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Studies on spatiotemporal pattern of population abundance predict that close populations should exhibit a high level of synchrony, reflected in a parallel time variation of at least one demographic parameter. We tested this prediction for two threatened species of Procellariiformes sharing similar life history traits: the European Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus) and the Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus). Within each species, we compared adult survival, proportion of transients (breeders that do not settle), and average productivity at two neighboring colonies. Physical and environmental features (e.g., food availability) of the breeding sites were similar. However, while Balearic Shearwater colonies were free of predators, aerial predators occurred especially in one colony of the European Storm Petrel. Despite this difference, we found similar results for the two species. A high proportion of transient birds was detected in only one colony of each species, ranging between 0.00-0.38 and 0.10-0.63 for the petrels and shearwaters, respectively. This seems to be an emergent feature of spatially structured populations of seabirds, unrelated to colony size or predator pressure, that can have important demographic consequences for local population dynamics and their synchrony. Local survival of resident birds was different at each colony, an unexpected result, especially for predator-free colonies of Balearic Shearwater. Productivity varied between the two colonies of European Storm Petrels, but not between the two colonies of Balearic Shearwaters. We demonstrated that within each species, several demographic parameters were colony specific and sufficiently different to generate short-term asynchronous dynamics. Our findings suggest that, in spatially structured populations, local factors, such as predation or small-scale habitat features, or population factors, such as individual quality or age structure, can generate unexpected asynchrony between neighboring populations.  相似文献   
Over 6-million pairs of sooty terns Sterna fuscata breed once a year in the southwest Indian Ocean, mostly on three islands of the Mozambique Channel (Europa, Juan de Nova and Glorieuses) and in the Seychelles region. Seasonal reproduction in either winter or summer is the dominant strategy in the area, but non-seasonal reproduction also occurred in some places like at Glorieuses Archipelago. The feeding ecology of the sooty tern was investigated during the breeding seasons to determine whether terns showed significant differences in their trophic ecology between locations. Regurgitations were analyzed to describe the diet of individuals when breeding, and stable isotopes and mercury concentrations were used to temporally integrate over the medium-term of the trophic ecology of both adults and chicks. Overall, the diet was composed of fish, flying squid and fish larvae in different proportions. At Europa and Aride in the Seychelles, where winter reproduction occurs, large epipelagic prey like flying fish or squid dominated the diet. At Juan de Nova, sooty terns reproduce in summer and rely mostly on fish larvae. At Glorieuses (non-seasonal breeding), the diet was intermediate with fish larvae and flying squid being important prey items. The stable-carbon and nitrogen isotope values in blood confirm the differences observed in dietary analysis, and demonstrate different feeding strategies between colonies. δ13C values of feathers showed spatial segregation between birds from the Mozambique Channel and the Seychelles region. Terns from the Seychelles had also higher δ15N values. Feather δ13C values also suggest a significant shift from summer to wintering habitat for birds from Juan de Nova. This study emphasizes the high phenotypic plasticity of the species, which may explain its numerical dominance in all tropical waters of the World’s Ocean.  相似文献   
Drinking of arsenic (As)-contaminated groundwater has adverse effects on health of millions of people worldwide. This study aimed to determine the degree of severity of As exposure from drinking water in peri-urban Moyna and Ardebok villages, West Bengal, India. Arsenic concentrations in hair, nail and urine samp les of the individuals were determined. Arsenical dermatosis, keratosis and melanosis were investigated through medical evaluation. We have evaluated the association between As exposure from drinking water, and keratosis and melanosis outcomes. The results showed that 82.7?% of the sampled tube wells contain As concentrations above 10?μg/L, while 57.7?% contain As concentrations above 50?μg/L. The hair, nail and urine As concentrations were positively correlated with As concentrations in drinking water. In our study population, we observed a strong association between As concentrations ranging 51-99?μg/L and keratosis and melanosis outcomes, although the probability decreases at higher concentration ranges perhaps due to switching away from the use of As-contaminated tube wells for drinking and cooking purposes. High As concentrations in hair, nail and urine were observed to be associated with the age of the study population. The level of As concentrations in hair, nail and urine samples of the study population indicated the degree of severity of As exposure in the study region.  相似文献   
Although benthic marine algae are essential components of marine coastal systems that have been influenced profoundly by past and present climate change, our knowledge of seaweed phylogeography is limited. The brown alga Ishige okamurae Yendo occurs in the northwest Pacific, where it occupies a characteristic belt in the exposed intertidal zone. To understand the patterns of genetic diversity and the evolutionary history of this species, we analyzed mitochondrial cox3 from 14 populations (221 individuals) throughout its range. The 17 haplotypes found in this study formed five distinct clades, indicating significant genetic structure. The high differentiation and number of unique (private) haplotypes may result from the recolonization of the species from glacial refugia. Three putative refugia, each with high genetic diversity, were identified: southern Korea (including Jeju Island), northern Taiwan, and central Pacific Japan. Recolonization of I. okamurae was probably determined by ocean currents and changes in sea level during the last glacial period.  相似文献   
