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Radioniobium is present in long-lived nuclear waste as a result of the activation of zirconium pellets associated with the nuclear fuel. The behaviour of niobium (Nb) in the environment and especially its fate in the soil-plant system has not been thoroughly investigated so far. In safety assessment of French long-lived nuclear waste disposal, data concerning the mobility and the bioavailability of Nb in soils are needed as well as general trends of its fate in the specific environment around the site of French underground research laboratory. Therefore, we investigated the mobility of 95Nb in three different soils typical of the area of north-eastern France and its uptake by two plants, rye grass (Lolium perenne L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Soil:solution distribution of 95Nb was observed in 1:10 batch experiments with deionized water for a 3-day period. Results showed that K(d) values were high (in the order of 10(3) L kg(-1)) and were still significantly increasing after 3 days. A mathematical model, fitted to describe the decrease of the radioactivity after 3 days, is proposed to calculate sorption ratios--SR--(rather than K(d) values as equilibrium was not reached) over longer periods. Soil-to-plant concentration ratios (CR) were measured in shoots and roots of the two plants after cultivation on two soils spiked with (95)Nb (406kBqkg(-1)). Soil-to-root dry weight CR were high (0.30-1.52) and could probably be due to efficient uptake into the roots. However, no transfer of Nb to plant shoots was detected in any of the soils. Nb is thus a rather immobile element in soils and its transfer to plants seems limited to underground parts. It would therefore tend to accumulate in surface horizons of soils in case of long-term continuous surface release.  相似文献   
The present paper summarises the results of the review and assessment of state-of-the-art models developed for predicting the migration of radionuclides through rivers. The different approaches of the models to predict the behaviour of radionuclides in lotic ecosystems are presented and compared. The models were classified and evaluated according to their main methodological approaches. The results of an exercise of model application to specific contamination scenarios aimed at assessing and comparing the model performances were described. A critical evaluation and analysis of the uncertainty of the models was carried out. The main factors influencing the inherent uncertainty of the models, such as the incompleteness of the actual knowledge and the intrinsic environmental and biological variability of the processes controlling the behaviour of radionuclides in rivers, are analysed.  相似文献   
Five plants were examined for their ability to remove nutrients from aquaculture wastewater and suitability as fish feed: alfalfa, white clover, oat, fall rye, barley. The seeds were first germinated in water in a hydroponic system, and the plants were fed wastewater from Tilapia production facility. Clover and alfalfa seeds were infected with fungus shortly after germination, and their roots were completely destroyed by day 14. Oat, rye and barley had the fastest growth and showed greater tolerance to fungal disease compared with alfalfa and clover. Although substantial amounts of soluble and insoluble substances were released by the seeds during the germination period, the plants were able to remove all the pollutants in wastewater and significant portions of those released substances. The total reductions in total solids, COD, NO3-N, NO2-N, phosphate and potassium ranged from 54.7% to 91.0%, 56.0% to 91.5%, 82.9% to 98.1%, 95.9% to 99.5%, 54.5% to 93.6% and 99.6% to 99.8%, respectively. Oat, barley and rye grow well in this type of hydroponic system and can be used as a fish feed after being supplemented with fat, Ca, Na, Mn and Fe. Oil seeds and the chlorides of these elements could be added to these plants when formulating the fish feed. For a continuous operation, a two-unit system could be configured to allow for one week germination and one week cleaning and startup in one unit while the other unit is in operation.  相似文献   
Identification of metal toxicity in sewage sludge leachate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sewage sludge is a source of organic matter and nutrients with the potential for being used as a fertilizer. However, metals in sewage sludge might accumulate in soil after repeated sludge applications, and metal concentrations might reach concentrations that are toxic to microorganisms, soil organisms and/or plants. This toxicity might change with time due to kinetic factors or abiotic factors such as freezing, drying or rainfall. The objective of this study was to determine toxicity of sewage sludge leachate from a lysimeter with 50 cm of sludge applied. Attempts were also made to identify the cause of toxicity of the sludge leachate by toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) techniques. Sludge leachate was collected monthly during 1 experimental year (August 2001 to August 2002). Metal concentrations were analysed, and the toxicity was determined with Daphnia magna (48-h immobility). The effect of EDTA or sodium thiosulphate addition, filtration through a CM-resin or a Millex-resin on toxicity was also tested. The results showed that toxicity of the sludge leachate apparently varied during the year, and that filtration through the CM-resin reduced most of the toxicity followed by the addition of EDTA. None of the other treatments reduced the toxicity of the sludge leachate. This indicated that one or more metals were responsible for the observed toxicity. Further calculations of toxic units (TU) suggested that Zn contributed most to the toxicity. Results also indicated that Ca concentrations in the sludge leachate reduced the toxicity of Zn.  相似文献   
