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液态高炉渣热量回收利用方法及问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁冶金行业生产会产生大量的高炉渣.高炉渣由于自身温度比较高,含热量丰富,对能源工业来说是一种很好的二次资源.世界上已有一些国家对高炉渣热量的回收利用进行了一定的研究,而国内这方面的研究却很少.详细介绍了近几年国内外对高炉渣热量回收利用的情况,在此基础上,阐述了高炉渣热回收技术需要解决的关键问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   
水解酸化-缺氧法对采油废水有较好的处理效果,采用GC/MS技术对水解酸化-缺氧法处理采油废水过程中污染物的迁移降解进行的研究表明:水解酸化段和缺氧段对采油废水中碳原子为C6~C9、分子量为100~140的有机物均有较好的降解能力.其中,在水解酸化段中酮类、芳烃得到较好的降解,缺氧段中酚类和醚类化合物降解明显.水解酸化-缺氧工艺对于采油废水中的甲苯和二甲苯具有较好的降解能力.  相似文献   
石英棒负载TiO2光催化膜的制备、表征与降解性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用浸涂法在石英光导棒上制得了TiO2光催化膜.用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)等方法对膜的形貌和晶相组成进行了表征,以苯酚为模型污染物考察了膜的活性.结果表明,所制得的TiO2膜催化剂主要由锐钛矿和金红石2种晶相组成;光催化降解苯酚的效果明显优于直接光解;当苯酚初始浓度为0.98 mg/L时,反应2.5 h后的降解率为86%.  相似文献   
Zeng XW  Qiu RL  Ying RR  Tang YT  Tang L  Fang XH 《Chemosphere》2011,82(3):321-328
The Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Arabis paniculata is able to tolerate high level of Zn and Cd. To clarify the molecular basis of Zn and Cd tolerance, proteomic approaches were applied to identify proteins involved in Zn and Cd stress response in A. paniculata. Plants were exposed to both low and high Zn or Cd levels for 10 d. Proteins of leaves in each treatment were separated by 2-DE (two-dimensional electrophoresis). Nineteen differentially-expressed proteins upon Zn treatments and 18 proteins upon Cd treatments were observed. Seventeen out of 19 of Zn-responsive proteins and 16 out of 18 of Cd-responsive proteins were identified using MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry). The most of identified proteins were known to function in energy metabolism, xenobiotic/antioxidant defense, cellular metabolism, protein metabolism, suggesting the responses of A. paniculata to Zn and Cd share similar pathway to certain extend. However, the different metal defense was also revealed between Zn and Cd treatment in A. paniculata. These results indicated that A. paniculata against to Zn stress mainly by enhancement of energy metabolism including auxin biosynthesis and protein metabolism to maintain plant growth and correct misfolded proteins. In the case of Cd, plants adopted antioxidative/xenobiotic defense and cellular metabolism to keep cellular redox homeostasis and metal-transportation under Cd stress.  相似文献   
采用水力循环澄清池处理煤矿矿井水,经几个矿多年实践表明处理效果良好。本文重点论述了水力循环澄清池处理矿井水的工作原理,设计参数,要点和运行要素等。  相似文献   
采用缺氧—好氧—催化臭氧氧化工艺处理某石化厂的含盐废水。实验结果表明:在进水COD为200~350 mg/L的条件下,经生化处理后的出水COD稳定在50~60 mg/L,COD去除率稳定在75%左右;在臭氧投加量为4.5 g/L、V(催化剂Ⅱ)∶V(废水)=1.5∶1的条件下,进行连续催化臭氧氧化后出水COD稳定在20 mg/L以下,COD去除率大于70%,满足DB 61/224—2011《黄河流域(陕西段)污水综合排放标准》。表征结果显示,催化剂表面含有铜元素,比表面积为250.815 m2/g,吸水率为60.9%,经过滤可去除废水中残留的催化剂。  相似文献   
邱志国 《环境科学》1996,17(3):67-68
鉴于Br2在交流示波极谱曲线上有切口,提出以盐酸和溴化钾的混合溶液夜底液,用溴酸钾标准溶液直接滴定水样中酚,以Br2的切口出现指示终点,由于本法不受色度,浊度等干优,故省去了预蒸馏等步骤,方法简便,快速。  相似文献   
通风换气改善居室空气质量及健康效应的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
于1988年12月至1989年4月,对417户有儿童居室的通风换气与呼吸道健康状况进行了调查,并以模拟方式探讨改善措施。结果表明,85%居室每小时换气次数(ACH)介于0.5—1.0之间,ACH与儿童呼吸道每100人周(pw)症状率呈负相关关系(P<0.01),ACH<0.5儿童呼吸道症状率3.52/100pw高于其他组;开窗时ACH为关门窗时的4倍,室内空气中CO_2、HCHO、~(222)Rn浓度关门窗为开门时的1—3倍,室内风速<0.05m/s,通风效率E<1,致使污染物逐渐累积,长期接触有害健康,如若以“对流论”组织通风,则可有效地改善空气质量,增进居民健康。  相似文献   
甘肃东部旱作区不同气候类型麦田水分供需平衡研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甘肃东部旱作地区干旱区年降水量小于300mm,半干旱区为300~450mm,半湿润区为450~600mm,湿润区大于600 mm4种气候类型1989~1992年14个测站0~2m深的土壤湿度实测资料,从降水土壤水作物系统观点出发,分析研究旱作小麦的实际耗水指标和耗水特点,探讨麦田水分供需平衡,为发展旱作区小麦高产稳产的栽培管理措施提供科 学依据。  相似文献   
A full-scale plant using anaerobic, anoxic and oxic processes (A1/A2/O), along with a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) integrated system developed by Shanghai Baosteel Chemical Co. Ltd., was investigated to treat coking wastewater for industrial reuse over a period of one year. The removals reached 82.5% (COD), 89.6% (BOD), 99.8% (ammonium nitrogen), 99.9% (phenol), 44.6% (total cyanide (T-CN)), 99.7% (thiocyanide (SCN-)) and 8.9% (fluoride), during the A1/A2/O biological treatment stage, and all parameters were further reduced by over 96.0%, except for fluoride (86.4%), in the final discharge effluent from the currently operating plant. The pilot-scale MBR process reduced the turbidity to less than 0.65 NTU, and most of the toxic organic compounds were degraded or intercepted by the A1/A2/O followed MBR processes. In addition, parameters including COD, T-CN, total nitrogen, fluoride, chloride ion, hardness and conductivity were significantly reduced by the NF-RO system to a level suitable for industrial reuse, with a total water production ratio of 70.7%. However, the concentrates from the NF and RO units were highly polluted and should be disposed of properly or further treated before being discharged.  相似文献   
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