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论中国资源环境产权制度的架构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
政府是资源环境的供给者而不是资源环境的生产者,厂商才是资源环境的生产者,产权交易是厂商显示意愿的动力源泉。中国资源环境的改善最终取决于资源环境产权交易制度的创新,为此现行资源环境法律制度必须作出抉择。  相似文献   
为全面掌握环胶州湾区域生态环境状况,更好地服务于环胶州湾区域经济发展和生态环境保护,根据《近岸海域环境监测规范》(HJ 442-2008),青岛市环境监测中心站对环胶州湾区域进行了综合监测与评价,建立了环胶州湾区域陆海统筹监测评价体系,完善了胶州湾水质监测网络,摸清了环胶州湾区域直排海污染源状况及环胶州湾区域土地利用状况。针对综合监测与评价过程中存在的胶州湾污染源的排放状况掌握不全面、河流入海通量的测算不准确、环境质量的变化趋势预测不能实现的问题,提出了加强入海河流监测、实行陆源污染物总量控制管理、建立自动监测站等对策建议。  相似文献   
农药水环境化学行为研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农药在水中的环境化学行为包括农药的光化学降解、水化学降解和农药对水生生物的毒性。结合国内外在农药水环境化学行为的研究进展,讨论了农药在水中的直接光解和间接光解行为;农药水化学降解的机理以及pH、温度对农药水化学降解的影响,并以藻类、鱼类等为例阐述了农药对水生动植物及水生生物群落的毒性。  相似文献   
Exergo-economic analysis of the pinch point temperature difference (PPTD) in both evaporator and condenser of sub-critical organic Rankine cycle system (ORCs) are performed based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Taking mixture R13I1/R601a as a working fluid and the annual total cost per net output power Z as exergo-economic performance evaluation criterion, the effects of PPTD in evaporator ΔTe, and the PPTD ratio of condenser to evaporator y, on the exergo-economic performance of ORCs are analyzed. Moreover, how some other parameters influence the optimal PPTD in evaporator ΔTe,opt and the optimal PPTD ratio of condenser to evaporator yopt are also discussed. It has been found that the exergo-economic performance of ORCs is remarkably influenced by ΔTe and y, and there exists ΔTe,opt and yopt. In addition, ΔTe,opt and yopt are affected by heat transfer coefficient ratio of condenser to evaporator ß, the temperature of working fluid at dew point in condenser T1a, and composition of R13I1/R601a: larger ß and T1a lead to lower ΔTe,opt and yopt; by contraries, larger mass fraction of R13I1 makes ΔTe,opt and yopt increase, and yopt increases linearly. The effects of the temperature of working fluid at bubble point in evaporator T3a, mass flow rate of exhaust flue gas mg, and inlet temperature of exhaust flue gas Tgi on ΔTe,opt and yopt are very slight. For comparison, three additional working fluids, namely R601a, R245fa, and 0.32R245fa/0.68R601a, are also taken into account.  相似文献   
我国的化工园区为促进经济和社会发展做出了重要贡献。由于化工园区内危险化学品种类多、有毒有害物质数量大、环境风险等级高,存在着发生重特大事故的现实性和可能性。但是,我国至今尚未制定化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制技术规范,相关研究也未见报道。在当前化工园区安全生产事件高发并严重影响周边环境的情况下,研究化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制方法,提高应对安全生产事故以及次生突发环境事件的能力尤为重要。通过分析化工园区环境风险物质、环境风险工艺和环境风险受体三个方面的环境风险的特性,初步拟定了化工园区突发环境事件应急预案编制调查评估、建章立制、预案编写三个阶段的技术路线,明确了开展环境风险评估、加强应急能力建设、完善环境风险防范措施和环境应急处置措施的四项编制要点,在此基础上提出了化工园区突发环境事件应急预案由综合预案、现场处置预案、专项预案、环境风险评估报告、环境应急资源调查报告六部分组成的结构框架。  相似文献   

Background, aims and scope

Current studies have paid little attention to the dynamism in urban spatial expansion and its possible environmental and health effects or to the health effects of rapid urban environmental change at different points along the urbanisation gradient. This study adopts a public health ecology approach to systematically understand the relationship between urbanisation, urban environmental change and human health in China.


Remote sensing image analysis, based on night light data at five different time periods in recent decades, was used to determine changes to the overall urban area. Through a review of the evidence on the relationships between environmental health, urbanisation and health, we advance a pathway framework for explaining urban human health ecology. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to measure the correlation between disease prevalence and urbanisation level, adding a further dimension to a systemic understanding of urban health.

