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In China, the continuously increasing amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) has resulted in an urgent need for changing the current municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system based on mixed collection. A pilot program focusing on source-separated MSW collection was thus launched (2010) in Hangzhou, China, to lessen the related environmental loads. And greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Kyoto Protocol) are singled out in particular. This paper uses life cycle assessment modeling to evaluate the potential environmental improvement with regard to GHG emissions. The pre-existing MSWM system is assessed as baseline, while the source separation scenario is compared internally. Results show that 23 % GHG emissions can be decreased by source-separated collection compared with the base scenario. In addition, the use of composting and anaerobic digestion (AD) is suggested for further optimizing the management of food waste. 260.79, 82.21, and ?86.21 thousand tonnes of GHG emissions are emitted from food waste landfill, composting, and AD, respectively, proving the emission reduction potential brought by advanced food waste treatment technologies. Realizing the fact, a modified MSWM system is proposed by taking AD as food waste substitution option, with additional 44 % GHG emissions saved than current source separation scenario. Moreover, a preliminary economic assessment is implemented. It is demonstrated that both source separation scenarios have a good cost reduction potential than mixed collection, with the proposed new system the most cost-effective one.  相似文献   
高盐废水盐度变化是影响微生物生长的重要因素之一。研究以中度嗜盐菌Halomonassp.STSY.3为例,测定其在不同盐度下生长对数期末OD600,并以葡萄糖为限制性基质,利用Monod方程,对菌株进行生长动力学拟合。结果表明,Halomonassp.STSY-3的最适生长盐度为7%(以NaCl计),此盐度下其OD600 为2.56,而0%和34%盐度下OD600分别为0.47和0.06;Halomonassp.STSY-3的生长动力学模型与实验数据能较好地拟合,在最适生长盐度下动力学模型参数μmax 为2.257h-1,Ks为0.0082g/L。比较不同盐度下STSY-3生长动力学参数,得出中度嗜盐菌STSY-3的生长存在3个明显分区:最适盐度区(盐度2%~9%)、嗜盐过渡区(盐度9%~20%和0.68%~1.76%)及生长抑制区(盐度≤2%或≥20%)。其中嗜盐过渡区0.68%~1.76%由于范围较小,实际意义小,忽略不计。  相似文献   
Tetracycline (TC) is a widely used veterinary drug in animal breeding and fishery. Because of its low bioavailability, the TC residue extensively exists in the environment (e.g. soils, lakes and rivers), which can enter the human body, being potentially harmful. Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein responsible for oxygen carrying in the vascular system of animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of bovine hemoglobin (BHb) with TC through spectroscopic and molecular modeling methods. The experimental results revealed that TC can interact with BHb with one binding site to form a TC-BHb complex, mainly through van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bonds. The UV-visible absorption, synchronous fluorescence, and circular dichroism (CD) results revealed that the binding of TC can cause conformational and some microenvironmental changes of BHb, which may affect BHb physiological functions. The synchronous fluorescence experiment disclosed that TC binds into BHb central cavity, which was verified by molecular modeling study. The work contributes to clarify the molecular mechanism of TC toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   
EPA’s efforts to develop low cost, retrofitable flue gas cleaning technology include the development of highly reactive sorbents. Recent work addressing lime enhancement and testing at the bench-scale followed by evaluation of the more promising sorbents in a pilot plant are discussed here.

The conversion of Ca(OH)2 with SO2 increased several-fold compared with Ca(OH)2 alone when Ca(OH)2 was slurrled with fly ash first and later exposed to SO2 in a laboratory packed bed reactor. Ca(OH)2 enhancement increased with the increased fly ash amount. Dlatomaceous earths were very effective reactivity promoters of lime-based sorbents. Differential scanning calorimetry of the promoted sorbents revealed the formation of a new phase (calcium silicate hydrates) after hydration, which may be the basis for the observed Improved SO2 capture.

