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垦殖对湿地土壤有机碳垂直分布及可溶性有机碳截留的影响 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
通过测定和计算兴凯湖地区沼泽湿地及由其垦殖而来的旱田和水田土壤剖面有机碳含量和密度及土壤剖面不同深度土壤溶液中可溶性有机碳含量,分析了垦殖对兴凯湖周边沼泽湿地土壤有机碳垂直分布及土壤剖面截留可溶性有机碳的影响.结果表明,垦殖显著影响湿地0~40 cm土壤有机碳含量,大豆田和水稻田0~10、10~20、20~30、30~40 cm土壤有机碳含量与湿地相比分别降低了79.07%和82.01%、79.01%和82.28%、79.86%和92.90%、37.49%和78.05%;40 cm以下土层土壤有机碳含量垦殖前后差异不显著.大豆田和水稻田有机碳密度相比沼泽湿地分别降低了25.50%和47.35%,但三者1 m深土壤中大部分的有机碳均是储存在0~50 cm土层中.垦殖前后土壤有机碳含量与深度之间的关系均可用指数函数来描述,垦殖改变了土壤有机碳含量但并未改变其随土壤深度的变化规律.垦殖为大豆田土壤剖面对可溶性有机碳的截留效果较湿地和水稻田更明显,沼泽湿地和水稻田对可溶性有机碳的截留效果大致相当. 相似文献
青藏高原水循环过程情况复杂,水体氢氧同位素包含了其重要信息.选取西藏南部干旱区淡水湖、咸水湖及地热水水体为研究对象,分析研究区内不同水体氢氧同位素组成、变化特征、影响因素及水循环过程.结果表明,3种水体均表现出了高海拔地区氢氧同位素组成偏负的特点,淡水湖打加芒错δ18O平均值为-17.0‰,δD平均值为-138.6‰,咸水湖朗错δ18O平均值为-6.4‰,δD平均值为-87.4‰,搭格架地热区热水δ18O平均值为-19.2‰,δD平均值为-158.2‰;受内陆干旱区强烈的蒸发作用影响,湖泊及地热水蒸发线斜率均小于8,氘过量d值均为负值;搭格架地热区热储温度较高,氢氧同位素关系存在氧漂移现象. 相似文献
广州市秋季PM2.5中重金属的污染水平与化学形态分析 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
采用消解法和连续提取法分析了广州市秋季PM2.5样品中10种重金属元素的总量和化学形态,对广州市PM2.5中重金属的污染水平和生物有效性进行了评价.结果表明,广州市PM2.5和重金属污染非常严重,其中PM2.5日浓度高达0.083 3~0.190 0 mg·m-3,为1997年美国EPA相应标准的1.3~2.9倍.PM2.5中Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu和Mo的富集因子K>10,是典型的污染元素;而Ni、Mn、Co和Fe的K值为1~10,除部分来自人为活动外,主要还是自然作用来源.化学形态分析结果显示,超过80%的Al和Fe分布在有机质、氧化物与硫化物结合态和残渣态,而大部分Zn、Pb、Cd 和Cu分布在可溶态、可交换态、碳酸盐态、可氧化态和可还原态.生物有效性系数(K)分析结果说明,PM2.5中重金属的生物有效性相对强弱顺序为:Cd>Zn>Pb>Cu>Mn>Mo>Co>Ni>Fe>Al.其中Cd、Zn和Pb的K>0.8,为生物可利用性元素;Cu、Mn、Mo、Co和Ni的K值在0.5左右,为潜在生物可利用性元素;Fe和Al的K<0.2,为生物不可利用性元素. 相似文献
Plastics such as polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) are widely used in many indoor constructed environments; however, their unbound chemicals, such as di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalates (DEHP), can leach into the surrounding environment. This study focused on DEHP's effect on the central nervous system by determining the precise DEHP content in mice brain tissue after exposure to the chemical, to evaluate the specific exposure range. Primary neuronal-astrocyte co-culture systems were used as in vitro models for chemical hazard identification of DEHP. Oxidative stress was hypothesized as a probable mechanism involved, and therefore the total reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration was determined as a biomarker of oxidative stress. In addition, NeuriteTracer, a neurite tracing plugin with ImageJ, was used to develop an assay for neurotoxicity to provide quantitative measurements of neurological parameters, such as neuronal number, neuron count and neurite length, all of which could indicate neurotoxic effects. The results showed that with 1 nmol/L DEHP exposure, there was a significant increase in ROS concentrations, indicating that the neuronal-astrocyte cultures were injured due to exposure to DEHP. In response, astrocyte proliferation (gliosis) was initiated, serving as a mechanism to maintain a homeostatic environment for neurons and protect neurons from toxic chemicals. There is a need to assess the cumulative effects of DEHP in animals to evaluate the possible uotake and effects on the human neuronal system from exoosure to DEHP in the indoor environment. 相似文献
建立了以环己烷为萃取剂、气相色谱法(氢火焰离子化检测器,FID)测定水质样品中可萃取性石油烃(C_(10)~C_(40))的分析方法。以正构烷烃混合标准溶液为定性和定量校准标准,以色谱峰面积总和与混合标准溶液总浓度建立校准曲线进行外标法定量。方法检出限为0.01 mg/L,经验证方法精密度和准确度良好。同时,分别以气相色谱法和红外光度法测定了地表水、污水处理厂出水、海水和化工废水等实际样品,对比实验结果表明,在可萃取性石油烃C_(10)~C_(40)的碳数范围内,气相色谱法的测试结果与红外光度法无明显差异,有较好的可比性。 相似文献
A bacterium classified as Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain IR08 by phenotypic typing coupled with 16S rRNA gene analysis was isolated from a soil contaminated with electrical transformer ?uid for over sixty years using Aroclor 1221 as an enrichment substrate. The substrate utilization profiles revealed that IR08 could grow on all three monochlorobiphenyls (CBs), 2,4'- and 4,4'-dichlorobiphenyl as well as 2-chlorobenzoate (2-CBA), 3-CBA, 4-CBA, and 2,3-dichlorobenzoate. Unusually, growth was poorly sustaine... 相似文献