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Fetal magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is technically feasible in utero and demonstrates similar findings to those observed in neonatal populations. MRS can provide additional information to conventional T1- and T2-weighted imaging of the fetal brain. It is of particular use when subtle changes are present on conventional fetal MRI sequences, and when imaging fetuses at risk of brain injury and metabolic abnormalities. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Understanding the product's ‘end-of-life’ is important to reduce the environmental impact of the products' final disposal. When the initial stages of product development consider end-of-life aspects, which can be established by ecodesign (a proactive approach of environmental management that aims to reduce the total environmental impact of products), it becomes easier to close the loop of materials. The ‘end-of-life’ ecodesign methods generally include more than one ‘end-of-life’ strategy. Since product complexity varies substantially, some components, systems or sub-systems are easier to be recycled, reused or remanufactured than others. Remanufacture is an effective way to maintain products in a closed-loop, reducing both environmental impacts and costs of the manufacturing processes. This paper presents some ecodesign methods focused on the integration of different ‘end-of-life’ strategies, with special attention to remanufacturing, given its increasing importance in the international scenario to reduce the life cycle impacts of products.  相似文献   
Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is an ubiquitous pathogen, with a high worldwide seroprevalence. When acquired in the prenatal period, congenital CMV (cCMV) is a major cause of neurodevelopmental sequelae and hearing loss. cCMV remains an underdiagnosed condition, with no systematic screening implemented in pregnancy or in the postnatal period. Therefore, imaging takes a prominent role in prenatal diagnosis of cCMV. With the prospect of new viable therapies, accurate and timely diagnosis becomes paramount, as well as identification of fetuses at risk for neurodevelopmental sequelae. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a complementary method to ultrasound (US) in fetal brain and body imaging. Anterior temporal lobe lesions are the most specific finding, and MRI is superior to US in their detection. Other findings such as ventriculomegaly, cortical malformations and calcifications, as well as hepatosplenomegaly, liver signal changes and abnormal effusions are unspecific. However, when seen in combination these should raise the suspicion of fetal infection, highlighting the need for a full fetal assessment. Still, some fetuses deemed normal on prenatal imaging are symptomatic at birth or develop delayed cCMV-associated symptoms, leaving room for improvement of diagnostic tools. Advanced MR sequences may help in this field and in determining prognosis, but further studies are needed.  相似文献   
At many "real world" field sites, the number of available monitoring wells is limited due to economic or geological reasons. Under such restricted conditions, it is difficult to perform a reliable field investigation and to quantify primary lines of evidence for natural attenuation (NA), like the documentation of a decrease of contaminant mass flux in flow direction. This study reports the results of a groundwater investigation at a former manufactured gas plant situated in a Quaternary river valley in southwest Germany. The location, infrastructure and aquifer setting are typical of many industrial sites in Germany. Due to difficult drilling conditions (coarse glaciofluvial gravel deposits and an anthropogenic fill above the aquifer), only 12 monitoring wells were available for the investigation and localisation of the contaminant plume. These wells were situated along three control planes (CP) downgradient from the contaminant source, with four wells along each plane. Based on the sparse set of monitoring wells, field scale mass fluxes and first-order natural attenuation rate constants of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene and p-xylene (BTEX) and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were estimated utilizing different point scale and also a new integral investigation method. The results show that even at a heterogeneous site with a sparse monitoring network point scale investigation methods can provide reliable information on field scale natural attenuation rates, if a dependable flow model or tracer test data is available. If this information is not available, only the new integral investigation method presented can yield adequate results for the quantification of contaminant mass fluxes under sparse monitoring conditions.  相似文献   

In order to study the bioaccumulation of Pb, Cr, Ni, and Zn and the stress response, the floating aquatic plant Limnobium laevigatum was exposed to increasing concentrations of a mixture of these metals for 28 days, and its potential use in the treatment of wastewater was evaluated. The metal concentrations of the treatment 1 (T1) were Pb 1 μg L−1, Cr 4 μg L−1, Ni 25 μg L−1, and Zn 30 μg L−1; of treatment 2 (T2) were Pb 70 μg L−1, Cr 70 μg L−1, Ni 70 μg L−1, and Zn 70 μg L−1; and of treatment 3 (T3) were Pb 1000 μg L−1, Cr 1000 μg L−1, Ni 500 μg L−1, and Zn 100 μg L−1, and there was also a control group (without added metal). The accumulation of Pb, Cr, Ni, and Zn in roots was higher than in leaves of L. laevigatum, and the bioconcentration factor revealed that the concentrations of Ni and Zn in the leaf and root exceeded by over a thousand times the concentrations of those in the culture medium (2000 in leaf and 6800 in root for Ni; 3300 in leaf and 11,500 in root for Zn). Thus, this species can be considered as a hyperaccumulator of these metals. In general, the changes observed in the morphological and physiological parameters and the formation of products of lipid peroxidation of membranes during the exposure to moderate concentrations (T2) of the mixture of metals did not cause harmful effects to the survival of the species within the first 14 days of exposure. Taking into account the accumulation capacity and tolerance to heavy metals, L. laevigatum is suitable for phytoremediation in aquatic environments contaminated with moderated concentrations of Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the early stages of exposure.

Oligotrophic mountain meadows are threatened biodiversity hotspots throughout Europe. The traditional summer hay-making followed by autumn grazing is no longer economic and question is whether alternative managements can maintain both plant species and functional diversity typical of these habitats. In the Bohemian Forest Mts., we applied three treatments (mowing once a year - i.e., cutting and removing the biomass, mulching once a year - cutting and leaving the crushed biomass to decompose in situ, fallowing - no cutting) in order to assess temporal changes in meadow vegetation, plant trait composition and biomass production in a 13-year experiment. We recorded for each species twenty-five traits as to be most informative of plant strategies related to growth, resource acquisition and carbon-water economy. We compared different components of trait composition (community averages that mostly reflect traits of dominant species vs. the Rao index of functional diversity that reflects trait dissimilarity among species) and their impact on biomass production. We show that mulching promotes species and functional diversity by facilitating heliophilous forbs and legumes with more acquisitive strategies in resource use and release, e.g., higher foliar N and P content. This occurs at the expense of tall grasses (with resource-retentive strategies, e.g., high leaf dry matter content) which dominate the mown and fallow plots. The divergence in most quantitative traits indicates that niche complementarity is the dominant assembly process in mulched plots, which can prevent competitive exclusion and enable species coexistence. The divergent development was detected only after 5-6 years. This slow floristic and functional response is caused by acidity of soil and severe mountain climate that preclude rapid responses of vegetation to land-use changes. We conclude that mulching represents a good compromise maintaining both plant species and functional diversity as well as a relatively high biomass production. Mowing without grazing leads to gradual nutrient loss and thus reduces the productivity and diversity in these oligotrophic ecosystems. Fallowing causes gradual loss in diversity by increased grass competition and litter accumulation.  相似文献   
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