Fly ash/lime and diatomaceous earth/lime sorbents were tested in a 100 m3/h pilot facility incorporating a gas humidifier, a sorbent duct injection system, and a baghouse. The inlet SO2 concentration range was 1000-2500 ppm. With once-through dry sorbent injection into the humidified flue gas [approach to saturation 10–20°C (18–36°F) in the baghouse], the total SO2 removal ranged from 50 to 90 percent for a stoichiometric ratio of 1 to 2. Recycling the collected solids resulted in a total lime utilization exceeding 80–90 percent. Increased lime utilization was also investigated by the use of additives.  相似文献   
The equilibrium composition of product gases from the combustion of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) has been studied for varying ratios of C, H, Cl, and O under stoichiometric to fuel-rich conditions. An interactive, PC-compatible FORTRAN program, STANJAN, was utilized in conjunction with thermochemical data sources to calculate equilibrium compositions of gas mixtures as a function of temperature. The predicted results, when judiciously Interpreted, assist in the understanding of the potential for formation of residual organic substance emissions (ROSEs) in post-flame environments of an incinerator.

Arguments are presented for the potential formation of chlorinated species, which are stable at ambient temperature, if locally fuel-rich mixtures penetrate into the lower temperature zones of an incinerator. ROSEs that have been observed in field tests of incinerators burning chlorinated compounds are predicted to form under the fuel-rich condition. Furthermore, when the equivalence ratio is greater than unity by even a slight amount, the degree of chlorination of product gases increases markedly when the Cl/H ratio also exceeds unity. In that case, time, temperature, turbulence and an overall fuel-lean stoichiometry may not be sufficient to guarantee elimination of measurable levels of chlorinated products. Possible implications of the equilibrium calculations are discussed. Further systematic studies with additional CHCs, nitrogen?, sulfur?, and heavy metal-bearing compounds are recommended as well as continued efforts to carry out kinetic studies.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale compost-based biofilter was operated over a six-month period to study the requirements for removal of n-hexane from air. Hexane is a relatively short chain aliphatic hydrocarbon with a high Henry's coefficient and a low water solubility. Acclimation of the biofilter was slow, but removal efficiencies around 80% were achieved after one month of operation. However, performance decreased during the next two months of operation to 50% removal efficiency. Nutrient limitation was proposed as a reason for the decrease in reactor performance. After the addition of a concentrated nitrogen solution, reactor performance increased almost immediately to >99%. Removal efficiency remained above 99% for the following two months of operation at inlet concentrations of 0.7 g/m3 (200 ppmv), at superficial bed velocities approaching 50 m/h, and empty bed residence times of about one minute. Thus, nutrient availability may well limit biofilter performance even in compost- based units. It was shown that nutrients can be added effectively in a soluble form if compost quality is poor and a method is proposed for the evaluation of compost quality.  相似文献   

Currently, we have limited knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of emitted primary combustion aerosols and the changes in those properties caused by nucleation, condensation growth of volatile species, and particle coagulations under dilution and cooling in the ambient air. A dilution chamber was deployed to sample exhaust from a pilot-scale furnace burning various fuels at a nominal heat input rate of 160 kW/h?1 and 3% excess oxygen. The formation mechanisms of particles smaller than 420 nm in electrical mobility diameter were experimentally investigated by measurement with a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) as a function of aging times, dilution air ratios, combustion exhaust temperatures, and fuel types. Particle formation in the dilution process is a complex mixture of nucleation, coagulation, and condensational growth, depending on the concentrations of available condensable species and solid or liquid particles (such as soot, ash) in combustion exhausts. The measured particle size distributions in number concentrations measured show peaks of particle number concentrations for medium sulfur bituminous coal, No. 6 fuel oil, and natural gas at 40-50 nm, 70-100 nm, and 15-25 nm, respectively. For No. 6 fuel oil and coal, the particle number concentration is constant in the range of a dilution air ratio of 50, but the number decreases as the dilution air ratio decreases to 10. However, for natural gas, the particle number concentration is higher at a dilution air ratio of 10 and decreases at dilution air ratios of 20-50. At a dilution air ratio of 10, severe particle coagulation occurs in a relatively short time. Samples taken at different combustion exhaust temperatures for these fuel types show higher particle number concentrations at 645 K than at 450 K. As the aging time of particles increases, the particles increase in size and the number concentrations decrease. The largest gradient of particle number distribution occurs within the first 10 sec after dilution but shows only minor differences between 10 and 80 sec. The lifetimes of the ultrafine particles are relatively short, with a scale on the order of a few seconds. Results from this study suggest that an aging time of 10 sec and a dilution air ratio of 20 are sufficient to obtain representative primary particle emission samples from stationary combustion sources.  相似文献   

