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Two assays were designed to obtain information about the influence of redox potential variations on barium mobility and bioavailability in soil. One assay was undertaken in leaching columns, and the other was conducted in pots cultivated with rice (Oryza sativa) using soil samples collected from the surface of Gleysol in both assays. Three doses of barium (100,300 mg kg−1 and 3000 mg kg−1-soil dry weight) and two redox potential values (oxidizing and reducing) were evaluated. During the incubation period, the redox potential (Eh) was monitored in columns and pots until values of −250 mV were reached. After the incubation period, geochemical partitioning was conducted on the barium using the European Communities Bureau of Reference (BCR) method. Rainfall of 200 mm d−1 was simulated in the columns and in the planting of rice seedlings in the pots. The results of the geochemical partitioning demonstrated that the condition of reduction favors increased barium concentrations in the more labile chemical forms and decreased levels in the chemical forms related to oxides. The highest barium concentrations in leached extracts (3.36 mg L−1) were observed at the highest dose and condition of reduction at approximately five times above the drinking water standard. The high concentrations of barium in the soil did not affect plant dry matter production. The highest levels and accumulation of barium in roots, leaves, and grains of rice were found at the highest dose and condition of reduction. These results demonstrate that reduction leads to solubilization of barium sulfate, thereby favoring greater mobility and bioavailability of this element.  相似文献   
利用水热反应法制备β-In2S3纳米颗粒光催化剂,并利用SEM、TEM和XRD等对其进行分析表征;采用土霉素溶液模拟四环素类抗生素废水,探讨In2S3对土霉素的降解效果.结果表明,β-In2S3为立方相纳米颗粒结构,该纳米颗粒由纳米片组成,直径约15~30 nm.以太阳光为辐射光源,In2S3对土霉素具有良好的光催化降解效果,在4 h内对初始浓度为30 mg·L-1的土霉素降解率可达98%以上.降解土霉素后的催化剂在无水乙醇中清洗并烘干,经4次循环利用后,β-In2S3的降解能力仍能达到85%以上,表明β-In2S3光催化剂具有良好的稳定性以及光催化活性.  相似文献   
对熔盐法处置高熔点垃圾焚烧飞灰重金属离子浸出特性进行了实验研究。结果表明,熔盐物料组成、熔盐温度和热处理气氛对重金属离子的热挥发特性具有重要影响。在还原性气氛条件下,热处理温度为900~1 000 ℃,添加质量分数为10%~50%的CaCl2的氯化钠熔盐中处理2 h后,垃圾焚烧飞灰渣中Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn等重金属浸出浓度降低90%以上,可以完全达到生活垃圾填埋场填埋标准。在此过程中,灰渣较原灰可减轻50%,同时转化成具有良好胶凝性能的水泥活性混合材料,XRD测试表明其晶体矿物组成为硅酸二钙、硅酸三钙和阿里尼特以及硫酸钙等。  相似文献   
Climate change alone may deeply impact air quality levels in the atmosphere because the changes in the meteorological conditions will induce changes on the transport, dispersion and transformation of air pollutants. The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of climate change on the air quality over Europe and Portugal, using a reference year (year 1990) and a IPCC SRES A2 year (year 2100). The Hadley Centre global atmospheric circulation model (HadAM3P) was used to provide results for these two