Samples collected from rural and urban streams in the City of Denton, Texas, USA were analyzed for the organophosphorus pesticides diazinon and chlorpyrifos during the years preceding and following a United States Environmental Protection Agency ban on many chlorpyrifos uses. A network of 70 monitoring stations, based mainly on topography and hydrological considerations, were established within the three main watersheds of Denton. Monitoring stations were sampled monthly from March through August during periods of normal flow (baseflow), resulting in a total of 308 samples and 311 samples collected during 2001 and 2002, respectively. Pesticide concentrations were determined using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) specific for each pesticide. Results from this temporally and spatially dense monitoring effort were used to illustrate the impacts of a ban on most chlorpyrifos sales that was imposed in December 2001. The total number of samples exhibiting concentrations above method lower limits of detection (LLD) decreased between 2001 and 2002 for both chlorpyrifos and diazinon. The total number of sites exhibiting at least one sample with concentrations above the LLD for chlorpyrifos, however, significantly decreased (Fisher's exact test, p<0.0001, n=70) when comparing 2001 (before the ban) with 2002 (after the ban). Similar analyses indicated no significant difference (Fisher's exact test, p=0.50, n=70) in the number of sites exhibiting detectable diazinon concentration between 2001 and 2002. Our results indicate that the cessation of retail chlorpyrifos sales at the end of 2001 resulted in a highly significant decrease in the surface water occurrences of this pesticide during 2002.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to characterize the Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TE-NORM) waste generated from oil and gas production. The waste was characterized by means of dry screening solid fractionation, X-ray analysis (XRF and XRD) and gamma-ray spectrometry. Sediment of the TE-NORM waste was fractionated into ten fractions with particle sizes varying from less than 100 microm to more than 3 mm. The results showed that the TE-NORM waste contains mainly radionuclides of the 238U, 235U and 232Th series. The mean activity concentrations of 226Ra (of U-series), 228Ra (of Th-series) and 40K in the waste samples before fractionation (i.e. 3 mm) were found to amount to 68.9, 24 and 1.3 Bq/g (dry weight), respectively. After dry fractionation, the activity concentrations were widely distributed and enriched in certain fractions. This represented a 1.48 and 1.82-fold enrichment of 226Ra and 228Ra, respectively, in fraction F8 (2.0-2.5 mm) over those in bulk TE-NORM waste samples. The activity ratios of 238U/226Ra, 210Pb/226Ra, 223Ra/226Ra and 228Ra/224Ra were calculated and evaluated. Activity of the most hazardous radionuclide 226Ra was found to be higher than the exemption levels established by IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency, 1994. International Basic Safety Standards for the Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources. GOV/2715/94, Vienna]. The radium equivalent activity (Ra-eq), radon (222Rn) emanation coefficient (EC) and absorbed dose rate (Dgammar) were estimated and these are further discussed.  相似文献   
Arsenic geochemistry and health   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Arsenic occurs naturally in the earth's crust and is widely distributed in the environment. Natural mineralization and activities of microorganisms enhance arsenic mobilization in the environment but human intervention has exacerbated arsenic contamination. Although arsenic is useful for industrial, agricultural, medicinal and other purposes, it exerts a toxic effect in a variety of organisms, including humans. Arsenic exposure may not only affect and disable organs of the body, especially the skin, but may also interfere with the proper functioning of the immune system. This paper, therefore, generally highlights the toxic effects of arsenic as well as its mobilization in the natural environment and possible controls. It also briefly attempts to outline the impact of arsenic on the immune system, whose alteration could lead to viral/bacterial infections.  相似文献   
First available data on atmospheric fall-out were provided by sampling monthly bulk depositions in four sites inside the Lagoon of Venice (550 km2). Sampling was carried out monthly during the period July 1998-July 1999, in one site near an industrial area (Porto Marghera; site D), another site in the city of Venice (site A), and the remaining two in the southern- and northernmost ends of the Lagoon (Valle Figheri, site C; Valle Dogà site B). The following determinations were carried out for each samples: pH, conductivity, grain-size, particulate load, and dissolved nutrients (N, P). Samples were then subdivided into soluble and insoluble fractions, and Al, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Si, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Ti, V, S, P, Se and Sb were analysed on both fractions. Total organic micropollutants (PAH, PCB, HCB, DDT, PCDD/F) were measured. As regards particle size distribution, there was great variability among sampling sites. The percentage of the < or =2 microm grain-size fraction was higher in the southern and northern ends of the Lagoon. Small differences were found among sites for major elements, whereas higher variability was observed for inorganic and organic micropollutants, with standard deviations between 20% and 60% of the fluxes measured. Major differences in annual fluxes between the most polluted sites (mostly D and A) and background (site B) were seen for Cd (0.26 vs. 0.06 mg m(-2) year(-1)), Hg (41 vs. 15 microg m(-2) year(-1)), PCB ( approximately 2500 vs. approximately 500 ng m(-2) year(-1)) and HCB ( approximately 8000 vs. approximately 1000 ng m(-2) year(-1)). Comparisons with previous data, collected in the periods 1993-1994 and 1995-1997, were only available for a few trace metals. A definite decline in the annual Pb flux in the city of Venice was detected, from 18 to 13 mg m(-2) in 1996/1997 and 1995/1996 respectively, to approximately 5 mg m(-2) in the present study. Total annual deposition was calculated by means of two different methods, which gave very similar results: (i) the mean value of deposition in the four sites was multiplied by lagoon area (550 km2); (ii) the monthly rain isopleths were combined to normalize deposition values. The figures are: 15-34 kg of Hg and Sb, approximately 200 kg of As, approximately 100 kg of Cd and PAH, 0.7-1.3 tons of Cr, Ni and V, more than 2 tons of Cu and Pb, 17 of Zn, 55 of total P, approximately 200 of Al, and 3900 of DIN. Total fluxes of organics inside the lagoon were: PAH approximately 100 kg; HCB approximately 1 kg; DDT approximately 0.4 kg. PCB and PCDD/F fluxes were approximately 500 g and approximately 10 g, corresponding respectively to 0.1 and 0.4 g I-TE. The correlations between fluxes of inorganic micropollutants and grain-size were significant. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to investigate more accurately relationships between the insoluble and dissolved fractions of inorganic micropollutants and grain-size fractions. In particular, significant correlations were highlighted between the dissolved fraction of As and the < or =1 mum particle size fraction. Relations between levels of SigmaPCDDF, SigmaPCDD, PCB and PAH congeners and grain-size revealed significant correlation coefficients for the remote sites (B, C), and none in the urban and industrial sites (A, D). In particular, significant correlations were highlighted between SigmaPCDDF, SigmaPCDD and particle size fraction < or =2 mum, and between benzo(a)pyrene and PCB 167 and particle size fraction 4-8 mum.  相似文献   
Images in children’s books can leave a more lasting impression in young learners’ minds than text. Therefore, it is important for children’s books to use images as a teaching tool, especially regarding global issues such as environmental sustainability. This study examined how the images in nonfiction children’s books approach the topic of sustainability and whether these images support the overall goals of environmental education. We selected seven easy-to-access trade books which yielded 384 images for analysis. Two coders analyzed the images according to the following categories: (a) gender and age, (b) actions of people, (c) depictions of nature, (d) depictions of objects, (e) structures, and (f) habitation. Results show that nearly half of the images (48 %) depicted non-natural objects (16 %) or humans (31 %). One half of the images portrayed humans as consumers. Gender bias was evident, with 33 % of females portrayed as consumers and only 16 % of males portrayed as consumers. Similarly, 12 % of the images with males showed them engaged in recycling behavior, while only 4 % of the images showed females recycling. Of the 32 % of images depicting nature, individual plants rather than ecosystems were portrayed. Depictions of man-made systems predominated the images, a surprising finding. No images established the connection between consumerism and the depletion of natural resources or pollution, and further sustainable actions or lifestyles were not portrayed, implying that consumption is a societal norm. We conclude with recommendations for the use of images in children’s literature focusing on environmental education and sustainability.  相似文献   
Landscape approaches attempt to achieve balance amongst multiple goals over long time periods and to adapt to changing conditions. We review project reports and the literature on integrated landscape approaches, and found a lack of documented studies of their long-term effectiveness. The combination of multiple and potentially changing goals presents problems for the conventional measures of impact. We propose more critical use of theories of change and measures of process and progress to complement the conventional impact assessments. Theories of change make the links between project deliverables, outputs, outcomes, and impacts explicit, and allow a full exploration of the landscape context. Landscape approaches are long-term engagements, but short-term process metrics are needed to confirm that progress is being made in negotiation of goals, meaningful stakeholder engagement, existence of connections to policy processes, and effectiveness of governance. Long-term impact metrics are needed to assess progress on achieving landscapes that deliver multiple societal benefits, including conservation, production, and livelihood benefits. Generic criteria for process are proposed, but impact metrics will be highly situation specific and must be derived from an effective process and a credible theory of change.  相似文献   
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