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固态碳源去除地下水硝酸盐的模拟实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取了5种研究较少的固体材料,棉花、丝瓜络、甘蔗渣、可降解餐盒、木屑作为去除地下水硝酸盐的外加碳源。在锥形瓶中进行反硝化对比实验,研究了不同固态碳源下NO3--N、NO2--N、NH4+-N及pH的变化情况,分析了NO3--N及总氮的去除率。研究结果表明,反硝化过程中pH呈升高趋势,在6.9~8.5范围内浮动。可降解餐盒和丝瓜络相对于其他的固态碳源来说,对NO3--N和总氮有较高的去除率,但丝瓜络的总氮去除率明显低于可降解餐盒。可降解餐盒的硝酸盐去除率达到98.28%,总氮去除率达到93.48%。可降解餐盒能够有效地去除地下水硝酸盐,达到以废治废的效果,是经济有效的最佳固态碳源。  相似文献   
为了深入探究水包气式气液混合脉冲放电体系中各参数对有机物降解效果的影响,建立了多针一板电极形式的气液混合脉冲放电等离子体体系,以典型的偶氮染料——酸性橙Ⅱ(A07)为目标物,考察该体系中影响染料脱色效果的关键因素。研究结果表明,气液混合脉冲放电体系中与脉冲电源输入功率有关的因素(脉冲电压峰值和脉冲频率)对A07脱色效果影响明显。随着脉冲电压峰值和脉冲频率的增加,A07溶液的脱色效率和相应的准一级降解动力学常数增加。在较高的脉冲电压峰值(30kV)和脉冲频率(75Hz)条件下,10mg/LA07溶液的脱色效率和准一级降解动力学常数分别达到r92.7%和3.50×10~/min。同时,研究证明酸性溶液条件较利于染料脱色。  相似文献   
Drinking highly arsenic-contaminated groundwater is a likely cause of blackfoot disease in Taiwan, but microorganisms that potentially control arsenic mobility in the subsurface remain unstudied. The objective of this study was to investigate the relevant arsenite-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing microbial community that exists in highly arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Taiwan. We cultured and identified arsenic-transforming bacteria, analyzed arsenic resistance and transformation, and determined the presence of genetic markers for arsenic transformation. In total, 11 arsenic-transforming bacterial strains with different colony morphologies and varying arsenic transformation abilities were isolated, including 10 facultative anaerobic arsenate-reducing bacteria and one strictly aerobic arsenite-oxidizing bacterium. All of the isolates exhibited high levels of arsenic resistance with minimum inhibitory concentrations of arsenic ranging from 2 to 200 mM. Strain AR-11 was able to rapidly oxidize arsenite to arsenate at concentrations relevant to environmental groundwater samples without the addition of any electron donors or acceptors. We provide evidence that arsenic-reduction activity may be conferred by the ars operon(s) that were not amplified by the designed primers currently in use. The 16S rRNA sequence analysis grouped the isolates into the following genera: Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Psychrobacter, Vibrio, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, and Bosea. Among these genera, we present the first report of the genus Psychrobacter being involved in arsenic reduction. Our results further support the hypothesis that bacteria capable of either oxidizing arsenite or reducing arsenate coexist and are ubiquitous in arsenic-contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   
采用聚乙烯醇和海藻酸钠凝胶共包埋异养型亚硝酸细菌制备固定化颗粒,从物理性状和化学性能2个方面综合评价异养型亚硝酸细菌固定化颗粒的质量.物理性状主要指颗粒是否成球、胶体粘连状况、颗粒弹性、稳定性和传质性能等;化学性能指异养型亚硝酸细菌固定化颗粒对氨氮的去除能力.试验结果表明,通过优化制备颗粒的配方可改善固定化颗粒的物理性...  相似文献   
● MnO x /Ti flow-through anode was coupled with the biofilm-attached cathode in ECBR. ● ECBR was able to enhance the azo dye removal and reduce the energy consumption. ● MnIV=O generated on the electrified MnO x /Ti anode catalyzed the azo dye oxidation. ● Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria on the cathode degraded azo dye intermediate products. ● Biodegradation of intermediate products was stimulated under the electric field. Dyeing wastewater treatment remains a challenge. Although effective, the in-series process using electrochemical oxidation as the pre- or post-treatment of biodegradation is long. This study proposes a compact dual-chamber electrocatalytic biofilm reactor (ECBR) to complete azo dye decolorization and mineralization in a single unit via anodic oxidation on a MnOx/Ti flow-through anode followed by cathodic biodegradation on carbon felts. Compared with the electrocatalytic reactor with a stainless-steel cathode (ECR-SS) and the biofilm reactor (BR), the ECBR increased the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency by 24 % and 31 % (600 mg/L Acid Orange 7 as the feed, current of 6 mA), respectively. The COD removal efficiency of the ECBR was even higher than the sum of those of ECR-SS and BR. The ECBR also reduced the energy consumption (3.07 kWh/kg COD) by approximately half compared with ECR-SS. The advantages of the ECBR in azo dye removal were attributed to the synergistic effect of the MnOx/Ti flow-through anode and cathodic biofilms. Catalyzed by MnIV=O generated on the MnOx/Ti anode under a low applied current, azo dyes were oxidized and decolored. The intermediate products with improved biodegradability were further mineralized by the cathodic aerobic heterotrophic bacteria (non-electrochemically active) under the stimulation of the applied current. Taking advantage of the mutual interactions among the electricity, anode, and bacteria, this study provides a novel and compact process for the effective and energy-efficient treatment of azo dye wastewater.  相似文献   
