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Generic water quality guidelines (WQGs) are developed by countries/regions as broad scale tools to assist with the protection of aquatic ecosystems from the impacts of toxicants. However, since generic WQGs cannot adequately account for the many environmental factors that may affect toxicity at a particular site, site-specific WQGs are often needed, especially for high environmental value ecosystems. The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality provide comprehensive guidance on methods for refining or deriving WQGs for site-specific purposes. This paper describes three such methods for deriving site-specific WQGs, namely: (1) using local reference water quality data, (2) using biological effects data from laboratory-based toxicity testing, and (3) using biological effects data from field surveys. Two case studies related to the assessment of impacts arising from mining operations in northern Australia are used to illustrate the application of these methods. Finally, the potential of several emerging methods designed to assess thresholds of ecological change from field data for deriving site-specific WQGs is discussed. Ideally, multiple lines of evidence approaches, integrating both laboratory and field data, are recommended for deriving site-specific WQGs.  相似文献   
Contemporary coral reefs are forced to survive through and recover from disturbances at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Understanding disturbances in the context of ecological processes may lead to accurate predictive models of population trajectories. Most coral-reef studies and monitoring programs examine state variables, which include the percentage coverage of major benthic organisms, but few studies examine the key ecological processes that drive the state variables. Here we outline a sampling strategy that captures both state and process variables, at a spatial scale of tens of kilometers. Specifically, we are interested in (1) examining spatial and temporal patterns in coral population size-frequency distributions, (2) determining major population processes, including rates of recruitment and mortality, and (3) examining relationships between processes and state variables. Our effective sampling units are randomly selected 75 × 25 m stations, spaced approximately 250?C500 m apart, representing a 103 m spatial scale. Stations are nested within sites, spaced approximately 2 km apart, representing a 104 m spatial scale. Three randomly selected 16 m2 quadrats placed in each station and marked for relocation are used to assess processes across time, while random belt-transects, re-randomized at each sampling event, are used to sample state variables. Both quadrats and belt-transects are effectively sub-samples from which we will derive estimates of means for each station at each sampling event. This nested sampling strategy allows us to determine critical stages in populations, examine population performance, and compare processes through disturbance events and across regions.  相似文献   
Multimedia mass balance models differ in their treatment of spatial resolution from single boxes representing an entire region to multiple interconnected boxes with varying landscape properties and emission intensities. Here, model experiments were conducted to determine the relative importance of these two main factors that cause spatial variation in environmental chemical concentrations: spatial patterns in emission intensities and spatial differences in environmental conditions. In the model, experiments emissions were always to the air compartment. It was concluded that variation in emissions is in most cases the dominant source of variation in environmental concentrations. It was found, however, that variability in environmental conditions can strongly influence predicted concentrations in some cases, if the receptor compartments of interest are soil or water—for water concentrations particularly if a chemical has a high octanol–air partition coefficient (K oa). This information will help to determine the required level of spatial detail that suffices for a specific regulatory purpose.  相似文献   
Innovative separation and beneficiation techniques of various materials encountered in electrical and electronic equipment wastes (WEEE) is a major improvement for its recycling. Mechanical separation-oriented characterisation of WEEE was conducted in an attempt to evaluate the amenability of mechanical separation processes. Properties such as liberation degree of fractions (plastics, metals ferrous and non-ferrous), which are essential for mechanical separation, are analysed by means of a grain counting approach. Two different samples from different recycling industries were characterised in this work. The first sample is a heterogeneous material containing different types of plastics, metals (ferrous and non-ferrous), printed circuit board (PCB), rubber and wood. The second sample contains a mixture of mainly plastics. It is found for the first sample that all aluminium particles are free (100%) in all investigated size fractions. Between 92% and 95% of plastics are present as free particles; however, 67% in average of ferromagnetic particles are liberated. It can be observed that only 42% of ferromagnetic particles are free in the size fraction larger than 20 mm. Particle shapes were also quantified manually particle by particle. The results show that the particle shapes as a result of shredding, turn out to be heterogeneous, thereby complicating mechanical separation processes. In addition, the separability of various materials was ascertained by a sink–float analysis and eddy current separation. The second sample was separated by automatic sensor sorting in four different products: ABS, PC–ABS, PS and rest product. The fractions were characterised by using the methodology described in this paper. The results show that the grade and liberation degree of the plastic products ABS, PC–ABS and PS are close to 100%. Sink–float separation and infrared plastic identification equipment confirms the high plastic quality. On the basis of these findings, a global separation flow sheet is proposed to improve the plastic separation of WEEE.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development and application of the Visibility and Haze in the Western Atmosphere (VISHWA) model to understand the source-receptor relationships that govern chemical species relevant to visibility degradation in the western United States. The model was developed as part of a project referred to as Visibility Assessment for Regional Emission Distributions (VARED), the objective of which is to estimate the contributions of various geographical regions, compounds, and emission

sources to light scattering and absorption by particles on the Colorado Plateau.

