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基于CGE模型的环境灾害经济影响评估——以湖南雪灾为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境灾害(比如,气象灾害、荒漠化等)不仅仅造成直接损失(比如,厂房、设备破坏和粮食欠收等),而且会导致经济系统产业链中断,进而影响到区域经济的正常运行。本文以2008年南方雨雪冰冻灾害为例,基于CGE模型,评估交通中断对湖南省的间接经济影响。为刻画灾害冲击,CGE模型的改进包括:为反映灾害的区域性,将全国CGE模型降尺度为区域模型;为反映灾后应急情景,选择资本市场宏观闭合规则为资本在部门之间不流动;为反映货物周转量变化,在生产模块增加效率参数;为反映旅客周转量变化,选择劳动力宏观闭合规则为新古典闭合。研究表明:①对于重大环境灾害,间接经济损失甚至比直接损失大;②2008年雪灾引起的湖南省交通瘫痪,造成的间接经济损失为50.4亿元(以增加值表示),约占湖南省前两个月GDP的3%;③值得注意,由于产业之间相互关联,简单叠加各产业单独破坏造成的经济损失,往往夸大整个行业同时破坏造成的经济损失。  相似文献   
A phenolic resin that is used as syntan in leather manufacturing was degraded using Tremetes versicolor. On degradation of this resin for eight days, the reduction in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC) were 65.11, 76.66 and 72.94% respectively. It was found from the infra red (IR) spectra of the samples that up to seven days the aromaticity was not perturbed however there were reductions in BOD and COD. Addition of co-substrate starch, brought about reduction in BOD, COD and TOC by 85.36, 91.93 and 89.98% respectively. After eight days, there observed a disturbance in the aromatic ring. The enzyme was extracted and assayed for polyphenol oxidase and laccase. Polyphenol oxidase activity and laccase activity of the crude enzyme were found to be 31.4 and 1.67 U/mL. On ammonium sulfate precipitation and dialysis, the polyphenol oxidase activity and laccase activity were enhanced by 1.5- and 3.2-folds respectively.  相似文献   
Soy-polyol has been synthesized via a low energy two-step continuous route thus avoiding intermediate steps and chemicals. The functional groups of soy-polyol thus produced were identified by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy which confirmed the cleavage of the double bonds, the formation of new epoxy linkages and the presence of hydroxyl groups. The change in chemical structure and physical properties of the soy polyol was further characterized and the results indicated a successful conversion with reduced unsaturation, increased hydroxyl number and increased viscosity. Polyurethane foam was prepared from soy-polyol using isocyanate and thermogravimetric analysis was used to study its thermal decomposition behaviour. Multiple transitions were identified in relation to depolymerization and bond dissociation. Density and compressive strength of the soy-foam were found to be satisfactory. An investigation of microstructure of soy foam by scanning electron microscope and X-ray computed tomography revealed the internal cell morphology and cell structure.  相似文献   
Controlled release fertilizer (CRF) hydrogels were prepared from poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan and chitosan using glutaraldehyde as a crosslinker. Intermolecular interactions of the CRF hydrogels were elucidated using FTIR. Water absorbency characteristics of the CRF hydrogels were also studied. It was found that the CRF hydrogels exhibited the equilibrium swelling ratio (SR) in the range 70–300%. The water retention of soil containing the CRF hydrogels was also examined. It was found that the CRF hydrogels increased the water retention of the soil. After 30 days, soil containing the PVA-, PVA/CS- and CS-hydrogels showed the water retention capacities of 25%, 10% and 4%, respectively. While the soil without the CRF hydrogel had already given off most of the water. The release behavior of potassium from the CRF hydrogels, both in deionized water and in soil, was investigated. In soil, the potassium release mechanism from the PVA- and PVA/CS-hydrogels were non-Fickian diffusion. On the other hand, the CS hydrogel showed, n value that was close to 1.0 corresponding to case II transport. In deionized water, all the CRF hydrogels showed small values of release exponent (n < 0.5) indicating a quasi-Fickian diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   
