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This is the consolidated report of emissions of PCDD/F from facilities in the organic chemical manufacturing chain leading to polyvinyl chloride. Data have been gathered from facilities in the US and Canada from a number of manufacturers and at various steps in the manufacturing process. Estimates of US emissions or transfers of PCDD/F were generated on an "Upper Bound" and "Most Likely" basis. The Most Likely estimate of US emissions of PCDD/F to the open environment, that is, air, water and land surface by facilities in this chain, based on evaluation of non-detects at one-half the detection limit is about 12 g I-TEQ per year. On this same basis, an estimated 19 g is disposed of in secure landfills.  相似文献   
Effects of thickness on bacterial film   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Algeciras Bay is an important industrial and port zone in the south of Spain whose pollution by particulate matter surpasses the threshold levels recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its 2005 Guide on Air Quality. This study analyses the mortality avoided and the economic benefit which would be derived from a reduction of the pollution of PM2.5 and PM10 to the levels recommended by the WHO in Algeciras Bay in the period 2005-2015. The analysis carried out shows that the industrial zones, such as Los Barrios and San Roque, are those which have greater levels of pollution and in which the relative risk is greater. The calculations for Algeciras Bay between 2000 and 2015 show 182 deaths which would be avoided if the particulate matter pollution were reduced to the levels recommended by the WHO. Likewise, the economic valuation which this impact has on health is carried out through two concepts: the cost of illness and the Value of Statistical Life (VSL). The result shows that the economic benefit that would come out with the cost of illness valuation is 5,329,110€ and from the VSL is 414,787,113€.

Implications: PM2.5 has a greater concentration in industrial localities and is linked to the industrial activity. When the particulate matter pollution is reduced to the levels recommended by the WHO in an industrialised area such as Algeciras (Spain), 182 deaths which would be avoided. The result shows that the economic benefit that would come out with the cost of illness valuation is 5,329,110€ and from the value of statistical life is 414,787,113€.  相似文献   

Ozone injury to natural vegetation is being increasingly surveyed throughout the northern hemisphere. There exists a growing list of species showing visible 'ozone-like' symptoms which needs to be validated. This study presents the results from a test survey of ozone injury to forest vegetation in the light exposed sites of five Swiss level II plots, for the new ICP-Forests protocol. With AOT40 from 14 to 28 ppm-h in 2000, ten out of 49 woody plant species displayed typical symptoms, and four showed untypical symptoms. Symptom origin was investigated in nine and validated in seven species, using morphological, histological and cellular markers of oxidative stress and ozone-induced plant response. Independent of taxonomic position, ozone effects were characterized by the induction of oxidative stress in the mesophyll resulting in discrete and light-dependent hypersensitive-like responses and in accelerated cell senescence. The presented combination of cellular and morphological markers allows differential diagnosis of visible ozone injury.  相似文献   
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