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采用翻转振荡方式以水为浸提剂浸提铜渣、尾矿渣、铬渣、铅渣、粉煤灰和电镀污泥试样,过滤后的浸提液经DDTC/CCl4体系萃取富集后,用ICP-AES法同时测定了Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ni、Fe、Mn、Co和V等多种金属元素,方法具有较好的精密度和准确度,宜于推广应用。  相似文献   
计算机是噪声自动监测分析系统的重要组成部分,承担噪声信号的处理和监测结果的打印输出,在正常工作状态下,计算机按设置的程序运行,对采集的噪声信号做数学运算,并将运行结果以打印的形式输出,从而完成一次噪声监测过程,在实际工作中,由于计算机内蓄电池电压不足,声级计输入信号超限、打印机故障等多种原因使计算机程序不能正常运行而导致噪声监测工作的中断,不但影响监测结果的输出,也给重新启动监测系统带来困难,为了保证计算机在非正常工作条件下仍能正常运行,我们对计算机程序作了必要的修改。  相似文献   
日本的水质污染问题在第二次世界大战后逐渐严重 ,其中给居民带来危害的大公害事件 ,有足尾铜山的排水流入河水中 ,给水稻的生长造成危害 ,并导致水俣病等。因此 ,日本政府在 1 967年制定了公害对策基本法 ,1 970年制定了水质污染防治法 ,1 984年制定了湖泊水质特别措施法。 1  相似文献   
The environmental fate and movement of herbicides widely used for weed control in corn are assessed for a deep loess soil in southwestern Iowa. Beginning in the early 1980s, the herbicide-based weed control program emphasized the application of atrazine (ATR) or cyanazine (CYN) and metolachlor (MET) for both broadleaf and grass control. Between 1992 and 1995, concentrations of ATR, desethylatrazine (DEA), desisopropylatrazine (DIA), CYN and MET were measured in rainwater, both shallow and deep vadose zone water, and well water. Results show that the frequency of herbicide detections and the range and distribution of occurrences are dependent upon both landscape position and temporal inputs of recharge water from rainfall. Generally, DIA was observed more frequently and in higher mean concentration in well water than DEA, while DEA was observed more frequently than DIA in vadose zone groundwater. A chromatographic analogy is suggested to explain the occurrence patterns observed for both parent herbicide and degradation products within the unsaturated zone water. Analysis of rainwater samples collected during this time also revealed low concentrations of ATR, CYN and MET, with the timing of the detections indicative of non-local transport. Results show that the deep loess soil conducts both water and agricultural chemicals relatively rapidly and as such represents a production system which is vulnerable to contamination of shallow groundwater by herbicide-derived chemicals. Results also illustrate the importance of including major herbicide degradation products in water resource impact assessment studies.  相似文献   
Molecular methods, including DNA probes, were used to identify and enumerate pathogenic Vibrio species in the Chesapeake Bay; our data indicated that Vibrio vulnificus exhibits seasonal fluctuations in number. Our work included a characterization of total microbial communities from the Bay; development of microarrays that identify and quantify the diversity of those communities; and observation of temporal changes in those communities. To identify members of the microbial community, we amplified the 16S rDNA gene from community DNA isolated from a biofilm sample collected from the Chesapeake Bay in February, 2000. The resultant 75 sequences were 95% or more similar to 7 species including two recently described Shewanella species, baltica and frigidimarina, that have not been previously isolated from the Chesapeake. When the genera of bacteria from biofilm after culturing are compared to those detected by subcloning amplified 16S fragments from community DNA, the cultured sample exhibited a strong bias. In oysters collected in February, the most common bacteria were previously unknown. Based on our 16S findings, we are developing microarrays to detect these and other microbial species in these estuarine communities. The microarrays will detect each species using four distinct loci, with the multiple loci serving as an internal control. The accuracy of the microarray will be measured using sentinel species such as Aeromonas species, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio vulnificus. Using microarrays, it should be possible to determine the annual fluctuations of bacterial species (culturable and non-culturable, pathogenic and non-pathogenic). The data may be applied to understanding patterns of environmental change; assessing the health of the Bay; and evaluating the risk of human illness associated with exposure to and ingestion of water and shellfish.  相似文献   
报道了利用N,N─二甲基苯胺为偶联试剂的Criess反应以示波极谱法测定NO_2~-的测试方法。在拟定的实验条件下,NO_2~-在4.0×10~-3~4.8×10~-1μg/ml范围内与极谱波波高呈良好的线性关系。环境水测定的相对标准偏差小于l%,回收率在97%~101%之间。  相似文献   
1987年5月间我们对驻南疆各地部队的生活饮用水进行了调查。调查项目有感官性状,一般理化检查及细菌学指标共20余项,调查各类水源60处,基本反映了那些地区的水源水质概况,具有一定的地域特点。 一、调查范围及水源类型 调查范围分布于巴音郭楞蒙古自治州的库尔勒市、和静县、焉耆县、蔚力县、若芜县、轮台县;阿克苏地区的阿克苏市、库车县、乌什县;阿图什市;喀什地区的喀什市、巴楚县、疏勒县、叶城县以及和田市。调查点多集中于城镇。 水源类型有机井水,压井水及河水三种类型。机井有53个占调查总数的88.3%,压井3个,占调查总数的5%,河水4个,占调查总数的6.7%  相似文献   
目前测定大气中二氧化硫污染的方法是盐酸付玫瑰苯胺比色法,采样分别在一月、四月、七月、十月,每个月连续采样五天,每天于早晨、上午、下午,晚上采样四次。然后取一、四、七、十月,每个月五天的平均值代表冬、春、夏、秋的大气二氧化硫污染状况。这样是否有充分的代表性?是需要认真研究的问题。一九八七年用硫酸盐化速率对乌鲁木齐的大气二氧化硫污染状况进行了验证。 一、一九八七年乌鲁木齐大气二氧化硫污染状况 1987年乌鲁木齐大气二氧化硫监测结果见表1、表2: 乌鲁木齐大气SO_2各季监测结果  相似文献   
<正> 元素Ti 在地质体中常以锐钛矿、板钛矿、钛铁矿、钙钛矿、金红石等形式存在、Ti具有很强的抗风化能力.在岩石风化和成土过程中常以原生矿物存在于土壤中.因此地球化学和土壤学者称Ti 为抗风化元素,并将它作为判断地质成因、岩石与土壤间关系等方面的参比元素.另方面Ti 还具有含量较高、相对不移动、很少外来污染等特性,对研究土壤中某些元素的相对迁移富集能力以及是否受到污染等都具有重要价值.因此环境学者又将Ti 做为污染指标元素应用到环境  相似文献   
绪言我们知道,有的生物能够在体内浓缩、积累特定的元素。例如海鞘能浓集钒,牡蛎能浓集锌和铜,巴西果富集钡,石松科的贯众类以及眼子菜科的大叶藻能富集铝等。此外,一般来说,豆科植物中钻、镍、铜、锌的含量比稻科及谷草类高得多,而另一方面,稻科及谷草类植物中锰、钼,特别是硅的含量则比豆科植物高。这些特定的元素是作为维持生命的必须元素,被生物能动地摄入体内的。在这种情况下,金属离子与生物分子  相似文献   
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