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选择南通协兴港附近裸露潮滩,使用便携式土壤通量测量系统开展潮间带湿地CO2通量监测,研究无植被覆盖条件下潮间带碳通量特征及其影响因素的关系.实验结果表明,各潮滩CO2固定水平表现为高潮带 < 中潮带 < 低潮带.低潮带叶绿素a含量较高,对CO2的吸收能力较强,而高潮带有机碳含量高,微生物呼吸作用释放的CO2通量较高,研究区整体上表现为对CO2净吸收.此外,CO2净固定通量随土壤有机碳含量和落潮时间增加而下降,与土壤叶绿素a含量和地下水位关系密切.研究成果对于明确人类活动对江苏沿海潮间带裸露光滩碳循环的影响具有重要意义.  相似文献   
以中国福建省福州市晋安区解放溪流域高密度居民住宅区为例,针对不同降雨重现期、降雨历时和雨峰系数的降雨情景,利用PCSWMM模型模拟该地区的雨洪情况,并运用模型的低影响开发(LID)模块,研究7种不同LID用地布局情景对研究区内涝节点的雨洪控制效果.情景模拟结果表明:在不同降雨情景下,各LID用地布局情景会使节点的洪峰流量减小、积水时间减少、积水深度变小;植被浅沟措施和植被浅沟&绿色屋顶组合措施会使节点SS峰值浓度高于现状用地,其余布设情景下,SS峰值浓度均减小.LID措施对节点流量和水质的控制效果在低降雨重现期和长降雨历时的降雨情景下较为有效.在单个LID布设情景中,渗透铺装措施控制最佳,而组合LID布设情景中,渗透铺装&植被浅沟&绿色屋顶是最佳的组合控制措施.研究结果可为南方城市居民区实施海绵城市建设提供技术支持,并为地方制定相关规范和标准提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
通过温室盆栽试验,研究构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)生长对重金属污染土壤酶活性和微生物群落结构的影响.结果表明,构树修复污染土壤中酶活性和微生物多样性明显提高.经270d培养后,构树生长土壤中蔗糖酶和酸性磷酸酶活性与种植土壤相比分别显著(P<0.05)提高3.12倍和2.29倍;土壤脱氢酶与有效态As、Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu含量,蔗糖酶与有效态Cd含量,以及磷酸酶与有效态Cd和Cu含量之间呈显著负相关(P<0.05).根据16S和18S rDNA PCR-DGGE分析表明,构树修复可提高污染土壤中细菌和丛枝菌根真菌多样性.上述结果表明,构树修复可有效改善重金属污染土壤的环境质量.然而,污染土壤中重金属有效态含量下降不明显,必须辅助物理和化学措施来强化构树对重金属污染土壤的生态修复潜力.  相似文献   
Light-duty gasoline vehicles have drawn public attention in China due to their significant primary emissions of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds(VOCs). However,little information on secondary aerosol formation from exhaust for Chinese vehicles and fuel conditions is available. In this study, chamber experiments were conducted to quantify the potential of secondary aerosol formation from the exhaust of a port fuel injection gasoline engine. The engine and fuel used are common in the Chinese market, and the fuel satisfies the China V gasoline fuel standard. Substantial secondary aerosol formation was observed during a 4–5 hr simulation, which was estimated to represent more than 10 days of equivalent atmospheric photo-oxidation in Beijing. As a consequence, the extreme case secondary organic aerosol(SOA) production was 426 ± 85 mg/kg-fuel, with high levels of precursors and OH exposure. The low hygroscopicity of the aerosols formed inside the chamber suggests that SOA was the dominant chemical composition. Fourteen percent of SOA measured in the chamber experiments could be explained through the oxidation of speciated single-ring aromatics. Unspeciated precursors, such as intermediate-volatility organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds, might be significant for SOA formation from gasoline VOCs. We concluded that reductions of emissions of aerosol precursor gases from vehicles are essential to mediate pollution in China.  相似文献   
The characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bromide ion concentration have a significant influence on the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs). In order to identify the main DBP precursors, DOM was divided into five fractions based on molecular weight (MW), trihalomethane formation potential and haloacetic acid formation potential were determined for fractions, and the change in contents of different fractions and total DBPs during treatment processes (pre-chlorination, coagulation, sand filtration, disinfection) were studied. Moreover, the relationship between bromide concentration and DBP generation characteristics in processes was also analyzed. The results showed that the main DBP precursors were the fraction with MW < 1 kDa and fraction with MW 3−10 kDa, and the DBP''s generation ability of lower molecular weight DOM (< 10 kDa) was higher than that of higher molecular weight DOM. During different processes, pre-chlorination