Results and conclusions

Urban areas have been increasing spatially, but unevenly, in recent decades, with medium and small cities also expanding rapidly in the past decade. Urbanisation and urban expansion result in changes to land use/coverage change, the urban environment and the residents?? lifestyle, which result in human health problems. Regions with the highest urbanisation level were more inclined to have a high prevalence of chronic disease in recent decades. An ecological public health approach provides insights into the multiple types of data which need to be routinely collected if human disease is not to become a barrier to social and economic development.  相似文献   
在北京地区某加油站开展的前期石油类污染物自然衰减现场试验的基础上,进一步开展了验证试验,结果表明本次试验得到的挥发性有机物(VOCs)变化趋势及O2、CO2含量沿土壤深度分布和前期试验结果呈现相同的规律,说明基于自然衰减法设计实施的加油站现场试验检测分析结果可靠,试验方法具有合理性、可操作性及可重复性.进一步的理论分析对前期试验结果进行了验证,得出以下结论:(1)通过氧平衡和碳平衡计算对加油站土壤内的自然衰减方式进行评价,验证了该加油站地下土壤中实际发生的微生物降解既有需氧降解也有厌氧降解;(2)利用有机物的一级衰减模型对该污染现场土壤中石油类污染物的降解速率和半衰期进行计算表明,2次试验计算得到的石油类污染物的半衰期基本一致,该污染现场石油类污染物的半衰期为50 d左右;(3)在此基础上,对该加油站包气带土壤的自然衰减能力和环境质量进行评价,2次试验结果均表明该污染现场在自然衰减的作用下已经不存在环境风险.  相似文献   
采用间歇式摇床试验,研究了葡萄糖共基质条件下Fe^0-厌氧微生物体系中Fe^0投加量、pH值、染料初始浓度对活性艳红X-3B模拟废水脱色率的影响,比较了Fe^0-厌氧微生物、纯厌氧微生物及纯Fe^0 3种体系中废水的脱色效果。结果表明:Fe^0-厌氧微生物体系中初始浓度(50~500mg/L)对活性艳红X-3B的脱色率影响不大;而Fe^0投加量、pH值存在一个最佳范围;当Fe^0投加量为260mg/L,pH值为6.0,污泥浓度为0.35gVSS/L,停留时间约为30h时,体系中活性艳红X-3B的脱色率可达90%左右,比相同试验条件下纯Fe^0、纯厌氧微生物体系达到此脱色率所需时间分别缩短了约1/2、7/10。在Fe^0-厌氧微生物体系中,由紫外可见分光光度分析可推测活性艳红X-3B的脱色机理主要是其偶氮键发生断裂,生成苯胺和萘类物质,而且苯胺和萘类物质能得到进一步降解。  相似文献   
采用焚烧法处理生活垃圾正呈快速增长的趋势,焚烧过程产生的飞灰中所含有的大量有毒重金属对自然环境和人类生存都造成极大影响。阐述了目前常用的几种固化稳定垃圾焚烧飞灰有毒重金属的方法,综合分析了其固化特点和优缺点,并初步探索了一种低能耗环境下实现高温熔融处置技术的有效途径,从而为垃圾焚烧飞灰高温固化稳定有毒重金属的实施提供一定的理论基础和技术支持。  相似文献   
针对维生素C生产工艺中产生的凝结水产量大、处理成本高、存储运输困难和营养物质含量偏低等问题,采用反渗透技术对VC凝结水进行处理。实验建立小试规模反渗透膜处理装置,采用无量纲化多元回归分析方法,分析了操作条件指标与渗透水评价指标两套指标体系之间的关系,定量评价了各个操作条件指标对渗透水评价指标的整体影响程度,并在此基础上研究了最佳操作条件的工艺参数。结果表明:建立的无量纲化多元回归分析方法切实有效,在正交实验设计水平范围内,压力、pH和回流比均是多目标系统的影响因子,操作条件指标对渗透水评价指标的整体影响程度大小顺序为:压力〉pH〉回流比〉温度,且各自影响程度所占比例分别为43.02%、29.01%、25.07%和2.89%。各个操作因子对多指标系统的影响是独立的。在只考虑系统收益而不考虑膜污染的情况下,最佳操作条件分别为:温度r=30.65,压力P=1.5MPa,回流比r=0.78,pH=7.475。  相似文献   
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