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对臭氧氧化去除饮用水中微囊藻毒素RR及LR的降解效能、反应动力学进行了试验研究,讨论了藻毒素初始质量浓度、pH值、羟基自由基(·OH)抑制剂(HCO-3)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)质量浓度对降解的影响.结果表明:整个降解过程符合一级动力学反应方程,降解速率常数与藻毒素初始质量浓度无关;pH值的升高、HCO-3和DOC的存在都会降低藻毒素的降解效率.在液相臭氧质量浓度为8.20 mg·L-1,pH=7.0,温度为(25±1) ℃,反应时间30 min的条件下,MC-RR降解速率常数k=7.80×102 min-1,去除率达90.0%;MC-LR降解速率常数k=1.06×101 min-1,去除率达96.3%.  相似文献   

In recent years, high-polluting industries have been gradually shifted from the eastern developed regions to the central and western underdeveloped regions in China. Certain environmental regulations have been in place accordingly in various regions, but the pollution in the central and western regions has risen sharply. Based on the data of interprovincial panel in China from 2006 to 2015, this paper calculates high-pollution industry dynamic agglomeration index, environmental pollution agglomeration index and relative environmental regulation intensity index, and uses Generalized Method of Moments to carry out the regression analyses of the whole samples, regional heterogeneity and temporal heterogeneity. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between relative environmental regulation and environmental pollution concentration in China. The concentration degrees of industrial wastewater pollution and industrial waste gas pollution are deepened, which are mainly caused by the transfer of highly polluting industries. However, the concentration of industrial solid waste pollution caused by the transfer is not obvious. Furthermore, the deepening of industrialization intensifies the concentration of regional environmental pollution. Environmental Kuznets Curve does exist in China, but it is not significant. The increase of labor cost and quality will reduce the concentration of environmental pollution.  相似文献   
新疆阿勒泰区的额尔齐斯—玛因鄂博断裂带是划分阿尔泰褶皱区与北准噶尔褶皱区的一条重要构造结合带。南北两区,无论在地层、构造、喷发—侵入活动、矿化作用以及变质程度上均有明显不同,资料表明,它经历了长期的发育过程,最终发展成为两区的天然分界线。  相似文献   
The technique of DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) using three diffusive gel thicknesses was applied to estimate the mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in sediments and porewater of Lake Taihu, China. The DGT results showed significantly positive correlations between Co, Pb, Cd and Mn, and Ni and Fe concentrations in porewater. Cu and Zn showed a significantly negative correlation with Mn, due to Cu combination with carbonates and Zn derived from agricultural pollution, respectively. The rank order of average concentrations of Co, Ni and Cd at each station was DGT1.92 > DGT0.78 > DGT0.39, suggesting stronger resupply from sediments to porewater when using thicker diffusive gels. Comparing centrifugation and DGT measurements, Co, Ni and Cd are highly labile; Mn and Fe are moderately labile; and Cu, Zn and Pb are slightly labile. The variations of AVS concentrations in sediment cores indicate that metal sulfides in deeper layers are easily diffused into surface sediments.  相似文献   
本文着重分析了入世给中国环境保护事业带来的挑战和机遇。作者认为,入世在短期内将给中国的环境状况和环境保护带来沉重的压力;但从长远来看,入世将改善我国的环境状况并推动环境保护的发展。  相似文献   
