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The persistence of behavioral types in situ and the drivers of persistence are central to predicting the ecological effects of intraspecific behavioral variation. We surveyed individual refuge use of mud crabs (Panopeus herbstii), a behavior related to the strength of a trait-mediated trophic cascade in oyster reefs, in the absence and presence of toadfish (Opsanus tau) predation threat. We then released these crabs into the field and using mark-recapture, measured the repeatability of this behavior in the absence and presence of threat, and how behavioral change was affected by time in the field (a month on average, up to 81 days), crab size, and sex. Because crabs exhibited some evidence of a circatidal rhythm in refuge use, we also tested how tidal height during observation influenced behavioral change. Predation threat increased refuge use, and small crabs used the refuge more than large crabs, particularly under threat. In recaptured crabs, refuge use was more repeatable under threat. Neither time in the field, crab size, crab sex, nor tidal height had any effect on behavioral change. Our results support the non-mutually exclusive hypotheses that (1) prey organisms in the presence, rather than absence, of predation threat should exhibit less behavioral variability because the fear of dying (a severe fitness consequence) should take precedence over less immediately important influences on behavior (e.g., hunger) and that (2) individual behaviors tied to fixed traits (e.g., the body size dependence of refuge use under threat in this study), rather than variable traits, should be more repeatable over time.  相似文献   
The deserts of central Australia contain richer communities of lizards than any other arid regions, with the highest diversity occurring in sand dune habitats dominated by hummock-forming spinifex grasses. To investigate the mechanisms that permit coexistence, we studied two species of coexisting agamid lizards that exhibit striking divergence in their use of habitat in the Simpson Desert of central Australia. Here, the military dragon Ctenophorus isolepis is restricted primarily to sites providing > 30% cover of hard spinifex Triodia basedowii, whereas the central netted dragon C. nuchalis occurs in areas with much sparser (< 10%) cover. We constructed four mechanistic models to explain this pattern and then derived hypotheses to test them. One hypothesis, that competition restricts each species to its preferred habitat, was rejected after dyad encounters in field enclosures failed to elicit any habitat shift or any overt interactions between the species. Our next hypotheses were that each species exhibits preferences for different thermal environments or different prey types and that each selects the habitats that maximize access to them. Both were supported. C. isolepis preferred lower temperatures when active and specialized in eating ants < 5 mm long and selected spinifex-dominated areas where these requirements were met. In contrast, C. nuchalis preferred higher temperatures and a diversity of prey, both of which were available mostly in open areas. Finally, we used plasticine models to test the hypothesis that each species faced lower risk of predation in its selected habitat. This was partly supported, as models of both species were attacked more often in the open than under spinifex cover. The results show that habitat divergence occurs along several, probably covarying, niche axes. We suggest that different levels of spinifex cover provide the template for a broad range of ecological interactions, allowing lizard species to partition biotic and abiotic resources and achieve the extraordinarily high levels of local diversity that are observed.  相似文献   
Inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) is often the dominant form of soil organic phosphorus (P), but is rarely investigated because of the analytical difficulties encountered in its extraction, separation, and detection in environmental samples. In particular, recent advances in the study of soil organic P with 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have been of limited use for the study of IP6, because the technique does not discriminate between IP6 and other forms of P. This was addressed by developing a novel analytical procedure using the retentive properties of gel-filtration gels for IP6, which allows the combined selective extraction and pre-concentration of IP6 from soil extracts with determination by 31P NMR. While the technique is still in the developmental stage, the results demonstrate that the gel does not interfere with 31P NMR analysis and retains IP6 to concentrations well above those required to give clear spectral signals. The technique has considerable potential for application to the study of IP6 in soil extracts and water samples and, with development, could help to answer fundamental questions regarding the dynamics of organic P in the environment.  相似文献   
Assessments of the efficacy of mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from paddy rice systems have typically been analyzed based on field studies. Extrapolation of the mitigation potential of alternative management practices from field studies to a national scale may be enhanced by spatially explicit process models, like the DeNitrification and DeComposition (DNDC) model. Our objective was to analyze the impacts of mitigation alternatives, management of water, fertilizer, and rice straw, on net GHG emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes), yields, and water use. After constructing a GIS database of soil, climate, rice cropping area and systems, and management practices, we ran DNDC with 21-yr alternative management schemes for each of the approximately 2500 counties in China. Results indicate that, despite large-scale adoption of midseason drainage, there is still large potential for additional methane reductions from Chinese rice paddies of 20 to 60% over 2000-2020. However, changes in management for reducing CH4 emissions simultaneously affect soil carbon dynamics as well as N2O emissions and can thereby reorder the ranking of technical mitigation effectiveness. The order of net GHG emissions reduction effectiveness found here is upland rice > shallow flooding > ammonium sulfate > midseason drainage > off-season straw > slow-release fertilizer > continuous flooding. Most of the management alternatives produced yields comparable to the baseline; however, continuous flooding and upland rice significantly reduced yields. Water management strategies appear to be the most technically promising GHG mitigation alternatives, with shallow flooding providing additional benefits of both water conservation and increased yields.  相似文献   