上海崇明岛蔬菜地土壤重金属含量与生态风险预警评估   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
崇明3城镇蔬菜地土壤重金属的总体含量为Cu 29.2 mg·kg-1、Pb 26.5 mg·kg-1、Cr 79.4 mg·kg-1、Zn 91.2 mg·kg-1和Cd 0.222 mg·kg-1.除Cd在城桥镇和陈家镇超过国家土壤一级标准(GB 15618-1995)外,其余均低于国家土壤一级标准,并且满足国家对绿色食品产地土壤重金属含量的要求(NY/T391-2000).与上海土壤背景值相比,Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn和Cd分别高出上海土壤背景值 24.3%、24.4%、22.9%、18.8%和65.7%.崇明3城镇蔬菜地土壤重金属生态风险预警评估得出,23个采样点中有3个样点属于中警,10个样点属于轻警,8个样点属于预警,1个样点属于无警,综合评估IER=1.562,为轻警.3城镇生态风险排序为堡镇(IER=1.799)>城桥镇(IER=1.636)>陈家镇(IER=1.368),均属于轻警.  相似文献   
A methodology for estimating the methane emissions from waste landfills in Hanoi, Vietnam, as part of a case study on Asian cities, was derived based on a survey of documents and statistics related to waste management, interviews with persons in charge, and field investigations at landfill sites. The waste management system in Hanoi was analyzed to evaluate the methane emissions from waste landfill sites. The quantity of waste deposited into the landfill was evaluated from an investigation of the waste stream. The composition of municipal waste was surveyed in several districts in the Hanoi city area, and the quantities of degradable organic waste that had been deposited into landfill for the past 15 years were estimated. Field surveys on methane emissions from landfills of different ages (0.5, 2, and 8 years) were conducted and their methane emissions were estimated to be 120, 22.5, and 4.38 ml/min/m2, respectively. The first-order reaction rate of methane generation was obtained as 0.51/year. Methane emissions from waste landfills were calculated by a first-order decay model using this emission factor and the amount of landfilled degradable waste. The estimates of methane emissions using the model accorded well with the estimates of the field survey. These results revealed that methane emissions from waste landfills estimated by regional-specific and precise information on the waste stream are essential for accurately determining the behavior of methane emissions from waste landfills in the past, present, and future.  相似文献   
介绍了一种多功能电化学臭氧发生器,根据需要可产生臭氧化氧气,也可直接制得臭氧水.试验表明,该发生器十分适合用于家庭室内空气的净化和增氧、卫生间的消毒灭菌、蔬菜水果残余农药的去除、酚嗅的去除等用途,具有很好的开发前景.  相似文献   
The suitability of using cement-stabilized sludge products as artificial soils in earth works was evaluated. The sludge products investigated were cemented sludge, cement-treated clay-amended sludge (SS+MC), and cement-treated copper slag-amended sludge (SS+CS). The leachability of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr) were assessed using the sequential extraction technique, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), NEN 7341 availability test, and column leaching test. The results indicated that Zn leachability was reduced in all the cement-stabilized sludge products. In contrast, Cu was transferred from the organic fraction to the readily leachable phases in the cement-stabilized sludge products and therefore exhibited increased leachability. The increased Cu leachability could be attributed to dissolution of humic substances in the sludge as a result of elevated pH. Good correlation between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and heavy metal leaching from the cement-stabilized sludge products was observed in the column leaching experiment. Even with a cement percentage as small as 12.5%, calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) was formed in the SS+MC and SS+CS products. Inclusion of the marine clay in the SS+MC products could reduce the leaching potentials of Zn, and this was the great advantage of the marine clay over the copper slag for sludge amendment.  相似文献   
电子束辐照分解甲苯的初步实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了电子束辐照分解甲苯的静态实验研究,实验结果表明,电子束辐照能够有效地分解甲苯,在850keV、11kGy电子束的辐照下,初始质量浓度为1 000~3 000m g/m3的甲苯去除率可以达到77%以上,且甲苯去除率随吸收剂量的增加而提高。甲苯辐照分解的主要产物是苯甲醛和甲酸,此外还有少量苯、苯酚等。进一步验证了.OH在甲苯分解中的重要作用。  相似文献   
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