得城市景观格局更加零散,导致LST受多种相互作用因素的影响;(5)影响四季LST的驱动因子空间差异较大,夏季土地覆盖和景观格局与冬季土地覆盖、景观格局和人为活动的回归系数均为正值,说明高温或低温条件下这些驱动因子对全域升温作用明显.  相似文献   
对南钢炼铁厂烧结系统的几台电除尘器的运行现状,提出了目前影响电除尘器稳定运行的问题,通过分析,提出改进措施,以期这些在使用中普遍存在的问题得到同类型除尘器用户的关注.  相似文献   
Major and trace elements of selected pedons in the USA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Few studies of soil geochemistry over large geographic areas exist, especially studies encompassing data from major pedogenic horizons that evaluate both native concentrations of elements and anthropogenically contaminated soils. In this study, pedons (n = 486) were analyzed for trace (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) and major (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Si, Ti, Zr) elements, as well as other soil properties. The objectives were to (i) determine the concentration range of selected elements in a variety of U.S. soils with and without known anthropogenic additions, (ii) illustrate the association of elemental source and content by assessing trace elemental content for several selected pedons, and (iii) evaluate relationships among and between elements and other soil properties. Trace element concentrations in the non-anthropogenic dataset (NAD) were in the order Mn > (Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu) > (Pb, Co) > (Cd, Hg), with greatest mean total concentrations for the Andisol order. Geometric means by horizon indicate that trace elements are concentrated in surface and/or B horizons over C horizons. Median values for trace elements are significantly higher in surface horizons of the anthropogenic dataset (AD) over the NAD. Total Al, Fe, cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic C, pH, and clay exhibit significant correlations (0.56, 0.74, 0.50, 0.31, 0.16, and 0.30, respectively) with total trace element concentrations of all horizons of the NAD. Manganese shows the best inter-element correlation (0.33) with these associated total concentrations. Total Fe has one of the strongest relationships, explaining 55 and 30% of the variation in total trace element concentrations for all horizons in the NAD and AD, respectively.  相似文献   
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