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一种投资不大的脱氟方法——双极铝电极电凝聚脱氟法,用模拟水样研究电极间距、氟化物浓度、温度以及溶液的pH值对电凝聚的影响,并对其优化条件进行了探讨。同时,用南阿尔及利亚水样讨论了电流密度和面积/体积比率对脱氟作用的影响。研究表明:用双极铝电极电凝聚法去除撒哈拉水中的氟化物不需加可溶性盐。铝与氟化物的质量比为17:1。  相似文献   
This paper presents a methodology for quantifying the effectiveness of water-trading under uncertainty, by developing an optimization model based on the interval-parameter two-stage stochastic program (TSP) technique. In the study, the effectiveness of a water-trading program is measured by the water volume that can be released through trading from a statistical point of view. The methodology can also deal with recourse water allocation problems generated by randomness in water availability and, at the same time, tackle uncertainties expressed as intervals in the trading system. The developed methodology was tested with a hypothetical water-trading program in an agricultural system in the Swift Current Creek watershed, Canada. Study results indicate that the methodology can effectively measure the effectiveness of a trading program through estimating the water volume being released through trading in a long-term view. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to analyze the effects of different trading costs on the trading program. It shows that the trading efforts would become ineffective when the trading costs are too high. The case study also demonstrates that the trading program is more effective in a dry season when total water availability is in shortage.  相似文献   
湖南长株潭城市群灾害应急管理能力评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以城市应急管理能力及其内涵为基础,运用层次分析法,对湖南长株潭城市群灾害应急管理能力进行综合评价.结果表明:①从时间上看,长株潭灾害应急管理能力综合评分值由2005年的5.67、3.66、3.34分别增加到2006年的5.82、4.20、3.98,说明长株潭灾害应急管理能力均有所增强,这是因为应急管理能力是随城市社会经济的发展而增强的;②从空间上看,长株潭灾害应急管理能力存在一定的区域差异;③从整体上看,长株潭的灾害应急管理能力排名为长沙市>株洲市>湘潭市,其主要是由城市化水平及经济实力的差异所致.  相似文献   
<正>8月31日,小女升高中了。除了认识了新同学外,孩子又带回了一堆的物品:二三十本新书、五十多本作业本、夏秋两季十件新校服。看着这堆"新品",我不觉又思绪万千,感慨不已……不过9月14日,一则新闻使我半月前的心态产生了一丝"波动"。当天,环境保护部和新闻出版总署签署了《实施绿色印刷战略合作协议》。虽然  相似文献   
结合石油化工行业生产的实际,介绍一种炼化装置挥发性有机物检测方法,并依据EPA的计算方法对装置的挥发性有机物的泄漏量进行了估算.  相似文献   
邹伏霞 《环境与发展》2020,(2):175-176,178
生态旅游环境容量是在生态旅游研究成熟后的另一个热点,通过对国内外相关文献梳理后发现,国外对生态旅游环境容量的研究起步较早、成果颇丰、用途广泛且研究体系自成一脉,国内对生态旅游环境研究取得成绩的同时还有很多不足,特别是现有的测量方法已落后于生态旅游的发展,今后需系统梳理生态旅游容量的理论,并在理论指导下提出适合自身的动态测量模式,进一步向旅游环境容量综合管理转变。  相似文献   
Economic Analysis of CO2 Emission Trends in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change is one of hot spots all around the world. China, the second biggest CO2 emitter, is facing increasingly severe pressure to reduce CO2 emission. The article first describes Kaya Identity and its policy implications. Second, it uses the modified Kaya Identity and makes decomposition without residues on CO2 emission during the period 1971-2005. Taking into account the changes of macroeconomic background, it conducts a detailed analysis in terms of CO2 emission trend from 4th Five Year Plan through 10th Five Year Plan. The decomposition results indicate that economic development and increase in population are major driving forces, and that improvement in energy efficiency contributes to the reduction of CO2 emission, and that decarbonization in primary energy structure is also an important strategic choice. Finally, the article stresses that in CO2 order to realize the binding target of 20% reduction in GDP energy intensity during the 11th Five Year Plan, China should speed up the readjustment of the industrial structure and energetically develop the energy-efficient technologies and clean fuel technology, which will effectively promote the country to reduce CO2 emission and contribute to the mitigation of climate change.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The increasing discrepancy between a regional economy and transportation imposes higher requirements for their coordinated development. This paper...  相似文献   
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), as a main component of plastics of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), shows high potential...  相似文献   
煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故的防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国煤矿日趋严重的瓦斯爆炸事故灾害严重地威胁着矿井工作人员的生命安全,制约矿井生产的发展,给煤炭企业带来沉重的负担,从安全科学的角度及其事故原因分类出发,提出了防治我国煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故的对策。  相似文献   
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