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There have been growing concerns about the environmental impact of Cu applied in the catfish pond aquaculture. In this paper, sediments taken from three commercial catfish ponds were studied for content, leachability, bioaccessibility, and speciation of sediment-bound Cu. Results showed that the Cu was concentrated in the top 10 cm of the sediments and the peak Cu concentrations ranged from the background level to about 200 mg/kg. Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure showed only 1-8% of sediment Cu was leachable while bioaccessible Cu, evaluated by physiological based extraction test, accounted for up to 40-85% of total Cu. Due to the high redox potential in the surface sediments, acid-volatile sulfide was not a significant binding phase. The sequential extraction results showed that the residual phase (forms in lattices of primary and secondary minerals) was the major Cu fraction in the first two pond sediments but carbonate-bound, Fe/Mn oxide-bound and organically bound Cu, as well as the residual fraction, seemed equally important in the third pond.  相似文献   
Sorption and desorption of PFOS at water-sediment interfaces were investigated in the presence of a cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS). CTAB remarkably enhanced the sorption of PFOS on the sediment. In contrast, the influence of SDBS to the sorption of PFOS was concentration dependent. Two contrasting factors were responsible for the phenomenon. One was the sorption of the surfactant itself to the sediment, which enhanced the sorption of PFOS. The other was the increase in solubility of PFOS caused by the adding of surfactants, which decreased the sorption of PFOS. SDBS had a much lower sorption capacity, but rather strong ability to increase the solubility of PFOS. High levels of SDBS remarkably reduced the sorption of PFOS on the sediment. These results imply that cationic and anionic surfactants may have contrast impacts on the distribution and transport of PFOS in the environment.  相似文献   

We investigated three common alkaline agents (NaOH, CaO, and Mg(OH)2) for immobilization of four heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd) in a field-contaminated soil and elucidated the underpinning principles. NaOH caused the highest pH spike in the soil, while CaO and Mg(OH)2 served as a longer-lasting source of OH-. Amending the soil with CaO or Mg(OH)2 at ≥0.1 mol as OH- (kg·soil)?1 for 24 h was able to immobilize all four metals, while NaOH failed. NaOH leached up to 3 times more organic carbon than CaO and Mg(OH)2, resulting in elevated leachability of the metals. Column elution tests showed that amendments by CaO and Mg(OH)2 lowered the leachable Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+ by 52–54%, 71–75%, 69–73%, and 68%, respectively, after 1440 pore volumes of elution. Sequential extraction revealed that the soil amendments converted the exchangeable fraction of the metals to the much less available forms. XRD and FTIR analyses indicated that formation of metal oxide precipitates and complexation with soil organic matter were responsible for the metals immobilization. Taken together the chemical cost, technical effectiveness, and environmental impact, CaO is the most suitable alkaline agent for remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals.

在厌氧条件下,反硝化型甲烷厌氧氧化过程(Denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation,DAMO)以CH_4为电子供体,以NO_3~-或NO_2~-作为电子受体,可同时实现甲烷氧化和废水中脱氮.本文利用两种电子受体(NO_3~-、NO_2~-)及不同接种污泥成功富集了4种DAMO培养物,研究了不同接种物对富集DAMO微生物的影响.结果表明,NO_3~-对富集DAMO古菌具有重要作用,而NO_2~-则对DAMO细菌的富集过程有较大影响.其次,在富集培养过程中,NH_4~+的存在会获得厌氧氨氧化(Anaerobic ammonium oxidation,Anammox)细菌与DAMO古菌的混培物,并形成协同关系,而DAMO细菌却因与Anammox细菌竞争而被淘汰.当NH_4~+不再加入,NO_3~-成为唯一氮源时,DAMO细菌重新出现并与DAMO古菌形成一种新的协同关系.此外,以淡水河道底泥、淡水湖泊底泥及水稻田土壤的混合物作为接种污泥而得到的DAMO富集培养物,其脱氮速率比以淡水河道底泥、活性污泥及厌氧消化污泥的混合物作为接种污泥的富集培养物高出3.3倍,但后者在驯化时间上缩短了36%.  相似文献   
研究了粉煤灰的用量、成型水分、粘结剂的种类及用量、外加剂的种类及用量、养护时间等因素对粉煤灰双免砖的影响,探讨了粘结剂的作用机理.  相似文献   
90Sr is a fission byproduct of uranium and plutonium, and it presents a major health problem in the environment. A field test on the transport of various radionuclides including 90Sr in an unsaturated Chinese loess was conducted under artificial rain conditions from July 1997 to August 2000. The vertical concentration distribution of 90Sr displayed an unusual profile of double concentration peaks, which were separated by a thin (0.7 cm) source layer. In order to interpret the double-peak concentration profile, the transport of 3H and 90Sr in the unsaturated Chinese loess under artificial sprinkling conditions was simulated using WATERM, a numerical code for simulating flow field, and NESOR, also a numerical code but for simulating nuclide migration. The models were able to adequately simulate the double-peak concentration profile. The observation suggested that the fine arenaceous quartz layer, though 0.7 cm thick, formed a capillary barrier together with the local loess, which prevented water from penetrating. A significant discrepancy was observed between the model-fitted distribution coefficient (Kd) of 90Sr and that determined from independent laboratory experiments, which can be attributed to a number of factors such as the capillary barrier effect, solution-to-solid ratio and soil water content. Therefore, when the model is used for predictive purposes where Kd is used as an input parameter, Kd must be determined under well controlled conditions by taking into account these factors as well as the heterogeneity in the field.  相似文献   
水的许多性质在其临界区域随温度、压力的升高有着异常的变化行为,这种行为不仅控制着热液体系中的质量和热量输运过程,使得流体和对流热通量以及水溶液溶质的大多数标准偏摩尔性质在水的临界点附近接近正的或负的无穷大,而且也影响着体系中的化学过程。超临界水溶液流体与室温下的电解质溶液在许多方面有很大的差别,这些差别对水如何溶解矿物及迁移金属和配合物具有深刻的影响。  相似文献   
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