Road dust contributes a large percentage of the atmosphere’s suspended particles in Taiwan. Three road dust samples were collected from downtown, electrical park, and freeway tunnel areas. A mechanical sieve separated the road dust in the initial stage. Particles >100 μm were 75%, 70%, and 60% (wt/wt), respectively, of the samples. Those particles <37 μm were resuspended in another mixing chamber and then collected by a Moudi particle sampler. The largest mass fraction of resuspended road dust was in the range of 1–10 μm. Ultrafine particles (<1 μm) composed 33.7, 17, and 7.4% of the particle samples (downtown, electrical park, and freeway tunnel, respectively). The road dust compositions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-atomic emissions spectroscopy and ICP-mass spectrometry. The highest concentration fraction contained more aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), and potassium than other elements in the road dust particle samples. Additionally, the sulfur (S) content in the road dust from the electrical park and freeway tunnel areas was 2.1 and 3.4 times the downtown area sample, respectively. The sulfur originated from the vehicle and boiler oil combustion and industrial manufacturing processes. Furthermore, zinc (Zn) concentration in the tunnel dust was 2.6 times that of the downtown and electrical park samples, which can be attributed to vehicle tire wear and tear. Resuspended road dusts (<10 μm) from the downtown and freeway tunnel areas were principally 2.5–10 μm Al, barium (Ba), Ca, copper (Cu), Fe, magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), antimony (Sb), and Zn, whereas arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), and nickel (Ni) were predominant in the ultrafine particle samples (<1 μm). Al, Ba, and Ca are the typical soil elements in coarse particles; and As, and Cr and Ni are the typical fingerprint of oil combustion and vehicle engine abrasion in ultrafine particles. There was a special characteristic of resuspension road dust at electrical park, that is, many elements, including As, Ba, Ca, cadmium, Cr, Cu, Fe, manganese (Mn), Ni, lead (Pb), S, vanadium (V), and Zn, were major in ultrafine particles. These elements should be attributed to the special manufacturing processes of electric products.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to explore the association between NP exposure and parity and their effect on neonatal birth weight.


A cohort of pregnant women was established in a medical center in North Taiwan. Urinary NP concentration was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescent detection and adjusted using creatinine. A multivariable regression model was fit to determine the association between the maternal NP level in each trimester and neonatal birth weight. The odds ratios (ORs) of infant birth weight below the 10th, 25th, and 50th percentiles, comparing pregnant women with the different NP exposure levels, was estimated using a logistic regression.


Of the 162 pregnant women in the study, 99 were multiparas and 63 were primiparas. After adjusting for other covariates, the NP level in the second trimester had a significant association with birth weight in the primiparas (β = −182.49 g, p value = 0.02). The OR of low infant birth weight, comparing pregnant women with different NP levels, was increased by decreasing the cutoff percentile for birth weight (OR = 1.18 for the 50th percentile, 2.12 for the 25th percentile, and 7.81 for the 10th percentile). The odds of primiparas with high NP level having a low neonatal birth weight increased to 3.87, 11.77, and 9.40 for the three different percentiles (p value < 0.05).


Maternal NP exposure level is associated with an increased risk of low neonatal weight. Primiparas are especially at risk, and the second trimester of pregnancy may be the critical stage of exposure.  相似文献   
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