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企业要搞好安全生产工作,必须坚持以人为本。因为人是生产过程中最活跃的要素,是安全生产的实践者,安全文化的核心。在企业安全文化建设中,如何坚持以人为本呢?  相似文献   
利用藻类膜处理富营养化水体是一种新的研究方法。在连续光照强度约3 500 lx条件下,研究了藻类膜处理武汉富营养化湖水的处理效果。实验结果表明:藻类膜处理富营养化湖水的氮磷效果明显,6 d内,南湖TP、TN和NH3-N的去除率分别为96.96%、93.21%和92.84%,紫阳湖的TP、TN、NH3-N的去除率分别为96.43%、78.11%和97.63%,汤逊湖的TP、TN和NH3-N的去除率分别为81.32%、76.38%和84.64%。  相似文献   
针对EDTA滴定法测定水中总硬度(简称标准法)时,缓冲溶液配制繁琐,耗时较长的情况,提出了对缓冲溶液配制的改进方法(简称改进法)。改进法很好地克服了标准法的不足。通过地表水、地下水以及总硬度标准样品的比对测定,两者的测定结果无显著差异。  相似文献   
以钢铁酸洗废水为研究对像,研究一种基于微波催化纳米气泡氧化的工艺技术,对废水进行深度净化回用,其特征是:使废水中水、铁、酸有效分离,各自回用,全系统近乎零排放。  相似文献   
现场监测数据审核是整个环境监测质量管理中的重要一环,关系到监测数据的真实、公正、有效.现场监测原始记录准确完整的填写是数据审核的前提条件,文章论述了原始记录的填写要求及填写方法.针对审核过程中遇到异常数据的具体问题加以判别,分析原始记录的完整性、计算公式的准确性在现场监测数据审核工作中的作用.结合实际工作,通过对环境监测数据相关性、逻辑性进行研究,分析了现场监测数据审核过程中应注意的问题及异常数据的产生原因,并提出了相应的解决方法.  相似文献   
为了解济南市不同粒径大气颗粒物暴露对老年人群血清淀粉样蛋白P组分(SAP)的急性影响,评估大气颗粒物暴露对人群神经系统的健康风险,以山东省济南市甸柳社区为研究地点,采用定群研究设计,对社区76名健康老年人进行5次重复测量,结合社区附近(< 2 km)环保监测超级站的PM2.5和PM10浓度数据,在控制年龄、性别等协变量情况下,利用线性混合效应模型分别分析PM2.5和PM10暴露对SAP的效应影响.结果表明:大气颗粒物短期暴露与老年人群SAP的升高呈正相关;PM2.5累积滞后0~6 h,每升高1个四分位数间距(IQR),SAP水平升高18.73%(95% CI为9.20%~29.08%)(FDRH-P < 0.05)(其中,CI为可信区间,FDRH-P为经多重校正后的P值);PM10累积滞后0~6 h,每升高1个IQR,SAP水平亦升高,但变化不显著(FDRH-P>0.05).研究显示,大气颗粒物暴露可以引起人群反应神经退行性病变的SAP指标升高,提示大气颗粒物对人群神经系统具有潜在威胁;PM2.5对SAP的效应高于PM10,提示小粒径颗粒物具有较高的健康危害,应加强对小粒径颗粒物的健康影响和干预防护研究.   相似文献   
Simulation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure is essential for evaluating adverse health effects. In this work, an ambient exposure system that mimicked real atmospheric conditions was installed in Taiyuan, China to study impacts of chronic PM2.5 exposure on adult and aged mice as well as Sirtuin3 knockout (Sirt3 KO) mice and wild-type (WT) mice. The real-ambient exposure system eliminated the possible artificial effects caused from exposure experiments and maintained the physiochemical characteristics of PM2.5. The case studies indicated that aged mice exhibited apparent heart dysfunction involving increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure after 17-week of real-ambient PM2.5 exposure. Meanwhile, 15-week of real-ambient PM2.5 exposure decreased the heart rate and amounts of associated catecholamines to induce heart failure in Sirt3 KO mice. Additionally, the increased pro-inflammatory cytokines and decreased platelet related indices suggested that inflammation occurred. The changes of biomarkers detected by targeted metabolomics confirmed metabolic disorder in WT and Sirt3 KO mice after exposed to real-ambient PM2.5. These results indicated that the real-ambient PM2.5 exposure system could evaluate the risks of certain diseases associated with air pollution and have great potential for supporting the investigations of PM2.5 effects on other types of rodent models.  相似文献   
In this study, paddy fields in Jilin province which are flooded parcel of arable lands used for growing rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) were selected as the object. Long-term exploitation of paddy fields led to variations of soil organic carbon (SOC) and green house gases (GHGs) emissions which might contribute to global warming. In order to calculate the amount of global warming potentials (GWPs) of emissions from ricepaddies and find the correlations among rice yield, SOC storage and GWP, DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model was used to simulate SOC densities and fluxes of main GHGs emitted from paddy fields. After verification, simulation results were used to calculate SOC storages and 100-year GWPs from 1949 to 2009. Results indicated that SOC densities in depths of 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and 20–30 cm all kept increasing. Average methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were 278.55 kg carbon (kgC) ha−1 a−1 and 2.22 kg nitrogen (kgN) ha−1 a−1. The SOC storage (0–30 cm) had increased from 3.96 × 109kgC in 1949 to 47.85 × 109kgC in 2009. In addition, GWP emission was increasing exponentially in the past 61 years, from 0.16 × 106 Mg carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-equivalents) to 66.36 × 106 Mg CO2-equivalents. Both SOC storage and GWP presented obviously linear relation to rice yields. Overall, the research suggested that long-term rice yields could be used to estimate the SOC storage and GWP variations.  相似文献   
影响土壤电动修复效率的因素很多,包括土壤类型、污染物性质、电压和电流大小、洗脱液组成和性质、电极材料和结构等.但很少有文献报道不同电极材料对电动修复土壤重金属污染的效率影响,文章采用不同电极材料(石墨、不锈钢和钛板)对尾矿附近的土壤进行电动修复,研究了修复效率及土壤pH随时间的变化情况.当电场强度为1 V/cm,采用石墨电板电动修复48 h总铅的去除效率为77%,不锈钢电极和钛电极的修复效率分别为64%和54%.石墨电极去除效率的提高归因于相比于不锈钢电极和钛电极,石墨电极提供更多的电子传递所需的活性界面.  相似文献   
此文首先从理论上分析了容室等毛坯的锻压生产工艺,对在不锈钢锻件及非加工表面上有曲形标记锻件的锻造生产中,如何提高锻模寿命的问题进行了具体的讨论。提出了适当增大飞边桥部高度,增加成形工步等提高锻模寿命的方法。  相似文献   
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