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近40年湖南冰雹时空分布和变化特征及机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用湖南省1967~2006年近四十年冰雹日数资料,分析了湖南冰雹时空分布特征,着重讨论了湖南冰雹日数年代、年、季、月、旬、日际变化、地域分布特征及湖南前后二十年冰雹的变化趋势。研究表明:湖南冰雹是典型的春雹区,春季冰雹日数占全年冰雹日数的74.9%;存在2年和4.8年的周期;日变化十分明显,多出现在午后到傍晚;地理分布呈西多东少,高山多于平原,洞庭湖北侧多于南侧的特点;近二十年冰雹呈减少趋势,多雹区更集中,主要出现在湘西北和湘东南。  相似文献   
从总体状况评价、浓度变化特征、疑似源探寻等角度初步分析了某化工园区大气特征因子自动监测数据。分析表明,合理选用不同水平的数据集可以突出大气特征因子的规律性,尤其是疑似源探寻;采用现场检查等手段与自动监测的相互校核十分必要,特别是便携式气相色谱质谱仪对特征因子自动监测系统“假阳性”识别。  相似文献   
气态挥发性有机物(VOCs)引起的污染严重威胁人们的健康,因而对其监测技术的研究也越来越多。其中罐采样与气相色谱/质谱联用的检测技术在VOCs气态污染物测定中的应用逐步受到关注。对罐采样技术进行了综述,重点介绍了罐采样与气相色谱/质谱联用技术在环境空气、室内空气、废气中VOCs检测的应用。  相似文献   
盐城经济技术开发区污水处理厂提标改造工程设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了盐城经济技术开发区污水厂提标改造工程技术路线及方案.针对污水厂进水中工业废水含量较多的特点,增设水解酸化工艺段,将现状CAST池改造为AAO生物反应池,新建二沉池及混凝沉淀设施,使出水水质稳定达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)中的一级A排放标准.同时增设污泥深度脱水设施,采用化学调理+板框压滤工艺.实际运行表明,经改造后的污水处理厂对各项污染物均取得了较好的去除效果,脱水后污泥的含水率可稳定控制在60%以下.  相似文献   
There is an obvious departure from the regional equilibrium of developments between the upper and lower reaches of the Pearl River in Guangdong, which resulted in "the effects of contra-geography-grads development". It is mainly because the upriver mountainous areas have been deeply stuck in industrialization delay and marginalization plights, so that nearly 40 million local people have conceived a dream to get rid of "the vicious circle of poverty" by speeding up industrial development. But the problem is that such industrialization efforts on a large scale in mountainous areas are encountering the bottleneck of environmental capacity that strictly limits industrial emissions along the upper reaches of any water system. As a solution, an institutional arrangement called "the Local Area Quotas for Industrial Emissions along the Pearl River" is put forward supposed to give corresponding compensation to the rights of industrial development yielded by some areas with lower environmental capacity through the distribution and trading of IDQs.  相似文献   
分析了室内环境污染的原因以及室内污染对人类带来的危害,提出防护和改善室内环境质量的建议和措施。  相似文献   
本项研究采用“微宇宙”方法,在实验室植物生长箱可控条件下,进行动态模拟实验。实验选择了七种重金属,按照土壤阳离子代换量计算出三种不同等级的土壤重金属剂量,研究它们对京津渤地区典型土壤(碳酸盐草甸土)中氮的转化与NO_3~-淋失影响。实验结果表明:七种重金属对该类土壤中氮的转化与NO_3~-淋失量有明显影响,但其表现的程度和特征有很大差异。其作用强度的次序为:Hg~(2 )>>Cd~(2 )>>Ni~(2 )>>Zn~(2 )>Pb~(2 )>Cu~(2 )>Cr~(3 )。各重金属作用的持续时间不同:Hg~(2 )、Cd~(2 )达7—11周以上,而其余重金属在4—7周。实验结论:本地区碳酸盐土壤虽然对重金属有较大的容量,但从土壤—植物系统污染生态学角度,仍可选择NO_3~-作为一项反映重金属对土壤生态毒性的早期诊断指标。  相似文献   
2005年5月24日,国务院副总理曾培炎在四川省人民政府“关于广元市朝天区马房窝金矿污染问题调查情况的报告”上批示:环保总局要加强这方面典型经验的总结宣传,同时也要对执法不力的案件予以通报,促进各地环保工作依法有序进行。曾培炎的批示。是对广元市马房窝矿区整顿成果的充分肯定,同时也为历时半年、在全国产生重大影响的“马房窝矿区环境污染事件”的查处画上了一个阶段性的句号。[编者按]  相似文献   
Orthophosphate is an essential but limiting macronutrient for plant growth. About 67% cropland in China lacks sufficient phosphorus, especially that with red soil. Extensive soil phosphorus reserves exist in the form of organic phosphorus, which is unavailable for root uptake unless hydrolyzed by secretory acid phosphatases. Thus, many microorganisms with the ability to produce phosphatase have been exploited. In this work, the activity of an extracellular acid phosphatase and yeast biomass from Candida mycoderma was measured under different culture conditions, such as pH, temperature, and carbon source. A maximal phosphatase activity of 8.47 × 10^5±0.11× 10^5 U/g was achieved by C. Mycoderma in 36 hr under the optimal conditions. The extracellular acid phosphatase has high activity over a wide pH tolerance range from 2.5 to S.0 (optimum pH 3.5). The effects of different phosphorus compounds on the acid phosphatase production were also studied. The presence of phytin, lecithin or calcium phosphate reduced the phosphatase activity and biomass yield significantly. In addition, the pH of the culture medium was reduced significantly by lecithin. The efficiency of the strain in releasing orthophosphate from organic phosphorus was studied in red soil (used in planting trees) and rice soil (originating as red soil). The available phosphorus content was increased by 230% after inoculating 20 days in rice soil and decreased by 50% after inoculating 10 days in red soil. This work indicates that the yeast strain C. mycoderma has potential application for enhancing phosphorus utilization in plants that grow in rice soil.  相似文献   
移动通信基站的环境电磁辐射测量与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择设于上海市区及郊区的5座典型移动通信基站,对其一半电磁波辐射强度进行了规范布点监测经数据计算分析及与国家有关电磁辐射防标准比较认为,移动基站周围环境中是磁辐射强度随着离基站天线距离增加大而减少小,在人群可能到达的距天线最近的地方,辐射水平最大值为1.5V/m,未超过国家标准限值。  相似文献   
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