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The plankton community in the Polar Front area of the Barents Sea was investigated during a cruise from 14 to 28 July 1987. The colonial algaePhaeocystis pouchetii andDinobryon pellucidum dominated the phytoplankton. Depth integrated carbon assimilation rates varied from 190 to 810 mg C m–2 d–1. A high carbon:chlorophyll ratio (which varied from 123 to 352) prevailed at the three stations investigated, which may relate to facultative heterotrophic behaviour byD. pellucidum. The herbivorous zooplankton community was dominated byCalanus glacialis, C. finmarchicus, andC. hyperboreus. Maximum zooplankton biomass was found in the same depth strata as phytoplankton chlorophyll maximum. The herbivorous copepod populations did not display consistent day-night vertical migration patterns. Phytoplankton consumption rates of the various life stages were estimated from the turnover rate of plant pigments in the gut. The gut defecation rate constant (R) varied from 0.014 to 0.027 min–1 at 0°C in copepodites (Stage II to adult female) ofC. glacialis, independent of developmental stage.Calanus spp. community carbon ingestion rates calculated from particulate carbon:chlorophyll ratios, were 10, 65 and 400% of daily phytoplankton carbon fixation rates at Stations 1, 2 and 3, respectively.  相似文献   
The Tuy River basin, located in north-central Venezuela with an annual average temperature of 27°C and precipitation of 140 cm, was selected to conduct a geochemical study of bottom sediments, with the object of establishing the natural and human influences in the abundance and distribution of Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and organic carbon. The basin is lithologically divided into two sub-basins, north and south. The north sub-basin drains a iow-grade metasedimentary terrain with a population density of 800 persons km–2 and approximateiy 600 industrial sites, while the south sub-basin in underlain by metavolcanic and ultramafic rocks, with a population density of less than 10 persons km–2.Stream bottom sediment samples (150) were collected during the years of 1979–1986 in 16 unpolluted sites and 13 polluted sites. The sediments were air dried at room temperature and sieved through a 120 stainless steel mesh (125 m). Samples of grain size smaller than 125 m were analysed, the heavy metals being determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and the organic carbon (Corg) by dry combustion.The higher concentrations of heavy metals and organic carbon found in the pristine areas were in the south sub-basin, especially in those areas with higher annual precipitation and tropical forest. This indicated that the metavolcanic and ultramafic rocks yield higher concentrations of heavy metals than the metasedimentary rocks. It was also noted that the higher concentrations of Cr and Ni are associated with the ultramafic rocks. The results obtained from the sediment samples collected in the polluted sites showed that the elements Pb, Zn and Corg are enriched up to 4 times as a result of ail the human activities taking place in the basin. Organic carbon is an excellent indicator of domestic wastewater, Pb and Zn are good indicators of the automotive traffic and industrial effluents. The concentrations of each heavy metal did not show any significant correlation with grain size fractions; however, the concentration of organic carbon did show a negative correlation with grain size. The lithological, climatic and vegetation influence in the abundance of heavy metals and organic carbon in stream sediments clearly indicates the necessity of establishing background levels for the area under study when carrying out studies in environmental geochemistry.  相似文献   
Ecologically sustainable management of temperate forests is a complex task that involves balancing potentially conflicting land uses such as wood production and nature conservation. We argue that a variety of strategies implemented at different spatial scales is required for biodiversity conservation in temperate forests where wood production is permitted. This is a form of "risk-spreading;" if one option is ineffective for a given species, it may still be conserved as a result of the implementation of other approaches. At the largest scale, there is a clear need for reserves to protect representative samples of forest ecosystems. Within landscapes broadly designated for timber harvesting, intermediate-scale strategies such as the implementation of networks of streamside reserves and wildlife corridors are important for biodiversity conservation. At smaller spatial scales within harvested areas, critical habitat components for forest-dependent organisms like large old trees and logs must be provided. We focus on the importance of these fine-scale attributes for the conservation of biodiversity within logged forests using the mountain ash (  Eucalyptus regnans) forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria as a case study. Forest managers must develop silvicultural practices that maintain and perpetuate critical stand attributes essential for the conservation of forest-dependent organisms. To this end, a shift is required from the extensive use of clearfelling to the adoption of new silvicultural techniques that maintain more structurally complex multi-aged stands. The maintenance of key structural features should be used as a template to guide harvesting methods to ensure that production forests contribute to biodiversity conservation, not only in mountain ash forests, but also temperate wood production elsewhere around the world.  相似文献   