青山区作为全国著名的钢铁基地和老工业区,在推进钢铁、石化、环保等优势产业发展的同时,突破环境、资源限制"瓶颈",以理念创新、体制创新、机制创新和科技创新为动力,坚持规划引领,加强政府引导,突出企业主体,强化项目支撑,鼓励全民参与,全方位启动循环经济试点工作,推动了地区发展方式的转变和区域产业结构优化,为探索我国重化工聚集区走新型工业化道路提供借鉴。  相似文献   
To study the Pu concentration and isotope ratio distributions present in China, the 239+240Pu total activities and 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in core soil samples from Hubei Province in central China were investigated using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The activities ranged from 0.019 to 0.502 mBq g−1 and the 239+240Pu inventories of 45 and ∼55 Bq m−2 agree well with that expected from global fallout. The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in the soil ranged from 0.172 to 0.220. The ratios are similar to typical global fallout values. Hence, any close-in fallout contribution from the Chinese nuclear weapons tests, mainly conducted in the 1970s, must have either been negligible or had a similar 240Pu/239Pu ratio to that of global fallout. The top 10 cm layer of the soil contributes ∼90% of the total inventory and the maximum concentrations appeared in the 2-4 cm or 4-6 cm layers. It is suggested that climatic conditions and organic content are the two main factors that affect the vertical migration of plutonium in soil.  相似文献   
中国环境效率评价及其影响因素实证研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
环境效率是实际污染排放和潜在污染排放的一种度量。本文运用包含污染排放的环境DEA模型,测算了1998-2007年中国省际环境效率,检验了其收敛情况。结果显示,全国环境效率总体水平较低,省际、区域间差距较大,表明现阶段实行地区间减排合作、推动环保技术在区域间扩散的现实必要性;分别从20032、005年开始,省际、区域环境效率差距逐渐缩小,存在一定的收敛趋势;同时,本文采用Tobit模型分析了影响环境效率因素,研究发现人均GDP对提高环境效率具有积极影响,而工业比重上升、财政分权度的提高以及贸易自由化对环境效率具有显著的负面影响。最后,基于实证研究的结果,就减少地区污染排放、提高我国环境效率给出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   
中国省际间农村居民收入结构和收入差距分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在计算基尼系数的基础上,文章得出了改革开放以来中国省际间农村居民收入差距不断扩大的趋势,收入基尼系数从1981年的0.095一直上升到了2003年的0.181,直到近年来,收入差距才开始略有缩小。文章从收入结构的视角研究了省际间农村居民收入差距产生的原因。首先利用1983-2008年较长时期的数据分析了农村居民收入结构的变化,发现从总体上而言,中国各地区农村居民的收入结构均表现出了农业收入比重减少,非农收入比重增加的明显趋势;然后运用基尼系数的分解方法实证分析了不同收入来源对于收入差距的影响,研究发现,工资性收入是差距促增的,是目前中国省际间农村居民收入差距扩大最重要的原因,而家庭经营性收入者起着差距促减的作用,转移性收入和财产性收入的不平等程度较高,但是由于其在总收入中的比例不高,对总的收入差距影响较小。最后,文章提出了缩小省际间农村居民收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   
基于分形理论的江苏沿江城镇体系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
开放条件下,“全球 地方”作用深刻影响着区域城镇体系,沿江发达地区表现尤其典型。基于分形的相关理论和方法,以2006年为时空断面,对江苏沿江地区城镇体系的空间分布进行实证研究。结果表明:(1)区域城镇规模等级结构服从Zipf定律,首位城市南京在区域城市体系中的垄断性相对较强,但并非处于绝对垄断地位;(2)空间关联维数显示,沿江地区城镇体系的交通网络通达性优良,各城镇间联系紧密;(3)根据分维数和无标度区分析,三大城市群中,宁镇扬城市群分形发育最好,苏锡常次之,通泰城市群分形发育最差;(4)扬州、镇江、南京和苏州的城镇集聚程度较高,分形发育较为成熟;南通、泰州、无锡和常州的集聚程度均较低,分形结构不佳。扬州在区域城镇体系中分形发育最为完善,中心性最好,历史上形成的这种空间格局至今没有变化.  相似文献   
根据2007~2009年在长江干流的泸州、珞璜、宜都、武穴4个江段分别采集的数据,对这些江段鱼卵及仔鱼漂流特征的昼夜变化规律进行初步分析。结果显示,长江上游泸州江段和珞璜江段鱼卵及仔鱼昼夜漂流密度有一定差异,但不显著;长江中游宜都江段,鱼卵漂流密度在昼夜时间上有显著性差异(〖WTBX〗n=38,p〖WTBZ〗=000),表现为6〖DK〗∶00的平均漂流密度13.02 ind./100 m3明显大于18〖DK〗∶00的密度3.28 ind./100 m3,仔鱼夜间漂流密度明显大于白天,于22〖DK〗∶00达到高峰值;武穴江段仔鱼漂流密度在昼夜时间上有显著性差异(〖WTBX〗n=62,p〖WTBZ〗=000),8〖DK〗∶00的平均漂流密8621 ind./100 m3明显大于18〖DK〗∶00的密度4485 ind./100 m3。不同物种的鱼卵及仔鱼漂流密度亦呈现出一定的昼夜差异,宜都江段贝氏〖FK(W*5/5。1〗〖PS黎明政造字2.EPS;%84%84,BP〗〖FK)〗,草鱼和银鲴鱼卵主要分布在白天,鳙、鲢等种类分布在夜间;另外,鳙、银鮈、铜鱼和翘嘴鲌等多数种类的仔鱼仅在夜间有分布,而飘鱼属的种类主要分布在白天。通过采集到鱼卵发育期推算,四大家鱼、贝氏〖FK(W*5/5。1〗〖PS黎明政造字2.EPS;%84%84,BP〗〖FK)〗、银鲴和翘嘴鲌的繁殖时间主要集中在夜间,而花斑副沙鳅和鳊全天均有繁殖  相似文献   
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