The survival of marine predators depends on behavioural plasticity to cope with changes in prey distribution. Variability in behaviour might predict plasticity and is easier to assess than plasticity. Using miniaturized GPS loggers over several breeding seasons in two Norwegian Northern gannet (Morus bassanus) colonies, we investigated if and how the variability within and between individuals, but also between colonies and years, affected foraging strategies. Results revealed strong individual variability (foraging trip durations, foraging effort and different foraging areas). Individuals from both colonies showed preferred commuting routes, flight bearings and feeding hotspots. Individuals from the largest colony used larger and more foraging areas than individuals from the small colony. Feeding hotspots and foraging ranges varied amongst years in the largest colony only. Our study demonstrated that gannets show flexibility by changing prey fields that are driven by shifting oceanographic conditions.  相似文献   
Developing renewable energy is now becoming a hot topic as it is important in dealing with climate change issue and energy supply issue. With the growing demand of energy, it has become urgent to develop the effective policies and measures that would enable people to maintain the living standards. Among all the measures, price is an essential one. In order to evaluate the costs and prices of the electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) and their effects to the market, this paper firstly focus on the extra costs of the RES-E by breaking it into four parts, including investment, construction, connection and operation. Then, the policy choices made in some typical industrialized countries are examined to find answers to the problems RES-E can raise. Finally, the choices made in China are examined in comparison to industrialized countries so as to determine how the current situation could be improved.  相似文献   
园林绿化树种香樟叶片的含硫量动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物对一定浓度范围内的大气污染物,具有一定程度的抵抗及吸收净化作用。为了解南京市主要园林绿化树种香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)叶片吸收净化SO2的能力,选择在5个不同污染靶区,以3个不同胸径级的香樟叶片为研究对象,采用硫酸钡比浊法测定了不同季节香樟叶片的含硫量。结果表明:香樟叶片对SO2具有一定的吸收净化能力,其叶片含硫量平均为0.2160%,且其含量随分布区、生长季节及个体胸径不同差异显著;并与异域大气中SO2污染指数成一定的正相关;与个体胸径大小成显著负相关;季节间呈现出"先降后升再降"的动态趋势,于春秋季较高,而夏冬季较低。  相似文献   
基于RS与GIS的武汉城市湖泊演化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以武汉市主城区为例,利用1995和2005年Landsat5两期TM影像与2000和2010年Landset7两期ETM+影像的解译结果,基于景观分形理论与GIS的空间分析功能相结合的研究方法,分别构建湖泊变化强度指数和湖泊分形维数变化指数。从湖泊面积变化和湖泊形态变化,以及湖泊水域和其他土地利用类型的转移变化特点与影响进行综合分析。来丰富湖泊演化的分析方法,并总结高速城市化背景下湖泊的变化规律,从而更深入地了解和认识人类活动因素与湖泊水域动态变化之间的响应关系,同时提出若干城市湖泊治理与管理的方式。研究结果表明,(1)15年间的湖泊水域面积总量的变化呈现萎缩的趋势,年变化量在逐渐减小,湖泊萎缩的速度得到了一定的控制。(2)1995-2010年湖泊分形维数也呈逐期较小趋势,说明湖泊几何形状趋于简单化,人为活动对湖泊的影响加大。(3)15年来主城区28个主要湖泊的变化强度指数均为负值,呈萎缩趋势。但从2000年开始,少数湖泊变化强度指数为正值,萎缩趋势得到初步的控制。(4)1995-2010年间湖泊的水域面积主要转移成为建设用地和耕地。其转移面积占转移总面积的87.02%。围湖造田和城市化率的迅速提高对城市湖泊的演化影响深刻。(5)城市化背景下湖泊面积与形态变化的规律并非完全与城市化发展速率呈正比的关系,当城市化率上升到一定的阶段后,城市内部对生态环境的保护与要求也不断提高。为改善城市环境和城市内部的生态用地,湖泊应得到立法等强制性保护。  相似文献   
This article describes a new forest management module (FMM) that explicitly simulates forest stand growth and management within a process-based global vegetation model (GVM) called ORCHIDEE. The net primary productivity simulated by ORCHIDEE is used as an input to the FMM. The FMM then calculates stand and management characteristics such as stand density, tree size distribution, tree growth, the timing and intensity of thinnings and clear-cuts, wood extraction and litter generated after thinning. Some of these variables are then fed back to ORCHIDEE. These computations are made possible with a distribution-based modelling of individual tree size. The model derives natural mortality from the relative density index (rdi), a competition index based on tree size and stand density. Based on the common forestry management principle of avoiding natural mortality, a set of rules is defined to calculate the recurrent intensity and frequency of forestry operations during the stand lifetime. The new-coupled model is called ORCHIDEE-FM (forest management).The general behaviour of ORCHIDEE-FM is analysed for a broadleaf forest in north-eastern France. Flux simulation throughout a forest rotation compare well with the literature values, both in absolute values and dynamics.Results from ORCHIDEE-FM highlight the impact of forest management on ecosystem C-cycling, both in terms of carbon fluxes and stocks. In particular, the average net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of 225 gC m−2 year−1 is close to the biome average of 311 gC m−2 year−1. The NEP of the “unmanaged” case is 40% lower, leading us to conclude that management explains 40% of the cumulated carbon sink over 150 years. A sensitivity analysis reveals 4 major avenues for improvement: a better determination of initial conditions, an improved allocation scheme to explain age-related decline in productivity, and an increased specificity of both the self-thinning curve and the biomass-diameter allometry.  相似文献   
A long-term pilot-scale H2-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) was tested for removal of nitrate from actual groundwater. A key feature of this second-generation pilot MBfR is that it employed lower cost polyester hollow fibers and still achieved high loading rate. The steady-state maximum nitrate surface loading at which the effluent nitrate and nitrite concentrations were below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) was at least 5.9 g·N·(m2·d)?1, which corresponds to a maximum volumetric loading of at least 7.7 kg·N·(m3·d) ?1. The steady-state maximum nitrate surface area loading was higher than the highest nitrate surface loading reported in the first-generation MBfRs using composite fibers (2.6 g·N·(m2·d)?1). This work also evaluated the H2-utilization efficiency in MBfR. The measured H2 supply rate was only slightly higher than the stoichiometric H2-utilization rate. Thus, H2 utilization was controlled by diffusion and was close to 100% efficiency, as long as biofilm accumulated on the polyester-fiber surface and the fibers had no leaks.  相似文献   
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