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The use of a quantitative population growth model to investigate the persistence of South African elephant populations is explored. The model provides quantitative assessments of population persistence and confidence intervals for estimated parameters based purely on population size estimates. The analysis supports the view that most of the larger populations in the region are secure. This view is further supported by a lack of density dependent effects in most of the recovering populations and the high population rates of increase observed. This predominantly positive prognosis is in contrast with that emerging from most of the rest of the African continent where the populations are under greater threat because of habitat restriction and direct human conflict. This preliminary assessment of elephant population persistence suggests that “viable” populations may lie between 400 and 6000 individuals. Although not inconsistent with information-greedy genetic and demographic models, the relationship between population growth versus genetic and demographic models should be further investigated. The implementation of a metapopulation management strategy towards these smaller populations is advocated. In addition, as all of the populations included in this analysis have been afforded some degree of protection since the 1920s, continued protection would be a prerequisite for their continued survival.  相似文献   
Recycling schemes are being used worldwide to reduce the impact of municipal waste. Those using public funds are usually obliged to set performance indicators by which the standards of such schemes can be measured. In the UK, a set of statutory Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI) must be reported annually, such as the Quality of Fair Access, which monitors the public's access to recycling facilities within 1000 m (known as BVPI 91). This work shows that BVPI 91, and performance indicators like it, quantify only very basic recycling services. A much more sensitive performance indicator is developed in this paper, labelled as the Maximum Practicable Recycling Rate Provision (MPRRP) achievable by a local authority. It indicates the percentage of local waste that could be reasonably recycled using the services provided, calculated on the basis of the average composition of the local waste, the local population coverage for collection of any materials, and nationally provided information stating how much of each material stream is generally suitable (practical) for recycling. Evidence for the usefulness of this new quantity is presented. Although this paper refers a particular performance indicator in the UK, its findings are applicable to all urban areas worldwide needing to monitor recycling service. Furthermore, the MPRRP could be used for planning purposes, and for determining the level of performance of an existing service, by comparing its predicted recycling rate to that actually obtained. Further work is now being carried out on this.  相似文献   
Leachability and metal-binding capacity in ageing landfill material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the stability of landfilled heavy metals, landfill material from a combined household and industrial waste landfill was aerated for 14 months to simulate the natural ageing processes as air slowly begins to penetrate the landfill mass. During aeration, the pH of the landfill material decreased from around 8.6 to 8.1 and the carbon content also decreased. In order to investigate the possible fate of metals in ageing landfills, a four-stage sequential extraction technique was applied. The ability of the materials to bind metal ions by electrostatic attractions and to form stronger complexes was studied separately. The amount of exchangeable cations, the capacity to bind metal ions by electrostatic attraction and the capacity of the landfill material to complex copper ions were increased by the aeration process. However, results from the sequential analysis showed an increased solubility of sulphur and some metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn). Equilibrium speciation models (Medusa) indicated that the organic matter deposit had a significant capacity to bind metal ions provided that pH was sufficiently high. However, as carbonates are consumed over time, the risk for metal mobility increases. Therefore, the landfills can become an environmental risk, depending on variations in the solubility of metal ions due to changes in pH, redox status and the availability of organic material.  相似文献   
Transverse mixing has been identified as a potentially limiting factor for natural attenuation of plumes originating from continuously emitting sources. Under steady-state flow conditions, dispersion is the only process leading to lateral mixing. This process is very slow and cannot explain the lateral spread of plumes observed in the field. When the flow direction fluctuates with time, transverse dispersion is slightly enhanced, but not very pronounced. Under these flow conditions, however, sorption can contribute to mixing into the mean transverse direction. If the reacting compounds differ in their strength of sorption, chromatographic mixing and separation alternate in time-periodic flows. For instantaneous sorption, the plumes may overlap within a stripe of fixed width. In contrast to sorption in local equilibrium, kinetic sorption contributes to mixing also for compounds with identical sorption strength. I