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Summary. Nickel hyperaccumulation, resulting in plant Ni contents of >1000 mg kgу dry mass, has been shown to defend plants against folivorous herbivores. We determined whether this elemental defence tactic protected hyperaccumulating plants from attack by a phloem-feeding herbivore. We used the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and the Ni-hyperaccumulating plant Streptanthus polygaloides. Aphids were allowed to colonize mixed arrays of S. polygaloides in which plants either were hyperaccumulating Ni, not hyperaccumulating Ni and treated with a systemic insecticide, or not hyperaccumulating Ni. Aphid numbers gу dry mass of plant biomass were lowest for the insecticide treatment, intermediate for low-Ni plants, and highest for plants hyperaccumulating Ni. Artificial liquid aphid diet, amended with varying levels of Ni, resulted in decreased aphid survival at 2500 mg kgу Ni dry mass (or 5.03 mM Ni). We concluded that Ni levels in the phloem of hyperaccumulating plants of S. polygaloides were < 5.03 mM and, as a result, were not effective in defending plants against aphid attack.  相似文献   
The feeding, diet and egg production of the copepod Acartia tonsa were dermined during ten experiments in Los Angeles Harbor, California, between November 1986 and October 1987. Copepods were incubated in situ, in quasi-natural food environments. Water temperatures ranged from 14.6 to 21.5°C. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC and PON) were high (534 to 3710 g Cl-1, 51 to 459 Nl-1) but dominated by small (<8 m diam) particles. Plankton (phytoplankton and microzooplankton) C-biomass composed about 10% of the total POC and was usually dominated by particles >8 m. Plankton biomass was always low. Daily ingestion rates ranged from 3 to 96% of body C; egg production ranged from 4 to 35% of body carbon. Mean ingestion and egg production rates during spring-summer were 1.9 and 1.5 times higher than average for the entire study, respectively. The average gross efficiency of egg production for the study was 80%; the spring-summer mean was 41%. Bivariate and multiple-regression analyses revealed that the ingestion rate was dependent upon both temperature and food availability, but that, below 21°C, egg production depended more upon temperature than upon food concentration. To detect dietary preferences, the composition of diet was compared with that of the food supply. Selective feeding was infrequent, but the diet was often dominated by dinoflagellates and ciliates. It would appear that within metabolic limits governed by temperature, the feeding response of A. tonsa is dependent upon food concentration, while egg production depends more on qualitative attributes of the food supply.  相似文献   
Previous epidemiological studies have shown that dental fluorosis is endemic in the lowland, dry zone of Sri Lanka, which is considered to be an area in which excessive quantities of fluorides are present in the drinking water supplies. It has been found that kaolinitic clay forms a suitable raw material in the defluoridation of water.It is shown that there is a noticeable effect of selenium and media pH on the reactions involved in the interaction of fluoride with clay. In this study, 1 mM fluoride solutions containing SeO 3 2– (selenite) concentrations of 0 mM, 0.1 mM, 0.5 mM and 1 mM were used in the reactions with kaolinitic clay. The effect of pH was monitored in the range 4 to 8. It was observed that fluoride adsorption was maximum at a pH of 5.6 without either SeO 3 2– or SeO 4 2– , the adsorption capacity being 15.2 mol F g–1 clay. However, when the SeO 3 2– concentration was increased up to 0.5 mM at this optimum pH, the adsorption capacity reduced to 12.8 mol F g–1 clay. Monitoring of the effect of SeO 4 2– and media pH on fluoride adsorption showed that when the SeO 4 2– concentration increases from zero to 0.1 mM, there is a reduction of fluoride adsorption capacity. However, when the SeO 4 2– concentration is further increased from 0.1 mM to 1.0 mM, there was an increase in the fluoride adsorption capacity, indicating a more consistent effect of SeO 3 2– on fluoride-kaolinitic clay interaction than SeO 4 2– .Fluoride concentrations in drinking water supplies have a marked effect on dental health and the geochemistry of selenium appears to play an important role in the geochemical mobility of fluoride ions.  相似文献   
We examined the impact of seven species of mobile mushroom corals (Fungiidae) on the community structure of sheltered reef slopes in terms of their patterns of migration, habitat use and competition with other benthic organisms. On fringing reefs at Eilat, Red Sea, polyps detached at 1 to 6 cm length, and grew to 11–55 cm length. Attached mushroom corals were oriented vertically in reef cavities. Detached corals migrated downward on the reef slope and onto rubble or soft substratum at the reef base, at 29 to 71 cmyr–1. Mobility decreased with corallum size and extent of undersurface ornamentation. In aquaria, small corals righted themselves and migrated up to 6 cm d–1 by nocturnally inflating and pushing their tissues against the substratum. Autonomous coral behavior and storm-generated water motion appeared to account for most fungiid mobility at Eilat. Mushroom corals did not damage each other upon contact, even in multi-species aggregations, but unilaterally damaged non-fungiid scleractinian corals. Their dominance during contact interactions retards overgrowth by larger attached scleractinians, and mobility allows them to colonize soft substrata not accessible to most other reef corals.  相似文献   
