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Accurate prediction of the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship requires adequate understanding of the interactions among species in a community. Effects of species diversity on ecosystem functioning are usually considered more pronounced with increasing functional dissimilarity, although species within functional groups may also perform non-identical functions and interact with each other. Here we present results of a laboratory experimental study aimed at elucidating whether interspecific interactions among species within a single nematode trophic group, bacterivores, (1) affect population development and community structure, and (2) depend on food availability. We studied the population growth of Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina, a rhabditid nematode known to favour very high food densities when in monoculture, and of Diplolaimelloides meyli and D. oschei, congeneric Monhysteridae known to perform better in monocultures at intermediate food availability. Both Diplolaimelloides species showed significantly different patterns of food-density dependence in combination culture compared to monoculture. At very high food availability, the rhabditid nematode facilitated growth of both monhysterid species, probably as a result of down-regulation of bacterial density. At the lowest food availabilities, the presence of even low numbers of monhysterid nematodes lead to exclusion of the rhabditid, which at such low food availability has a very inefficient food uptake. At intermediate food availabilities, abundances of both Diplolaimelloides species were strongly depressed in the combination culture, as a result of food depletion by the rhabditid, indirect inhibitory interactions between the two congeneric species, or both. The complexity of the species interactions render predictions on the outcome and functional consequences of changes in within-trophic-group diversity highly problematic.  相似文献   
The steady-state assumption is a mainstay for the analysis of ecological systems with more than three or four states. However, it is well accepted in ecology that inputs to large systems come in pulses assumed to have a reasonably constant magnitude and frequency. Steady pulse inputs and the use of electro-chemical–mechanical control systems methodology enables limited short term dynamic responses of ecological systems of a scale often occurring in systems of potential engineering importance to be analyzed. This paper explores and presents a survey of multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) control systems analysis of ecosystem network models to better understand pulse frequency issues and further develop experimentally verifiable approaches to testing the MIMO concept. The analysis process is demonstrated using two network model exemplars. Two aspects of MIMO analyses appear relevant to understanding ecological systems: (1) Eigenvalue invariant analyses and singular value decomposition (SVD) analyses enable assessment of stability and relative strength of states. Eigenvalues reflect time constants and provide a check on experimentally determined system matrices. (2) Analysis of SVD versus frequency for each output indicates maximum pulse frequencies that allow system components to benefit from pulsing. As a group, MIMO analyses complement other analytical methods and provide a theoretical systems focus convenient for analyzing ecosystems from an engineering perspective.  相似文献   
The Reynolds transport theorem (RTT) from mathematics and engineering has a rich history of success in mass transport dynamics and traditional thermodynamics. This paper introduces RTT as a complementary approach to traditional compartmental methods used in ecological modeling and network analysis. A universal system equation for a generic flow quantity is developed into a generic open-system differential expression for conservation of energy. Nonadiabatic systems are defined and incorporated into control volume (CV) and control surface (CS) perspectives of RTT where reductive assumptions in empirical data are then formally introduced, reviewed, and appropriately implemented. Compartment models are abstract, time-dependent systems of simultaneous differential equations describing storage and flow of conservative quantities between interconnected entities (the compartments). As such, they represent a set of flexible and somewhat informal, assumptions, definitions, algebraic manipulations, and graphical depictions subject to influence and selectively parsed expression by the modeler. In comparison, RTT compartment models are more rigorous and formal integro-differential equations and graphics initiated by the RTT universal system equation, forcing an ordered identification of simplifying assumptions, ending with clearly identified depictions of the transfer and transport of conservative substances in physical space and time. They are less abstract in the rigor of their equation development leaving less ambiguity to modeler discretion. They achieve greater consistency with other RTT compartment style models while possibly generating greater conformity with physical reality. Characteristics of the RTT approach are compared with those of a traditional compartment model of energy flow in an intertidal oyster-reef community.  相似文献   
The determination of the sensible heat flux over urban terrain is challenging due to irregular surface geometry and surface types. To address this, in 2006–07, a major field campaign (LUCE) took place at the école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne campus, a moderately occupied urban site. A distributed network of 92 wireless weather stations was combined with routine atmospheric profiling, offering high temporal and spatial resolution meteorological measurements. The objective of this study is to estimate the sensible heat flux over the built environment under convective conditions. Calculations were based on Monin–Obukhov similarity for temperature in the surface layer. The results illustrate a good agreement between the sensible heat flux inferred from the thermal roughness length approach and independent calibrated measurements from a scintillometer located inside the urban canopy. It also shows that using only one well-selected station can provide a good estimate of the sensible heat flux over the campus for convective conditions. Overall, this study illustrates how an extensive network of meteorological measurements can be a useful tool to estimate the sensible heat flux in complex urban environments.  相似文献   
The environment is profoundly important in shaping many aspects of animal phenotype, including courtship and mating behaviours. Courtship displays rely upon the transmission of visual information from the signaller to the receiver, which means they are likely to be less effective in visually poor conditions such as at low light or in turbid ecosystems. One might therefore predict that in visually poor environments it would be beneficial for individuals to plastically adjust their mating behaviour to maximise mating success. Here, we investigate the impact of the developmental and current visual environment (light intensity) upon male mating behaviour in the Trinidadian guppy Poecilia reticulata. Male guppies have two different mating tactics: They can court females with a visual sigmoid display or attempt to circumvent female choice by attempting a non-consensual copulation (gonapodium thrust). We reared juvenile guppies in low light and relatively high light intensities for 5 months before observing individual males for mating behaviour in both light conditions. We found that the current light environment is important in determining the frequency of both sigmoidal courtship displays and non-consensual copulation attempts. Males increase the frequency of sigmoidal displays at relatively high light and increase non-consensual mating attempts at low light, suggesting that males compensate for poor visual conditions via an adjustment in tactics. We also find a significant correlation in courtship effort between the different light environments, suggesting that there is individual consistency across time and context for this trait. Developmental environment was less important. However, we found that fish reared at lower light intensities continued to employ sigmoidal displays despite the poor current visual environment. Our data show that male mating behaviour is phenotypically plastic in response to recent light environment. This may have implications for understanding how animals cope with anthropogenic environmental change.  相似文献   