American robin nestlings compete by jockeying for position   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary We investigated whether nestling American robins (Turdus migratorius) were capable of influencing food distribution in their nests by perceiving that certain sectors of the nest received a relatively high proportion of feedings and positioning themselves accordingly. Feeding observations were obtained from videotape recordings taken at different stages of the nestling period. Parents generally arrived at a predictable location on the nest rim and allocated proportionally more food to nestlings in the central position. The degree of nestling movement was significantly positively correlated with variation in the predictability of parental arrival locations on the nest rim. Furthermore, nestlings moved more in broods suffering brood reduction. This suggests that when competition for food is intense and the location of parental arrival is predictable, nestlings respond by jockeying for access to the most favorable (i.e., central) position in the nest. We conclude that jockeying for position by nestlings can influence the pattern of food allocation by parents, and that hungry nestlings can improve their competitive standing against nestmates by moving to positions where parents are more likely to feed them. Correspondence to: S.B. McRae  相似文献   
Lithophaga date mussels from three species (L. lessepsiana, L. simplex and L. purpurea) were removed from their stony coral hosts in the Red sea at Eilat, Israel. Spawning, observed in the laboratory on several occasions during 1987–1988, appeared to be closely tied to lunar periods, occurring primarily during the last quarter and the new moon. Embryonic and larval development was typical of that described for other mytilids and, except for pigmentation differences, which could be discerned during embryogenesis, the developmental stages of the three species were indistinguishable. Development to the pediveliger stage took 3 to 4 wk in standard culture conditions, but raising the temperature to 27.5 °C increased the growth rate of larvae of L. lessepsiana by as much as three-fold, so that the pediveliger stage was attained in 16 d. Larvae resulting from spawning by L. simplex adults removed from the coral Astreopora myriophthalma grew significantly faster in culture than larvac from adults removed from the coral Goniastrea pectinata (comparison of slopes, p<0.05). The latter individuals showed a 6-d growth plateau at the early umbone stage. Metamorphically competent larvae were capable of delaying metamorphosis for up to 4mo, which would allow an extended period for dispersion and would increase the chance of finding a suitable substratum in the natural environment.  相似文献   
The energy efficiency of the foraging behavior of Astropecten articulatus (Say) was evaluated in the laboratory. Individuals utilized in the study were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 1990 to 1992. Sea stars presented with equal numbers and weights of low-quality and high-quality prey consistently selected prey of the higher quality. Choice of prey appeared to be mediated by contact chemoreception. Individuals presented with equal weights or equal numbers of different-sized prey models demonstrated a significant preference for smaller prey. Size-selective feeding may be attributable to the ease of manipulation and ingestion of smaller prey, which mazimizes food intake per unit time. In the absence of prey, A. articulatus exhibited a directional pattern of movement. However, as prey were encountered, both the frequency and magnitude of angular deviations in the foraging path increased, resulting in increased foraging in areas of higher prey density. This response to prey availability may increase foraging efficiency by maximizing the rate of prey encounter. Like four other species of the genus Astropecten, A. articulatus exhibited two peaks of activity corresponding with dawn and dusk. Diurnal activities with periods of increased prey availability or periods during which predators are diminished or absent. The sea star A. articulatus exhibits foraging behaviors consistent with the maximization of net energy intake per unit foraging time.  相似文献   
A comparative study of the reproductive ecology of the zooxanthellate, scleractinian corals Porites lobata Dana and P. panamensis Verrill was conducted from 1985 to 1991 in eastern Pacific reef environments that were severly impacted by the 1982–1983 El Niño warming events. P. lobata, a presumed broadcast spawner of large colony size, is widely distributed in the equatorial eastern Pacific, whereas P. panamensis, a brooder of small colony size, is abundant only on some reefs in Panamá. Both species were gonochoric with nearly 1:1 sex ratios in large study populations except for P. lobata at Caño Island that had 14% hermaphroditic colonies. Mature, unfertilized oocytes contained numerous zooxanthellae in both Porites species, and all planula developmental stages contained zooxanthellae in P. panamensis. Year-round sampling revealed high