Resilience has emerged as a prominent paradigm for interpreting and shaping human–environment connections in the context of global environmental change. Resilience emphasizes dynamic spatial and temporal change in social–ecological systems where humans are inextricably interwoven with the environment. While influential, resilience thinking has been critiqued for an under-theorized framing of socio-cultural dynamics. In this paper, we examine how the resilience concepts of planetary boundaries and reconnecting to the biosphere frame human–environment connection in terms of mental representations and biophysical realities. We argue that focusing solely on mental reconnection limits further integration between the social and the ecological, thus countering a foundational commitment in resilience thinking to social–ecological interconnectedness. To address this susceptibility we use Tim Ingold’s ‘dwelling perspective’ to outline an embodied form of human–environment (re)connection. Through dwelling, connections are not solely produced in the mind, but through the ongoing interactivity of mind, body and environment through time. Using this perspective, we position the biosphere as an assemblage that is constantly in the making through the active cohabitation of humans and nonhumans. To illustrate insights that may emerge from this perspective we bring an embodied connection to earth stewardship, given its growing popularity for forging local to global sustainability transformations.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the influence of climate change and land development on future flood risk for selected Austrian flood-prone municipalities. As part of an anticipatory micro-scale risk assessment we simulated four different inundation scenarios for current and future 100- and 300-year floods (which included a climate change allowance), developed scenarios of future settlement growth in floodplains and evaluated changes in flood damage potentials and flood risk until the year 2030. Findings show that both climate change and settlement development significantly increase future levels of flood risk. However, the respective impacts vary strongly across the different cases. The analysis indicates that local conditions, such as the topography of the floodplain, the spatial allocation of vulnerable land uses or the type of land development (e.g. residential, commercial or industrial) in the floodplain are the key determinants of the respective effects of climate change and land development on future levels of flood risk. The case study analysis highlights the general need for a more comprehensive consideration of the local determinants of flood risk in order to increase the effectiveness of an adaptive management of flood risk dynamics.  相似文献   
In many countries worldwide, unconventional hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking) is considered a natural steppingstone toward the use of renewable energies against the backdrop of climate change. Although commercial drilling for shale gas has not yet begun in Germany, the public discourse appears to be creating more controversy than in other European countries. Based on the theoretical concept of “framing,” we conducted a quantitative empirical study from January 2013 to December 2014 analyzing the coverage of fracking in three highly influential newspapers and political magazines in Germany. The results of this study provide the first insights into the discussion of fracking in the German news media and allow comparisons to the debate in other European countries. We found that fracking is mainly discussed in the economic context of securing the future energy supply while the potential risks of the technique are mostly ignored. We discuss our findings and try to explain the unbalanced reporting.  相似文献   
Regional Environmental Change - Protection of natural or semi-natural ecosystems is an important part of societal strategies for maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem services, and achieving overall...  相似文献   
The analysis of spatial relationships among the distribution of environmental stressors and observed or predicted adverse effects may be a useful method of prioritizing hazards in regional ecological risk assessment (ERA). Geographic information systems were used to compare the spatial distribution of toxicant concentrations in sediments of Chesapeake Bay with the distribution of areas in the basin where ecological impacts have historically been observed. Toxicants were then prioritized based upon the strength of their spatial association with the high impact areas. This method of hazard identification/prioritization was validated against the Chesapeake Bay Program's lists of toxics of concern and toxics of potential concern (TOC and TOPC, respectively). Of the 18 toxicants on the TOC/TOPC lists that were considered in the current study, 15 (83%) were identified as priority contaminants in the current study, 11 (73%) of which were either of primary or secondary concern. The use of spatial analysis tools in ERA may lead to more rapid and rigorous methods for prioritizing environmental risks.  相似文献   
Productivity in P limited peatlands is regulated in part by the turnover of organic phosphates, which is influenced by the chemical nature of the compounds involved. We used solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to quantify organic and inorganic phosphates in benthic floc (a mixture of plant detritus and algae) and underlying soil from sites along P gradients in hard water and soft water areas of the northern Florida Everglades, USA. Phosphorus-enriched sites were dominated by cattail (Typha spp.), while unenriched sites included sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) ridges and open-water sloughs. Phosphorus extracted in a solution containing 0.25 M NaOH and 50 mM EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate) included phosphate, phosphate monoesters, DNA, and pyrophosphate. Signals from phosphate monoesters were consistent with those from alkaline hydrolysis products of RNA and phospholipids formed during extraction and analysis, whereas phytic acid (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate), the most abundant organic phosphate in most soils, was not detected. Phosphorus composition was similar among sites, although neither DNA nor pyrophosphate were detected in extracts of benthic floc from a calcareous slough. DNA was a greater proportion of the P extracted from soil compared to benthic floc, while the opposite was true for pyrophosphate. Research on the cycling of organic phosphates in wetlands focuses conventionally on the turnover of phosphate monoesters, but our results suggest strongly that greater emphasis should be given to understanding the role of phosphate diesters and phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   
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