and disinfection had limited effect on removing organics but could alter the MW distribution, and coagulation and filtration could effectively remove organics with higher MW. For DBPs, trihalomethanes (THMs) were mainly generated in pre-chlorination and disinfection, while haloacetic acids (HAAs) were mostly generated during pre-chlorination; coagulation and sand filtration had little effect on THMs but resulted in a slight removal of HAAs. In addition, the results of ANOVA tests suggested that molecular sizes and treatment processes have significant influence on DBP formation. With increasing bromide concentration, the brominated DBPs significantly increased, but the bromine incorporation factor in the processes was basically consistent at each concentration.  相似文献   
Particulate matter(PM) in the Kunshan High-Tech zone is studied during a three-month campaign. PM and trace elements are measured by the online pollution monitoring, forecastwarning and source term retrieval system AS3. Hourly measured concentrations of PM_(10), PM_(2.5) and 16 trace elements in the PM_(2.5) section(Ca, Pb, Cu, Cl, V, Cr, Fe, Ti, Mn, Ni, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Sr, Ba)are focused. Source apportionment of trace elements by Positive Matrix Factorization modeling indicates that there are five major sources, including dust, industrial processing, traffic,combustion, and sea salt with contribution rate of 23.68%, 21.66%, 14.30%, 22.03%, and 6.89%,respectively. Prediction of plume dispersion from concrete plant and traffic emissions shows that PM_(10) pollution of concrete plant is three orders of magnitude more than that of the traffic. The influence range can extend to more than 3 km in 1 hr. Because the footprint of the industrial plumes is constantly moving according to the local meteorological conditions, the fixed monitoring sites scattered in a few hundred meters haven't captured the heaviest pollution plume at the local scale of a few km~2. As a more intensive monitoring network is not operationally possible, the use of online modeling gives accurate and quantitative information of plume location, which increases the spatial pollution monitoring capacity and improves the understanding of measurement data. These results indicate that the development of the AS3 system, which combines monitoring equipment and air pollution modeling systems, is beneficial to the real-time pollution monitoring in the industrial zone.  相似文献   
纳米材料对藻细胞毒性效应及致毒机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
纳米材料因其独特的性质被广泛应用于生物医疗、光学工程、催化等领域。随着纳米材料的生产量逐年增大,越来越多的纳米粒子被释放到水生生态环境中,其生态毒性效应影响也备受人们的关注。本文根据纳米材料的分类总结了不同种类纳米材料对水生生态系统的初级生产者藻类的毒性效应,归纳了纳米材料影响藻类毒性大小的主要因素,如纳米材料的物理化学性质、水体性质和藻种等,并探讨了纳米材料对藻类的致毒机理,如金属离子溶出、氧化损伤和遮光效应等,最后总结展望了纳米毒理学研究的发展方向,以期为纳米材料对藻类的毒性研究提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
合成纳米材料具有独特的物理化学特性,在能源、电子、食品、农业、环境科学、化妆品和医药等领域都得到广泛应用,与此同时其安全性也受到了广泛关注。体内和体外模型研究已报道合成纳米材料能够穿过或绕过血脑屏障,进入中枢神经系统,造成神经损伤。本文总结了合成纳米材料产生毒性的影响因素,进入中枢神经系统的途径以及诱导神经毒性的分子机制,包括氧化应激、DNA损伤、炎症、自噬和凋亡的诱导以及DNA甲基化等。通过系统地综述合成纳米材料神经毒性研究进展,并对该研究方向进行展望,为进一步深入研究合成纳米材料神经毒性提供参考。  相似文献   
李鹏  崔英  戴国夫 《环境工程学报》2024,18(10):2775-2784
燃煤、有色冶金等作业排放的含Hg2+废水对人类健康和生态环境构成重大威胁。该研究开发了一种CuxS/PDA@Fe3O4磁性纳米吸附剂,该吸附剂在去除废水中Hg2+方面展现出高效和可持续的优势。通过聚多巴胺(PDA)对Fe3O4纳米颗粒进行改性,并采用液相化学沉积方法将CuxS纳米团簇稳固锚定于带正电的PDA@Fe3O4表面,形成了结构稳定的CuxS/PDA@Fe3O4磁性纳米吸附剂。该吸附剂在120 min内即可达到1394.61 mg·g−1的Hg2+吸附容量,且在复杂环境中保持对Hg2+的高选择性吸附。优化研究表明,最佳制备条件为CuCl2投加量0.04 mol·L−1、合成温度20 ℃及pH值3.0。采用HCl溶液成功实现了吸附剂的解吸再生,循环使用性能优异。同时,吸附剂的磁性便于吸附后的快速分离回收。该吸附剂制备成本低,工艺简单高效,在汞面源污染治理和重金属废水处理领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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