N. Ota  M. Tokeshi 《Marine Biology》2000,136(1):101-114
The effects of variable food supply on growth rate and feeding behaviour in two coexisting intertidal gastropods were examined through field and laboratory experiments involving mark and recapture procedures, growth experiments under controlled food supply and video observations of feeding. All cohorts of both Japeuthria species grew most in summer, with the highest growth rate being achieved by the youngest cohort of both sexes. In contrast, almost all cohorts (except the youngest one) showed zero to negative growth in winter. The growth rates of Japeuthria species clearly varied depending on feeding frequencies and the initial size of individuals. Females of both species had a significantly higher growth rate than males, though the difference became less marked with decreasing food supply. The total time spent on feeding and the length of the first feeding bout generally increased as the duration of the interval between meals was increased across treatments. From both the field growth experiment and the observations of feeding behaviour it is clear that J. ferrea had a higher frequency of feeding than J. cingulata in the field; 1- to 3-d intervals of feeding frequency in the former and 3- to 6-d intervals in the latter. Most notably, the two species showed a reversal in growth rates with changing conditions of food supply. When food was relatively abundant J. ferrea achieved better growth than J. cingulata, but J. cingulata grew better than J. ferrea under low food supply. In view of the fact that J. ferrea seems to be competitively superior to J. cingulata under normal levels, the present observation that J. cingulata can perform better than J. ferrea when food availability is low gives an important advantage to the latter in terms of its coexistence with the former. Received: 9 March 1999 / Accepted: 8 October 1999  相似文献   
Maternal investment in offspring is expected to vary according to offspring sex when the reproductive success of the progeny is a function of differential levels of parental expenditure. We conducted a longitudinal investigation of rhesus macaques to determine whether variation in male progeny production, measured with both DNA fingerprinting and short tandem repeat marker typing, could be traced back to patterns of maternal investment. Males weigh significantly more than females at birth, despite an absence of sex differences in gestation length. Size dimorphism increases during infancy, with maternal rank associated with son’s, but not daughter’s, weight at the end of the period of maternal investment. Son’s, but not daughter’s, weight at 1 year of age is significantly correlated with adult weight, and male, but not female, weight accounts for a portion of the variance in reproductive success. Variance in annual offspring output was three- to fourfold higher in males than in females. We suggest that energetic costs of rearing sons could be buffered by fetal delivery of testosterone to the mother, which is aromatized to estrogen and fosters fat accumulation during gestation. We conclude that maternal investment is only slightly greater in sons than in daughters, with mothers endowing sons with extra resources because son, but not daughter, mass has ramifications for offspring sirehood. However, male reproductive tactics supersede maternal investment patterns as fundamental regulators of male fitness. Received: 23 July 1999 / Received in revised form: 23 February 2000 / Accepted: 13 March 2000  相似文献   
 The influence of moulting and ovarian maturation on cadmium accumulation in the tissues of female shore crabs Carcinus maenas exposed to 1 mg Cd l−1 in the water was investigated. Cadmium accumulation in all tissues examined was markedly increased in crabs in the postmoult stages (A and B) compared to crabs in all other moult stages. During the moult cycle, average cadmium accumulation in the midgut gland ranged from 29 μg Cd g−1 dw at premoult stage (D2) to 589 μg Cd g−1 dw at postmoult stage (A). Average cadmium concentrations in the haemolymph ranged from 0.56 μg Cd ml−1 at intermoult stage (C4) to 4.6 μg Cd ml−1 at postmoult stage (A), while the gills accumulated from 103 μg Cd g−1 dw in intermoult stage (C3) to 352 μg Cd g−1 dw in postmoult stage (A). Cadmium concentration in gills and haemolymph was also significantly higher in crabs in late premoult stage (D3) compared to C4-crabs, while midgut gland cadmium concentration remained elevated in C1- and C3- intermoult stages relative to C4. During ovarian maturation the cadmium accumulation in midgut gland, gills, ovaries and haemolymph decreased. Average cadmium concentration in the midgut gland decreased from 63 μg g−1 dw in ovarian Stage I to 19 μg g−1 dw in ovarian Stage VI. The same pattern was observed for gills, haemolymph and ovaries. The present study demonstrates that cadmium accumulation in the female shore crab strongly depends on the physiological status of the animal. A possible association between physiological calcium requirements and cadmium accumulation during moulting is discussed. Received: 20 January 2000 / Accepted: 20 July 2000  相似文献   
Strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) contents in the otoliths of yellow and silver European eels [Anguilla anguilla (L.)] collected from coastal waters of the Baltic Sea and a freshwater lake in Sweden were examined by wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry with an electron microprobe. The mean Sr/Ca ratios from elver check to otolith edge were significantly higher for the eels from coastal waters (5.39 ± 1.09‰) than for those from the lake (0.71 ± 0.89‰). The evidence indicates that European eels in the Baltic Sea do not necessarily migrate into freshwater streams during the growth phase. Received: 30 September 1999 / Accepted: 6 April 2000  相似文献   
 Effects of nutrient treatments on photoacclimation of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) were studied. Studies on photoacclimation of colonies from different light regimes in the field were evaluated and used to design laboratory experiments. Coral colonies were collected in the Gulf of Eilat (Israel) from January to March 1993. Exterior branches of colonies from different depths (1 to 40 m) displayed different trends in production characteristics at reduced and very low levels of illumination. From 24 ± 3% to 12 ± 2% of incident surface photosynthetic active radiation (PARo), zooxanthella population density and chlorophyll a+c per 106 zooxanthellae increased, a trend seen in the range of light levels optimal for coral growth (90 to 30% PARo). The P max of CO2 per 106 zooxanthellae decreased, while P max of CO2 per 103 polyps increased, indicating an increase in zooxanthella population density at low light levels. Proliferous zooxanthella frequency (PZF, a measure of zooxanthella division) declined significantly at light levels <18 ± 3% PARo. At the lowest levels of illumination (<5% PARo), zooxanthella population density decreased, as did the PZF; chl a+c per 106 zooxanthellae was unchanged. In 28-d experiments, exterior coral branches from the upper surfaces of colonies from 3 m depth (65 ± 4% PARo) were incubated in aquaria under bright (80 to 90% PARo), reduced (20 to 30% PARo), and extremely low (2 to 4% PARo) light intensities. At each light intensity, the corals were maintained in three feeding treatments: sea water (SW); ammonium enriched SW (SW + N); SW with Artemia salina nauplii (SW + A). An increase in P max of CO2 per 103 polyps was found in corals acclimated to reduced light (20 to 30% PARo) in nutrient-enriched SW, while in SW, where the increase in zooxanthella population density was smaller, it did not occur. Nutrient enrichments (SW + N at 2 to 4% PARo and SW + A at 20 to 30% PARo) increased zooxanthella population density, but had no effect on chl a+c per 106 zooxanthellae. Acclimation for 14 d to reduced (10 to 20% PARo) and extremely low (1 to 3% PARo) light intensities shifted 14C photoassimilation into glycerol and other compounds (probably glycerides), rather than sugars. Both ammonium addition and feeding with Artemia salina nauplii resulted in an increase in photosynthetic assimilation of 14C into amino acids. We conclude that acclimation to reduced light consists of two processes: an increase in photosynthetic pigments and in zooxanthella population density. Both processes require nitrogen, the increase in zooxanthella population density needing more; this adaptation is therefore limited in nitrogen-poor sea water. Received: 19 June 1998 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   
Abstract: We examined six historical specimens of the endangered North Atlantic right whale ( Eubalaena glacialis ) using DNA isolated from documented baleen plates from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Sequences from the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region from these samples were compared with those from a near-exhaustive survey (269 of approximately 320 individuals) of the remaining right whales in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Our results suggest that there has been only relatively modest change in maternal lineage diversity over the past century in the North Atlantic right whale population. Any significant reduction in genetic variation in the species most likely occurred prior to the late nineteenth century. One historical specimen was from the last documented female capable of propagating one of the maternal lineages in the population today; no females in the existing population have been found to carry this mtDNA haplotype. Analysis of the only specimens from the eastern North Atlantic right whale population ever to be examined revealed that eastern and western North Atlantic right whales may not have been genetically differentiated populations. Loss of gene diversity experienced by North Atlantic right whales over the last century has been modest, and the six decades of protection have been successful in maintaining much of the maternal lineage diversity that was present in the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   
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