张芹  郭志顺  周谐 《四川环境》2007,26(2):14-16
为了了解三峡库区重庆段水体中持久性有机污染物的生物富集情况,对该水体部分鱼类样品进行了分析。分析结果显示三峡库区重庆段水体中的部分持久性有机污染物已经在鲶鱼和鲤鱼体内形成富集,其检出浓度较之水体中对应浓度要高出2~4个数量级。  相似文献   
湛江特呈岛红树林植物群落的结构和动态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对特呈岛红树林植被进行多次和全面的调查,通过采用格子样的方法,选取面积为100~800 m^2的样地,每片样地再分成若干10 m×10 m的样方,对红树林样地内的植物进行每木测量,记录各植物的种名、胸径、高度、冠幅等,并进行重要性以及多样性等常规的群落分析,判定该地区植被的生长特征以及研究其演替动态变化。结果表明:①面积较大的群落主要有3个类型,即白骨壤群落(Avicennia marina)、白骨壤+红海榄群落(Avicennia marina+Rhizophora stylosa)、白骨壤-桐花树群落(Avicennia marina-Aegiceras corniculatum);其它面积较小的群落有:白骨壤+红海榄-木榄+桐花树群落(vicennia marina+Rhizophora stylosa-Bruguiera gymnorrhiza+Aegiceras corniculatum)、红海榄+木榄群落(Rhizophora stylosa+Bru-guiera gymnorrhiza);②在3个主要群落中,优势种的苗木和小树相对较少,优势种群的年龄结构均为衰退型;③各群落的Simpson指数关系为:白骨壤+红海榄群落﹥红海榄+木榄群落﹥白骨壤+红海榄—木榄+桐花树群落﹥白骨壤—桐花树群落﹥白骨壤群落;白骨壤群落的重要值为300,为典型的单优群落;④特呈岛的白骨壤群落是中国该类群落中面积最大的,目前长势良好,无病虫害,并且红树林外缘的白骨壤枝干在波浪冲刷或人为原因下,受到较严重的侵蚀,其幼树在林外缘基本无法存活,需要加强保护,对其生理生态学特征也值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
选取衡阳市区和衡山背景站臭氧自动监测数据,分析两地的臭氧污染特征。对空气质量的优良率情况、臭氧作为首要污染物的变化情况、臭氧浓度的日变化特征、典型时段的浓度变化特征、臭氧浓度的月际变化特征和臭氧与PM_(2.5)的关联情况等进行了分析。结果表明,多云及阴雨天气时,衡阳市区的臭氧浓度日变化幅度大于衡山背景站。夏季,衡阳市区和衡山背景站的臭氧浓度的日变化特征规律差异较大,臭氧浓度分布比较分散,前者为典型的单峰形,后者则波动平缓。冬季,日变化幅度不大,但衡阳市区的臭氧浓度明显低于衡山背景站。衡山背景站和衡阳市区的臭氧基本同步变化,但日均值高于衡阳市区。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,污染物的排放量也越来越大,节能减排已经成为中国最重要的环保政策。要想实现节能减排,关键是实现从末端治理到污染预防的转变。本设计从源头控制的角度出发,结合中国社会经济的发展情况,运用预警理论和多种数学分析工具,研究建立了基于中国两大约束性指标SO2和COD的污染减排预警系统。该系统旨在对中国各省份的污染减排状况趋势进行预测和评估预警,最终通过一组类似于交通信号灯的标志发布预警信号,从而更加直观地反映出全国各省市的减排形势,为决策者提供形象、直观的理论依据。  相似文献   
Yangtze River Delta(YRD) area is one of the important economic zones in China. However,this area faces increasing environmental problems. In this study, we use ground-based multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy(MAX-DOAS) network in Eastern China to retrieve variations of NO_2, SO_2, and formaldehyde(HCHO) in the YRD area. Three cities of YRD(Hefei, Nanjing, and Shanghai) were selected for long-term observations. This paper presents technical performance and characteristics of instruments, their distribution in YRD, and results of vertical column densities(VCDs) and profiles of NO_2, SO_2, and HCHO.Average diurnal variations of tropospheric NO_2 and SO_2 in different seasons over the three stations yielded minimum values at noon or in the early afternoon, whereas tropospheric HCHO reached the maximum during midday hours. Slight reduction of the pollutants in weekends occurred in all the three sites. In general trace gas concentrations gradually reduced from Shanghai to Hefei. Tropospheric VCDs of NO_2, SO_2, and HCHO were compared with those from Ozone Monitoring Instrument(OMI) satellite observations, resulting in R~2 of 0.606, 0.5432, and 0.5566, respectively. According to analysis of regional transports of pollutants, pollution process happened in YRD under the north wind with the pollution dissipating in the southeast wind. The feature is significant in exploring transport of tropospheric trace gas pollution in YRD, and provides basis for satellite and model validation.  相似文献   
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