derive an analytical expression for the equivalent transverse dispersion coefficient of a kinetically sorbing compound in a spatially uniform flow field undergoing sinusoidal fluctuations in time. This expression may be used for reactive transport calculations in an equivalent domain with constant flow. The effects are the strongest for compounds with a dimensionless partitioning coefficient of about unity, slow sorption kinetics, and slowly fluctuating velocities. For realistic parameters, kinetic sorption contributes to transverse mixing in the same range as heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Pastoralism is the most dominant land use form in the arid rangelands of Sub-Saharan Africa, but this rangeland-based lifestyle is under threat. As a consequence a study was conducted in the Middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia with the main objectives of assessing and comparing the broad perceptions of two pastoral groups (the Oromo ethnic group living in Kereyu-Fantale and the Afar ethnic group living in Awash-Fantale) on the usage of the existing rangeland resources, and their views on constraints and possible solutions. Data were collected from 90 Oromo and 55 Afar households. Despite the difference in ethnicity both of these groups share common problems. They derive their main income from the sale of animals and animal products, but with the difference that milk products rank first in the case of the Afar and last in the case of the Oromo. Both pastoral groups depend heavily on native grasses for animal feed and to a lesser extent on woody plants as a source of browse. The majority of respondents were of the opinion that the condition of the rangelands is poor, mainly due to overgrazing, droughts and increases in the human population. Availability of water is also regarded as a problem, mainly by the Oromo. Migration is the first measure taken to solve shortages of livestock feed, but many of the pastoralists replied that migration is an undesirable practise which is mostly done out of necessity. Because of the limited resources most respondents of both groups still prefer communal land tenure where resources are shared. It is concluded that the problems facing the pastoralists in the Middle Awash Valley have been created over many years and the solutions will also require time. With the current approach of the communal grazing systems, sustainable utilisation of the rangeland ecosystem is not possible. Solutions to the poor condition of the existing rangelands will require a definite commitment and full participation not only of the pastoralists, but also of government and non-governmental organisations that are directly or indirectly involved in rangeland resources utilisation, management, conservation and other related activities.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to determine optimal adhesive interaction of phenolic compounds utilizing Candida maltosa and Rhodococcus erythropolis when adhering to kaolin, silicone, synthetic foil (Steriking R40) and fluorinated silicones, comparing cell and support surface hydrophobicity. In parallel, the interfering effect of detergents was investigated. Data obtained show that the less hydrophobic supports display high initial cell adhesion when contacted with the cell type with a lower surface hydrophobicity (yeast cell) but most stable yeast biofilms are those formed on highly hydrophobic fluorinated silicones. On the other hand, support hydrophobicity has no effect on bacterial cell detachment; however, bacterial biofilms are denser when growing on more hydrophobic supports. Both detergents interfere (independently on the cell type) with the early and late phases of biofilm development.  相似文献   
Among sedentary species, mate and site fidelity may be imposed by year-round territoriality and high annual survivorship, both of which theoretically lead to few opportunities to move between mates and breeding territories. We examined mate and territory fidelity in sedentary neotropical buff-breasted wrens (Thryothorus leucotis) in relation to the opportunities to divorce (vacancies on neighbouring territories), breeding experience and site of origin (within vs outside local breeding population). Overall, buff-breasted wrens showed high rates of mate and territory fidelity between years, with individuals significantly more faithful to their territories than to their partners. Mate and territory fidelity was not forced upon buff-breasted wrens, as most individuals had opportunities to switch mates and territories. However, this was not uniform among all individuals. Individuals that had bred together displayed 100% mate and territory fidelity despite the fact that males and females in almost all experienced pairs had opportunities to switch mates and territories. Local recruits (philopatric offspring that acquired territories in the local breeding population) also displayed mate and territory fidelity, but fidelity occurred because recruits rarely had the opportunity to divorce prior to initiating their first breeding attempt. By contrast, almost half of all territorial individuals that originated outside the local breeding population (immigrants) had opportunity to divorce, with approximately two thirds of them switching mates and territories. Divorces occurred within the first 5 months of pairing, suggesting that immigrants may have sampled mates and territories before forming permanent partnerships.  相似文献   
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