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由于邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的广泛应用,对环境造成了巨大的影响,因此对其的降解性研究刻不容缓。选取邻苯二甲酸酯类中的一种化合物——邻苯二甲酸二辛酯作为受试物,运用好氧生物降解方法,把驯养后的污水处理厂的活性污泥对其进行降解试验,通过对pH值和温度的调节,研究温度在15℃~45℃,pH值在5.0~9.0时邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)的降解情况,结果表明,好氧生物降解DOP的适宜温度为30℃~35℃,适宜pH值为8.0。  相似文献   
在中温条件下,采用餐厨废水发酵液协同焦化废水的方法快速启动膨胀式颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB),通过分析化学需氧量、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)、颗粒污泥浓度、颗粒污泥粒径分布(PSD)、胞外聚合物(ECP)、颗粒污泥表面形态及其内部结构等指标,探讨了反应器在不同驯化阶段的污泥特性和运行特性的变化。结果表明:通过逐步增加有机负荷和降低餐厨废水发酵液浓度份额,经69 d实现了反应器的快速启动,COD平均去除率达34%。颗粒污泥在依次完成解体、流失和修复的整个驯化过程中,其特性发生了显著变化,SS由接种时(36.66±0.63)g·L-1降至(29.76±0.65)g·L-1,mVSS/mSS平均值由0.69±0.01降到0.66±0.02;成熟的颗粒污泥以0.43~1.70 mm范围的小粒径颗粒污泥为主,污泥颗粒化程度(SGR)为86.63%。胞外多聚物(ECP)也显著降低,其平均值仅为(34.43±1.40)mg·g-1。扫描电镜显示,驯化成功的颗粒污泥表面和剖面的微生物种类和数量更加丰富,其组成元素也发生较大变化。  相似文献   
Mercury (Hg) could be microbially methylated to the bioaccumulative neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg), raising health concerns. Understanding the methylation of various Hg species is thus critical in predicting the MeHg risk. Among the known Hg species, mercury sulfide (HgS) is the largest Hg reservoir in the lithosphere and has long been considered to be highly inert. However, with advances in the analytical methods of nanoparticles, HgS nanoparticles (HgS NPs) have recently been detected in various environmental matrices or organisms. Furthermore, pioneering laboratory studies have reported the high bioavailability of HgS NPs. The formation, presence, and transformation (e.g., methylation) of HgS NPs are intricately related to several environmental factors, especially dissolved organic matter (DOM). The complexity of the behavior of HgS NPs and the heterogeneity of DOM prevent us from comprehensively understanding and predicting the risk of HgS NPs. To reveal the role of HgS NPs in Hg biogeochemical cycling, research needs should focus on the following aspects: the formation pathways, the presence, and the environmental behaviors of HgS NPs impacted by the dominant influential factor of DOM. We thus summarized the latest progress in these aspects and proposed future research priorities, e.g., developing the detection techniques of HgS NPs and probing HgS NPs in various matrices, further exploring the interactions between DOM and HgS NPs. Besides, as most of the previous studies were conducted in laboratories, our current knowledge should be further refreshed through field observations, which would help to gain better insights into predicting the Hg risks in natural environment.  相似文献   
本文描述了涕灭威农药在土壤、水体和生物中的残留、降解和归趋以及对生物的毒性。涕灭威是一种剧毒农药、在环境中虽能很快降解成亚砜,并能进一步降解成毒性更低的化合物,但它仍有可能造成对地下水的污染和对生物与人体的潜在危害。  相似文献   
为了研究竹炭及其改性产品在污水处理中作为微生物载体的可行性,在曝气生物滤池工艺中研究了竹炭及其改性产品(硝酸改性、双氧水改性和超声改性竹炭)对污染物(COD及NH4+-N)的处理效果。结果表明,超声改性竹炭的处理效果最好,对COD及NH4+-N去除率分别达93.34%和50.94%,而其他改性竹炭的处理效果无显著提高。基于PLFA技术分析各载体上的微生物群落结构,结果表明,所有载体上的微生物均以真核和好氧原核生物为主,超声改性竹炭上的生物量高于其他填料且厌氧细菌数量最多。此外,基于碘吸附值和SEM技术分别对改性竹炭的吸附性能和形貌进行分析发现,超声改性竹炭上的微孔数量增加,孔壁更为粗糙。因此,超声改性竹炭这种生物质新材料有望成为优良的水处理微生物载体。  相似文献   
四湖地区湿地资源及其开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对四湖地区的湿地资源进行了三个方面的探讨和研究:湿地类型及其特征;湿地开发及其存在的问题;湿地资源合理开发模式研究。  相似文献   
Zhang W  Wei C  Chai X  He J  Cai Y  Ren M  Yan B  Peng P  Fu J 《Chemosphere》2012,88(2):174-182
The occurrence, behaviors and fate of 18 PAHs were investigated in a coking wastewater treatment plant in Songshan coking plant, located in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province of China. It was found that the target compounds occurred widely in raw coking wastewater, treated effluent, sludge and gas samples. In raw coking wastewater, high molecular weight (MW) PAHs were the dominant compounds, while 3-6 ring PAHs predominated in the final effluent. The dominant compounds in gas samples were phenathrene, fluoranthene and pyrene, while they were fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene and benzo[k]fluoranthene for sludge. The process achieved over 97% removal for all the PAHs, 47-92% of eliminations of these target compounds in liquid phase were achieved in biological stage. Different behaviors of PAHs were observed in the primary tank, anaerobic tank, aerobic tank, hydrolytic tank and coagulation tank units, while heavier and lower ones were mainly removed in anaerobic tank and aerobic tanks, respectively. Regarding the fate of PAHs, calculated fractions of mass losses for low MW PAHs due to transformation and adsorption to sludge accounted for 15-50% and 24-49%, respectively, while the rest was less than 1%. For high MW PAHs, the mass losses were mainly due to adsorption to sludge and separation with tar (contributing 56-76% and 22-39%, respectively), and the removal through transformation was less.  相似文献   
Wang Z  Liu L  Yao J  Cai W 《Chemosphere》2006,63(10):1728-1735
The effects of extracellular polymeric substances on aerobic granulation in sequencing batch reactors were investigated by evaluating the content and compositions of extracellular polymeric substances, and the relationship between extracellular polymeric substances composition and surface properties of glucose-fed aerobic granules. The results showed that extracellular polymeric substances could affect surface properties of cells, such as surface charge and hydrophobicity, enhance polymeric interaction and promote aerobic granulation. Moreover, extracellular polymeric substances were produced mainly in the exponential phase, and served as carbon and energy source in starvation phase during granulation process, thus regulating the growth of bacteria in the interior and exterior of granules, and maintaining the integrality of granules.  相似文献   
利用五孔探针系统对直筒式旋风静电除尘器模型的三维流场进行了测定与分析.结果表明:随着入口风速、供电电压增加,旋风静电除尘器内气流的切向和径向速度分别增加,各截面轴向速度沿半径的分布基本相似;与旋风除尘器相比,旋风静电除尘器内气流的切向速度和径向速度的变化更为平缓,入口风速为8.5 m/s时,在0.3~0.5倍简体直径时,切向速度达最大.  相似文献   
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