proportions of colonies with gonads, ranging from 30 to 68% in P. lobata and from 60 to 68% in P. panamensis. No clear relationship between numbers of reproductive colonies and the thermal stability of the habitat was evident in P. lobata: percent colonies with gonads at non-upwelling sites was 48 to 68% at Caño Island (Costa Rica) and Uva Island (Panamá), and at upwelling sites 30 to 50% at Saboga Island and Taboga Island (Panamá), and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). Similarly, 90% of all P. panamensis colonies were reproductive at Uva Island (a non-upwelling site), and 86% were reproductive at Taboga Island (an upwelling site). Upwelling at Taboga Island is seasonal, nevertheless P. panamensis produced mature gonads or planulae over most of the year (11 mo), whereas P. lobata exhibited reproductive activity during only 2 mo (May and June). No clear lunar periodicity was observed in P. panamensis (Taboga Island), but a high proportion of P. lobata showed increased gonadal development around full and new moon, especially at Caño and Uva Islands. Estimated fecundities were relatively high for P. lobata at Caño (4000 eggs cm-2 yr-1) and Uva (5200 eggs cm-2 yr-1) Islands, and notably low (70 to 110 eggs cm-2 yr-1) in the Galápagos Islands. P. panamensis mean fecundity at Taboga Island was 720 planulae cm-2 yr-1 or 4.0 mm3 cm-2 yr-1, which was lower than the egg volume production of P. lobata at Caño and Uva Islands (7.0 to 10.0 mm3 cm-2 yr-1). The capacity of P. lobata and P. panamensis to reproduce sexually supports the notion that eastern Pacific coral reef recovery may not be dependent on long-distance dispersal from central Pacific areas. However, sexual recruits of P. lobata are absent or uncommon at all eastern Pacific study sites while recruits of P. panamensis were common to abundant only at the Uva Island study site. Asexual fragmentation in P. lobata augments recruitment locally, but plays no role in P. panamensis recruitment.  相似文献   
The specific composition and abundance of bathyal decapods in the Catalan Sea were investigated. A total of 109 bottom trawls were effected at depths ranging from 141 to 730 m on the continental slope in the Catalan Sea (northwestern Mediterranean) during two sampling cruises in spring and autumn 1991. Multivariate analysis of the samples revealed four groups of the decapod crustacean communities: (1) A shelf-slope transition-zone group at depths between 146 and 296 m, primarily characterized by the presence of Plesionika heterocarpus; (2) an upper-slope community between 245 and 485 m, characterized by the presence of the mesopelagic species Pasiphaea sivado and Sergestes arcticus, with Processa nouveli, Solenocera membranacea and Nephrops norvegicus as secondary species; (3) a middle-slope community below 514 m, with Aristeus antennatus and Calocaris macandreae as the most abundant species; (4) a group at 430 to 515 m, comprising all samples collected exclusively within or in the vicinity of submarine canyons. Mesopelagic decapods were predominant on the slope, while benthopelagic fishes (Merluccius merluccius, Micromesistius poutassou, Gadiculus argenteus) replaced mesopelagic decapods on the shelf. There were seasonal variations, with higher densities of mesopelagic species in spring, which were probably related, among other factors, to variations in the photoperiod. Our surveys also revealed higher species richness in the canyons together with seasonal changes in the megafaunal biomass. Generally, the upper and middle-slope communities both displayed seasonal changes in the composition and abundance of megabenthos.  相似文献   
Allogeneic assays were conducted in situ on the Red Sea hydrocoral Millepora dichotoma. Forty-five pairwise combinations among ten colonies and ten control isografts were set up in four replicates each (180 and 40 pairs, respectively) and followed for up to 8 mo in the Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea in 1992–1993. In 42 allogeneic combinations we recorded a reproducible and unilateral tissue and skeleton overgrowth which developed within the first 10 wk up to 20 mm. Following the development of these primary overgrowths, four types of secondary responses were observed among most incompatible combinations: reversals in overgrowth directionality, tissue necroses, stand-offs and abnormal growth patterns. Secondary responses within a given set of replicates of most allogeneic combinations were characterized by high variability in type and intensity of response. Based on the outcomes of primary overgrowths, a complex nontransitive hierarchy was constructed for the ten colonies. All isografts and three allogeneic combinations fused within 3 wk. Fusion pattern between the three allogeneic combinations was nontransitive: one M. dichotoma colony repeatedly fused with two other colonies (four assays each). However, these two colonies not only did not fuse with each other, but one of them repeatedly overgrew its confrére. In the third compatible combination, the most superior and the most inferior colonies in the network of hierarchies among the ten colonies, fused in all tested assays. These results are compared with allogeneic outcomes in other enidarians, where nontransitive fusion between allogenic colonies have never been recorded.  相似文献   
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