Morupule Colliery near Palapye in eastern Botswana is the only coalmine in production in Botswana at present. Its coal is mainly used in the nearby coal-fired Morupule Power Station, which generates approximately 1,000 GWh of electricity per annum. After more than 30 years mining and more than 20 years of combustion, the sedimentation of outlet fly ash from the Morupule Power Station has increased concentrations of Cr, Ni, Zn and As by 13, 2.5, 16 and 5 ppm, respectively, in the fine portion (<53 μm) of surface soils for approximately 9 km downwind. Elements that have higher concentrations in coal have stronger small-particle association during coal combustion and are less mobile in surface soils, thus showing stronger contaminations in surface soils around the coal-fired plant. Although the degree of contamination of Cr, Ni, Zn and As from coal combustion in the Palapye area at present is low, it is necessary to monitor concentrations of these elements in surface soils routinely in the future. This study also reveals moderate Pb and Zn contaminations in the Palapye area. The former is due to the use of leaded petroleum in motor vehicle traffic and the latter is mainly due to the use of galvanized iron sheets in construction.  相似文献   
Background and aim Despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality since the 1970s, fish populations, especially those of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), have declined over the last two decades in the upper Danube River (Germany). In order to assess 1) possible links between molecular/biochemical responses and ecologically relevant effects, and 2) if ecotoxicological effects might be related to the decline in fish catches in the upper Danube river, sediment samples and fish were collected at different locations and analyzed using a weight-of-evidence (WOE) approach with several lines of evidence. The objective of the presentation is to introduce the conceptual framework and to review results of the ongoing study. As previously addressed by Chapman and Hollert (2006) a variety of lines of evidence can be used in WOE studies. Briefly, 1) a comprehensive battery of acute and mechanism-specific bioassays was used to characterize the ecotoxicological hazard potential. 2) Histopathological investigations and the micronucleus assay with erythrocytes were applied, analyzing in situ parameters. 3) Diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish as well as 4) persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disrupting substances, limnochemical parameters and the concentration of heavy metals were recorded. To identify organic contaminants a spotential causes of sediment toxicity assays, 5) effect directed analysis was applied.  相似文献   
In planktonic food webs, the conversion rate of plant material to herbivore biomass is determined by a variety of factors such as seston biochemical/elemental composition, phytoplankton cell morphology, and colony architecture. Despite the overwhelming heterogeneity characterizing the plant–animal interface, plankton population models usually misrepresent the food quality constraints imposed on zooplankton growth. In this study, we reformulate the zooplankton grazing term to include seston food quality effects on zooplankton assimilation efficiency and examine its ramifications on system stability. Using different phytoplankton parameterizations with regards to growth strategies, light requirements, sinking rates, and food quality, we examined the dynamics induced in planktonic systems under varying zooplankton mortality/fish predation, light conditions, nutrient availability, and detritus food quality levels. In general, our analysis suggests that high food quality tends to stabilize the planktonic systems, whereas unforced oscillations (limit cycles) emerge with lower seston food quality. For a given phytoplankton specification and resource availability, the amplitude of the plankton oscillations is primarily modulated from zooplankton mortality and secondarily from the nutritional quality of the alternative food source (i.e., detritus). When the phytoplankton community is parameterized as a cyanobacterium-like species, conditions of high nutrient availability combined with high zooplankton mortality led to phytoplankton biomass accumulation, whereas a diatom-like parameterization resulted in relatively low phytoplankton to zooplankton biomass ratios highlighting the notion that high phytoplankton food quality allows the zooplankton community to sustain relatively high biomass and to suppress phytoplankton biomass to low levels. During nutrient and light enrichment conditions, both phytoplankton and detritus food quality determine the extent of the limit cycle region, whereas high algal food quality increases system resilience by shifting the oscillatory region towards lower light attenuation levels. Detritus food quality seems to regulate the amplitude of the dynamic oscillations following enrichment, when algal food quality is low. These results highlight the profitability of the alternative food sources for the grazer as an important predictor for the dynamic behavior of primary producer–grazer interactions in nature.  相似文献   
In the present paper we propose a modification of a basic eco-epidemiological model by incorporating predator switching among susceptible and infected prey population. A local and global study of the basic model is performed around the disease-free boundary equilibrium and the interior equilibrium to estimate important parameter thresholds that control disease eradication and species coexistence. Next we analyze the switching model from the same perspective in order to elucidate the role of switching on disease dynamics. Numerical simulations are carried out to justify analytical results.  相似文献   
Young forests can be manipulated in diverse ways to enhance their ecological values. We used stem maps from two dense, second-growth stands in western Washington and a spatially explicit light model (tRAYci) to simulate effects of five silvicultural manipulations on diameter distribution, species composition, spatial patterning, and light availability. Each treatment removed 30% of the basal area, but differed in how trees were selected for removal. Three primary treatments were thin from below (removing the smallest trees), random thin (removing trees randomly), and gap creation (removing all trees in circles ∼1 tree height in diameter). Two additional treatments combined elements of these approaches: random ecological thin (a mixture of thin from below and random thin) and structured ecological thin (a mixture of thin from below and gap creation).  相似文献   
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