climatic scenarios, which were then used as synoptic forcing for the MM5-CHIMERE air quality modelling system. In order to assess the contribution of future climate change on O3 and PM concentrations, no changes in regional emissions were assumed and only climate change forcing was considered. The modelling results suggest that the O3 monthly mean levels in the atmosphere may increase almost 50 μg m?3 across Europe in July under the IPCC SRES A2 scenario. In Portugal, this increase may reach 20 μg m?3. The changes of PM10 monthly average values over Europe will depend on the region. The increase in PM10 concentrations during specific months could be explained by the average reduction of the boundary layer height and wind speed.  相似文献   
采用盆栽试验研究了不同剂量污泥(体积分数,即污泥体积占污泥和沙土总体积的百分比,分别为:0、20%、33.3%、50%和100%)施用于风沙土条件下,污泥剂量对樟子松幼苗生物量及其对重金属的累积和土壤中重金属有效性的影响.结果表明,在养分含量低的风沙土中,施用污泥能够显著提高樟子松幼苗生物量,最适剂量为50%;污泥剂量的增加可促进樟子松植株对重金属的吸收和累积,在最适剂量(50%)条件下,樟子松植株中Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn的累积量分别是对照(不施污泥)的18.0、8.9、17.1、11.5倍;樟子松植株重金属吸收速率顺序为:ZnCuPbCd,而迁移系数顺序为:ZnCdCuPb;土壤中有效态重金属含量随污泥剂量的增加而增加,而植株收获后土壤中有效态重金属下降幅度均小于对照.  相似文献   
尾矿高浓度排放技术的发展概况及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于尾矿传统湿排技术来说,不仅坝体的稳定性差,对环境也有极大的影响,然而高浓度排放技术有效地缓解或解决了这些问题。文章从尾矿脱水、料浆输送和尾矿沉积等多方面,介绍了高浓度排放国内外发展情况,如多段式到一段式脱水和脱水设备的发展、泵压输送中泵送设备的类型,以及尾矿沉积中排放口的布置方式等。介绍了边坡角预测理论,主要包括Blight和Bentel边坡角预测模型、Kupper提出的边坡角经验公式,以及Sofra和Boger提出的边坡角经验公式。指出了高浓度排放技术存在的问题,如膏体的定义不清晰、高浓度排放的适用条件、沉积裂缝和边坡角预测模型不精确。最后总结了高浓度排放的发展趋势,如膏体排放模式、排放口的中央式布置和设备选型,如高浓度底流和处理量的脱水设备,以及高压高效率的泵送设备等。  相似文献   
基于可拓工程方法的鄱阳湖区农地生态退化评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态退化是鄱阳湖区农地生产效率低下和农民贫困的主要原因。研究湖区农地生态退化程度和分布规律,是进行湖区农地生态恢复和重建的前提和基础。论文通过选取具有湖区典型特征的研究区域,应用可拓工程方法进行农地生态退化评价研究。结果表明,湖区生态退化的农地占农地总面积的40%左右,主要分布在湖区水面沿线和低山、丘陵地带。森林植被衰退、过度垦殖、围湖造地、农地基础设施投入不足是湖区农地生态退化的主要原因。植树造林、退耕还林还湖、保护湿地、增加基础设施投入是湖区农地生态恢复和重建的主要途径。  相似文献   
A dicentric X chromosome was found in a female fetus during cytogenetic studies performed on amniotic cells. Blood samples from the parents showed normal karyotypes and the pregnancy was terminated. The mechanism for the formation of this ‘de novo’ rearrangement is discussed.  相似文献   
改良剂对根际土壤-水稻系统中镉运移的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
稻田镉(Cd)污染治理是我国目前农田重金属污染治理的重点和难点.铁的氧化还原过程对Cd在土壤-水稻系统中的运移发挥着极其重要的作用.从铁循环调控入手,研发阻控稻米Cd累积的钝化技术及产品,势必能为农田重金属污染治理提供新的解决途径.本研究以自主研发的改良剂为对象,通过野外田间试验,研究改良剂对Cd从根际土壤向根表铁膜迁移及在水稻不同组织器官间转运的影响,探索铁循环影响Cd在根际土壤-水稻系统中运移的机制.结果表明,改良剂施用促进了根际土壤中铁硫化物的形成,其与Cd共沉淀显著减少了分蘖期、拔节期和灌浆期根际土壤中乙酸铵浸提态Cd(NH4AcCd)的含量;成熟期排水烤田致使铁硫化物被氧化,其对Cd的释放显著增大了根际土壤中NH4Ac-Cd的含量;铁硫化物形成减弱了Fe(Ⅱ)从根际土壤向根表的迁移能力,铁膜中铁(DCB-Fe)的含量随之减小,铁膜对Cd的吸附能力减弱导致分蘖期和灌浆期铁膜中Cd(DCB-Cd)的含量显著减小;改良剂施用有效减弱了根系对Cd的转运能力,增大了拔节期、灌浆期和成熟期Cd在根系的分布比例,而减少了拔节期、灌浆期和成熟期Cd在茎叶、以及成熟期Cd在糙米中的分布比例.本研究成果将为后期改良剂的研发及应用提供理论依据,对解决稻田Cd污染治理难题具有重要意义.  相似文献   
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