The VISHWA model is a modified version of a comprehensive Eulerian model, known as the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model.1 The modifications were designed to obtain the computational efficiency required to simulate a one-year period at about 1/25th of real time, and at the same time incorporate mechanistic features relevant to realistic modeling of the fate and transport of visibility degrading species. The modifications included use of a condensed chemical mechanism; incorporation of reactions to simulate the formation of secondary organic particles; and use of a semi-Lagrangian advection scheme to preserve concentration peaks during advection.

The model was evaluated with 1992 air quality data from Project MOHAVE (Measurements of Haze and Visual Effects) intensive experiments. An important conclusion of this evaluation is that aqueous-phase oxidation of SO2 to sulfate in nonprecipitating clouds makes a significant contribution to observed sulfate levels during winter as well as summer. Model estimates of ambient sulfate

for the winter intensive were within a factor of 2 of the observations for 75% of the values. The corresponding statistic for the summer intensive was 90%. Model estimates of carbon were within a factor of 2 of the limited set of observations.  相似文献   

The emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is attracting increasing concern both from the public and by government agencies. Among the many available control technologies for the treatment of VOC containing waste streams, incineration offers an ultimate disposal strategy rather than a means for collecting or concentrating the offending compounds. This paper describes the major, commercially available thermal and catalytic incinerator systems that are designed to treat dilute, VOC containing gas streams. Qualitative guidelines are presented whereby the technologies can be compared. In addition, an example waste stream is used to illustrate a simplified procedure for calculating the material and energy balances for each of the incinerators. The resulting parameters will be used in a companion paper to estimate the capital and operating costs associated with each design. In this manner, a first estimate can be obtained of the costs of cleaning a waste stream containing low levels of VOCs.  相似文献   
Considering the important role that surface waters serve for drinking water production, it is important to know if these resources are under the impact of contaminants. Apart from environmental pollutants such as pesticides, compounds such as (xeno)estrogens have received al lot of research attention and several large monitoring campaigns have been carried out to assess estrogenic contamination in the aquatic environment. The introduction of novel in vitro bioassays enables researchers to study if – and to what extent – water bodies are under the impact of less-studied (synthetic) hormone active compounds. The aim of the present study was to carry out an assessment on the presence and extent of glucocorticogenic activity in Dutch surface waters that serve as sources for drinking water production. The results show glucocorticogenic activity in the range of <LOD – 2.4 ng dexamethasone equivalents L−1 (dex EQs) in four out of eight surface waters. An exploratory time-series study to obtain a more complete picture of the yearly average of fluctuating glucocorticogenic activities at two sample locations demonstrated glucocorticogenic activities ranging between <LOD – 2.7 ng dex EQs L−1. Although immediate human health effects are unlikely, the environmental presence of glucocorticogenic compounds in the ng L−1 range compels further environmental research and assessment.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common contaminants in soil at former industrial areas; and in Sweden, some of the most contaminated sites are being remediated. Generic guideline values for soil use after so-called successful remediation actions of PAH-contaminated soil are based on the 16 EPA priority pollutants, which only constitute a small part of the complex cocktail of toxicants in many contaminated soils. The aim of the study was to elucidate if the actual toxicological risks of soil samples from successful remediation projects could be reflected by chemical determination of these PAHs. We compared chemical analysis (GC-MS) and bioassay analysis (H4IIE-luc) of a number of remediated PAH-contaminated soils. The H4IIE-luc bioassay is an aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor-based assay that detects compounds that activate the Ah receptor, one important mechanism for PAH toxicity. Comparison of the results showed that the bioassay-determined toxicity in the remediated soil samples could only be explained to a minor extent by the concentrations of the 16 priority PAHs. The current risk assessment method for PAH-contaminated soil in use in Sweden along with other countries, based on chemical analysis of selected PAHs, is missing toxicologically relevant PAHs and other similar substances. It is therefore reasonable to include bioassays in risk assessment and in the classification of remediated PAH-contaminated soils. This could minimise environmental and human health risks and enable greater safety in subsequent reuse of remediated soils.  相似文献   
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